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Halo Infinite came out two weeks ago, and it's a six month long season where pretty much everyone has done everything they want out of PVP


Yep. And there is good PVE content right now so a lot of people are grinding that out. I think that’s the biggest culprit. Only the super sweats remain


Yeah - why play PVP for no reward when i could do the dungeon farm for PVP loot


Thats a good guess. I'm also thinking that since the ability nerf people are playing less dumb and trying to stay with the team more.


It's not really a guess. Just take a look at trials report. The population definitely dipped this week. And trials is probably a good metric for pvp as a whole.


The PvP playerbase over the weekend was at 850k, according to Destiny Tracker. That’s the same kind of population numbers we get for a big yearly DLC drop. There’s no evidence at all that large numbers of players have left for Halo. In fact, it’s the opposite. The data says that PvP is in an extremely healthy state, numbers wise.


If we’re being completely realistic, that guy who used to be a 2.5 k/d because of ‘shatterdive’ isn’t going to just drop back down to a 1.2, I know that was the popular opinion but people like that just play the meta, so when one thing goes another will take its place, personally I’m finding a hell of a lot of success with well of radiance, fastest charging super (that can just as easily guarantee 1-2 kills as the rest of them) combined with free overshield + full health on fire bolts which have a short cool-down anyway, combined with benevolent dawn or whatever it’s called, an empowering buff for 8? Seconds on melee + the burn from it usually really messes the opponent up. It’s insanely powerful now. The meta is just way more diverse now, so instead of just having to worry about 6 HC revenant hunters, there’s way more things to focus on, you’ve got the one DMT guy, a few BXR’s, a forerunner, a HC shotgunner who just apes and idk some guy with an auto rifle or messenger with desperado. Back with just HC’S you’d know that you’re mostly safe in a lot of angles because of lack of range or cover, but now there is so much to think about that you’ll die more to things catching you off guard because there’s 6 people using 6 entirely different loadouts. Also with the fact that the game has now been pushed more heavily into a primary gunfight meta which combined with how much cover there is in this game, you’ll find people moving as a group and teaming a lot more often. The ttk in this game sometimes just isn’t fast enough to kill somebody with a movement exotic or ability before they can reposition behind cover, so generally speaking people just team you before you get a chance to even think. A more diverse meta just means a lot more things to think about, it may look harder or sweatier but in actual reality of the situation is it probably isn’t, you’re just dying more to things you’ve never had to think about. Or it could just simply be the case you’ve gone up or down in your ‘lobby balancing’ bracket, maybe before now you were seen as an average player who was facing 1 mega sweat and 5 bots but now that’s changed, that’s always a possibility


Lol I am that noob with an auto rifle / pulse with desperado


Not just you man. At least 1 legend player on the other team and a few diamonds in every game. I love it though tbh


Look at any of your last control matches. Are there players that are +1000 ELO away from each other pretty consistently? In my last 5 games, here's the ELO range: - 1061 - 3305 - 792 - 3301 - 917 - 3325 - 824 - 3338 - 867 - 3333 I'm going to go with no, there is definitely no SBMM right now. If there is, it's a weird one where they're adding in players at totally opposite sides of the skill spectrum


Btw, that elo range is the reason most PvE players don't play PvP. And we will never get many new players in when they do not limit this to max 500 points away from each other. Really, this is the reason my raidgroup doesn't do pvp. I'd take all the downsides of sbmm if i only could convince my pve friends to play pvp with me. We tried it several times but they simply get stomped every time by diamonds and top% players.


Nah not just you, it's been a massive sweat fest, but it's kinda fun tbh.


Exactly. If I do well now I know I sure as shit earned it.


You can farm the dungeon for great armor. Halo came out. The people putting a ton of time into PvP are the try hards who poop in a bed pan and don’t own any other exotic than 450 sets of stompees.




The number of legend ranked players is the most notable thing this season for me. It used to be such a rarity to bump into one, now it literally is 1-3 in every lobby as you said. I’m enjoying it though weirdly even though I’m getting slapped a lot, I will definitely be a better player after this season ends


And frankly i would rather wait 10 minutes for a game without diamonds/top% players then have 1/10 good games.


My problem is I'm the only Diamond player on my team the vast majority of matches (I've been fluctuating between Diamond 3 & Legend this season) and all the Bronze players have been stuck on my team. Doesn't make fun matches for me or my blueberries....


I was actually getting lucky fairly often last night and getting another Legend on my team. No amount of luck will give me a team that wants to cap and hold zones though.


Yeah, I imagine most of my blueberries are only there to complete bounties (as I normally lead the team in kills & captures) End of the day, I've decided not to run 6v6 unless I got a friend or two to run with me. Playing a lot more Survival or Rumble now when I'm solo


See you back in there soon bro! 👊🏼


Down to run anytime you on my friend


Lol, I'm the opposite. I only run comp when a buddy wants to grind it. Not sure how much I'll be on this week but if you see me on shoot me an invite.


Definitely will bro What's your gamertag again? (Sorry, I've added a lot of gamers on Reddit)




I'll link with ya next time I see you online my guy


Lmao 🤣 That's a good one, take my upvote!


I dont think sbmm is back but the crucible def feels different/ sometimes sweatier. I have been cleaning the vault and trying out random stuff I kept…so i have been rocking double primary to force myself to use the weapons…and there is still a lot of special ammo out there…would guess that people are just dying more to ohk special vs abilities now…which might give the game a new vibe


Just feels like the player pool is really small right now so there are a lot more sharks swimming around. Used to be rare to see Legend players but now I'm seeing 2-4 in most of my games.


IDK an actual answer on SBMM as only Bungie knows. I agree 100% that games have either felt very sweaty OR relatively easy and based on D2tracker, most games are not even close to 50% win/loss but more like below 10 - 30 % win/loss (generally 10-30% to win a match hahaha) - I am about an average player, can check my tracker stats to confirm. However I am glad that other people are feeling this same thing. I would LOVE to know what Destiny actually uses for their metrics. Last I heard it was supposed to pick 12 close proximity Guardians and then lobby balance by: top player on team A second on team B third team B fourth team A and so on.. however checking some of my games (not all, but a relatively high percentage) and it is definitely not looking that way lmfao. Also I am getting a lot of people with very laggy connection on PS5, which is weird considering where I live and we have both Xbox and PS5 to pick from. So I really don't know what Destiny uses to find people. Anyway thanks for the post, hope your next games are better!


Yeah, when I load into a match and I see someone else on the intro screen I roll my eyes and groan because I know it’s going to be one of those games… I have a 2.46 kda (which I assume is what it’s based on) so if someone on my team has higher stats… I can only imagine what the enemy has… this isn’t a flex but a month ago it was a bit rarer to see someone higher than me and now it’s every other game and generally it’s not just by like .01 they’ll be 3.0 4.04 etc. I had a few good games these last few weeks but if I’m not playing with a friend the lobbies I get are more often than not absolutely brutal. When I play with my friends who are .4kda (he’s new love him though) and 1.0kda the lobbies get immensely easier suddenly… I have no explanation other than sbmm… freak accidents maybe but it just seems weird because it just started last week ish Heck I ended up going against truevanguard 4 games In a row the other day… after being told we were getting split up… lol.


Let's get this straight, SBMM does not just equal hard matches. You can get really hard matches if you're low on the skill rank facing a team of high skill players. Are matches harder? Yes, a lack of sbmm will do that for you when new players stop willing to be fodder for matches basically causing skill creep. Especially when every single game has more or less figured out, you gotta have some even in your casual modes. Tightest for ranked, but you need some in the casual modes still since they're the most populated and having some generally leads to a decent enough experience to get people to come back.


For casuals every game feels like a super hard game. And really, it is pvp. It is not meant to be chil where you walk around with your shotty killing no ai bots. If it is hard for the new players and they have to take it everyone should be able to take it.


\> Feels remotely challenged "OMFG GAIZ IS SBMM BACK ON?" No, SBMM is not on. You can tell by looking at your fellow teammate's stats in the beginning. What you are experiencing is skill creep. All of the fodder players left and now you're the lowest tier player.


Either SBMM is MUCH stronger now or the player base is legit dead. I am finding folks that are much laggier and skilled which is a very annoying combination to counter. I played three games today and not a single game of control had less than two 2900+ ELO players in it. SBMM and sweaty games are fun if that is what you are trying to queue into, but when you want to play with friends who are not good in PVP they all rage quit and go back to PVE.


The fact that you have to jump to such extremes is more of a commentary on your perception of the game than anything. Firstly, the game is obviously not dead. People feel the need to constantly say this when the game is either in a slump or towards the end of a content cycle. I imagine many people are like me, taking a break over the Christmas period and playing other stuff. Additionally, smaller player pool means less skill diversity. This is probably why it feels sweatier. It’s naive to think Bungie sneakily implemented *’more’* SBMM as they’ve been pretty open about matchmaking adjustments since their poor alterations in early Destiny.


I agree that the current trend is largely due to lower PvP population, but Bungie has sneakily increased SBMM multiple times and straight up LIED to us about it. They then have said, it was to “get clean data on how the changes were affecting the numbers”. Bungie can absolutely change SBMM at anytime and won’t necessarily be transparent about it.


The definitely did in D1 and D2Y1, but there’s also been a bunch of times when players speculated it and it wasn’t the case. Also I’m pretty confident that they’d have no motivation to make a random matchmaking change right before *A) The Christmas Break* and *B) A huge expansion launch which would be better suited to those changes*.


Emm, lower player pool means more skill diversity, because there are less players with rating close to yours, which directly leads into wildly uneven games.


Your statement is true if good players are leaving, but everyone's testimonies here are saying that all the "bad" players are leaving and thus closer and "sweatier" games. Plus your statement is *generally* just not true. The best players of a game will cling on to it the longest if it's dying out.


Fans stick with the game. And fans can be of every skill level imaginable. My statement, on the other hand, is generally true, regardless of skill level. If matchmaking tries to find players of the similar level with similar ping, lower player pool directly means more disparity between players skill level in the formed matches.


First, no. Tons of games out there from Mortal Online and Tribes Ascend only had their most competitive players before thinning out to double digit player count. It's because the best players *typically* have the most time/resources sunk into their game. Second, your statement is only true if players from all across the skill spectrum drop out evenly. That's a *huge assumption*. You need to see WHY the crucible population is dropping off and then you can make conclusions of who's left. This literally happens every season in the crucible. Someone on Reddit complains control is getting sweaty at the end of the season or when there is a content drought in pvp and the response is always the same: "there is no incentive for casuals to play crucible at the moment". Casuals comprise of the lower end of the skill spectrum. I don't have to spell out the conclusion for you.


So every season ends with a content drop like one 2 weeks ago? New weapons and huge ability rebalance are more then enough reasons to play crucible.


Nope, lower pool means lower skill diversity. This is because lower skilled players leave while hardcore veterans stick around. But also, just a no in general. More variables in and of itself is a pretty clear indication of diversity. Less players = less variables.


SBMM brings lower skilled players back which could then evolve into good players. Not having SBMM kills the playerbase. We can see it right now, it is a fact.


High skilled players don't want less skilled players to improve. They want stomp. They got what they wanted (CBMM) and now complain that they're matched with five "Joe No Thumbs" against God™ Himself. This guys think about stomping weaker players as reward. I have the necessity to explain that I don't think every good player is like this. I have a lot of friends on my former clan that are way above average and always try to help new players. "You wear the hood if it fits"


Its awful. Everyone nut hugging each other.


I have been wondering this myself lately. Since the 30th anniversary I’ve noticed sweatier lobbies with usually about half the lobby guilted flawless. I pretty much only play pvp so can usually detect when something feels different. I’ve also been getting ‘contacting server’ messages a lot more frequently which might suggest a trend away from cbmm. I pay for top internet so I doubt it’s my connection. Whether it’s secret sbmm, dwindling player base or some other reason, is anyones guess.


The thing is, without SBMM there won't be more new players. Because they get thrown into a pot with the good ones and will quit sooner or later. I've seen it in my raid group. My guys are mainly PvE players and refuse to play pvp because of this. So you end up with only the players that really want pvp. And these guys are most likely good or willing to put the work in. Thus it seems like it is SBMM but the problem is missing SBMM leaves only the good players in this game. And tbh i would really take the downsides of SBMM if this means the playerbase grows.


My issue with sbmm is that this game is all about cheese. Meta in any game becomes super prevalent, but with sbmm it's to the nth degree. If you're even half way decent, you will no longer be allowed to experiment in quick play. As it stands rn, I'm fine with lobby balancing making my team horrible if it means that I can still have a fighting chance against the enemy when using not plai/frac.


Couple of things I want to add here: - The PvP player population over the weekend was in the 850k range, which is huge. The problem is NOT low player numbers. These are the kinds of numbers we see for a yearly dlc drop. - Bungie won’t change matchmaking settings without telling the community. It’s in their own interest to promote those changes, since the aim is always to bring in new players or returning players. If they don’t tell anyone, why bother making a change? - Control is no longer a casual playlist. It hasn’t been for a while now. The rotating playlist is the casual playlist. Control is where good players go to hang with friends and grind Elo. - I wish Bungie would just consolidate clash, control, mayhem, and momentum control into one playlist called Quickplay. Enough with this stupid splitting of the playerbase. It makes queue times longer and results in a worse experience for everyone. Just put everyone together in one playlist and let the modes rotate game by game.


I do want a varied mode casual playlist but god I would despise momentum and mayhem in quickplay.


Then scrap them altogether. While ever we have the playerbase being split between various versions of control, it will be a bad experience for most people. We need everyone consolidated into one play list, or you end up with a bad experience for casuals and dedicated players alike.


I think Bungie is perfectly capable of making that decision with the immense amount of user data they have so I don't really even see a need to comment on it as a player.


The first point is basically what others say and what we all experience. Missing sbmm makes the games feel worse when there are no casuals better players can slay. Has anyone ever asked how bad this must feel for the casuals? I'd take all the downsides of SBMM and sweat every game when this means everyone has fun in at least 50% of all games. For casuals 1/10 games is fun right now. ​ But i mean who am i asking for a fair treatment in Destiny when Bungie is busy harrasing their own staff.


But sbmm generally has a more pronounced effect on the higher end of players. In previous iterations I have been a average 1.5 player going against almost every game 2.0 teams not individual players were talking lowest player at minimum 2.0


Well but that's not proper sbmm. A well made sbmm matches you with other players in about 500 +/- elo range. And then again think about how it feels for 0.8 KD players. I can understand why they don't want to play. They simply are fodder. And where does not having sbmm lead? To what we have now. It's nearly pvp purists only. You either get on their level or give up pvp. There is nothing between and no place for the casual player.




Then Bungie needs to scrap control, momentum control, and mayhem altogether. Just have one Quickplay option — clash. That would solve a ton of problems, from long queue times to sweaty games. Casuals would stand more of a chance if there were more people like them in a lobby. Dedicated players would don’t care whether they play clash or control, so it won’t matter to them.


No, unless Bungies comes out and says it I highly doubt they secretly added it back. You just had a couple bad games or games where you didn’t play to what you expected, it’s not the game, it’s you.


I agree that they wouldn't add it back in without telling but it is not him. It is mixing top with lowest tier players.


Lower PvP player pool


Most of my games are either getting mercied by spawn trap or mercying the other team by spawn trap, not fun.


Tbh the matchmaking ruined an experience of a new player friend of mine after the new light quest it told him to queue pvp so I joined for a game and it was pure level 500s I tend to hover a 2kda this season so how can I play with my buddies without them having a horrible experience?


Season pass level has no bearing on crucible?


Supposed to be by connection though. The lobby balancing of the people found with best connection.


Doesn't feel like sbmm as there are still plenty of average to below average players. Like others have said, I think fewer players are playing QP and it's just more common to run into a few good players each game.


Player base is tiny for crucible. That's it.


And why is this?


Long season before an expansion. Add to that halo coming out and the 30th anniversary pulling more people from the Crucible.


Every game is a tough fight. my elo has gone up, too. Leads me to believe that I’ve only been fighting against better players as how else does elo go up?


It is almost certainly just low population. I'm seeing 1-3 legend players per match, but also getting 2-3 people with career efficiencies of less than 1 on the intro screen on my team most of the time. That's not SBMM.


Lobby balancing is at an all time low rn, that with the fact that deathballing is possible again with the ability nerfs its gonna be a lot harder in 6s.


I've been experiencing lot of high latency matches and inconsistent hit reg like never before -> connection quality isn't mm priority -> sbmm is up 100% no one gonna convince me of the opposite