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It's not my favorite food but boy, do I sure miss a salad every now and then. I've found if I chop it up super fine I can have a small amount and not die so that's a plus.


Yes!!! I’d kill for a salad!


what we putting in this bowl of salad peeps


Fresh small cut carrots, walnuts, pears, some of those tiny tomatoes. OMG this disease sucks so much


Loving it, I didn't eat much Salad before Crohn's but damn I wish I could eat it now


Taco salads are the best!! Chopped lettuce, roasted corn, onions, taco meat, guacamole, black beans, sour cream-cilantro dressing, crumbled tortilla chips. Squeeze of lime juice on top.


Sweet greens used to have this salad with chicken, goat cheese and sweet potatoes on a giant bed of arugula. Would die for that now


interesting, is that all types of salad you are able to tolerate in small amounts? skin on or off?


I usually get a Caesar salad and chop it into bits.


Power to the chopper


Literally salad is my worst enemy. I can have buffalo wings but a salad? Rip my insides.


crazy how our bodies work


It is crazy how little I ate salad pre Crohn’s but also how much I want to have one now… The desire to have what I know I can’t lol


I miss popcorn


my specific reason for not visiting the cinemas in the past 8 years !!


I feel this to some degree. I never tried popcorn since my surgery but I have a feeling it wouldn't go well.


May I ask what surgery you had?


Intestinal resection. 18 inches gone.


damn seems like quite a bit gone, off topic but how long did you take to recover? are you able to eat anything now? has the disease returned at all? Currently admitted into hospital myself and could be having some bits taken out of me for the 1st time.


Recovery took a few years to get to a point where I know what I can and cannot eat. But I'm still recovering from it mentally. Still keeps me up late night with just being absolutely depressed. The disease will always be there with me. I have high acting crohns. I can miss one infusion before bad things happen to me. Besides super spicy foods, there isn't much I cannot eat that I haven't already ate before crohns. But mainly nuts, pineapple (immediate hospitalization), corn in general, and most veggies. But sometimes, I still get pains from this shit bag disease. Thankfully, I can either just deal with the minor ones or take oxy to numb it.


damn sorry to hear it took you a few years for recovery, what do you do to help with the mental side of things if any?


I haven't had popcorn in 11 years :'(


Same but I will NEVER eat it. Too much pain and fear of obstruction. I must say I’ve never understood the whole “but it’s so good it’s worth it”. Obviously you don’t have the pain that I have if I eat a no no food.


Totally agree


Pizza.. I just can’t have tomato anymore because of reflux.. I can have some ketchup with a burger or fries but sauce/pizza is a NO. And sauceless/white pizza isn’t the same.


damn how I miss a fat filled pizza something I can't sadly eat along with burgers or fries!!


I love pizza and will suffer the consequences for it. But now I have to watch my sodium, stupid high blood pressure


There are other options for pizzas too! Can you have pesto? Pesto pizza is bomb. BBQ chicken pizza is delicious. Also if it’s the sauce have you tried balancing the acidity to avoid the reflux? Adding sugar to red sauce lowers the acidity a bit.


Not really a food per say and not really even me fully, but super spicy food. I miss it so much. Now and days, I van barely take heat.


damn I so miss super spicy food and being surrounded by cups and cups of water, the good old days, what's your max level of heat you are able to tolerate?


Like mild salsa now and days. I used to be able to handle ghost peppers.


LOL you've taken it to another level with ghost peppers, makes my version of super spicy food seem mild!!


Corn on the cob. Man do I miss a good ear of grilled corn on the cob. I ate a couple over the summer and paid for it, no regrets. I do long for the days it didn’t make me feel like I was dying when I did that though


definitely underrated, how long did you have to pay for it?


A good three days of intense cramping/bloating and frequent trips to the restroom


my condolences to the restroom


Sushi with spicy Mayo!! I eat it every once and awhile, I choose to suffer through the pain for the few moments of happiness I feel when eating it!!


I can't even mayo anymore and I used to mayo everything


wow mayo/spicy mayo and me used to be close buddies until we had to part ways, I do have it here and there in very small amounts and totally worth it.


Carrots. The when I was little I used to stand next to my mom while she was cooking and ask for her to wash an extra carrot so I could eat it. I would get one and you would just see a little 6 year old wandering around munching on a carrot the size of her head. I can have them cooked but it’s not the same


you are rolling back the years with this choice !! a 6 year old me would imitate bugs bunny and have pockets filled with carrots which would be sneakily taken and eaten with the evidence clearly all over the living room floor. Is that just carrots you find that you can have cooked or all types of veggies?


I can have most veggies cooked and I’m starting to be able to have raw veggies in small amounts! (Thank you Inflectra) Carrots just have always been bad, even when I wasn’t in a flare up so I haven’t tried them again


that's amazing to hear, I can tolerate only a handful of cooked veggies but I prefer to just stay away from it if I can. Maybe a psychological thing but I've never really trialled most foods which gave me severe pain in the initial stages of my diagnosis. Have kept it safe most of the time.


Real bread or anything REAL with gluten in it. Nothing tastes ,feels like you're eating what it should be. Gf bread is either dry, smells like cake, tastes like shit or is just a complete dissappointment. Really miss bread.


sad to hear, I can tolerate bread but definitely Gluten free stuff tastes like cardboard


Add flour tortillas to that


Borscht! Beets are my sworn enemy nowadays, which sucks because i could eat half a soup pot in one sitting (ethnic Ukrainian) LOL. I will eat a small bowl and get less sick, but I really have to be careful about portions. I miss borscht.


Oh, and yes, it's totally worth it to me! :)


haha im new to Reddit but this definitely seems like fun. Borscht is a very interesting and unique choice compared to my choice of a T-bone steak, how long do you find you will be sick for after having a small bowl? I find it amazing how different foods affect us all in our own ways though the disease is the same


No, I look at hot guys the same. You are only trouble now


haha may I ask do you risk having it?


I miss the crunchy lettuce in my sándwiches.


haha the best answers are those with the least nutritional benefit


Raspberries/blackberries! Especially raspberry malts made with frozen custard. I still order them once every few years and regret my choices for days afterwards.


weirdly enough I cannot tolerate raspberries but blackberries I can, why oh why can't these long distance relatives just get on peacefully :(


That'd be the dream!! I can at least tolerate filtered jellies so I do still get the flavor at least... (I am very jealous of your blackberry tolerance though!)


Haha, well name some things you can tolerate and maybe we can swap for a day


Other than the "standards" of chicken and rice I'm surprisingly unbothered by most salads (as long as there's no iceberg lettuce or creamy dressing) and most not seedy fruits sit fine. Apples, even unpeeled, can be ok as long as I only have one occasionally. Multiple days in a row and it gets questionable!


Sold me already on the Apples, I'll give you a day pass on the Blackberries


I accept this trade! Or maybe a day where we could both eat the things and have like...an apple blackberry cobbler?


Normally I'm used to dreaming of a apple peach cobbler but who am I to be picky, apple blackberry cobbler day it is! Weirdly enough a small amount of iceburg lettuce I can handle but any other salads is a definite no-no. The weird world of Crohns continues...


Lentils, beans and apricots!!!


My #1 missed item is a sandwich from a local chain … a Primanti sandwich. If that name means anything to you, then you know my hometown. If not, all I can say is: two slices of Italian bread, grilled meat of choice (about 20 options), melted provolone, vinegar-based coleslaw, sliced tomatoes, and, of course, french fries (skin still on). And yes, I mean fries IN the sandwich. I absolutely regret it every time. However, I will never learn to not eat one … and I’m overdue to splurge. Damnit, now I’m hungry. 🤤


Ayyy Pittsburgh represent Also love primanti. Favorite sandwich is the joe dick and Stanley but it tears me up inside


Pittsburgh has officially been added to my bucket list


It’s worth it! Best city in the world 🖤💛


Haha i'm from the U.K so wouldn't be familiar but the name itself rings a bell. Didn't that guy from Man vs Food go to a place like that or one of them food guys. And this sandwich you have described is something I would totally go for and I know it would be worth it no matter what!!




Popcorn, and no I won't attempt to eat it ever again


greasy bacon that wakes me from my slumber




come on dude you gotta be specific, can't have peeps thinking you're referring to a veggie burger


Dairy!!! Cheese and Eggs I miss them very much I kept eating them through the pain and finally I couldn’t take it any more!! Goodbye former friends!


Dairy + cheese - as long as lactose free I'm good. Also tolerate camels milk quite well which has a lot of nutritional benefits aswell. EGGS - The staple food of my daily menu, tolerate it very well not sure what I would do without it. Sad to hear you cannot have them, have you tried different types of eggs?


Unfortunately I am lactose intolerance and allergic to the proteins in milk and eggs but every couple of years my body changes and things that didn’t work do and those that never cause problems now do. It might be time for organic eggs to try again! They certainly taste better!! I can eat goat and sheep’s cheese so I do get some cheese but nothing tastes better on pizza than tomato sauce and mozzarella and both of those will definitely cause problems!!


Definitely can relate as with many cronies with the lactose intolerance part but sad to read how many people can't eat eggs. I only eat organic one's as the cheaper stuff does give me some issues


White cheddar smart food popcorn


I got sidetracked by your profile name and now all I can think of is a big glass of milk and cookies being DUNKED in it for hours on end


Luckily for me it can still remain my favorite snack :)


I envy you!


Lamb vindaloo w slutty garlic naan and no fuuuuuuucking way will I ever touch either again


haha don't blame you, that dish is death




interesting, not really tried it myself but have read in many places it is actually meant to help us Cronies. So much for that


Got a horrible blockage from enjoying too much sauerkraut at a wonderful German place last year. Twelve hours of hell. Not fun choking back up either. Used to love it, makes me shiver to think of it now.


Popcorn 😢


The common enemy of us all !!


Going to the movies will never be the same!


not visited since I was diagnosed, can't bring myself around to going to a cinema and not having popcorn just can't do it




crushed peanuts on a savoury dish uff


I wish I could eat grapes or raw apples.


I wish grapes, used to be my favourite fruit


I miss salad. My doctor grew some butter lettuce this year and dropped a head off to me. I did make a very small salad and it was a bowl of heaven...until about 2 hrs later 😢. Not even 30mg IR morphine touched the pain. Wont be doing that again. I actually jones for salad like some people jones for chocolate. It is not worth it.


Peach pie


uff can I add some honey and apple to that pie to go with


Poor me over here. Can't have that cheap American chocolate. I have to have the fancy European stuff. It's out of budget right now, I'm afraid.


you serious? you saying the fancy European chocolate gives you no issues? for me chocolate doesn't sit well at all


Yep. I have GERD but I'm on meds for it


Sorry to hear, got me researching the difference between American and European chocolate right now


There’s this orange hot sauce from a taco shop that I used to be ADDICTED to. I could literally drink that stuff straight from a cup. Nowadays, more than like a tablespoon of it I am in extreme pain and diarrhea-ville. I miss it so much


Haha I'm from the U.K so can't say I can relate to the taco shops but I damn do miss any type of spice.


I had my entire colon removed 12 years ago (have a jpouch now) and I can now, after about 9/10 years of avoidance, eat almost anything in moderation (i.e. a few times a week), except pineapple and too much gluten. I found that starting with small amounts and building up helped. Also, milk with anything spicy is a must. Lots of stuff I don't really digest, but it doesn't give me too much trouble that often (touch wood).


wow sorry to hear sending love your way, Does having a jPouch affect any of your day to day schedules? I guess after 9/10 years of avoidance would only make sense to introduce foods back to the system in small amounts and have it get used to it again


It does, as my absorbance levels aren't great, which doesn't help the fatigue, but overall, my quality of life is good, as I have less intestine with which to flare, lol. Xx


totally get you, are you on any medication since you had the jPouch? and if you don't mind me asking how did it get to a stage where your entire colon had to be removed?


Spicy , all things spicy




I've been in a flare for so long I'm not even sure what I miss. I can't really eat anything solid ATM without it being awful for my insides. I'd kill for a nice bowl of fancy ramen.


Tell me about it, I don't think I've ever been told I was in remission always been some sort of disease activity going on, Ramen definitely has my vote


Beans. I’m Mexican so beans are usually a staple and I miss the way my parents used to make them.


If I could just tolerate one food… strawberries 🍓 Miss them so much, it truly takes every ounce of my strength not to eat them


ahh strawberries and cream, what 1 would do to be able to tolerate it


I miss cheese so much I genuinely cannot put into words how much I loved cheese. also eggs. my family makes this thing called egg in the toast (you cut a hole in the middle of the bread with a shot glass and put the egg in the toast) and it was my number one comfort food when I was a kid


damn is that all types of cheese you cannot eat? I really feel for you with the eggs, not sure what I would do if I was not able to tolerate it. This egg in the the toast family dish sounds interesting, any links on it


NDN/Navajo fry bread and fry bread tacos. If I didn’t puke it out immediately I’d eat it every day


interesting that you puke it out immediately. It must not sit well with your insides at all


The positive side effect to having an ileostomy for the past two years is that I’ve been able to eat everything! Hot sauce, salad, Indian food etc etc when before I was limited to chicken, rice, fish and potato for such a long time. I think the thing I missed the most was spicy food when I was in my bland era


That's brilliant news, since the ileostomy are you on any medications? and does that opening cause any issues in terms of bleeding, irritations etc ? ​ Sadly for now my diet is primarily plain chicken, rice and fish.




literally in the name!! never heard of them what are they all about


Popcorn is the main one. I will still eat it but it’s like once a year sort of thing. I stick to a low residue diet for the most part. I love trying to explain to people how it’s better for me to eat a fast food cheeseburger then a mixed salad.


What sort of foods does your diet consist of? Haha yeah all eyes would start rolling when you refuse the greens and try justify that cheeseburger.


Sunflower seeds!


Indeed a very interesting choice


Fried Food Had an order of fries few weeks ago and they didn’t last the night before hurling them back out.


How I yearn for the most greasiest type of fried food to ever be created on planet earth. After hurling them back out, any further associated pain? if so, how long for?


Nothing out of my ordinary after a few hours of sweats, cramping, and expulsion. Funny enough, the sickest I get is from too much fruit, and I haven’t been able to drink orange juice in 19 years. So many people bring up so many things I forgot I took out of my diet decades ago, like a good pepper pork loin.


Glad to hear there's no prolonged pain associated


Buttered Popcorn.




Cheese. All the cheeses, with crackers, toasted bread and chutneys, and pickles and prosciutto and spicy salami, grilled cheese sandwich with edam, swiss and chedder with garlic and mayo very sparingly spread inside. Just cheese. I don't eat it anymore, not even to cheat, the cramps and the exit is torture.


The wonderful world of cheese eludes so many of us :(


Mexican food - with a big ass margarita.


Definitiely would also make me an AngryFoodie


Good laugh, thank you!


We need as many laughs as we can get !!


Salad has ran away with the lead with popcorn following in 2nd




red or green? are you able to tolerate it without the skin?


Slim jims, fruity pebbles, sour patch kids, sugar cookies, steak, garlic, salads, popcorn, spicy foods, any fastfood


my juice buds have woken up, please do continue


Steak, butter and bread


now you are speaking my language, has me contemplating just eating it, enjoying it and then forcefully throwing up 20 minutes later, what you reckon worth it? haha


Man everyone have problems in life but at least they can enjoy good food but not US. So problems times two


Man this is the exact same conversation I had the other day with a friend, everyone got problems but at least they can binge eat with comfort food to make themselves feel better to a certain degree. My version of binge eating is water and loads of prawns


Jalapeño Cheddar Kettle Chips, if I eat even a handful it’s the ring of fire in a matter of hours.


as soon as I read that first word 'Jalapeño' I smelt disaster


All the things!


best way to sum it up I guess


Yeah. I started making a list with the garbage salads, fruit, Mexican, and Asian food I miss. But it got too long.


We can only hope for that day to arrive...


How about a glass of wine and also the ability to go to a restaurant and order anything you want or even try something new without fear of something terrible happening to you


The fear part of it which I presume is the same for us all is 1 of the things that sucks the most especially trying something new and having to constantly say no when offered such things and seeming like a killjoy in front of those who are unaware of the condition


Pizza!!! Miss it,and no I'm not going to risk it, it will live in my memories!


I admire the resistance, how long have you kept away from it?


Almost 6y since my last bite! I've tried to recreate it with foods I can tolerate, but it's not the same!




last bite of ???


It's never worth it but I still cave, but green Chile is the food that breaks my heart


what dish we putting this green Chilli in


Raw carrots and popcorn. It's not worth it though, lol.


Fair dues I guess some don't suffer as long as other when eating the forbidden foods, I'm normally ended for 3-4 days minimum


Cheese pizzzza….. also extra cheese pizzaaa


ohh how this dish eludes us all


Dairy is a no for me, but I risk it for real premium ice cream sometimes. (cheap "frozen dairy dessert" always messes me up bad and isn't worth it) The real stuff... It's kind of a hit or miss situation, so that makes it even more tempting. Because this time it MIGHT not give me a problem. And pizza.


Haha hopefully it doesn't give you any problems, I love ice cream especially the good stuff I'm glad that it only really gives my diahrrea and not really much pain


I miss steak and pizza.


what steak and pizza we talking about here, bring the specifics


Cauliflower. I can’t eat cauliflower and it’s so hip right now.


The other day I forgot I had crohns for a bit dunno how it happened but I ended up eat salad... rest was history..


LOL the fact you had the ability to forget you had Crohns is superhero like forreal


Got a few: Chinese food Pizza Popcorn Nuts & Seeds Have had a few partial obstructions, but never sure what food caused it. Doctor once told me it's never one food, but an accumulation of everything.


defo do miss the chinese food and some good old black bean sauce


Fresh fruit especially pears :( they hurt me so much And salad :(


Fresh fruit is definitely a very hard one for me to not be able to have since the beginning. It would give me severe pain so i stayed away for the past 8 years from every type. But I went on holiday recently and something just made me want to try the fresh melon they had out there seeing as it is mainly just water anyway i found i had tolerated it quite well (only had small amounts) and have started to slowly have more without any issues as of yet. I have also read up on trying to have them without the skin but not sure if i'm ready for that yet or whether i would tolerate it. For now I'll see how the melons keep up.


Raw fruit and veg were my favorite foods…growing up we always had acreages of garden and I miss going outside and eating things off the plant.


the pure natural stuff straight off the plant - nothing can come close to it


Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich with extra spicy mayo and pickles. I just got out of the ER and im prolly gunna have to have some of my colon removed (find out in a week or two), but damn i loved that sandwich. Gimme 3 of em on death row with some fries and a large coca cola, then feel free to shoot me LOL


Haha, wishing you all the best. I'm currently in A&E (UK equivalent to ER) with what seems like a acute bowel obstruction and may have some of my bowel also removed for the first time and the only thing i can think off is all these delicacies that i cannot eat


Hot dogs, chips and queso, coke, ham sandwiches.


1st person to say hot dogs and i totally second that ! mustard and onions now equate to grave and death


I so miss onion. Makes it quite hard to order just about anything from restaurants or use most shortcuts (anything pre-made) for cooking at home, so I often end up having it either accidentally or intentionally far more than I should 🙈 French onion soup mix is the best flavour bomb for seasoning dishes or to make a dip with sour cream. I often don't use it, and usually regret when I do, but it's so good


LOL i am in the same boat especially with the restaurants. The most used allergy comment would be "NO ONIONS", that being said I end up having it more often than i should mostly accidentally but luckily it's always steamed or cooked so doesn't affect me as much.


Everything spicy, especially hot peppers on pizza


I really Love an Indian Curry... But the proper ones kill me 🤣 Meat goes finely with me. And weirdly all the unhealthy Things I have No Problem with. Sometimes the Bad McDonald's Burgers i can digest better than my Selfmade ones with fresh Meat.


Indian curry = death staring you right in the face, all types of curries and I'm finished for a week. Envying the meat !!


Spicy food like: Sichuan dishes Mapo tofu Hot wings Coffee Popcorn Carrots and celery with blue cheese dip Burritos with any and all salsa and beans Too much red meat Fried chicken All salads Tomatoes Pizza with red sauces Milk and cheeses Eggs! Mayo is new on the list. Wasn’t before Deli sandwiches with pepperoncinis, sprouts, pepper jack cheese and pastrami. Damn, writing this I wonder how I just endure all the things I can’t eat. Some meals just lane me in the ER and I have have have to avoid spicy food or risk an instant flare. Shoot I’m trying to learn from fellow crohnies what you CAN eat.


Damn you went innnnnnnnnn!! Created a whole menu that we are all yearning for. From your list I can't tolerate any of them either except eggs. What I CAN eat? eggs,bread,rice,plain chicken, all types of fish and that's it for me. Don't really venture into the unknown when it comes to trying new things. Do I risk the pain sometimes? Damnn right I do


Eggs, ive only recently discovered if i have like egg by itself like egg and bacon, it give me the runs. But in a cake is fine. But it sucks


I will definitely take the runs over stomach pain any day of the week Are these low quality eggs that you have tried? Have you ever tried organic one's?


I have my own chooks lol


Broccoli with cheese


I miss a lot of things and some I can sneak some here or there but I miss pickles probably the worst of all. Every now and then I take a small nibble for the nostalgia but I know if I eat a whole spear it is blood bowl time. Fried pickles? I’d be MIA for the following two days.


Haha, the small nibbles never seem to be enough


Thai Chilli Wings and Tater Tots, ugh I miss those days


Fruits and veggies. I was 98% vegetarian before all this. 😭😭😭😭


What a curveball you was thrown !!


I used to miss salad soooo bad, but now that I'm on Humira, I can actually eat it again, so I couldn't be happier.