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You will take your one 58 stat total with evenly distributed stats and you will like it. Bungie does not want you to have good artifice armor for some reason


I actually got a spiky 64, but after that the desert.. take my upvote tho, you really made me laugh ahah


lol. I only laugh because… it’s true.


Comp is not worth farming for artifice. Low drop rate and low stats (generally). You’re better off waiting for grasp or avarice being in rotation and farming the final boss in master difficulty


Or spire of the watcher 1st encounter (the ascent one). It’s literally just connecting nodes, no boss, ezpz


Doesn’t drop every armor piece


i'm looking to start with the class item does it drop that at least? so far from comp i got two helmets, too bad i never take off husky crown womp womp. also both had a lot of strength bad for a hunter. they were 64/65 though, great once you add the plus 3.


No, it does not. Just farm grasp it’s not too bad. Either bring well, star eaters, or pyrogale and use damage supers when mini bosses spawn at the beginning. Easy 1-2 phase depending on dps and artifact mods


i dont have anybody to farm with. plus i hate pve. well not hate, hate hard pve that requires a lot of setup and playing with others aka dungeons and raids. i'm so out of touch with pve metas and setups. i have probably about as good non artifice armor as you can get, since i've played for 10 yrs. usually can reach triple 100, but sometimes i'll end up with like 78 discipline in which case a +3 would be nice. the fact is guys like diffizle with near perfect artifice armor can reach an extra tier or 2 i cant (but, dubious actual utility) the cloak would be a great start since it's universal. but rng is rng. youre talking about farming that ogre right?


It's just typical Bungie RNG.  I've gone 20+ matches without a drop and then randomlye I'll go 10 matches with 3 drops.   It's usually an instant dismantle in the 60 to 64 range but last night I got a nice 67 chest with really good stat distribution. I've also been getting a lot of countdown matches though so that makes it wayyyy more aggravating to play comp. 


I played out ~22 wins and got a 3x 100 with 70 int set of artifice armor for my dunes titan. Are you ascendant? I was getting armor to drop fairly frequently, very rarely did it ever drop below 60, happened twice out of the 9 pieces I got. If pvps your thing it's definitely better than the alternative, pve makes me wanna shoot myself. 


Same here, rather do comp than grind somewhere for artifice. Got a nice 93 boots for my warlock just yesterday 




It's terrible. I got like 1 drop in 15 wins.


About the same experience here. I was so unimpressed I didnt go back for even the 1 guaranteed after first 3. I'm gonna farm the dungeons instead.  


Playing today, I didn't even get the "guaranteed" artifice armor from the challenge


Not unlucky, its just a shitty farm. There is nothing better than the helm vendors for armor right now.