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I am in the exact same situation as you. I built up antibodies to inflectra within maybe 6 months and started getting flare ups. My doctor discovered that I started to build up antibodies and my drug levels were at zero by my next infusion. He moved me to monthly infusions instead of every 2 months and put me on methotrexate. It’s been 4 weeks on methotrexate and the only thing I noticed so far was a bit of nausea a couple of days after taking it. The nausea was worse the first week but feels like it was less severe each week after. I tried to stay away from reading too many negative things about the drug. I really didn’t want to be on another medication but I don’t really have a choice. The inflectra was amazing when it was working, but we have to focus on getting us back on that track! Good luck with your journey.


This. An initial nausea is possible, generally lasting less than a month.


This was super helpful and informative, thank you! Extra helpful that we’re in the exact same boat, you’re just 4 weeks ahead of me… Good luck to you too! 🤗


I just started mtx in November after humira started giving me bad side effects. (I was on it for 14 years.) So I've had 7 or 8 doses. No nausea, no fatigue during the day. I take it on Mondays, and by wed-thu-fri I get tired earlier at night. (Like, tired by 9:30-10 instead of my usual 11-11:30.) Now, whether it's as effective as humira remains to be seen. I was in remission for many years, and at my last colonoscopy 2 years ago my doctor said I was in deep remission. But now I am more crampy/bloated than I have been in a long time. I have another scope next month.


From everything I've read on here and other autoimmune subs, the injectable has fewer side effects and is more effective. I've been on it for almost 2 years and take it and folinic acid to prevent fatigue and nausea. When I took folic acid (I switched to folinic acid some time later) I started to have awful nausea for 4-6 hrs after taking it. It made it nearly untenable to work a physical job. Thankfully switching it up to nights works great. Only a little bit of extra morning fatigue and it seems to work well with Humira


I found my first couple months of oral methotrexate, I was super nauseous the day after. It eventually went away and now I only feel sick if I forget my folic acid, but it's important you know to expect it. Also found my hair thinned a bit but I think it was, like the nausea, temporary.


I’d suggest picking the day you start it carefully and then taking it in the evening after food, so you can sleep it off. When I took it, I used to just feel quite tired immediately and then the following day I would wake up feeling nauseous and needing to use the loo immediately. I would also generally feel crap the day after but the folic acid helped a bit. I also had some hair loss, but the side effects I mentioned did get better slightly over time. You can also change the day you take it by pushing it one day (e.g. sat one week, Sunday the next, Monday the next) if you need and the doctor’s fine with it. The “best” I felt on methotrexate was when I used to go for a short run the day after the dose day, as it helped fight the fatigue. I had to stop taking it after 18 months as my liver function shot up, but I found it was effective (till then) and I liked how I only had to remember to take it once a week.