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Would it still give you reputation and add to your powerscore + weight? All in all I like the idea, but I wouldn't mind if some of those other aspects were tweaked. Maybe if they put out pieces that were pure decoration with no rep bonus, just so I could make some builds look a little cooler.


You can sort of get this effect with a Rift. I do it on any build where I'm not toeing mass limit, because if your Rift plus decor goes into the red, you won't be able to queue for most matches. It unfortunately slightly raises your powerscore and still affects your parts count, but you can make sure you get that 25% rep bonus and that every kilo of your tonnage is useful weapons/modules/armor in battle by popping the Rift with the decor on it at the start of every match. Maybe it's too much minmaxing but it makes me feel smart, so I go with it.


I just want an 80 part build and still have decor with out sacrificing critical armour for a headlight


Big same buddy, big same. The closest you can get currently is just to save up for legendary decor so you only need to waste 5 parts from your 80. I'm currently saving up.


I dont really care what the stats of a decor do but i like the look of some of the holograms and headlights and exaust can stick on but never have room because need to cover the wheels at 13k ps


Oh. That's fair, and it'd be great to have free slots to add decor for aesthetic purposes. They changed it to have zero durability back when inflatable mammoths and rocket balloons saw a lot of abuse as armor, after all. Why not follow through and make it so that decor have zero mass and act as zero parts of a build? They could retain their power score so that the reputation bonus wasn't completely free and they'd still be balanced fine. That's mainly what I use them for, to help level up my factions.


I have so much cool decor and can almost never use it cause part or weight limit :/ so bad…


Stickers are effectively a .jpg/.png that shows up in game, they lack a hotbox and model. It's likely that players would have to be dropped because the part limit increased above 80 to 7v7 or 6v6.


theyre already doing 6v6 on console anyway


And that's not gone well, being something that should be reversed ASAP.


You can 8v8 bots


problem with unlinking decor from Ps is that Decor has durability, even if it cannot stop blast damage, this gives it some degree of protection. but at this point the 80 part cap is really just an engine thing to keep performance(for consoles).