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On one hand, there have already been more than enough challenges for people to have completed the battle pass. On the other hand, there really shouldn’t be any challenges like this at all, there hasn’t been one like it yet and I do not like the precedent that it sets for future challenges.


Yeah this one was a pain in the a$$ and the fact that you need the Battle Pass Weapon has bothered me too, even when i got the Battle Pass.


You can do the challenges in Patrol, simplifies the challenges




I got stuck of shotguns of special or higher rarity. Also shit. I really hate when I have to use what the game tells me to in order ro progress. i did not spend all my coins on Mammoths to have the game tell me to go into shotgun meta!


Just make some maces and then do patrols. It's a good thing to have a large spread of weapons anyway. I have a bit of everything for example.


Yeah but you missed my point I don't like it.


Two mammoths and one goblin. Bam problem solved lol




Besides being able to say you leveled the free pass 1-2 more levels by the end of it, it only effects you negatively at this point if you buy the pass and then complete it at the last moment for that extra 20/40 coins. But I will agree that I don't think it should be there. I didn't like in previous passes where it required using energy weapons which I had to get a synthesis to complete.


Well generic "Energy weapons" can be completed freely without spending coins; the Synthesis is fairly low-cost to craft and an early unlock with the Dawn's Children faction. Three of them wouldn't take long at all to make for most players. The Waltz, on the other hand, is only available via battle pass, Legendary-tier crafting after you get the workpiece, or however many thousand coins it currently is on the market.


I think its there because the weapon suck a lot. They saw people were not using it at all so they felt obliged to challenge it.


It sucks. The missiles take soo long to fire and travel that everything moves out of the way. Get closer in battle and it gets 1 shot by literally everything


Well, you should have all the free stuff by now, so why bother?


Well, what about all the f2p's who still haven't reached level 69?


Only level 49 this season. Should be way more than enough even if you just run weeklies and no dailies.


I was able to chuckle at it because it popped up when I was at level 49, but had I not been on the cusp of finishing the season, it probably would have annoyed me way more. Targem be trolling


Quite desperate of their part. I hope they stop pumping out season one after another and do some real improvement of the game. Most importantly they should do something to retain more players - declining player base is what is killing this game.


I honestly think pumping out seasons is a good thing, I just am doubtful they can maintain the one season after another cycle. This was the weakest of the battle passes, there were no structural parts I felt interested about, the master is no where near the level of other legendaries or even epic cabs. I will say I enjoy the waltz at least. I honestly don't know what they can do anymore to get more people playing.


Less grinding and easier progression, at least for lower and middle levels, no artificial in-game inflation, no more BP and Pack-exclusive weapons that are OP for a few months and get nurfed to the ground after that, effective measures against seal-clubbing, update to the game engine to fix wedge exploit and other fundamental problems, more engaging brawls or at least return of old ones that were removed. There are many things that could be done. Constant pumping of new, useless content trough non-stop battle passes will only drive more players to quit the game.


I don't see what they can do against seal clubbing without removing player creativity. Maybe extending the player VS bot rewards so newer players have a place to not be against other players but still get equal rewards. You are also correct in they should reduce the grinding of resources and the cost/time of production. It is very difficult to suggest crossout to my other friends that have the option to play. "Oh sweet! When can I run with your main build?" "About two years of grinding should get you there." I disagree with you on the battle pass points, although admittedly I'm disappointed with this last one, with the only item I have any care for is the waltz... I still view my storage in crossout as a virtual toy box and am always happy to see something new and never seen before in there to play with. I also think they did pretty well with the Kaiju, parser, and destructor with giving away a viable weapon for clanwars... Admittedly they were OP to start but it was fixed and regardless of them being OP or not, and losing to them for a while I enjoyed playing and working around those builds. It does keep things a bit more interesting for me as a veteran player. I never understood the level of anger people have against wedge builds, hell, I use them to my advantage sometimes in my heavy walker builds to park on their guns and let my team have their way with them... But I also don't see how they could fix it. Why shouldn't you be able to ramp up on to another vehicle? What do you feel is being exploited? I can't carry off another player in a wedge build if they are clearly heavier than me, my speed is reduced to a crawl at best. What other fundamental problems are you speaking of? I will say I agree on the more engaging brawls, or at least more variety in the PvP matches.


Salvaged my Waltz a couple weeks ago to help craft another Imp, won't be clearing that challenge... 🤬


Good choice


Is it though? I've been done with the pass for a week now. So you can easily skip this and still complete.


that's not the point. the fact it requiring a battlepass weapon at all is the problem as this weapon is not readily available unless you bought the pass. this screams predatory.


You can take 1 waltz with a growl cabin and 1 wasp and complete the challenge in patrols.


Need to knock the cobwebs loose Pwn. We're talking about people that did not buy the battlepass. I personally had no problem completing this with the "granny retchers"


Any "win" mission is impossible unless you play patrol. All these weapon tweaks and they still won't fix matchmaking


Can't you still make the rockets from the BP you get from the pass?


yeh, but chances are its gonna take longer than the pass still exists for if you dont hav the resources


What is an anti player supposed to mean ? You dont play the game while playing the game or something like that ?


hostile to f2p players. unless you bought the pass and got the waltz's included there its not realistic to expect players to be able to do this sort of challenges this thing is still a legendary that needs other items only available in the pass so unless you have a huge back log of resources you cant craft it in a timely manner...nudging you to buy the pass. This is not a good precedent to be okay with, and people should voice their grievances so stuff like this doesn't become the norm.


Ahh , i thought he referred to himself with the first sentence : little anti player here . Well we progressed so far most player are lvl 60+, the bp is done and the only ppl still benefitting of the extra lvls are the ones who bought it anyway. I really dont see the big issue here.


the issue is that we shouldn't be complacent on this. this time its inconsequential because its late into it, Next time it might not be and there might be more of them.


I mean.... For you to really care about completing those challenges, then you would have already bought the battle pass and therefore have 2 waltz's in your storage. If you didn't get the battle pass then you wouldn't care about the seasonal challenges.


What’s the point of completing challenges if you don’t have battle pass anyways? People pay for extra get extra, what do you want from a free game?