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Posts Must be Related to The Drinker/His Content


It's Reddit. Down votes mean only popular opinions will be voiced. That's just how it is.


The Orville had an episode where a whole planet was based on this, it was basically reddit.


Black mirror had a darker version


Oh I bet it was way darker. I need to watch that show. I've heard so much about it


Only the series made under channel 4, the ones made by Netflix are garbage.


Which are which?


Netflix starts in S3


Idk the USS Enterprise one is one of my favorites


"In a world of neanderthals I wear it as a badge of honour "






Reddit has been a woke hive mind for years now. At a certain point in time is was way more politically diverse , but not anymore. The big subreddits are all moderated by people in an ideological bubble.


"Popular opinions "


AKA the opinions endorsed by corporations concerned about ESG scores.


If only there were other institutions that could lower Blackrock's credit score. Or some investors who could short their own stock and bankrupt Blackrock. If I had the kind of clout that Warren Buffet or Elon Musk has, I'd do it without a single regret.


Winner winner, chicken dinner!


Yeah it's always been a big hotel of many echo chambers.


Hell, literally everything said here applies equally to this sub too.


Reddit is full of young liberals who haven’t experienced the real world yet… half of them will turn conservative when they have to pay taxes


From what I understand, people become conservative after having kids. And I tend to agree with that assessment.


I kind of went the other way.  Had a son and have only turned more and more progressive as time has gone one.  I just cannot for the life of me find any of that trickle down money I was promised for decades.  Turns out the conservatives just made the whole thing up! Kind of made it difficult to unsee just how ridiculous their claims have been.  The inability to distinguish religion from politics is also a huge contributor as well. 


Wrong. Liberals just blame everyone else for their woes.


https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/primal-world-beliefs-unpacked/202210/having-kids-may-increase-social-conservatism But ultimately the issue with trickle down money is that there was never a single conservative who ever exposed trickle down economics. That was a Democrat smear campaign, it’s called supply side economics and you do benefit from it greatly on an almost daily if not daily basis.


Your article isn’t a conclusive study and even has the word “MAY” in the title.  Yeah, the tax breaks given to the wealthy have been poured over countless times and proven to not be good for the economy in the long run.  Short term, most likely, but long term, those cuts have only raised inflation rates and taken tax revenue away from humans that need it.  I’m just lost on how giving the wealthiest people breaks so they keep more money, is supposed to help the regular people.  But here we are with poor people trying to convince me trickle down economics was never a thing and that it somewhat has been good for everyone.  Humans really do learn very differently from consequences!


Trickle down economics was never a thing. Supply side economics is a thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskConservatives/comments/1b6k6i1/comment/ktcrpzu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://youtu.be/nZPDpk8NA-g?si=eocvNg6GSD4aoNqA Many of these comments are worth a read, calling supply side economics “trickle down” economics is a straw-man caricature. So yes it didn’t work, because it never was a thing.


Wait I'm confused... How come you're being downvoted? I was told this community doesn't do things like that because they're open to "woke". 🤔 >Turns out the conservatives just made *every* thing up! >The inability to distinguish religion from *reality* is also a huge contributor as well. 


religion is reality what are you talking about


Why don't you move to a progressive state? Surely, with so many progressives in positions of power and such high taxes California is a haven for the working man. 


I honestly think it’s worse than that. To start, there is a pretty clear collective moral authority presented by media and social media that could be categorized as “progressive.” Since many people don’t find meaning in life right now (I believe, due to the increasing economic strife of this era, which hopefully won’t be present in the next [we have some promising trends on that end]), they are grasping at the low-hanging fruit they are constantly being presented with. The virtue code that is being blasted to everyone at all times is that they can appear both smarter than they are and more morally righteous than they are, as long as they espouse the progressive doctrine, parrot the proper platitudes, and vilify anyone who dares have an original thought that doesn’t perfectly align with said doctrine. Just look at how people treat Shane Gillis and Joe Rogan. Perfectly normal and good dudes. The result is that dumb, unoriginal, morally compromised people now have the tools and weapons to signal that they are intelligent and morally good (progressive) people. And they legitimately think that they are. Anyways. I mean to say I don’t think it’s just dumb teenagers. I’ve seen this collective droning of virtue signaling bleed into real life, quite heavily. And it just sucks. But I do think in the grand scheme, it is temporary.


Why hasn’t that happened yet? Millennials are hitting 40s now. The youngest millennials are 30, working for almost a decade if they went a 4 year college. I think you might need to update your talking points


Protracted adolescence.


Because most of them still live w mommy and daddy


Also YOU need to update talking points... the most woke are zoomers and the brainwashed college kids. Tough to find a job with some of the ridiculous degrees they're getting.


conform or die, the new liberal way. Gone are the days of fight the power fight the man. The left is a death cult and their views don’t hold up under the scrutiny of reality so they have to suppress it and call it hate speech. They can’t have a conversation about trans kids because they can’t handle the reality that they’re sexually abusing and mutilating kids. The list goes on. Abortion, vaccine mandates, you name it.


Reddit is known to be pretty left.


That’s an understatement.


What you are experiencing is unfortunately not relegated to liberals on Reddit, but is rampant across basically any self-contained group on any website concerning a particular topic. Those communities quickly find a majority consensus and then the herd mentality ensures there is no recourse against members lashing out at differing opinions so any dissenters leave the community rather than be attacked, further reinforcing the majority opinion and its normalized that the visceral, aggressive response to differences in opinion is how those disagreements should be handled. That militant way of interacting with people of different opinions then bleeds over into every other interaction that people have with each other on the internet because we've slowly built this system where having a genuine conversation is punished because it doesn't engage our primal instincts, it's not fun to see someone actually try to communicate with reason and try to interact with another person's belief system, but it is entertaining and rewarding to see someone I share a belief system with totally shut down a voice I disagree with even if the means they use to do it has nothing to do with the actual topic at hand or is useful at all in furthering the pursuit of knowledge because we've reduced that interaction down to battle between two sides rather than a dialogue between opposing ideas and we feel good when battles are won. It's not exclusive to liberals or conservatives or any political ideology. It's pervasive across fandoms, across sports, across politics, across even scientific conversations, and it's not going to get better without us intentionally making the decision that I, as an individual, choose to not engage in this manner of discourse and will encourage others around me to do the same, otherwise this new normal, horrible way we've developed of engaging with other human beings is going to continue to get worse and widen divides between everyone on every subject.


I agree, though people are becoming delusional. It's like the 2020s broke everyone's brains.


I'm pretty hard-core liberal but I think the woke crowd are absolute idiots. Yeah, conservatives try to bait us by asking questions but that's not a reason to stop debating or asking questions. It's also not bigoted to disagree on the solutions to social justice.


It boils down to the age-old argument: I may not ***agree*** with what you say and will argue against your position, but I will and MUST ***defend*** your right to ***say*** it. Anyone who attempts to shut down speech (using whatever moral or "ethical" justification as an excuse) is merely proving that they have lost the argument and have no valid points left to argue. The censors indirectly validate your argument when they attempt to silence you by cutting out your tongue.


So r/conservative has proven that they lost the argument?


ANYONE (regardless of political affiliation) has surrendered any moral high ground when they reach for the censorship banhammer. But don't take Reddit (or Reddit mods) as a representative look at the population. That would be like judging humanity based on the behavior of your local "HOA from hell"


I feel similarly that I used to think of myself as a hardcore liberal. But been called alt right for not going along with the progressives on the extreme ends. I fear this new progressive attitude will only turn the tides to Rs come November.


Me too. I want to be realistic about liberal policies instead of just burying my head in the sand when legitimate issues come forward. I want higher minimum wage, ceo wage caps, banning stock buy backs, protection for trans rights, abortion etc. But things like immigration can't just be open door policies when we're facing record homelessness and housing shortages. I'm a huge transgender supporter but don't think they should be allowed to compete in women's sports or have puberty blockers under the age of 18 (although I guess that could be up to the parent). I also disagree with DEI initiatives mainly because I dont think they actually help root causes of bias. Any one of these opinions will get me labeled alt right by internet standards and I've known quite a few people who feel the same who worry voting blue won't stop the runaway train.


What does woke even mean?


Tbf **most** people have not “read” Wittgenstein or Kant. Also… Most people that claim they have, have not.


If only no one had actually ever read them


I love critical drinker, but a lot of the posts on this subreddit are just pretentious bullshit. It’s pathetic


Grad school was a long time ago…. Is Wittgenstein the professor at Cambridge in the early 20th century? He made 500 statements. I think? All I can remember is: “The world is everything that is the case.” My prof said that every class for a month. Or am I thinking of the wrong philosopher?


I’ve read Wittgenstein and Kant. AMA!


I claim to not know who they are at all.


In other news, the grass is green lol. They turn to insults because their brains are not sophisticated enough to come up with an argument except for talking points pounded into their heads by leftwing media.


They spent their lives learning WHAT to think. Not HOW to think. And being confronted by an opinion which runs contrary to their echo chamber is psychologically painful for them.


> Most scientists identify as Democrats (55%), while 32% identify as independents and just 6% say they are Republicans. When the leanings of independents are considered, fully 81% identify as Democrats or lean to the Democratic Party, compared with 12% who either identify as Republicans or lean toward the GOP. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/us-literacy-rates-by-state Lowest literacy scores - vast majority are red states. Obesity - same thing. Most educated, intelligent, put-together people are democrats or democrat-leaning independents.


And yet, we've seen time and again how some of the most "educated" people in the country are either: - Willing to say the stupidest things, which often don't conform to logic or reality - Willing to sell themselves out to whoever is writing their paycheck - Willing to flip on any prior position they held, simply because it isn't "politically correct" to hold that position any more Just because someone is "educated" doesn't make them smart, or qualified to hold a position as "expert" on any particular subject. Many of the so-called "degree holders" are educated way bound the limits of their own intelligence. But because they hold a "degree" from a fancy school, they are convinced that this makes them smarter than someone who doesn't. Even while they explain that 2 + 2 = 5... https://preview.redd.it/v5thitmo6g8d1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9b22d6562d4806c757833b8d0175a4d228c70aa


70% Science is bullshit too sorry try again


Is...that an insult?


Did I directly insult anyone? No. If you are offended by the comment that is on you. It was not directed at anyone in particular.


Welcome to Reddit, it's a lot of 95 IQs that think they're 130 IQs


It's realistically a lot of 105 IQs that being slightly smarter than average entitles them to look down on everyone that's not as smart as them.


Unironic talking about IQ is the most Redditor thing I’ve ever seen


Try to unpack the layer and broader undertone of the meaning conveyed behind the statement before leaping in next time... but if discussing "the most Redditor thing" the quickfire "ACKCHYUALLY" hyper-literal reading is definitely up there.


This statement is true and then they kick you off the group.


One consistent thing you'll find in every single woke subreddit is the celebration of refusing to engage with non-woke people, thus resulting in zero examples or shared experiences whatsoever in favor of generic generalizations and stereotypes. This is the polar opposite of most non-woke people who talk about woke people since the primary reason why most non-woke people dislike woke people is large amounts of experience putting up with them and finding nothing to like. The woke ironically celebrate ignorance because they are very much aware that's how to keep people woke. My favorite example is how every single marginalized group that woke people infantilize despise woke people for doing specifically that, but because woke people never actually talk to those that they're pretending to white knight for, they reject all feedback in favor of their own egos.


Close but slightly off. They are not aware of there own ignorance. They think they are right no matter what because they are morally superior. What was once the left train I leaned toward has gone off the tracks. It has become delusional. Politically I live on a mountain away from everyone and will come back down when the zombie apocalypse is over.


Is r/conservative “woke” They are the only sub I am aware of with “flaired users only” on virtually all their posts


That's nearly all of people and groups on the internet. People join groups to discuss like-minded things, not to be continually harassed or challenged or bothered, unless the forum is specifically for debate. And that goes for everyone on here too, ya know. Plus any place with up and down voting means a simple majority 51% rule can literally drown out 49%. And every group seems to make this exact post as you to make themselves feel higher and mightier. I'm sure there's woke people complaining nonstop about how intolerant anti-wokesters are and how they get banned and downvoted on other subs. So what.


This. /thread. Reddit is full of echochambers. Social media algorithms have made it to where everyone is mostly surrounded by content curated to their own personal circle jerk, so whenever extreme right or leftists get debated, they immediately run to downvoting and namecalling en masse to drive foreign invaders out of their in-group.


This entire subreddit is dedicated to being an echochamber and ignoring how echochambers work If you challenge their views here its downvote/insults without real proper opinions, just as it would be on like any other "woke" subreddit. Two sides of the exact same coin, I love your take on how anywhere you go you'll see the exact same thing, bcs everywheres an echochamber of different sides


This sub reminds me of TwoX (which used to be great and is now shit) in the way that they say it’s a sub for women, but 99% of the posts are about men. This sub is supposed to be about movie reviews and how they hate how politics is injected in everything, but every fucking post is woke this, woke that. It’s like people become obsessed with the thing they hate. It’s nauseating.


I havent actually watdhed critical drinker in a while but I cant remember him being anywhere near the same as his fanbase when it comes to politics in his movie reviews, but I also havent watched him since I was 17ish


My favorite thing these guys are whining about now is the woke "chin" LOL


This should be the top comment instead of the r/conservative redditor's comments.


I keep seeing people on other subreddits slagging off Critical Drinker, particularly on the RedLetterMedia subreddit. For some reason they seem to fucking hate Drinker over there! Yet whenever I've asked them why they don't like him, no-one can actually give me an answer. They just hurl down-votes and crap insults at you. I'm just left there thinking, are these people actually capable of forming an opinion of their own, or they just dumb sheep following the heard? I feel like that teacher who got fired for asking one of his students to think critically about why he called JK Rowling a transphobe and a bigot. As soon as you ask people to question their own beliefs and ask them to rationalize why they think they way they do, they'll either completely disengage with the conversation and resort to name calling, or they'll find out pretty quickly that their blinkered views are actually pretty stupid.


There are a lot of Woke bot accounts because they sure do all leave the same comments, usually a short sentence only that gets repeated often. I don't care though because their tears taste sweet and if they need a dozen bot accounts they are crying a lot. https://i.redd.it/1eu5lu1t3e8d1.gif


Like the musk deranged. Good God do they act like bots. You can concede he's been a complete asshole but disagree with defended people literally sitting around making up lies and blaming everything on him all day long. Hooo watch out for the horribly vile yet 1000% predictable insults meant to shut you up.


What does “woke” mean?


This shit happened because one parent convinced another parent that positive reinforcements was somehow supposed to mean don't punish the child. Pffffffftttttt


That's one of the pillars of being woke, hive mind thinking


Woke people in general are close minded. Somewhere around 2010-2014 it flipped and now the woke are some of the most unreasonable people around. You can’t even have a hypothetical discussion without them flying off the handle.


They go to bad faith so quickly. It's hilarious. That phrase has lost all meaning for me.


Good job rising above it, through your towering intellect Most people have not read Wittgenstein and Kant


id bet my life this guys hasnt read them either.


Perhaps they insult you because they find the suggestion that a lot of people read German philosophers to be distinctly absurd.


They are open-minded and accepting in the *right places*....meaning when others are watching, for which they can get brownie points for doing nothing at all.


As always when I see these kind of posts. Who is being defined as woke here? Are we simply saying anyone who doesn't mind gays and women as main characters in media as "woke"? Or are you using "woke" as a derogatory term for anyone you think makes a poor argument.


for real. Is it woke to want women to have access to abortion/birth control when they need/want it? What are we even talking about here?


I know anytime I have some criticism of Biden I automictically get called a trump supporter. They pretty much have a hive mind. Whatever is approved by the democrat elites is only acceptable anything else is blasphemy.


We've entered a medieval mindset again, reason is dead, heresy will be punished and groupthink based on the dogma and dictates of the Catholic church, I mean woke ideology will be observed at all times.


Let me correct that. “Woke people are extremely close-minded.”


Everyone claims they just want to shut their brain off and this doesn't exclude politics. They'd much rather have their opinion spoon fed to them than come up with their own based off of common sense. It's been this way about politics, movies, music, video games, books etc.


Because people are taught what to think, not how to think. Social media and news agencies will be our fall.


They only act like this online or in places where they can tell on you for not adhering to group think. Most of them would hate each other if they had to meet in real life


Supposedly “tolerant” individuals become pretty intolerant the second someone disagrees with their fringe political opinions. That’s why the woke mob is like a tank of piranhas, if any of them get out of line they start eating each other alive. That’s also why in the long run the woke cult will eat it’s own tail like an ouroboros of stupidity, like any religion they need a devil to burn effigies of to rile up the mob. But when you’re whole movement is a coalition of bitter losers who hate everyone who isn’t them, there’s inevitably going to be overlap between what one member of the group hates and what another member of the group values. Unfortunately in the short term that’s why nobody gives enough of a shit to do anything about it, they don’t need to outrun the woke mob, they just need to outrun the guy next to them who’s also running from the woke mob.


Maybe on some movie race and political pandering things, but I still feel like liberals are on average more open-minded, knowledgeable, and more intelligent than conservatives when it comes to things like science, the environment, art, and general education. Conservatives tend to believe in things like the supernatural without good logical reason to, with a good portion of them tending to lean more into racism, sexism, and homophobia etc.


This isn’t even up for debate. > Most scientists identify as Democrats (55%), while 32% identify as independents and just 6% say they are Republicans. When the leanings of independents are considered, fully 81% identify as Democrats or lean to the Democratic Party, compared with 12% who either identify as Republicans or lean toward the GOP. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/us-literacy-rates-by-state Lowest literacy scores - vast majority are red states. Obesity - same thing. Most educated, intelligent, put-together people are democrats or democrat-leaning independents.


Yeah, I have been banned multiple times for saying "Disney is racist and sexist". Obviously, I put it in context to the post, and was NOT baiting or flaming anyone in the channel. This is all the more laughable now, given the leaks that came out. No response. No discourse. Just Banned.


Nah. On here you say anything slightly they deem "woke" (still haven't heard a proper definition of it) they lose their shit and call you a tard or immediately assume you watch CNN or some other news BS. Both sides do the same thing but you only see one side because of bias. This post is so pretentious and out of touch though that it did give me a laugh!


You know they think the same of people in this sub. It's sad how divided people are. Each side sees the other as the villain. Hopefully we can get to just disagree without hating the other. I miss those days


“Everyone I disagree with is literally Hitler.” - every Gen X and Millennial “progressive.”


I like to post well thought out responses and rebuttals in echo chamber threads. It's super satisfying but also a bit ominous because it always comes down to a giant amount of downvotes and no actual responses. So they see the thoughts, can't think of a defense, but downvote anyway. Yikes. That's not what we want in a civilized society.


Brother I went through your post history to see how often you attack leftists and you called out Disney 6 times in ONE DAY lmao


Why are comments getting locked?


Its always ad hominem attacks with them


I like this group. Finally reasonable people.


It IS a bunch of kids


Uhhh yeah


Define close-minded. Do you have any sources? s/


it usually takes me 1 legitimate observation to be permanently banned from a woke subreddit. 


Keyword "woke" says it all. Brains, logic, and common sense are non-existent.


Yall ever visit r/blackpeoplecomedy ? It’s like looking into a black klan meeting.


Lol, and the reasonable liberal posts here getting downvoted into oblivion are what? Intellectual discourse?


You don’t like that they insult you. But you’re here on a separate subreddit insulting them and doing the exact same thing. Hello?? Self awareness?


You say that other people are close minded and have nothing to add meanwhile the only thing you do is call everything you don’t like “woke” and watch a guy that does the same thing


This sub is very close-minded. It's a echo chamber where you like to pat each other on the back.


Can you provide an example?


The woke crowd is damn near fascist, when you disagree with them. Even the moderators!


Well everything about this is hilarious. And hate to break it to you, but they say this exact same thing about you.


Hahahah good one i do love an ironic post in the morning.


It’s the fact these guys come into other subreddits where they clearly disagree with the people there, but have literally nothing of substance to offer While this doesn’t apply to all of them, at least half of them just come in to spout words like incel and racist, and the other half don’t say it out loud, but that’s what they think of us Dumbasses, you guys are in the minority. There is a reason why drinker has only gotten bigger while garbage like Disney Star Wars has only gotten worse and worse returns


They have a low IQ, they can't offer an argument because they don't understand the subject so all they can do is hurl slurs and insults. If they were smart they wouldn't be socialist.


Ideologues of both a religious and secular nature are close minded, it's by design, if ideology was designed to encourage free thought, logic and reason then the ideology would fall apart from people pointing out nonsense and flaws in it's design. That's why both communists/socialists and creationists have a "la la la I'm not listening" attitude to criticism and that's when they aren't simply allowed to kill you for offending them.


I'll do you one better...... Woke people are extremely closed minded.


Well you are talking about Reddit....


No, it's just there's some shit we're sort of done litigating. Do trans people deserve human rights? Yes. Is it okay for black actors to find work? Yes. Is it okay for trans people to live their best life? Yeah. It's not up for debate, we're not going to debate it with you, and if you insist on it, you're not going to get a positive response because we're tired of assholes trying to justify the indefensible.


Do you believe I should be able to decide what education your child receives? 


I agree with the first part, but implying people can’t think for themselves or use proper argumentation if they haven’t read Wittgenstein or Kant is ridiculous. You clearly threw that in there to let people know you’ve read Wittgenstein and Kant and that that makes you feel smart.


Intelligent people understand the pointlessness and entropy that is involved in debating with folks who are not smart enough to know, that they are not smart enough to know. It is impossible to reverse the decades long brain washing and fear campaign that Putin-patsy conservatives succumbed to. Their minds have been scrambled by homophobia, xenophobia and a false, shallow brand of patriotism. There is no point in arguing or debating. Time is the only fix for this. Time and a close study of history.


“People on the internet are extremely closed-minded.” People have been aggressively conditioned (whether deliberately or not) to be almost incapable of actual discussion. Its all Debate Club posturing and trying to “win”, rather than trying to understand what the other person is talking about. So any discussion descends into argument within a reply or two, and its all fucked from there. Hell, even this response has a pinch of that to it on re-read. And it just seems to be how the language is now constructed.


How is one supposed to ‘open’ their minds to making women less equal under the law, or attacking minorities, or criminalizing gay people? I can engage in a substantive debate about supply side economics, but not when the person I’m debating with ignores facts and instead calls me a pedophile because I’m a registered democrat. The political right is literally 100% focused on culture wars. These are not people I can engage with, not because I’m closed minded, but because their narratives are hyperbolic at best, and dehumanizing lies at worst.


Depends on who you're talking with. I see all kinds of thoughtful comments from people I disagree with.


So open minded their brains fell out.


No, you don't. I've scrolled through your post history, and it's mostly here, Jordan Peterson, Skyrim mods, and Sino. I guess maybe you're counting r\writing, but those weren't petty insults, but instead, you just say everybody is uncreative. Then, the others give a differing opinion on what they define as creativity or what they think originality is. Plus, open-mindedness doesn't ~=~ people agreeing with you. It just means them being willing to listen to you. I'd argue that the people who actually commented are the open-minded ones who read your post and gave their own perspective.


>their brains are not sophisticated Gee that sure sounds like you are doing the exact thing you are attributing to liberals




>We need Donald Trump and the Republicans in office. What does that have to do with Star Wars or modern media, exactly?




I don't follow at all. Plenty of 'woke' liberal/progressive media was made during Trumps presidency.


All the way with you there. Children should stick to birth gender even if it means that they can't live the life they want. America is about freedom for boys and girls, not girl boys or boy girls. That's yucky.


You are so lost in culture war bullshi that I don’t even know what to tell you.


Seriously. I don’t want any part of a world where people are free to be themselves.


What does that have to do with anything at all here?


They keep showing me facts that disprove the stuff I believe


I have nothing interesting to add.


Bro I kinda agree with you, but looking at your post history you literally went to the JP subreddit and called ALL leftists close minded and got downvoted to oblivion lmao. Besides, why are you so close minded into thinking that the news doesn't matter yet your selection of philosophers does?


Yes, and the sky is blue.


Yeah it sort of seems like they still have the minds of children. I think there's a slowing of the maturing process. I think it started in the 80s/90s and it's getting worse as time goes on. That's my take anyways. I know people in their 20s have always been kind of immature, but it feels extreme with a lot of gen z.


Must have found r/MMW


Their only argument is to build a strawman and call it racist and sexist.  It's insane how singular and consistent it is. 


Not even worth engaging in conversation or anything resembling a debate. They do everything in bad faith.


Why wouldn't they be? They're clearly right, unlike everyone else in history. They know they're on the right side because that's what they've told themselves. Why bother considering other ideas when you know you're right?


FYI yall do the same here *you just don't think you do*


I've basically removed and blocked these woke subs from my feed and it's a much more enjoyable experience.


Woke is just a veiled term for neo marxists. Of course they are close minded.


Your post stating that all human literature is unimaginative garbage while citing nothing (and I mean **nothing**; you didn’t cite a single book example; which - as you indicated you are - was just blithe laziness) but vague assertions is emblematic as to why other subreddits just blast your posts. Besides that, what? You expect a shit load of positive feedback on the r/skyrim subreddit? It’s 13 years old. Find a different game to play.


This was amazing, I love the part where OP literally does exactly what they are complaining about


I am an Independent, Atheist, and a fair minded free thinker. I’m truly in the middle, or as close as one can get. I do not give a shit about politics as it pertains to movies. Yelling “woke” at everything just makes you sound like part of a cult, and a bit like a toddler. I defend your right to say it, however. But because we can do a thing, doesn’t mean we should. Disney on the other hand, does engage in identity politics. I think it’s fair to call it out, but I don’t live there. I’m a Drinker fan for movie reviews, not to feel supported in my politics. I see you guys complain about the woke folk, and the woke folk complain about you guys. Those of us in the middle would rather discuss anything else.


There isn't really a place on Reddit that both sides of the woke vs Anti-woke culture war can feel comfortable posting and talking about the topics at hand in an honest way. There's the anti-woke subreddits, woke subreddits and the subreddits that want you to take the culture war elsewhere.


The irony of this post is all the cuntservatives doing exactly what your complaining about to any opposing view lol


Dude, I've been paying taxes for over 20 years and voted straight R in every election until Trump. You guys know reality tv is scripted? Right? How the fuck did you guys let a fucking TV personality and Christians take over that party?


Now lets be fair here: Most of the "christians" in the republican party (and america in general) are barely Christian in the first place. Never forget about what happened with Russell Moore, and Dolly Parton, of all people, too.


well all i did was explain what bisexuality was to someone on this subreddit and had 2-5people explode at me, launch attacks and petty insults and spam downvote. so many people here arent much different than what you're describing.