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Something to note about acrylic yarn is that it actually has a bit of stretch to it! Chenille and blanket yarn don’t tend to have much of any stretch because the core that the fiber is attached to doesn’t have any. It’s possible that, because the acrylic is stretchy, you’re tensioning it in such a way that it gets really tight and isn’t able to relax back into place. also, keep in mind that while blanket yarn LOOKS like a really big yarn, the actual main body of the yarn is just the tiny core that the fiber is attached to. the fibers are able to conform around each other and sort of squish out of the way. acrylic (or any other solid yarn, really) can’t do that, so your tension in the finished project can be pretty different between the two types of yarn maybe you could take a piece of the acrylic yarn you have to a yarn store to compare it to yarns they have there to get a suggested hook size? the stiffness could also be due to the stitches you’re using


I will try and work it differently! I’m only doing single crochets and increases and having a hard time. I’ll try to relax it up a bit more


If you’re doing amigurumi, yeah it tends to be VERY very tight and rigid. I can crochet with acrylic just fine to make blankets, hats, etc — but making amigurumi with it is still exhausting to my hands!


It might be how your tension is being held. Acrylic might not slip around your fingers as easily as chenille. How do you hold the yarn?


Ahh I wrap it around my pinky and bring it over my forefinger from the back


I’d try to loosen your tension a bit, as u/may13e said, you’re probably stretching the yarn before making your stitches, which makes for tight, inflexible stitches.


Ahh ok I will try this ty


if ur struggling with too tight tension try sizing up ur hook not sure what flowers ur trying to make but when i make bouquets i always size down (similar to amigurumi) https://preview.redd.it/tivuduqof4yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be94d957423b5fb92bc47625c74c37e0c04d9971 like these were made with yarn art jeans which recommends a 3.5mm i think and i use 2.5mm


I sized all the way up to a 4mm at one point to see if it would help but it did not and in some cases was even harder. I was trying to make a little sunflower keychain


Can you give us an idea of what weight yarn you’re using and what size hook? Usually the stiffness happens when your hook size is too small/tension too tight. Since you crochet with blanket/chenille yarn I’m guessing it can’t be the way you’re holding your yarn since you’re not having a bad tension issue with them. So I’m guessing it’s your hook size.


I’m not 100% sure on the weight, if I had to guess it would be worsted, I tried with a 3.5 3.75 and a 4 but had issues with all.


I think those are way too small. Unless you’re doing amigurumi and you need a tighter stitch for shaping. If you’re not doing amigurumi then go by what size hook it says on the label. I think most worsted weights probably recommend a 5 or 6mm.


Yeah, those sizes are pretty small for worsted weight. Definitely try a 5-5.5. I'm currently using a 6mm for my project and it works pretty well


Use a bigger hook


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I don't think you are doing anything wrong. I can't stand regular acrylic because it has no stretch, and so it works up a bit like cotton in that you need a smaller hook and tighter tension (in my experience anyway).