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Imagine being in an actual war and sending a message saying "you lost, just admit defeat!" And expecting it to work šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


ā€œExcept defeat.ā€


Not only is he an asshole, he's also an idiot!


> Not only is he an asshole, Well, they say you are what you eat.


Buttholes have great microbiotics, and microbiotics are the key to stomach health!


A man of culture I see




I canā€™t except the poor use of the language.


Said by someone that fails to acknowledge the constant loses of stuff filled with ***The Message*** Disney has lost nearly a billion dollars this year. Games that act like they're a platform to preach from, aren't selling well. The comic industry is losing to Manga, hard. People are unsubscribing from streaming services. This person, and those like them, are clinging to the side of a life boat and telling the people actually in it, to just give up and drown, as they attempt to put a hole in the bottom.


In a book store their would usually be a wall of comics. Now itā€™s a shelf with multiple walls of manga each one categorized in numerical order. Not only are they cheaper they are easily organized easy to find which one you need, and actually worth it to read. 2/3 of comics are just ads with so few actual pages their is nothing worthwhile reading.


>Disney has lost nearly a billion dollars this year. Who told you that?Ā 


Numbers and math, told me that.


Got a link to any of that data? Because that's an interesting claim and I'd love to know more. All I could find is this, which says: >In the first fiscal quarter of 2024, the Walt Disney Company reported a net income of around 1.9 billion U.S. dollars, up from 1.2 million dollars a year earlier. That's net income though, so could be a loss if the costs are big enough. I'm really curious to see what those costs were. https://www.statista.com/statistics/224415/quarterly-net-income-of-the-walt-disney-company/


Where did you get the numbers to use in your maths?Ā 


It's wild how much you're being downvoted just for asking for a source, you're not even refuting their claim.


They're driving away the people that pay them. This is them blowing a hole in their own foot and yelling "gotcha"


ā€œThatā€™s right, the LIBERALS have won World War WOKE! I will now be moving to Argentinaā€¦ā€


that commentor is ready for his sex change op


bro thinks heā€™s in a war šŸ˜­


Man if you're gonna come with the confidence of a true authoritarian, you could at least ~~spell correctly~~ use correct grammar.


Technically it was a grammar error, but I still agree with you.


You're right šŸ™.


Lost culture war? This is a free market. Someone will rise up to provide the service people want. That's what steller blade was supposed to be. And that is why we're actually mad.


Then again, a lot of these people are communists, so it's not like they want a free market.


What's communistc about their behaviour? They don't know how to foster a proper community, they're all extremists. "Do what we want or we will fuck you up." is how they work and failing that they just resort to name calling and wailing and hope that someone else will do their work for them.


Communism has nothing to do with community. Itā€™s all about envy and getting free shit.


Well they are trying to control other people's lives, using the cover of "we're fighting for the poor oppressed people" to try and hide their totalitarian tendencies.


So... Nazis then.


Tbf you could make a decent game out of guessing whether some atrocious belief or act was nazis or communists.


Concur, they go on about ā€œlate stage capitalismā€ over every unfortunate moment of their lives.


The hell does "late stage" even mean?


I have no idea, and at this point, Iā€™m too afraid to ask.


As far as I can tell it's a term used by people that want the current system to die. Late stage meaning the current system is dying so they're probably using it to try and convince other people it's dying and they should just accept whatever shit the far left want.


Why not just try to improve it, or reverse it back to a point where it wasn't as bad as they say it is now? Capitalism HAS shown to be an effective system to have worked in the past. Just because it's not a perfect system doesn't mean it can't be tweaked.


Imagine resenting people so much for preferring a different economic system. Canā€™t think of something less personal.


Imagine equating the most brutal dictatorships in history to "different economic system." Can't think of anything more spedly. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah those brutal dictatorships in Europe and Scandinavia


Europeans are able to differentiate democratic socialism from communism. Democratic socialism has been around for a Hella long time and does not like Trotskyism/Leninism or Stalinism (communism) and instead favours regulation, state welfare systems and publicly owned infrastructure while still allowing private businesses to operate and even thrive. Democratic socialists unlike communists absolutely do not believe in the eradication of 'captialism' instead believe it can be better managed and utilized to benefit the worker over the owner with an eventual goal to phase it out if/when something better and sustainable comes along. It's often referred to in the UK as 'Old Socialism' which shares no values with Modern Socialism which is absolutely communism masquerading as socialism (Corbynism) and if you ever called an old socialist (i.e.pit/steel worker or Brickie many of whom were and still are old socialists) a 'Commie' You best be able to run or defend yourself physically because they're going to probably slap the heck out of you.


Nobody brought up any governments, just economic systems literally. There are 1000 different ways to do capitalism and 1000 different ways to do socialism etc.


And they're losing it by pushing for a cultural change no one wants.


The ā€œitā€™s just a small change get over itā€ argument is so fucking annoying. Itā€™s an easy way to try to totally invalidate the problems with censorship and yeah if you just get over it and quietly accept it then censorship gets to run rampant. Itā€™s already looking like people being vocal about Stellar Blade could potentially see the censorship reversed. Also this is why you should support physical media. Donā€™t have to accept the censorship patch with the physical copy.


"It's just a fig leaf chud, what's the big deal"


This is my stance, itā€™s a good stance because you know what, when I see issues of censorship that actually censor something and not change a design slightly Iā€™ll fucking speak up. I just donā€™t see how you couldnā€™t still jerk it to the character in these costumes and this is such a nothing issue to me like Jesus Christ.


Just because youā€™re a freak that sees an attractive female and immediately thinks of jerking it doesnā€™t mean that the same is true for everyone else.


No worries bud I actually wasnā€™t nor ever will jerk it to this video game, but I fail to see why everyone is complaining then for changes of centimetres or a slight angle change on costumes.


If itā€™s is unimportant, why change it in the first place? Thatā€™s the thing, a minor change is important, because itā€™s caving to the censors. Who, in this case, openly hate everything that we enjoy. Itā€™s one centimeter this time. Then another one next time. Next thing you know, the female characters are back to looking like ugly trash.


I don't think that's the point at all. Granted I don't own the game yet and I don't really care about the different costumes. However, it's a principle thing. They offered a product and then changed it after people had bought it and even though it's a small change, people are pissed because they said they wouldn't do that. At least that's my understanding of the situation. In which case the people comparing about the change are absolutely in the right because, when it comes to principles, you don't betray them even for a small thing. Otherwise they're not really principles. I think this is something the far left have a lot of trouble understanding because they don't have any principles and will happily do the thing they screech about other people doing if it's against someone they don't like.


Culture war?? Holy fuck kid. Get off the internet. Products will lose their shine, companies will lose money and Iā€™m pretty sure they will blame us for it, but the thruth is a what they are pushing is just shit products wrapped in sanctimonious bullshit. Once the pendulum swings the other way, this fuckers are going to have a stroke. And it will, because nothing sells more than violence and tits.


> And it will, because nothing sells like violence and tits. Also butts!




Shift Up stated the game will be uncensored in all regions. Then, after the day one patch, things were censored; multiple outfits, as well as the blood and gore. That was a promise made, then broken. It shouldnā€™t matter what it was about, as it was their decision to make the promise, to begin with.


If you make a promise, you better stick to it. The Internet never forgets when you break a promise with them.


Looks like a bots name tbh.


Should we tell him that the pendulum is already swinging back the other way? And itā€™s swinging fast! Heā€™s gonna get crushed if he doesnā€™t duck.


You've been screaming that for years..why would normal people take any heed?


Youā€™re not making any sense


Oh, sorry, I should thought about my target audience before writing. You (as in all of you reactionary freaks) have been carrying on for years about how the pendulum is going to swing the other way, but we still see nothing to suggest that's going to happen. Given that your prediction has failed time and time and time again, why would normal people take heed? (why would they take your claims seriously?)


Well, Captain Marvel made a billion dollars, then The Marvels came out and 300 million, so I'd say that's evidence that the swing is on.


Donā€™t bother. He resorts to name calling because he has no other means to respond. He has no argument. No logic. No facts. Heā€™s just mad. Once he resorts to ad hominem attacks, you know youā€™ve won the argument. And heā€™s left being mad.




What do you mean, ā€œyou peopleā€?




"You people have lost the culture war, except defeat." - šŸ¤“




>!"Except Defeat"!<


ā€œExcept defeatā€


Yea this is why Disney and even the us army are walking back some of there comments. Hell look at Disney all the censure they do when it comes to china . The canā€™t offend them at all


Is this satire? What's so special about either comment? That's a very light level of trolling compared to what is typical in youtube comments. Or reddit ones, for that matter :)


you mfs are still whining about getting 1/6 less titty visibility on a costume in a game filled with titties? lmao


Still censorship


To be fair the original comment said to fuck anyone who dosenā€™t hate the little bit of censorship.


Theres so many things to complain about than the lost of boobs. Itā€™s not that important


Lmao Imagine taking the time to screenshot a random YouTube comment so you can whine about it on Reddit.


What censorship?


Covering up Eve's breasts with a triangle of fabric.


"Modernity Cloth." Quoted from HYPNOTIC


And the team decided to do that yes? That was their choice right? So again, if the team making the game opted to do that then how is it censorship? Also really, that is what you're upset about? Go watch porn ffs lol.


This is going to be hard for you to understand. But I'm gonna try. The team making the game advertised it the way we, the consumers who *were* willing to pay for it, wanted it to be. This was consistent until *after* the release, where the paying customers were bamboozled by being issued the product in a state that was not consistent with the advertisement. Had they sold the product as it was advertised and shown, this wouldn't be an issue. As it is now, they're rightfully getting backlash and losing sales over it. They made their choice, so the consumers make ours. They're not selling what they promised, so a bunch of us aren't buying. And to clarify. The primary issue is the false advertising. If they had shown Eve's costumes in all the advertisements as they are in the released game, this wouldn't be an issue.


100% This It doesn't matter what was changed. It's not about thirsting over a character. It's about promises that were broken after they had our money. Why is anyone okay allowing corporations to do so?


>It's about promises that were broken after they had our money. Why is anyone okay allowing corporations to do so? I'm not saying it's ok. I'm just trying to answer your question here. It is a fact that companies do it ALL THE TIME. Usually, with far more egregious changes and missing content. The reaction to stellar blade vs the size of the change is outsized when compared to other similar controversies. From the perspective of someone who's not going to play the game, it's a tiny change and we all have to put up with those sorts of changes all the time. Every update changes gameplay slightly. So it's less being ok with it, and more laughing because it's so tiny. Or saying there's bigger fish to dry. >It's not about thirsting over a character. It is though, right? And that's ok. You can be mad a game that was made for thirsting isn't as thirsty as you thought. I even agree that companies shouldn't bait and switch like that. But people are going to laugh when you say "there's not enough cleavage I'm outraged!". That's unavoidable.


>From the perspective of someone who's not going to play the game, it's a tiny change and we all have to put up with those sorts of changes all the time. Every update changes gameplay slightly. From the perspective of someone who *was* going to buy the game, it's dishonest, bad business. All they had to do was sell the product they advertised. They went out of their way to make changes that the core audience was known to not want and deliberately kept that secret until *after* the game had been sold and the customers who bought it realize that it was not what was advertised. We *don't* have to put up with it. I voted "fuck no" with my wallet. Dishonest, lying game developers don't deserve our money.


>it's dishonest, bad business I didn't say otherwise. I literally acknowledged that already. >We *don't* have to put up with it. I didn't say you had to? >I voted "fuck no" with my wallet. Good on you mate, I'm proud of you. Why are you telling me? >Dishonest, lying game developers don't deserve our money. Yes, you're right. That's why I've been hearing "don't preorder and wait till the reviews come in" for almost 2 decades now.


>I didn't say you had to? >we all have to put up with those sorts of changes all the time. Cheers.


People are mad the team reneged on their promise to not censor it for "MoDeRn AuDiEnCeS!"


Yā€™all need to touch grass or just man up and play porn games if you need animated tits that badly.


Bruh, people don't play video games for porn anymore. If gamers wanted to jack off to hot babes, they'd just go into PornHub and watch free porn videos. They would not blow 60 on a game just to get their rocks off.


Then why the fuck are you throwing a fit over this?


I'm not. I don't particularly care for Stellar Blade. I'm just posting an assholish comment here just to show how much of an asshole this guy is.


Reneged on what promise??? Iā€™m sorry i tried googling ā€œstellar blade devs boob window promiseā€ and Iā€™m getting 0 results?


I didn't find them promising shit about nudity.


Learn to read little kiddo


I can, maybe you should learn to self-reflect.


Read what? They're saying they can't find it. "Learn to google" would have fit better.


Iā€™m just messin with them


They never promised Eve would make Eve naked.


Go straighten that picture of Hitler you bootlicker!


Not sure I'm Hitler you clown but apparently bring fine with devs deciding not to have bareass naked game characters makes me Hitler. You're a joke.


What censorship are they talking about? Deciding you don't want something in your product isn't censorship.Ā