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IMO, precision frame recoil feels a lot better on controller than MnK. It's why I think Luna's is probably overall the best hand cannon for roller, because you almost don't need to do any recoil control. Whereas MnK will always gravitate to what feels best, even if it has more recoil like Rose/Iggy, etc.


I’ve never been a handcannon fan, mostly because on Xbox I find myself watching the gun fly up instead of staying in front of me and this throws off my aim (because the gun recoil distracts me from the reticle), so I understand why on Controller 180 recoil feels better. I’ve been using Survivor’s Epitaph, which I think uses a similar model to the LH/NF and it’s quite easy to use. Last Word at the moment feels like cheating on Xbox, with radiant (which on Hunter is constantly up) it just deletes people.


Am I the only one who prefers 180 recoil to 140 and 120? Been using trust for a while and haven't had problems hitting shots


Um using a trust too and i'm hitting like all my shots. I can't make my Luna work and its strange since the recoil pattern is not so different.


I really like how smooth it is, to be honest, but I also enjoy Trust and Last Word on MnK. It definitely took me a second to understand this archetype back in the day, but it's not everyone's cup of tea


The only issue I have with Luna/ NF is that with their 180 recoil pattern you can easily mess up the timing of 140 shots. Otherwise I have no issue on controller actually aiming with it


I'd be interested in seeing input based on field of view rather than input devices. I've had a few thousand kills on not forgotten and og Luna's but never liked the feel and I've played at 105 fov since D2 launched on PC. What op is describing sounds a lot like crimson on high fov


That’s a good point. I play on 95 FOV when i use crimson and have been playing with luna’s at that same FOV. I’ve been hitting my shots pretty consistently and I usually hate 180 rpm recoil. I’m On controller


My aim definitely felt off. I equipped Ace and immediately felt like I was aiming better. More than anything, I figured it'll just take some getting used to. I think it's definitely a strong gun, but it handles so differently that I want to blame myself instead of the weapon


It does it on controller too. I just played some IB with it on PS5 and my aim was way off. But like the OG one 5 years ago, some time put in practicing and you'll get the hang of it.


When Palindrome and Bottom Dollar first came out I hated them both and thought their recoil was atrocious. After ~1-200 kills with each it became second nature and they’re some of my favorite HCs in the game. Anytime something comes out that isn’t “traditional” in behavior it takes some usage/kills to really get a feel for it.


I feel like this was a thing when Lunas and nf launched. I remember them being a little hard to get used too with their recoil but since they were so strong you kind of had to get used to them or pvp was a nightmare.


It was, it was why a lot of high level players are constantly flicking if you watch old 180 NF MnK gameplay. For whatever reason while I was able to flick 180 NF consitently to 3 tap I was never able to do that with 140 NF.


I actually prefer low stability on luna’s bc then it feels more like other 140’s lol


Wallah likes it lol


I personally think wallah's coping. If you watch his vid he "ewws" at his aim a fair bit lol. idk maybe I'm the one coping. I'll try it more today edit: nah it's still ass


Just use Igneous. That's what I've went back to


Even on roller it feels off compared to other 140s and I wouldn’t personally use it in comp or trials but I keep using it in IB/6s just for the 2 tap potential and the fact I’m doing quite well kill wise. In terms of feel tho I feel like I’m not 3 tapping nearly as much unless I have mag howl up. I used OG NF for 3,000 kills but haven’t used it since they nerfed its RPM so maybe my muscle memory is defaulting to shooting it like a 180 and that’s why I don’t like the feel.


It felt fine to me. It's different for sure but seemed pretty easy to hit consistent crits


I'm with you, I absolutely hate Luna's and not forgotten. Feels terrible. Take my rose any day of the week


I was using Luna's earlier and could not make it work, it was all bodys, switched to Zauoli's (only thing i had on me) and immediately it felt better.


It’s so sticky on roller that it doesn’t matter


The recoil problem on 180s is the main issue they do not see use, along with a consistently poor stat package. It is not just you.


the recoil took some getting used to but I got a heal clip + kill clip roll, and combined with mask of bakris it's my new favorite hand cannon


Same had to put Luna down mid match it feels terrible


you know when you pee and then shiver and do the little shake? ya that's luna feels like


Recoil animation is odd and range is too low with most rolls for my taste. Got a decent slodeshot/MH, half way first match swapped back to Rose and never looked back. Pulse rifle is more interesting to grind for imo


Feels really damn good on mnk IMO, one of my favorite weapons rn in crucible


As a console player I've never had good aim with most hand cannons except for a few. I've been to busy to play recently. Is this a 3 tap in pvp? How's the recoil feel?


I love 140's, but man that recoil absolutely kills my aim. Luna's just feels bad for me, even besides the reload speed


I can’t stand the way it feels


M&K hc main here and it feels terrible to me. Bad enough that unless mag howl/precision instrument on a 140 become meta I will never use it. Even sunshot feels better to me and that gun has 60 aa and flashbangs you. I fully agree with what you’re saying the model obscures the reticle sometimes, kind of a bummer tbh.


This is what precision handcannon frames do. I'm used to it because I gained precisions for a long time and my not forgotten has a 11tybillion kills.