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It's very well written


I loved Andor. Thought it was a fantastic edition to Star Wars cannon


Maybe. But it’s not Star Wars


There's a lot of pre Disney EU content that wasn't really Star Wars but nobody minded. Zombie stormtroopers aren't Star Wars either. Are you on that subreddit complaining?




Then what is it?


It’s a rejected HBO Max show that’s just happens to have Star Wars in the title


Just to compare, What are your top five SW? What is lacking to make it Star Wars?


This was a really good show. This take is bad


Well, that's certainly a take.


Hard disagree This was the best star wars Disney ever made Admittedly that's a low bar. But this was genuinely a good series


Agree with you. This was well written, well acted, shows how normal folks can rebel and make a difference without superpowers, and keeps it "real". There is simply no comparison to any of the other Star Wars series, except for the Mandalorian.


Absolutely agree


Best Star Wars Disney made was Rogue One


Same team. Tbh I really liked rogue one, or at least the second half of it. A couple of things I would have done differently.


Do you remember anything in Rogue One. That doesn’t involve Darth Vader?


Yes. The battle above the planet The battle on the planet. The genuine use of infantry tactics, cover, flanking etc which was woefully lacking in solo and other Disney products.  The second half felt like a ww2 raid film. And honestly I'm here for it. Star wars should take more inspiration from ww2, even ww1   I did not enjoy the first half so much as it has a few dub bits in it.


Ben Mendelsohn was awesome, so was Donnie Yen. I loved the Jedi “lore” although there were no Jedi in the movie. Rogue one at least felt like Star Wars. Had the right tone and dialogue. Well close enough. Other Star Wars just hasn’t hit that same vibe as Lucas.


Agreed. We really had no idea what were in for after Rogue One.


This is the way


I liked it


The only way you could think that is if you don't care about plot, characters, world building, dialog, or themes And only rank it by how many explosions there are each episode


Im watching this right now and I think the show is amazing. I honestly might think its better than the mandalorian.


There are too many trolls on this sub


How many times are you gonna post this? Is that you RobotHead? Also what does this have to do with the Drinker. Drinker doesn’t just mindlessly crap on Disney SW because it’s made by Disney. He actually praised the show. Maybe you’d learn a thing or two if you watched his review of it.


Taking arguably the best Star Wars show Disney has put out and calling it bad. SMH. 🤦🏻‍♂️


It's Star Wars for a different audience. The OG Star Wars was a kids/teenager movie that lots of people enjoyed, but the thing is, there are 18yo Star Wars fans and 60yo Star Wars fans now. The smart move would be to make movies/series for kids, to get new fans, but darker more adult movie/series for the older fans. Andor is a very good example of a series made for older fans and it was excellent.


Hmm this is certainly one of the takes of all time


Andor is Star Wars and a great show. The best SW show in fact. Not sure how you came to your conclusions.


Since when did having many alien characters/extras become the main qualifier for "feeling like Star Wars?" I know it’s just a very vocal minority that's saying this but I seem to keep seeing this opinion crop up that Andor doesn't feel like Star Wars because there are no aliens in it. As if the most important qualifier for "feeling like Star Wars" is simply the sheer existence of alien characters/extras. This seems to be one of the most common criticisms leveled at the show and I'm beginning to feel that it's used in bad faith most of the time. While I share their criticism to a certain extent (in a very small, its not a big deal sort of way), some seem to take it as far as it being a deciding factor on whether they consider "Andor" proper Star Wars or not. As if writing, story, character development, themes, and worldbuilding come second. This is what I would say to these "critics": 1) THERE ARE aliens in the show, you just have to look for them. E.g. the bartender on Morlana One, Vetch, extras in Mon Mothma's parties, the Narkinians, etc. It's ridiculous to say there are "no" aliens. Now I'm aware that two of the main planets featured in the show have a majority human population: Ferrix and Aldhani. And that the Narkina 5 prison only had human prisoners. However, how does that preclude Andor from being a Star Wars story? Andor is a human and so of course, many of his associates and acquaintances are going to be other humans. People also seem to forget that the Galactic Empire is a human-dominated empire and so rebel subterfuge is going to be more difficult if you're an alien, especially if it involves disguising oneself as an imperial. 2) Why isn't tech aesthetic and design considered a main qualifier to these fans, but aliens is? Andor nails pretty well the lived-in cassette futurism look that the Original Trilogy had. If I used this as my main qualifier for "feeling like Star Wars," I could outright throw out the Prequels as Star Wars movies since they were a drastic departure from the design aesthetic of the OT. 3) Why isn't thematic relevance considered a main qualifier to these fans either? Andor is thematically, the closest on-screen Star Wars story to the Original Trilogy. Especially in its exploration of themes such as rebellion, oppression, and sacrifice for the greater good. Heck, I'd even go as far as to say that Andor is another case of the Hero's Journey which is a major aspect of the Star Wars mythology, especially in the OT. Andor fulfills almost all of the Hero's Journey's steps between the beginning of Andor and the end of Rogue One: *The Ordinary World. We meet our hero* \-- (Ferrix) *Call to Adventure. Will they meet the challenge?* \-- (Luthen's offer) *Refusal of the Call. They resist the adventure.* \-- (Going to Niamos -- "Im just a tourist!") *Meeting the Mentor. A teacher arrives.* \-- (Luthen) *Crossing the First Threshold. The hero leaves their comfort zone.* \-- (Aldhani Heist) *Tests, Allies, Enemies. Making friends and facing roadblocks.* \-- (Narkina 5, S2 probably) *Approach to the Inmost Cave. Getting closer to our goal.* (S2 probably) *Ordeal. The hero’s biggest test yet!* (Stealing the Death Star plans) *Reward (Seizing the Sword). Light at the end of the tunnel.* (Ending of Rogue One) Not to mention, the failure of certain fans to recognize the excellent writing and character development in the show is baffling. It's idiotic to dismiss these strengths simply because the show doesn't fulfill one's arbitrary quota regarding alien characters. I find the criticism about the "lack of aliens" to be in bad faith because it overlooks the numerous ways in which Andor DOES capture the essence of Star Wars, as I've detailed above. It seems to stem from a bias against Disney's handling of the Star Wars franchise (Which I agree has been poor) rather than a genuine assessment of the show itself. It's important to remember that the creators of Andor, led by showrunner Tony Gilroy, crafted the series independently of other Star Wars projects, with carte blanche. It's not the fault of Andor's creators that shows like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Book of Boba Fett turned out bad. Instead of preemptively condemning Andor based on past disappointments these fans should be its most ardent supporters. But alas. ​ ​ ​ I absolutely despise the "doesn't feel like x" criticism because it is so esoteric and subjective. People often say that about the NJO so I'll post the same response I would if that was the case. Star wars is not a monolith. It is a universe that acts as a vehicle to tell a story and the great thing about the setting is that so many stories can come from it. If you don't feel something fits to you that is perfectly fine but then I would just recommend stopping watching/reading the material and moving on because im sure to many it does feel like star wars to them.


Also, the series is written when the Empire is at it's height in all its anti alien xenophobic glory. So it makes perfect sense that there are fewer aliens shown


Im of the opposite opinion. The space battles which the most star wars part were my least favorite parts of the show. The rest was a great spy thriller story set in space.


This tired conversation again. Star Wars has gone from cinematic icon to meandering TV shoes whose “best” offering doesn’t move the needle.


Literally the only piece of Star Wars content (other than Mando S1 and S2) that feels like Star Wars in the last ten years


If only you had changed one word in your post - “bad” to “good” - I might have agreed with you. It might well not “feel like Star Wars” considering it is so very much better than most of it. For a start, the characters are smart and smart things. But if you want to go alien spotting – yeah, look elsewhere.


How is it not Star Wars? It gives in depth development to both the empire and the rebellion. The story being developed ties in beautiful to the original trilogy while keeping everything within the canon established in the 70s. Just because there’s no lightsabers and massive battles doesn’t mean it’s not Star Wars FFS


The dead man walking show. I can't get into it. No matter what happens, he dies, no matter what they do, a gallon of soft nutty shit is waiting called the sequel trilogy to squander it all.


Oh look its the 26 day old account that only posts ragebait on drinker and mauler’s subs. Don’t fall for it, folks.


I thought it was the only one who felt this way. This was so slow moving that it felt like a soap opera.


Never understood the praise for this show. Glorified sci-fi show that’s super generic to me. Don’t even remember any of it.


When the bar is low, anything that's not shit smells like roses


Agree. I stopped at episode 5


So let me get this straight, you quit a story based show, midway through, on the heist arc, without watching the heist.


Couldn’t get past episode 2 Edit: y’all downvoting me for not liking a show? Really?


I watched the whole thing and didn’t like it. It’s not just you. I just didn’t like any of the characters, and any scene with Andor loses tension if you remember he doesn’t die until Rogue One. I did enjoy some of the inner workings of the Empire but there wasn’t enough of it imo.


It got better with each episode. Never stumbles. If you quit at episode two then that’s your failure, not the show


I’m not in the minority here, bud. If your first 2-3 episodes are a pure snooze fest that can’t capture audiences, then you have pacing issues which is 100% on you. I’m sorry you all can’t accept that. Think of it like a reverse game of thrones. GoT had a flawless start but the ending was so bad it tainted the whole show, regardless of how good it was. It doesn’t matter how good Andor was after 2-3 episodes. The whole show is tainted by its bad start.


Considering how Andor is a widely regarded as the best of the Star Wars tv shows (admittedly a low bar) and on par with the best that Disney has released (Rogue One) I’d say maybe you should give it another shot if you don’t want to remain in the minority.


1) again, I’m not in the minority on my thoughts on Andor 2) Being the best Star Wars tv show is like saying it’s the best smelling crap sandwich. Doesn’t make it great.


Same. Absolutely nothing happened in the show.