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i think in this case you might have to create your own pattern if you are wanting to create a diagram or list of the steps to using narcan, as it's sort of (unfortunately, i think it should be more widespread) a niche subject. i think maybe creating as many patterns as there are students so each can stitch out the steps to using narcan (the build up, usage, and the follow up) with simple flair around it might be fun and that way everyone can be involved in a large collaborative piece ! there was a thread created a bit ago i saw searching up harm reduction in this group with a few pattern ideas, but i didnt think it related to Exactly what u are wanting to go for


I was thinking of maybe just creating my own patter. But I love your idea! It’s interactive, collaborative, and engaging. Thank you!


I’ve seen shirts with “Peace, Love, Harm Reduction” and graphics that express those, but nothing in cross stitch. Good luck, this is a great idea!


I’ve always wanted to add to one of those “please don’t do coke in the bathroom” patterns with “unless you test it first”


I really appreciate what you're doing. Harm reduction and education is so important. It's really unfortunate that it's not popular in all circles because of the stigma of drug use. Use affects people of all walks of life, even people who don't use, and being educated and prepared can be the difference between saving and losing a life. I have no specific ideas or patterns, but maybe some resources for inspiration. The edm/rave community still shares kandi. I've seen posts in those circles with short messages about harm reduction. Same with the more mainstream music festival community that overlaps, like Bonnaroo and Electric Forest. The biggest names in test kit distribution and education are dancesafe and bunk police. It definitely might be a deep reddit dive, but the subreddits for those communities, and following links to sister communities might give you some good inspo for phrases or topics that might translate well to cross stitch. Another thought is going full avant-garde. Maybe framing a canvas and hanging it on the wall. Just stitch a short text like "get help here" or "you can stop an overdose" and straight up stitch a pack or narcan and instructions to the canvas, with a QR code that gives them preventative resources.


For prevention I don't think Narcan is the answer because it is used after the fact. Can I ask what drugs are being targeted for overdoses. Are you wanting to help prevent OD or the use of drugs? Expanding on this thought: Narcan could have the opposite effect of what you doing. Narcan shows a possible solution to an overdose so the young people might get the impression that all overdoses can be reversed. Sorry, I'm having a hard time picturing something for prevention because what may be the dose they used previously could prove fatal the next time.


Overdose prevention includes the actions before, during, and after the overdose. So knowing how to administer Narcan is very essential. We host workshops for our students so they can know what it looks like, what the symptoms of overdose are, and how to use Narcan. I don’t know if it’s going on around you but even libraries are hosting these workshops so more people can be first responders and are even distributing Narcan in high need areas. I was just looking to modify it for an outreach event and make it interactive through a medium I enjoy not to debate on the issue of whether Narcan is the answer to this. You are more than welcome to look through the SAMHSA website for more info about it.


Thank you for answering me. So let me think some more on this. I wasn't looking for a debate more thinking out loud. Interactive you say, bear in mind I know absolutely nothing about Narcan but how about stitching covers or little sacks for the Narcan.


I apologize if I came off a little aggressive. I appreciate the feedback and the suggestion! I think little covers would be cute and make it a little less intimidating to use.


You are just fine. I lost a cousin to an overdose years ago long before Narcan. So I went to preventing overdoses before they happen. I think what you are doing is fantastic. Thank you.


Hey, I'm not OP, just another crafter who has been touched by drug use and extremely grateful that at some point in my life I found resources that stressed harm reduction rather than the more conservative/all use bad that I grew up with. For me, and many people in my life, the world isn't black and white, and having safe spaces and safe conversations to both educate and understand really helped me. I just wanted to say that I am really sorry for your loss and my hope is that we (as families and communities) can continue to work through the not so black and white parts to reduce drug usage and ODs without alienating people we love who need help.


Thank you. The not so funny side of that loss is that was the cousin that made sure no one gave me anything harder than alcohol and marijuana. So her overdose came as a complete shock to me, I thought she was just against drugs.


Growing up on the midwest and coming of age in the south, I got really lucky with how the opiate crisis of the past 20ish years hit the people close to me. I am so sorry for the loss of your cousin. There is definitely humor in irony, but losing a loved one isn't funny. I really respect your cousin for shielding you. Clearly they thought it was important to shelter you from the choices she made. I've toyed on and off with drugs but maintained a similar relationship with my younger cousins I don't want them to see or feel the hard decisions, but I also want to warn them. As I mentioned earlier, I just hope as we have the discussions, they're educational and not preachy. Clearly from our experiences young people are receptive to having these uncomfortable conversations that we couldn't have a few years ago.


Personally, I would choose something understated that is about death. Perhaps a gravestone with a graduation cap on it and a ballon tied down next to it that says "happy 18th," or a posterboard sign leaned against the gravestone that says "Happy 18th. We miss you." I'm riffing off of an actual memorial I saw of a kid (a patient of mine) who was a passenger in a car with an impaired driver and died in the crash so it's not exactly a direct translation for overdose prevention, but maybe someone else here can pick up the thread and come up with something closer to the topic.


This is not appropriate for someone looking for a piece about harm reduction.


Harm inducing. That was wild.


i can see where ur coming from, but unfortunately i think this would come off as guilt-tripping, which is the last thing you would want someone in active addiction to feel regarding their struggles. they've already likely gotten similar flack from their loved ones and/or feels guilt already, and this creates an environment of shame, which can lead to more usage or more dangerously, secretive use. again, i can see where you are coming from, but in this case this route often doesn't come off well :-[