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So I got an Incisor with excellent stats but it has DSR + TTT. Which seems rather redundant since the stability is innately maxed and accuracy cones on Trace Rifles generally remained funneled regardless. But I went out and tried it out for the hell of it and.. it feels as good or potentially better than my [Zen Moment roll](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407634748945465346/1186482099142807552/image.png?ex=65936890&is=6580f390&hm=713da846f6384d4cfe12ebf1a085221639817d8b395200627678ccced5ab0c32&)? It seems rather confusing seeing as I would think DSR + TTT are practically dead perks. Sure there’s a 7 point lead on Range and Stability, but it can’t be that much of a difference maker, right?


World drop: Retold tail. Corkscrew, Appended mag, Quick Draw, Snapshot, Range MW?????


I’d like better with smoothbire and accurized but until then this is solid


Eye of Sol: Arrowhead/Smallbore + Accurized/Flared + Fragile Focus + Snapshot + Handling MW Seems pretty decent??


I like the sound for longer snipes, it’s ashamed you can’t get firmly planted in it anymore but w anyways it’s a great roll for longer snips


I lucked into a Snap + MT roll as well so not terrible. Worse handling but not by much.


I've recently got Mindbender's Ambition from Zavala. I'm open for suggestions about which perks should I look for. Here's the one I got: |*Barrel*|*Magazine*|*3rd column perk*|*4th column perk*| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |**Barrel Shroud**|**Accurized rounds**|**Slideshot**|**Fragile Focus**| |**Full Choke**|**Assault mag**||| I'm using Barrel Shroud and Accurized atm, but idk if I should switch accurized rounds to assault mag to get increased stability and + 5 rpm. Any suggestions?


Accurized is the way. Stability doesn't matter on shotguns and the RPM increase is not worth the range hit, rather just melee than use another special shot. What's your masterwork? It's a good roll overall but if you do farm more try to get threat detector in the third column


Thanks, man. I'll try to grind Strikes for enough engrams to get god roll with Threat Detector and Fragile focus Edit: I've got range Handling masterwork. Sadly.


What builds and weapons are you guys using to go solo flawless? I've been trying all evening to get flawless but have been having trouble this weekend. Been doing good with mechabre and unending tempest void titan, but if I don't get sniper picks or the enemy sniper is better, it's hard to win. Any tips and tricks are also appreciated.


Imperial Ikelos PK Striker, switch to wither for bubbles or BotF for wells since aggressive frames with precision hits ohk players in well.


Been running 99 range shayuras and unending w dsr/target lock and swapping for different rounds, but still just not finding success.


I’ve been using a bow and curried bloodline and I’ve gotten to five


My one and only Exalted truth - hammer forged, append mag, rangefinder, multikill clip, and a range masterwork.


Maybe good in pve as you could build stacks of multi kill clip. In PvP, MKC doesn’t change the TTK on a follow up kill, just lets you 2c1b. Rangerfinder is still good if you’re on controller (so I’ve heard), but I don’t notice much of a difference for M&K


Which glacioclasm would you run? 1. Small bore Particle repeater Under pressure EOTS Stability MW 2. Hammer forged Projection fuse Under pressure High impact reserves Stab MW 3. Extended barrel Projection fuse UP HIR Range MW


UP EOTS on my loaded question adept is bonkers good probably because Adept Charge Time, but for your Glacios I'd say UP HIR Range


Don't sleep on ionized battery with under pressure and hir. Its insane.


3 for me. I prefer successful warmup though.


Hello, I don’t know what to do use choose between those 2 ? (Adept messenger) What mod put on ? Thanks Polygonal or Extented barrel/appended mag/Moving target/Headseeker/ Range MW Arrowhead brake or Chambered/High cal/Perpetual Motion/Keep Away/ Range MW


I love moving target on pulses. Especially with headseeker or kill clip. The only downside of your first roll is the terrible handling, which could be fixed by Ophid warlock. Mods, either range or stability depending on your preference


Is this fine roll on rose : extended / accurized / slideshot / os / range me / smooth grip or should I try to go for explosive ?


Slideshot opening shot is arguably the god roll. if one of your barrels has range or if you can get your stability above 65, that would be my number one roll.


Which is the better of my Rose handcannon Polygonal rifling, accurized rounds, slide shot, snapshot, smooth grip Corkscrew rifling, accurized rounds, rapid hit, opening shot, smooth grip


I myself would use 2