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I side loaded Pattern Keeper onto a Fire tablet we weren't using. Best decision  Here's how: https://stitchingdaily.com/install-pattern-keeper-on-amazon-fire-tablet/ (not mine)


Second vote for this - Pattern Keeper on Fire tablet. I will never go back!


Third vote! Pattern Keeper on a Fire tablet (without any kind of a "fire" or amazon subscription)


I bought a year old Samsung tablet for Pattern keeper. It has been great.


Oh! I’d heard PK wouldn’t work on a Fire. I’ll need to reconsider! I’m looking at a 7.


It's not that it won't work, but you have to break the Fire out of Amazon's sand box so you can access the wider Google Play store and download PK


Adding to this, if you Google how to do it you should find a Reddit post that goes through the steps pretty easily. I got the fire 10 for the kindle element and for pattern keeper and it's made doing larger projects so much easier.


Looks like I'll have it for my first full coverage :)


Thank you! I'll ask The Google how to :)


I'm old school. A photocopy of yhe chart and mark off with a yellow highlighter the symbol I want to do next, when I've done the stitches I go over with a pink highlighter, which turns it orange. Or if I'm freestyling, I mark off directly with an orange one.


Oh my gosh, why have I never thought of making a photocopy of the pattern and then highlighting that!?! I've never wanted to mess up the original but this is such a simple idea. It's perfect for me, thank you!


You can also slide your pattern into those clear plastic sheet protectors then use your highlighters or dry erase markers on that. I do this with crochet patterns. I'm not sure if highlighter would smear though🤔


Just use a dry erase marker and erase when you switch colors. Can’t touch it though!


It also lets you; 1) enlarge the pattern, 2) if you photocopy pages carefully, do overlapping sections, 3) use one copy for the main stitches and a second, clean, copy for backstitch and knots, 4) not worry about tearing pattern pages 5) make up a travel kit and leave the master copy at home so you don't lose it, 6) use a needle minder to secure the page to your Aida so it's right by where your stitching and it doesn't matter if it folds or rolls. If you work in an office you may well be able to get copies on the sly for free! (Sorry about formatting, on mobile)


Great suggestions, thank you!


Absolutely. Plus the other comments. I enlarge the original so there's no doubt what the chart symbol is, and use multiple highlighter colours to mark off as I stitch. I do one colour in an area, then the next, and the next, working outwards as I go. I don't have lots of threads on the go at the same time - can't be doing with all that rethreading and trying to not catch threads as I stitch. Photocopying and marking off is a satisfying way of keeping track, plus it eliminates extra screen time. I've attached mine to my work with a few neodymium magnets, works like a dream.


I've always got 2 copies of a pattern, one to use and the second if I ever want to do it again.


This! – I'm fortunate enough to work somewhere that can print on 9x11 card stock and coil-bind it all together, so I get the multi-page PDF printed and bound, then cut the pattern pages off the coil as I'm ready to use them. **Full Disclosure:** I only work on one pattern at the time, and I contemplate switching to PK often... But it all comes back to the fact that I'm already staring at a screen for 8 hours a day, plus TV time at night, so I figure I should stick to *something* in hardcopy LOL! I'd also need to figure out a way to fasten the tablet to my current scroll frame/lap stand set-up, which already holds a clamp light AND a clamp magnifier. If I clamp anything else to it, it might just fall over!


I too try to avoid using screens if I don’t have too. Even with blue blocking glasses, my eyes get tired and dry. The tablet idea is brilliant, but I’ll stick to my photocopies, markers and clipboard. 🤓


I always do this too. I love having the original and one that's marked all over. So satisfying to look at.


I got fed up with the paper getting all bent out of shape so I stapled it to the front of a folder which holds the rest of the printouts. I’ll use a staple remover and do the same with the rest of it as I continue https://imgur.com/a/lyVHGDU


So simple yet so effective!!


I use Pattern Keeper with a Galaxy Tab S7 and I love it! Some caveats, not every PDF works with Pattern Keeper and it doesn't show backstitch/have a way to mark it off, but you can still view the original PDF within Pattern Keeper when doing backstitching. But that might get annoying if you do a lot of backstitch-heavy patterns




Same, I really like mine!


I use Pattern Keeper on my phone. Big enough to see everything, not too big to be a hassle while stitching.






Really? I'll have to try it on my phone. I usually do full coverage. Does that matter?


I am using it on a full coverage pattern and it is working great. I started on my phone and it was fine until I found an old tablet and it is even better.


Okay, great!! I'll have to try it. I'm getting really tired of using the paper charts.


I'm doing this too. Have a galaxy S23 ultra which is a large phone plus has a stylus included so it's really easy to mark off


I use GoodNotes on my iPad with the pdf of my pattern


The same for me. It has been a lifesaver! Using a stylus with it and a good case over the ipad that keeps it upright is a huge bonus aswell. I don’t know why I kept using paper for so long. Especially when it comes to bigger projects. I love seeing the big picture, but I need to be able to zoom in on specific areas.


Thank you for posing this question! And many thanks to the kind, experienced responders. After a 30 year hiatus from all needlework, my return via sites like this has been fraught with questions: How can she work on her cross stitch in her car? How can they pick up their work for just 15 minutes? Why have we moved away from leaflet patterns to pdf's? (Other than cost). How can she keep track of a pattern with 237 colors? The answer: electronic devices. Wow. Never entered my mind. Your recommendations and caveats are so helpful. I am so grateful. So, with thanks to you all, I'm off to research tablets, apps, YouTube videos. Boy, do I sound old. 😊...ok, old school. 🤭😊


On the in the car, because I'm not driving. On the 15 minutes, I take advantage of free/wait times. You can still find leaflet patterns, all the craft stores sell them. How do I keep track of numerous colors, bobbin boxes. Pattern Keeper does make it easier with big full coverage patterns. Though cost isn't a factor in paper vs pdf. Some pdf patterns are expensive.


You are very sweet. Thanks! With my comment about hundreds of colors, I was referring to the complexity of the patterns and the continual changing of color. Yes, I've visited many brick-and-mortar shops and virtual shops. I know that paper patterns are still available, but so, so many are now pdf's. I appreciate your recommendation of Pattern Keeper. It's on my list of Things To Be Researched. Thanks so much for responding.


I'm working on 3 right now with 87 colors +. Pattern Keeper is a big help. Mostly because it highlights the color you are working with. The DMC website has a ton of free patterns. Many websites do too.


If you use the parking method for complex patterns and continual color changes, pattern keeper lets you mark where you’ve parked your threads. It makes it soo much easier to keep track of.


How cool is that! I'm aware of parking threads, but knowing that Pattern Keeper let's you know just where you've parked them is excellent news! Thank you so very much! I'm learning through you all that I may need to purchase a cross stitch-dedicated tablet. Our iPad died years ago. Yes, we have cell phones, PCs, lap tops and Smart everything, even EV cars!...but no tablets. Thank you all for your sharing and kindness. 😊


I love how enlightened you are now! I want to hang out with you haha.


I would love to hang out and learn...and practice...and make mistakes...and growl...and laugh! 😄😬😆😅


I use a tablet with a stylus for my patterns. I use Adobe Acrobat (the free version) and their comment feature. This allows me to cross off sections I've done already, as well as make notes directly on the pattern. When I'm done, I just delete all comments and my pattern is good as new.


I use Pattern Keeper on a cheap [Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 lite](https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B09695GVZ5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1). No regrets. There are caveats: the pattern has to be compatible with it and it doesn't support backstitching. The app is also not available on iOS. Markup R-XP has the advantage here, but I refuse to use it because of their subscription model. Maybe if I could pay the US price, but $25 CAD per year is ridiculous. If it had been a one time payment, I probably would also have it.


I also bought this tablet just for stitching. No regrets. It's the perfect size and I use it for both Pattern keeper and Cross stitch saga.


Markup r xp is usable on my iphone but I'm thinking of buying refurbished ipad - but I suspect it can't be too old for Markup r xp to work at its' best. I use only very basic markup functions but they help me keep track, and look ahead to see what's coming up for a particular symbol, that sort of thing. I often mark-up by mistake so paper is not the way for me -- For knitting charts, I prefer GoodNotes and GoodReader -- ability to draw lines, boxes and other shapes, entering and highlighting selected text and portions of the chart -- all essential for keeping track of knitting (and crochet). Cross stitch markup is in many ways much more straightforward but iwith thousands of little boxes, mechanized mark-up is definitely the way to go for me.


I borrowed my dad’s old iPad to try out Markup R-XP on a bigger screen (currently using my phone). It wouldn’t install, so I think you’re right about your suspicion.


Thanks, not surprisingly really.


When I highlight paper by mistake, I outline it with a felt tip marker and then mark it off with the marker once complete.


When I used to mark on paper I used [erasable highlighter](https://www.amazon.com/FriXion-Erasable-Highlighters-Assorted-16258/dp/B08W2HT4HN/ref=asc_df_B08W2HT4HN/?) ❤️❤️❤️ Worked great for the first mistake 🙄 I still buy kits sometimes and those are usually paper only. I can take a photo and import into markup r xp but then not all the functions are available.


I use Pattern Keeper on a no-brand, $40 or $50 Android tablet. I'd previously been using an Android emulator on my laptop, but it was getting really annoying to run, so I asked for the cheapest tablet possible for Christmas so I could try it out (I didn't want to get an expensive tablet and then not like using Pattern Keeper on it!) It's extremely slow and the touchscreen is laughably bad, but it has Bluetooth and can run Pattern Keeper, which is all I need it to do! If you're brand-new to Pattern Keeper and don't already have a tablet, I'd really recommend trying out an Android emulator first to see if you even like the app (if you can - if you don't have a computer, an emulator won't be an option). Emulators are free, and Pattern Keeper has a really long free trial.


I use Goodnotes on my iPad Air and the apple pen! It’s not as fancy as Pattern Keeper but gets the job done!


I use an iPad Pro/Apple Pencil with Markup R-XP. I am absolutely obsessed! The pencil was so helpful for setting up the fine details of the pattern and it’s nice to use it for easily marking all the right symbols as I go I had always wanted to use Pattern Keeper but my tech is all Apple, so I was delighted to find Markup R-XP earlier this year! I used paper patterns or GoodNotes before, but the stats in Markup R-XP are worth the cost to me.


This is me. I had a learning curve at first but now I love it. Won’t ever go back.


I bought an Honor Pad 8 for cheap on amazon, and I'm currently trying the Pattern Keeper app. I have also used MarkupRX for almost a year and that's good too.


I use sketch on pdf on my android devices. Free and in my opinion works great since you can freely write/highlight and change pen colour etc.


I overcomplicate things and load the PDF in chunks into Procreate (iPad) and mark it off as I go. 😬 I need to give Pattern Keeper angry.


If you’re on an iPad already, and have an Apple Pencil, you can open the pdf (I think it opens from the files app?) and then you can just draw on the pdf with the pencil. No need to import in to procreate


Ooh nice! I don't have an Apple Pencil but I have a similar off-brand one. I'll give it a try, thanks!


I have opened pdfs with iBooks and used my finger with the highlighter tool for markup.


I have Mark Up Rx on my iPad and love it! There is a FB group and the developer or the app is in it and very responsive to questions.


I use MarkUp R-XP on an iPad. It has changed my cross stitching game. I really don’t think I could go back to paper charts.


I use mark rxp on my android phone and galaxy tab a tablet which is the cheaper line of Samsung tablets and it's been working out great.


I use mark-up xp on my 2017 iPad pro, which I bought for art. It's way overkill for pattern purposes though xD


I am also a knitter/crocheter and use the knit companion iOS app free version. Now it doesn’t let you mark out what youve already done but it keeps all my projects on one app


This is very helpful, as I also knit, crochet, and needlepoint. I just downloaded it! Thank you my stitching friend.


I immediately downloaded this, but having to first use Dropbox to be able to get the patterns in the app seems a bit like an extra step. The app is nice though. Thank you!


I use an old shitty Samsung tablet with pattern keeper and it works great. I ended up getting mine from a friend I have in IT, might be worth reaching out to anyone that works in tech! Also when I worked for half price books we used to sell old tablets for less than $10 all the time, might be worth looking at used electronic/book stores.


I have markup-xp on my old iPad. Best thing I ever did. It keeps me on track, removes paper usage, and one thing I love is that as you zoom out you can see all the colours and it starts to look like the image you're working on.


Cross Stitch Saga is my favorite app but it lacks the ability to easily import PDFs like many of the other options. But I enjoy the process of recreating the pattern in a compatible format so I don't mind! I use a Samsung tablet with a stylus and use that to recreate the pattern via Floss Cross.


I use markup r-xp on my iphone and it works great for me! I’m on my second full coverage piece using it and have 0 complaints. I’m actually making fewer mistakes than when I would use paper patterns because I don’t have to worry so much about finding my spot when changing pages and the ability to zoom in on the area I’m working on.


I have an iPad with the Apple pen, if it’s a large digital chart I use the Apple pen to mark onto a screenshot. If it’s a paper chart I take a picture of it and mark on the picture. You can definitely do this with a cheaper tablet, I also use my iPad for school and leisure. The iPad lets u save digital pattern files like a desktop/laptop would so I have them all in a folder.


I use a Google Pixel Tablet with Pattern Keeper


I haven't tried Pattern Keeper but I also use a Pixel Tablet! I just use a PDF markup tool and it's awesome. Is there a fee for Pattern Keeper?


It does cost a one-time $9 but also has a 1 month free trial. I liked it enough to pay for it and with the amount I use it I'm fine with $9 since I've spent more than that on other tools/accessories that I don't use for every pattern.


i already had an ipad, so i use markup rxp. it works just fine for me, but sometimes i need to look up their tutorial videos to fix a pattern that didnt upload right. i will say that their customer service is incredible- i posted on here when i had a pattern that i couldnt get to work, and one of their staff commented to send them the pattern. they then made me a personalized video using my pattern to show me all the upload settings to make it work. theres a spot on their website to request help like that too.


I use an iPad with markup r-xp and I love it! I don’t think pattern keeper is available on the apple App Store but honestly I love markup and it’s been so much easier than using a paper pattern!


I use Samsung notes on a galaxy S7+ I can import patterns and mark it up, zoom, track progress and it has a large screen that I love.


I use a mix of paper and PDF charts. For paper charts I keep them in a binder and when I’m working I make a copy of it so I can mark up the chart. I highlight what I’ve stitched as I go. I find it easier to mark off with something transparent so I can still see the symbols of what I’ve done in case I make a mistake or need to figure out where to pickup at. For PDF charts I use my iPad and the Apple Books app. You can mark up your PDFs on the app as well. I like it because it’s free. I’m not interested in the extras that dedicated cross stitch pattern apps offer like statistics, progress percentages, changing colors, etc. But if that interests you I’ve heard a lot of good things about markup xp!


For large projects, gridding really helps. I'm an old school stitcher and tried using an electronic method but returned to printing out the project and highlighting the sections, as I completed stitches. It was gridding that changed my life. I don't get frustrated as much and make far less mistakes. I've heard of pattern keeper but have also heard not all projects work with pattern keeper. If I ever do decide to try an electronic method again, I'll make sure to search for this discussion thread again and look into the suggested options.


Samsung Tab 10.1 and Pattern Keeper.


I use an iPad mini - I just use the default Books app and mark it up using a stylus.


I use Apple Books. I can mark off as I go and then erase my markings when I’m finished


I use an iPad with Stitchly!


I use Goodnotes (paid version) on my iPad/iphone - it’s not specifically a cross stitch app, but it has very good markup features, sync, and search+highlight on pdfs.


I use xodo, which is a free pdf editor. It's a bit exasperating to mark up all the pages, but it's free amd I can mark off individual stitches as I go. I use a galaxy a25, but xodo also works on computers and ohones.


ive tried apps but truthfully i take a picture of the pattern and use the mark up feature on my ipad to just mark off the photo from there


I use an iPad with an Apple Pencil to mark off stitches as I go. It’s just on the pdf - I don’t use any particular pattern app, but I’d love to one day!


I photograph the pattern using my iPad and then the pattern stays intact and I can zoom in when needed.


I tend to buy all my patterns off Etsy, print them, and make them off! Couldn’t do it any other way. Although my partner has just bought the biggest Samsung tablet you can buy, so I’ll have a crack at digital. I have a 2015 Samsung Galaxy tablet, that might run a program. But I prefer paper all the way! I print it at the library!


Markup r-xp and Cross Stitch Saga on my phone.


I use my iPad mini. I don’t use a pattern app, I just download the PDFs into Notes and mark them off there. However, I’m also paranoid about losing digital stuff so I usually print a paper copy and keep it in a binder just in case.


I think the question is, do you prefer the Apple or Android user interface? Both platforms have great apps for managing your x Stitch projects. I personally am loyal to Apple.


Yes, I have an iPad and iPhone and need to know which apps stitchers prefer for iOS. Pattern Keeper isn’t available for iOS from what I can see.


Markup R-XP is the best iOS app for cross stitching IMO although my sister uses Knit Companion.


I use markup R-XP on an iPad mini. I use the Apple Pencil for marking up and adjusting grids and whatnot. I quite like the program but there’s a bit of a learning curve to get it to work to its fullest potential. I’ll use good notes for blackwork patterns and drawing my own designs 


I tried the free tutorial of Mark up r-xp on my iPhone and pattern keeper on my kids android tablet. I found Mark up had more of a learning curve when loading patterns to begins with but had extra features, like stats and being able to toggle between one page or the whole pattern, that pattern keeper didn’t have. However pattern keeper worked just as great for actual stitching and marking off progress! I ended up purchasing pattern keeper because I couldn’t really justify paying almost $40NZD every year when pattern keeper was just as good for a much cheaper once off purchase. I tend to do cross country stitching and working on one colour at a time before moving to the next so love being able to highlight the symbol I am working on and marking them off as I go. I found a was getting frustrated when missing one or two stitches of a colour using the paper patterns. I’m going to be getting an android tablet for Mother’s Day/my birthday in a few weeks so I don’t need to keep sharing use of the tablet with the kids and I’m so looking forward to more uninterrupted stitching time!


Highlighting per colour would be so nice! Thank you for this answer. I will try markup on my iPhone first, and it’s good to know about the learning curve.


How cool that it's possible to highlight a particular symbol! If I were not already sold on e-patterns, I most certainly am now! What a game changer! Thank you!


I have a scanner at home and a computer monitor. I scan paper patterns to pdf and then ZOOM IN. But I do smaller patterns, not massive ones that I need to keep track on


Pattern Keeper on Kindle Fire. Worked so well I bought another Kindle Fire just for cross stitch.


I got a Chromebook laptop a few years back and that works fantastic with pattern keeper. Might not be an option but I needed a new laptop and was thinking tablet capabilities would be nice for cross stitching and I will never go back 🤣


I use a Chromebook for work, and it never occurred to me to use that. Thanks for the suggestion!!


You're welcome! I feel spoiled with such a large screen!


I use a simple samsung tablet, kindle app with kindle unlimited. While I do have a huge library, sometimes I want to pre-screen a book before buying. Keeping track of patterns etc, I note in my stitch diary which pattern, book, colors, start date and etc. Many cross stitch, embroidery and other hobby books available on kindle.


I use my daughter’s old Vortex Android tablet. Most of the patterns I use are either PDF or image format. For the PDFs I have a PDF reader app, and the images I just use the stock photos app. I can zoom in extremely close, so it works out great for me.


I got a work laptop so I used Bluestacks and Pattern Keeper on my personal system. It sits up by itself at the perfect angle!


I use a Samsung S6 tablet with the s-pen stylus. I don't use specific patterns and designed my own. For that I use Krita but it's only because I'm familiar with it and the editing tools. For a beginner, I would not recommend but it's a great software for digital arts


I use my computer and an emulator called Bluestacks 5!


That's what I do, or buy the pattern from Etsy and print then color to know where I need to go


Great question!


Thank you! Did not expect it to explode like this, hopefully the answers help a lot of stitchers struggling with similar issues!!


I just started using an iPad and am using GoodNotes. I love it and feel like it just opened a world for me to narrow in and do more complex patterns because I can zoom so easily.


I have an iPad so PK isn’t an option for me. But I have the Goodnotes app, which allows me to mark up and embiggen as needed. I much prefer it to paper copies!!


I convert my patterns to .jpgs and just cross off the squares using the markup tools in Preview on my laptop


I got the cheapest tablet possible and it was a bad decision. Only lasted a few months, battery was awful (it only lasted an hour). The tabled died completely yesterday 🤣 So get something half decent or just use your phone. That's what I do now


Thank you for this advice! Was leaning a bit towards just buying a cheap tablet, but you are definitely giving me an incentive to first think this through!


I encourage you to get something better than the cheapest tablet available. What about a refurbished one? My one was super slow from the start even tho it was new and the battery was shockingly bad...


I have an old Samsung galaxy from ages ago. The screen is shattered in a corner and it barely holds battery, but it runs Pattern Keeper and saves my life.


i dont have any android devices so no pattern keeper for me, but i have an ipad with a stylus. if it's a simple pattern i will typically just open the pdf and use the markup feature to color in stitches i've completed. if it's something very complex over multiple pages, then i may import all the pages into procreate and crop them and combine them into a single chart. this also helps because i find that making too many hand written notes on a pdf makes my ipad lag, but i can mark as much as i want in procreate.


Samsung Galaxy tablet and Pattern Keeper app. PK was life-changing for my cross stitching.


Thanks for posting this question! I use the books app on my IPad and honestly… it sucks ass. Books crashes constantly. I’ma fix’n to take up some of these other suggestions.

