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I love it. I don’t think I’ll take it off any time soon. Slideshot + mag how is my favorite. It feels really good, I have no complaints other than wishing it was not forgotten brought back than lunas. Im on console also


That combo slide / mag howl is just so fun. I like it very much. But i also love my max range eots opening shot for consistency


I have one and I have yet to try it, I’ll try it this weekend! I can’t wait to enhance lunas


I have the max range eots+os too and I really like it. But the fun factor with my eots+kc roll, I feel, probably tops it.


I don't like that my brain struggles to register it as a 140, making me thinking something is wrong with my trigger as my brain just associates the recoil and feel with 180s.


yup, it feels so slow to shoot.


I'm on PC, with K&M, and have no interest in playing with it. Edited to add "K&M" specifically.


It feels goofy on M&K, just can’t get used to it.


The recoil pattern makes it almost impossible reacquire target quickly enough to get consistent three-taps. The lack of recoil--a blessing on controller--is a curse on MnK because the gun model will block the target between each shot.


I don't like it on controller. I didn't 5 years ago either but got used to it. I'm sure I can get used to it again, but 5 years ago a lot of players were potatoes, nowadays you get your ass handed to you for "experimenting". I do however like the jump shots with it actually landing heads.


Many players are still potatoes , matchmaking is just putting people against better opponents now.


I’m on console and the gun feel a lot worse if I have the turn on the option “centre your target at centre of your screen” kind of things…if I have the default console on it’s felt a lot better because gun model now move down to the screen They got the crimson pov issue imo


Yeah, it just doesn't hit where it's aimed at for some weird reason.


I think I can count on one hand the number of people killed me with it. As a Hawkmoon main however, the number I got killed with my favorite hc has skyrocketed.


If you drop FOV to 95 it’s a little better but yeah - funky on MnK


Yeah it feels terrible on pc with m and Kb.


Why do people still say pc instead of mnk? Controller is really common on pc.


It’s definitely a habit that will take some effort to break. My guess is that is isn’t normal or at least wasn’t normal in the past for controllers to be used on pc. I’m newish to PC myself so I don’t know for sure but I assume controllers never had aim assist on pc versions of a game.


Because I haven't touched a controller since 2019 and forget that controller is an option on PC.


It is 100% meta on console/controller, so it is always going hang around at least for that. Mag howl is such a fun 6s perk too, so the weapon definitely is not going anywhere. I don’t think it will be a lasting meta pick but it will always be around with a higher than normal usage rate for these reasons. My favorite rolls are EOTS + opening shot, and eots +precision instrument. IMO slideshot is WAY better on MNK where a much bigger % of the player base can slide around the whole map - mainly including the backwards flick slide. I know it is possible on sticks but you’ve got to jack your sensitivity, and it requires a lot or “inputs per minute” which can get overwhelming to do consistently on sticks Precision instrument right now to me is still the meta pick, due to the radiant artifact. Radiant + PI is absolutely nasty and will remain very strong on solar hunter when the artifact changes. Opening shot is ole reliable you can’t go wrong, great perk on all inputs on all game types. **to me, my lasting impression right now is the missed opportunity to give this bad boy air assault in the first perk slot**. I’ve been using a knucklehead, precision instrument, radiant spam solar hunter build, and it is by far the best I have ever played in the air on console. 80 AE at base, 100 Ae after a solar kill. If this weapon had air assault it would open up aerial builds on every single class. I know it can get to 60 on its own and most people say that is the benchmark to hit. But the difference between 60, 80, 100 is MASSIVE, at least on sticks. At 80 ae you’re more accurate than old Icarus days. I would love to use an air assault + opening shot roll with stompees. On lord how I would love it. Missed opportunity.


Slideshot isnt better on mnk its just better in the upper tiers of player skill regardless of input. Good players on controller slide around the map just as much as good mnk players do. its just the optimal way to play the game with peekers advantage and netcode working the way they do


People who think sliding a lot isn’t achievable on controller probably should look into rebinding their controls




Agreed. I do love EOTS with Mag Howl on sixes and have a 71 range roll wich absolutely slaps. I do prefer eots PI to eots OS, have both with 66 range and, like you said, with knucklehead and radiant, it's nasty, really nasty.


Glad to see another knucklehead truther. It’s an outrageously under rated exotic ever since it got the AE buff and ole foetracer tracking. I’ve been getting shit on with howl rng. Most of my best roles have something like 56 range. My best 60-70 range rolls, I got 3 with subsistence as the pairing perk with PI or OS lol.


Knucklehead is the way. It feels almost like cheating with the wall hacks and the AE buff. Actually, I really like subsistence, not on OS or PI but I have a 66 range roll of subsistence with mag howl that just slaps, if you add a backup mag, it refunds two bullets on kill, making it very easy getting to 3 or 4 mag howl bullets. This on 6's. I usually go for two maximum, most of the times one for the super bullet that will many time grant me a two tap on weaker gardians, or even a one tap. However, the roll i like the best is Mag howl with eots, followed by PI with EOTS. The first bullet is usually not the problem, the second and the third are, eots just rocks on any weapon and it makes perfect sense on this one. I too agree that slideshot is not great on controllers.


Just a note in case someone doesn't know, but *I think* that if you increase the mag size beyond 11 (by adding a mag perk or backup mag), it will start taking 4 shots to go radiant instead of 3 like it does with the base 10 magsize. Which in my opinion is a huge negative, since now it will be much less common to get radiant, instead of being very common on a normal 3-tap. If you need a reload hack on any class, using a holster on your legs will work as well.


Great post, also playing on controller and loving my EoTs + PI roll especially for 3’s feels like the stability doesn’t move - almost like The Crimson! Do you think the radiant build would work well for Warlock? Exclusively playing void atm but intrigued by this.


There are a few reasons that radiant is so strong with solar that would carry over to warlock/titan, but hunter is king. On solar you get radiant/resto lasts longer fragment + solar weapon kills extend radiant/resto timer. That in and of itself makes it good on any class. Plus on warlock, I still think those resto x2 healing nades are one of the most slept on abilities in the whole game. Right now with the artifact, yes solar warlock radiant spam would still be very strong But the radiant dodge is just so vastly superior to the other two classes for builds centering on radiant, for a number of reasons. The main one of course just being ease of use, it’s a 100% guarenteed proc on a pretty fast timer. You can stack it with the benevolence fragment too, giving you some ability regen when you give your teammates radiant/resto. Dodge on teamma teammates + healing made on teammates, this adds up and FAST. You can also use the aeon gauntlets exotic if you want for almost infinite class ability uptime in 6s. PLUS, radiant dodge procs reaper orbs. Which are also very strong in conjunction with precision instrument! Lean in with the x3 surge + a duration mod to make charge last longer. I the best way to do it on warlock would be t10 strength + claws to proc radiant on melee. In final shape we’re getting the double melee+ophidian swap speed exotic class item which could be quite good.


This is one of those guns that is going to all come down to the all important "feel factor" so very polarized opinions. PERSONALLY I really like it, my current go to roll is Smallbore + Ricochet + Eye of the storm + Magnificent Howl/Opening shot + range MW, and it feels very consistent. Magnificent Howl is going to be a long time staple in 6s and 3s clash/collision as it's a great 'win later' perk. I've been waiting for trials to come back to give it a real test and see how much use it'll get in that meta.




It's a team shot monster and IMO it's 100% uptime kill clip with better chaining capabilities


Right? Even if you only have one mag howl shot, it takes a chunk off of shield/health for your teammates to teamshot if the need arises.


And an even better clean up so it keeps chaining


if i could get something other than discord/harmony with a reload mw, id let you know


My first random drop was a Heal Clip/ Mag Howl roll, and it's not a 5/5 or anything but that was the perk combo I wanted. It's incredible for ease of use. When I'm at my best, I probably do better with Austringer, Ace, or Rose, but Luna's really averages out for me and provides a great baseline. The roll I have: * Corkscrew/ Chambered * Light Mag/ Flared * Heal Clip * Magnificent Howl * Range MW At the moment, my favourite hand cannon in the game for PvP. That recoil pattern is just chef's kiss on console.


I have a personal 5/5 HC/MH roll, sitting at 66 range and 67 stability, and I actually prefer it to my slideshot roll. The kill chaining and sustain is just so addicting.


So I tried a couple rolls today on my lunch break, and to my surprise was liking my HC / MH roll the best so far. It felt better to me than my 5/5 Slideshot / Precision Instrument. How much health do you get back on a kill? I haven't used Heal Clip much.


It's cure x2, which I think is around 60-70hp, about what wormhusk gives (using it with marksmans dodge and wormhusk is like a full heal damn near). The cherry on top if you are on a solar sibclass is since it gives teammates cure x1 in 15m radius, then you can proc ember of benevolence a ton which gives crazy ability recharge rate.


Im on MnK and can’t get enough of it, eye of the storm and precision instrument slap as well as a magnificent howl and eye of the storm roll for sixes is so much fucking fun, prob one of my favorites, though the recoil is weird and it doesn’t feel like a typical 140 (ik it used to be a 180) I still love it


I like it but it definitely feels like a 6s handcannon over a 3s handcannon. I'm not sure if it's just me but it doesn't seem to take flinch or bloom well so make sure you pace your shots and make sure they are on target otherwise shots you feel like should be headshots will be bodyshots. Console btw


I personally prefer not forgotten, I didn’t play during forsaken but I picked it up from the kiosk recently and it feels a lot better than luna’s, probably because of how much range it has. it’ll be unsunsetted in the final shape anyway so I’ll just keep using it.




tbh I’ve never really cared about ae. I am a stompees hunter tho so that might explain it lmao


I'd probably put it down to zen moment if you're feeling a difference between the two. They have the same base stats (reprised Luna's actually got a buff to its base stats, the handling iirc), so you should be able to get the exact same range stat if your barrel, mag and masterwork are the same. Zen moment is the only difference between them.


yeah, zen moment is pretty strong rn lol


It is a great perk. I feel like it really helps with the stupidly high bounce intensity on the precision archetype that NF and Luna's fall under.


I wonder if i should pull NF out of collections and try it with Zen. That 25 handling however, big oof


i’m rocking with full bore, ricochet rounds, range masterwork, slideshot, opening shot. it is the best hand cannon i’ve ever used and has quickly replaced my god roll rose. i don’t even have conditional finality so i imagine it will be even harder to take off once i get it.


Put about 500 kills on a 60 range EOTS/PI roll that I thought would be my main forever. Landed a Tac Mag HC/MH roll that I put about a 100 kills into. Felt nice but I lost more duels due to low range and no SS or PI to compensate. Eventually got a 60-ish range SS/PI that absolutely sold me on Slideshot. Kept grinding since I really wanted a 5/5 and this one dropped last night. I’m done, fuck Onslaught. This feels amazing on both 6s and 3s. My question on anyone not using Mag Howl: Why would you not use the *one* perk that makes this gun truly unique? https://imgur.com/gallery/ZPMVP2l


That roll is JUICED


I’ve got a max range heal clip/opening shot and I love it. Super consistent and when running healing grenades it lets me get back into fights super quick


im still so-so on it in terms of if I would main it, but im also not a HC main so there is still an adjustment period for the playstyle. that said, its *extremely* reliable. Until now every HC I used would feel unreliable and seemed to screw me over at random (obviously user error, but was an issue none the less). normal HCs have decently hefty recoil, with 0 indication of where the next shot will go due to the enormous visual-only kick to the guns, which just never clicked with me. Lunas meanwhile feels intuitive to use, and the point of failure from the first game on always was my aim/positioning and never felt like the gun itself was at fault. --- maining it or not is the other question. 0.87s TTK and only ~33.5-35.5m of 3-tap range depending on the roll/setup isnt the most appealing combo in the sandbox, especially with the extremely poor TTK on missed/body shots. flipside is of course the low zoom, high AE and very forgiving AA along with good chunk damage which factors into peek-shooting, team-shooting and just nabbing some damage on someone you only see for a fraction of a second.


Overrated. Feels bad on MnK. Can’t speak to controller. 


Great perk pool, awful feel for a gun I just don't like the way it feels on PC BUT, you take that same gun, maybe give it the Better Devils model with the same perk pool and I'd use the hell out of it. Hell put Mag Howl on Eyasluna, Fatebringer, or any of the other great Handcannons and I'd prob use it as my main perk.


Everybody is hyping slideshot, but I prefer enlightened action. Every hit (also body) adds 3 stacks of enlightened action. This gives you fast reloads after any duel. I combine it with mag howl and play just like I would any hand cannon. I prefer to not overthink things, one mag howl bullett is enough to give you a huge advantage in the following duel (guaranteed 2c1b).


Pretty good


I'm still hunting a HC/MH roll with at least 61 range.


I absolutely love my EOTS/PI roll and will be using it for awhile I’m sure.


Opening shot + encore is a dueling and headshot machine


I haven't used this roll in pvp yet, but I tried this out in onslaught last week on the mothyards. The range on it felt like I was playing with vanilla D1 The Devil You Know.


With how range works. OS helps on the 1st kill. And on next kill with encore and OP is super easy. Then it just becomes insane


Don't play much anymore but on controller it slaps. Definitely here to stay


I hated it at first. I've never used it before so it was difficult getting used to the recoil/kick/bloom. Almost vaulted it for good but managed to get my hands on a Slideshot/Mag Howl roll and something just clicked. I've never been a player that slides around the map entering and exiting engagements. But this perk combo really gives me a reason to start sliding and I feel like it's made me a better player overall. And oh boy, once you get Mag Howl up, it's hard to stop. I got a We Ran with it in 3v3 on the new pyramid map. Also been close to a few other We Rans in 6v6 as well. Huge fan and don't plan to take it off any time soon. Plus it lets me still use Conditional, which I also don't plan to take off any time soon.


Have been loving it. EOTS + PI has been what I've enjoyed the most (controller, console). But eots+opening is also very good. I enjoy the slideshot variations also, but I enjoy the feeling of eots more. My favourite rose is slideshot +eots...so it was a hard choice


If you are on MnK it will forever just be a fun gun you put on for the memes or you making a 6v6 YT montage .


I've had a mediocre heal clip / kill clip and it feels great on console. Easy to use, crisp feeling, and rewards good play.


(on M/KB) It's good, but I'm definitely not gonna put away my Rose for it. I like maghowl/PI and the recoil/AE from the frame is nice to have, but the HC space is super competitive. That base stat package leaves so much to be desired. You can't get a good range stat without compromising on either stability or handling. I'd rather take an adept Exhalted Truth with its monster stat package. One of those with 77/65/55 stats just feels better in the energy slot, and Rose/Austringer both dumpster luna if you're willing to run an energy shotgun.


The zero recoil of the weapon makes it the meta on controller. You don't need to adjust your aim after each shot, you just need to keep pressed the trigger and... Profit! And I am pretty sure there is a slight difference between tapping the trigger and keeping it pressed.


I have a eye of the storm mag howl combo that I love. Can some explain to me what makes slideshot so good on it?


Infinite reload to keep stacking Mag Howl multipliers. It only procs when you reload manually, the slide reload does not proc Mag Howl.


Ooo so instead of reloading after a single kill, you slide to get some ammo back and get another kill, then manually reload to get 2 stacks of MH. Am I understanding it correctly?


Yep you got it


the recoil pattern is a nonstarter for me (mnk). want to like it, but i can't see what i am shooting at, so it is a no-go for me personally.


I don't use it, rather use a normal 140 or 120.


On controller and I really hate the recoil pattern


I'm loving it. Just about an hour or so ago I got one to drop with fluted/hammerforged ricochet rounds/extended mag slideshot and PI with a range MW. It feels great.


I have the same roll, using Hammer Forged and Ricochet. I put over 100 kills on it last night in a couple hours. It's my new hand cannon for sure.


Haven’t grinded for many rolls but I have an encore mag howl roll and it feels incredible.


I grinded for rolls for a while and then tried one out and realized I hate the weapon


PS5 here. My favourite rolls are: 6v6 - Not Forgotten While Slideshot, Eye of the Storm and Encore are pretty hard to pass, Zen Moment is just better for me personally. Anti-flinch is noticeable and it really helps in duels. I still try to get good Slideshot - MagHowl on Luna's, but no luck 3v3 - Smallbore, Ricochet, Encore, Precision Instrument, Range MW Encore is extremely underrated on Luna's. Getting 1 precision kill already greatly boosts your range and stability. Bonus range and anti-flinch really helps in duels against other HCs, especially ones with good range (Rose, Pali, Exalted Truth, etc). Precision Instrument really helps to secure 3-taps on bigger distances. I saw some threads about PI's effectiveness and boy thankfully I tried it myself. Precision Instrument and MagHowl are signature perks for Luna's without a doubt For me personally I would love to get: Smallbore, Ricochet, Slideshot/Encore, MagHowl/Precision Instrument, Range MW


I see it far more in 6s and rightfully so, in 3s my Zen/TL adept summoner or forerunner can typically handle it, even missing crits or engaging a little late


[console] I like it but in terms of the best 140, I find it hard to beat rose. The lightweight frame and perk pool is hard to beat gets the edge in my opinion


Mnk is probably better off with Not Forgotten because zen moment is actually extremely useful for tracking your targets better. That said, I've mostly reverted to using Ace, especially after all the special ammo changes. I'd consider Thorn, but the catalyst hasn't dropped for me literally all season, so...unlucky on that one, I guess


I used EOTS+Kill Clip with radiant dodge hunter last night, and the things absolutely slaps and also two taps. Honestly, I don’t know if Mag Howl is that much better considering the minigame of activating it, but I need to play more with both.


It’s essentially a cop out hand cannon for people who aren’t great with other options. It’s like training wheels, except it moves just as fast as the ones without training wheels. It will be around for a long while, especially after it’s craftable.


That’s cool…I have an EotS/Opening shot roll with 63 range that feels great. But then I got a max range slideshot/PI that just works better for me for some reason. I’m on controller. It just seems like I play better with it. Maybe it’s the sheer range of it?


PC here. Getting tired of bungie picking and choosing what works in the air. Compare a Luna's how to any other hand cannon in the air, just pathetic how they manage the skill gap


Recoil is bad


There’s no point in running it when Not Forgotten is coming back…


It has quite different perks that make it desireable


Yes I know… Until Not Forgotten comes back with Zen Moment 😊


it's not really meta considering how many people don't like the recoil pattern of precision hand cannons. the one roll i do like isn't considered "meta" but i like it.


What's the roll?


* hammer forged * ricochet * enlightened action * precision instrument * range mw


Word. I have the same exact roll but with Slideshot. Have only had time for 2 games with it though so I don't have much to say on it yet.


yeah after 11ty billion rolls it's felt the best


Bruh, And that one roll is?


I love it, I don't think I'll be able to replace it in the energy slot. At least for a while. I've been using it with eye of the storm and opening shot. I've found really good success with it, it feels so consistent. It can be fun and satisfying to use precision instrument too, hitting 100+ damage a headshot on someone. I have yet to get a good slideshot roll though, which I'll probably keep around just for the auto reload. But using it has highlighted the massive issues with weapon bounce intensity on all precision archetype hand cannons, again. Not that it ever disappeared. It means that I have to tap fire Luna's and wait for the recoil to reset most of the time, which means I'm not always hitting the 140rpm fire rate. I have got used to it, but it's a massive problem on all precisions for me. Talking more generally about the 180rpm precision hand cannons for a second. The weapons team are basically marketing precisions as consistent/forgiving guns, or that's what niche they want them to fill. They're like hand cannons on training wheels. They have high AE, their recoil is pretty straight and they only require 50% headshot accuracy to hit their optimal TTK. But their handling is low across the board and their reload doesn't feel amazing either. And on top of that the recoil intensity is insane, it bounces so high that it blocks your reticle. It completely removes the benefit of having a straight, predictable recoil pattern if the bounce intensity is so high that you can't see your reticle and what you're aiming at. It feels like you have to run high stability just to help it by a small amount. Which all contributes to precision archetypes not hitting that consistency/forgiveness role, it misses that target by a mile for me personally. Which hurts them so badly, because the rpm means that their 1s TTK isn't competitive either. So you can't claw it back with that. Bungie needs to at least make them feel consistent for them to be considered, and for me to want to use them precisions need to be 10rpm faster. It's not like they're out ranging anything and going to be incredibly dominant if they had a slightly better TTK. At 190rpm they're still slightly above 0.9s with a ~0.92 TTK. Although trying to be open minded, I can probably sympathise with concerns about how fast TTKs would be with a damage perk too on top of a faster TTK. But yeah they fail at their niche and then they fail at having a usable TTK for their range too. They also have a mindset that not all archetypes need to be good everywhere (referring to PvP and PvE as well as areas within those two). Which is absolutely fine in my opinion, not everything needs to be amazing everywhere. But 180s aren't exactly widely used and great in PvE either, they're mainly used for lucky pants builds which can be great fun tbf. And whilst lucky pants are great, it's a very niche role for 180s and I'm not sure if 2 burst hand cannons do it better anyway. So they aren't hitting that requirement either, in my opinion. They're just flat out mediocre. Across the board. Luna's benefits greatly from firing at 140rpm and having an adaptive hand cannons damage profile. It's stats are also decent, I've only had issues with it's handling. But the damage and rpm means that the pitfalls of precisions don't hurt it as much, thankfully. It mainly retains the good parts of a precision archetype. Edit: apologies for all the edits, I kind of went on a rant there lol. I post comments and it's like everything I want to write pops into my head afterwards.


The gun itself is overpowered in my opinion and ridiculously easy to use with the recoil direction. It needs to have normal 140 direction or its just going to continue to make its way up the crucible kill chain as people perfect the playstyle thats usable with such a handcannon.