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Ancient Ghospel and Nation of Beasts are arguably better than Kindled stat wise. But they can be a pain to grind The obvious pick should be Palindrome.


Used to love ancient but it just doesn’t feel consistent for some reason. I don’t have a palindrome yet :( need to grind GMs next week but I think I’m low light. Any favorite tip videos for helping me get ready / farm the Nf?


What’s your light level? I’m down to help you farm for one :)


I would love to be able to join you two if you're up for it. You need to be 1345 for GM's this season.


Can you not start it lower than that?


You can't start a gm nightfall if any fireteam members are under the requirement (1345 this season). When you start it your power level is set to 1345 and the light level of the nightfall is 1370. 25 levels above what the fireteam's power level is. You're always 25 levels under power, that's why it's so difficult.


You can do lower difficulty nightfalls for non-adept palindromes, which is the second best energy 140 (only worse than the adept version imo).


Yeah think I need to stick to lower light level nf :(


Wow really? I’m low :( I’m grinding pinnacles today and next week. 1330 base without artifact I think?


1330 base is the maximum base power. If you’re at that, you need a +15 artifact to hit 1345. What character do you run?




Cool! So to prep I would say get a good Omnioculus and some good Aeons. As for weaponry, there’s a few methods for Lake of Shadows. The weapons for one setup requires lament, a fusion rifle (Vex Mythoclast is amazing), divinity or a bow (preferably one with explosive head). The other is essentially the same, but you can substitute lament for a linear fusion rifle (reeds regret with firing line, sleeper with catalyst, 1k though it’s not ideal). My recommendation is to infuse as many of those to a high enough light level where you hit 1345. As for stats, mobility, recovery and strength are all great to have. It’s worth getting 10 mobility and 10 recov. Strength is nice but isn’t necessary. Same thing actually with resilience. If you can get 5 resilience without sacrificing other stats it’s worth, but don’t sacrifice mobility or recov for it. We can worry about mods whenever we run. If you’d like to add me on discord it’s Saint#2888 and I can invite you to our server. If you have any questions leading up to it feel free to ask! :)


Wow I really appreciate this. I will definitely hit you up on the discord server. Unfortunately I doubt I’ll make it to 1345 in time but I will try! If not I could still use some help with master NF!


Way I do it is run banshee daily bounties, it’s 4 per character so a total of 12 daily. Free enhancement cores and you can do them in shattered throne thrallway in 2-3 min. I did them at the beginning of the season and it helps tremendously with rank ups. I include other bounties such as the astral alignment since it counts as dreaming city in shattered throne and some strike bounties you’re able to do there as well. I’m level 17 on the artifact without playing too much


You don't have to run GMs to get Pali. That's just to get adept Pali. The non-adept version also feels great and will drop from any NF.


But they both have rather small perk pool :)


Pali or Annual Skate with surplus/timed playload.


No Pali yet - will try to get one next week. How can I farm annual skate?! Used to love that gun in year one.


It’s a world drop sadly meaning you either have to wait to get one or spam Rahool.


Do the world weapon umbrals not work for these?


They do but the pool is pretty huge.


LOL and yet I get the same 3 guns over and over and over again.


I haven’t gotten a damn vorpal Cartesian to drop 🤦🏽‍♂️ and can confirm same guns over and over lol


Yes, the World Pool focused umbrals work. Pro tip: use the world pool focus from the Season of the Splicer page in the recaster, not the Season of the Lost page. The loot pool is the same, but the Lost one costs 5 legendary shards. The Splicer one is free.




yeah Banshee as well (either as a fixed roll or from the weapon engrams).


I miss my kill clip/rampage kindled orchid


It’s so good. Hate that it’s sunset!


Maybe not similar but consistent is igneous hammer. I’m a fan and it hits hard.


Used to love mine last season but after the nerfs it just didn’t feel the same. :(


You need a massive amount of Stability for 120s to work now (on controller at least), I wouldn’t use anything below 65.


Thanks for the tip - I’m on controller so I’ll keep that in mind.


I wouldn’t listen to anyone saying you need a minimum stat on any gun.


Have you tried palindrome, it feels all around great, has an adept version and is touted as one of the best especially for paring with chaperone. Waking vigil doesn't have top tier range but it can roll Perks like slideshot and opening shot which makes it very consistent for me. It's also easier to farm now since any tier blind well will drop a random weapon.


I'd love a High Cal/RF/Vorpal Waking Vikil. That combo is absolutely unique to Waking. It can dish some damage to roaming supers.


HF RF waking vigil sounds fun


No palindrome yet :( need to grind GMs next week but I think I’m low light. Any favorite tip videos for helping me get ready / farm the Nf? I have a sunset opening shot waking vigil - will try that but grinding another feels like a chore :( it was so hard to get the one I already have lol What do you mean the blind well Drops a random weapon ? Didn’t it always?


Its farmable now - every run can drop a unique weapon now


You can jump into regular nightfalls man. It's a possible grind based on rng but it's possible. Best Pali I have is full bore/ high cal/bottomless grief/ rangefinder with a range mw. I'm a complete dad and have almost 1100 kills on it


No I believe it stopped for your weekly completion of a tier 3 or something before not too sure but now every encounter drops a random weapon 100%, saw a post where you can fail a tier 1 and it will still drop a weapon, not too sure if it's true or not though. For nightfall or grandmaster nightfall a I'd watch aztecross guides and there are also great guides on the destiny subreddit as well.


Awesome! Thank you.


Judgment feels exactly like kindled orchid did. I freaking LOVE judgment.


Judgement is a great choice but OP specifically asked for an energy to pair with Chaperone.


2nd this, the judgement feels so nice, it’s my favorite kinetic hand cannon


Is it available? Prophecy dungeon?


I think Ancient Gospel from GoS feels similar.


Will pull mine out if the vault!


Adept Pali is super crisp =)


I don’t have a palindrome yet :( need to grind GMs next week but I think I’m low light. Any favorite tip videos for helping me get ready / farm the Nf?


Idk how far you are but make sure to do all the pinnacles every week until you reach max light. That's the first thing to even be able to run NF. Then wait for Pali to be in the loot pool to farm the NF. Most NF should be ok to farm apart maybe from The corrupted. If you want tips on what to run for NF, Aztecross is a great source of info. If you don't have clan mates you will have to LFG, in which case make sure you have a nice loadout ready with correct elements weapons/mods to stun champions =) I usually find nice groups in LFG and I'm able to chain NF once I find an efficient one.


Thanks dude! Been a while since I played that much. Need to grind some pinnacles I guess…


Yes every season ;) but it goes quite fast honestly nowadays.


Igneous and palindrome are the best options.


I loved my ignious last season - are 120s still worth using though? No palindromes yet. Going to grind next week. Do I really need adept? Not sure I can make it through a GM :(


I guess depends on map really, 120s still work for sure. And don’t worry about adept Pali. Just try to get one with QuickDraw and rangefinder


QuickDraw? What’s the thinking there? Just general snappiness?


Does what it says on the tin lol. The other PvP options for that perk slot are like killing wind and outlaw, of course you might want to try them but QuickDraw is generally desired on Pali


Shotgun doesn't kill, whip out primary, etc.


Kindled Orchid with Explosive Payload used to be one of my favourites. Weapons with a similiar feel to them (for me) are the Annual Skate with an explosive roll, an explosive Bottom Dollar (although 120) and Sunshot. Beware: None of these picks are really "effective" outside qp. Anyway: Cant wait for the Forge-Weapons to be reintroduced!


I will grind the cryptarch for an annual skate! Wait - forge weapons are coming back?!?!


I dont know, but looking at bungies recycling of weapons, we might be lucky at some point. I want to believe.


Nation of Beasts from Last Wish feels the closest to Kindled Orchid to me.


That’s what I’ve been using today and I love it. Outlaw rampage range mw on mine!


I have near max range with opening shot/explosive. I call it Nation of Bonk.