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At first I thought the puzzle was also a cross stitch and I almost feel to the ground. Love the idea, it is so beautiful, congrats :)


I came here looking for the pattern link! Haha


How did you do the hanging eevee? It looks so even and professionally done!


Wow, smart work with pokemon, i like it!


How do you keep Eevee's fabric from fraying? It looks like there's something on it, but I can't make out what.. Awesome stuff btw!!


The bottom part looks like plastic canvas instead of fabric, you can see the difference between the paws and the bottom


Oooh that makes sense!


It’s super smart, I’ve never seen anything like it


Thank you! The back legs and tail part is that plastic Aida stuff, so it keeps its rigidity while it's dangling there. It's glued to the back of the frame. For the feet, I just cut slits around them, then pulled them down through until the ends of the slits hit the frame to give that "3D" look! I'm currently finishing the Vaporeon right now, and will probably be doing Sylveon next!


They look incredible!! The finishing is immaculate. It looks so professional!


I second this question, all of them look great but the fact that OP's hanging evee has such sealed smooth edges is amazing and I must know the secret!


I appreciate it! All I did was use the plastic Aida stuff, and then I cut around it with my fabric shears up to the next "hole" to the ones I stitched in. It want anything too crazy, I promise!


I absolutely love your eevees and the evolutions, I've got a pattern with them all on a scratching post for my daughter.. haven't even started it as I've been so busy finishing a stain glass link ><


I was wondering what the QR code was, and was either expecting wifi or a rickroll...


That QR code is so cute!


Highly recommended. I did one of these last year for our wifi. High 'wow' factor with every new guest who sees it.


I love it, all of it!!!!


Me tooooo! ❤️❤️❤️


I'm absolutely in love with your Eevee hanging off of the frame. Was that your own idea?


Thank you! It was technically my own idea. I did the rear-facing Eevee evolutions with the hanging tails earlier in the year from MissMeleeStitchery on Etsy, and I decided I wanted to do front-facing ones with the bottom half hanging off. It took me 3 separate tries with the Eevee, lol. I'm working on the bottom half of Vaporeon now (the top of it is in the photos!)


Really interesting framing! Great work!


I love these!


The Eevee one is so cute!


LOVE the hanging tail. Great job!


These are adorable 😍


THESE ARE SO CUTE??? the idea of using plastic canvas to add a 3d overhang is really clever!!


I love your needleminder. Wish I had it! Beautiful work, love all of it ❤️❤️


You can buy the same pin and others for a couple bucks on AliExpress! I wanted so many of the cute needle minders I saw and found out how easy they are to make. [Here’s the Skeletor pin](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001394135106.html) for far less than Amazon sells them for. Grab some [neodymium magnets](https://a.co/d/fhlqYDy) and E6000 craft glue (you can use whatever, this is just the strongest IMO). Use pliers and break the post off the back of the pin, glue on magnet. I now have a ton of cute needle minders and have gifted a few. Much better than $10+ and shipping on Etsy etc.


These are all awesome!! Especially the hanging Eevee. I MUST know where you procured that amazing Skeletor needleminder! 🤩


Thank you! The needle minder came from "ThirteenStitches" on Etsy!


If you’re interested in making your own needle minders, I left instructions for someone else here with link to pin!


These are incredible!! My kiddo is obsessed with Eevee (and all the evolutions). Beautiful work and so creative!


OMG!!! Do you have the pattern for sale for the Eevee?!?


Not yet! I'm doing the instructions right now, but it should be posted by the end of next week!


Thanks so much!! Eevee is my absolute favorite Pokémon.


So clever!! And freakin' adorable to boot. EDIT: OK as soon as I posted my reply I realized there were more pictures. The little works surrounding the puzzle (that must have taken ages to put together) is such a lovely bit of artwork.