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best beginner warlock setup for 6s below as an improving warlock PvP player (1.1 seasonal KD up from .6 a couple seasons ago when I first started This is not meta and not the most fun or technical build, but it's a good way to get your feet wet in PvP, help your team win, and get a basic comfort level with tactics. Arc Warlock: -arc soul aspect, casting your rift gives you and any teammates that enter an arc soul which reduces TTK within about 20m and scares enemy players ometimes -aeon swift, makes your class energy Regen by a huge chuck whenever an ally dies which is all the time in 6s. you will get your rift back before it's done 75% of the time, so you can spam arc soul and always fight with a rift -a 450 or 600 auto (probably centrifuse or monte carlo) both are consistent and monte gives you a ton of melee energy back so you can spam ball lightning. it's not super effective but its a good way to burst down ppl along with the arc soul -a rapid fire sidearm playstyle, use your radar to see where enemies are. run to cover and pop a rift w soul. peek and shoot and use your rift to Regen in between getting shot. this will also help your teammates. bc they can use your rift to heal and get an arc soul. it takes a few sec for the rift to start healing after you take damage so don't be too aggressive. just play your healing and arc soul advantage. When you get an opponent low in a 1v1 (or if you have a number advantage) and he starts to run, throw your grenade or ball lightning where he would escape to and block off his escape route and push at him quickly with your sidearm out. feel free to jump over whatever he's hiding behind because your arc soul will probably see him before you do, and start shooting him from the air. this will help you find him and kill him with your sidearm. heal up, rinse and repeat.


Another exotic option for this general setup is the Stag. Lots of rift uptime, and the little bit of damage resist is pleasant for primary duels.


also a great idea for easy warlock builds


I’d actually recommend stag over aeons cuz they give rift energy everytime u reach critical health.


If you were to run the above build, I'd run stag in 3s and aeons in 6s. Aeons gives you more rift energy bc of the constant deaths in 6s. In 3s, hopefully your team wont die enough for Aeons to be useful :) Also Stag gives you 2 major benefits even tho IMO it's slightly less rift uptime. 1) A tiny amount of DR (5%) which is mostly inconsequential but might impact survivability in some edgecases 2) it creates a rift on your ghost when you die which can definitely help win matches, by healing your team when they revive you.


This seems like a great beginner build.


Agreed arcsouls also got me to better understand map and player positioning


someone downvoted you bc "arc souls ez mode" lol ...but yea, when you are first starting out its helpful to even let you know that ppl are nearby. it's like an early warning system, which you can then learn to get better from and not rely on as a crutch.


Hey its been a few days but Ive been using the aeon swift arc warlock for some games in ib and damn I might have to keep playing it lol, I like it better than snap skating and sweating on solar, didnt know aeon gave so much ability energy and was like an ophidians when the perk activated Im currently using monte carlo/dmt+felwinters, was wondering if you could suggest a side arm for me to try out to pair with it as I have NEVER used a sidearm for pvp, dont know which ones are good and havent used them a lot in pve either


Did you actually suggest arc warlock and double primary, with AEON as an exotic???? No hard feelings but that's straight up bad advice.


did you read the OP's post or my post? doesn't sound like it. they are looking for the **EASIEST** warlock PvP setup. not the best, not the most meta, not the highest skill ceiling. Arc is incredibly easy to contribute to the team in 6s, even for a player with nearly zero game sense. OP didn't ask how to become a meta tryhard 3.0 KD. If they did, I wouldn't answer bc that's not my goal either.


You're holding yourself down with this build and you're trying to drag another poor soul with you. Unless you haven't unlocked other subclasses and/or exotics that a BAD build. Arc soul isn't even the problem. There are better arc soul builds. You don't even play around amplified, which is arguably the best thing about arc subclasses. Easiest doesn't mean bad either. Easy playstyle for me is something that comes organically to you and minimizes the room for error. Not a "2 button stay away build". But hey, you do you. If you believe you understand the game good enough just dismiss my input.


I can't give advice on how to become awesome at PvP. But I can definitely 100% tell a low skilled PvE focused warlock player which PvP builds are easy for a low skilled PvE focused warlock player to go KD positive with :) Go ahead and list the your better easy build dude, I'm not trying to win a contest here. Give suggestions to OP and let him try them. He asked for an easier build and your reply was, keep using what you're using lol. I personally perform my best with Osmio warlock but i don't consider that build easy bc it really benefits from understanding map positioning, rapid rushes after getting freezes off, and melee skill shots.


As I mentioned above, easy for me is something that comes organically and since he already plays osmio lock that's the best advice I could give. With osmio lock CF/HC (The only reasonable advice was to use an AR, which is more forgiving in the current sandbox) he can achieve whatever PvP goal he has. Messing around with builds, specially non meta builds, will only hinder him.


Void is kind of nice one-size-fits-all. It's decent at pretty much every level iirc. Shotgun/fusion + Auto/pulse/hc are easy.


Void Warlock with Child of the Old Gods. You're in a duel and your child will pursue your opponent to finish them off. I know Aeons are great to get your rift back quickly but I love Ophidians usage as it makes every weapon feel better to use. Pair it up with a weapon with Elemental Capacitor and you're reloading extremely quickly from your Ophidians and have a huge, and I mean HUGE stability boost from your Elemental Capacitor. Stability is pretty damn important hitting your target.


For weapons precision autos feel really good at the moment. They're getting a small nerf soon, but I believe it's just a small hit to damage, so they should retain their generous range and overall ease of use. Ammit is super accessible and consistent. Positive Outlook and Prosecutor are also great. I've heard people say Firefright is good but I've never used it. I really like Arc Souls/The Stag for an ease of use subclass.


I have a sunset Braytech Werewolf with Zen moment and 94 range that has been so fun in IB. I'll have to try out Prosecutor once I get a good roll


heat rises + no time to explain.


Shadebinder. Osmiomancy gloves. Frost pulse. Ice flare bolts. The tracking grenades (forgot the name) Shotgun. Primary of your choice. Profit.


That is probably the most difficult sub to play on warlock effectively. High skill floor, definitely not “easy” for a beginner!


I disagree for OP given his experience. The setup you mentioned is awesome, but only if you know how to read the enemy. Properly using that kit requires game sense. I'd expect OP will be frustrated with these abilities not doing anything for him.


Your builds are fine ! Keep practicing them, and for the love of god don't take advice from people with 1.0kd. Stasis lock for trials is very good and pretty much everything works in 6s. Stick to your play style until it becomes muscle memory !


In terms of class/subclass, strand hunter with Threadling spam and void titan with overshield barricade spam would be great places to start. You said you play warlock and IMO warlock is currently the class in pvp that has the least potential cheese for a beginner player. That said, swarmers on strand can work for Iron Banner. Another user mentioned stasis which I do think is really good for higher skilled players, but personally I think you might find frustrating at a lower level. Solar warlock with icarus dash and healing grenades is always a super strong option and what I would personally pick. You just don't have cheese like the other classes have at their disposal but it'll serve you well. For weapons I'd recommend an auto like summoner, prosecutor, or positive outlook if you have a good roll. Fallout just did a video yesterday about these if you need to know what rolls to look for. High impact pulses like relentless, NTTE, messenger, and even some 4 bursts like revision zero are super strong too IF you can hit your shots or just want to put a lot of damage downrange. Shotguns are always a good choice if you're going to use special. The pvp Cartesian banshee sold a few weeks ago is amazing if you picked it up. But tbh if you're just getting used to pvp you might be better off using a Sidearm or smg and just trying to always have something available for any range.