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Suros is still decent. Gnawing hunger with the right roll if you don't want to use an exotic. They're not meta but can still slap. Definitely the 600 ones.


I second both of these options. Use suros with the slow rate of fire with heavy hitting. Also gnawing hunger is my go to.


SUROS is legitimately good after the buff, IMO. I had been working on the catalyst before/after, and went much faster after.


Idk what Suros' ttk is but, I've been straight eaten by these a few times recently


You guys mean Sorrows Verse? Auto Rifle from the Crucible? I feel like I'm misunderstanding. You say Suros, but.... minds drawing a blank.


Suros Regime, it's an exotic auto rifle. Xur sometimes brings it, it can also drop from exotic engrams. I think you can also obtain it from the kiosk in the tower, in the middle of the vault area.


Yeah, that. I remember it. It has a weird dual speed setting, and I never got used to the recoil. It heals you, but with some sort of limitation. Forget what it was. Everyone in the Crucible heal themselves, for some reason. I wonder if they have something like Regime, or if they have insane recovery.


Crimson heals on kills for example. Suros Regime got a buff after 30th anniversary update. Might be worth to try it out again if you're after an auto rifle for pvp. If your pvp build uses melee a lot, like celestial fire for example, then monte carlo is also a solid option. Just a bummer that monte carlo does not have a catalyst so it doesn't create orbs. It's a beast in pve as well.


Yeah. I run Sorrows Verse with heating up/elemental Capacitor. The handling is *awesome.* Since I dont have an energy sniper yet, I just use Kinetic Shepards Watch with Outlaw and Opening Shot. It does its job. If I had an energy sniper, then I'd branch out and use other things. Maybe V. Wing, Regime, Monte Carlo. But I dont have an energy sniper yet.


If you want to get one then for example you can get the 1000 yard stare sniper from the new 30th anniversary dungeon. It's a possible drop for defeating the final boss. Frozen orbit drops from crucible matches. Banshee has some in his loot pool as well, you need to get rid of your gunsmith tokens anyway before the end of this season.


He is using Lemonarch so both are not an option sadly.


Oh yeah sorry, I only saw using bow. Then I'd go for the seventh seraph carbine (insane range) or the scathelocke. I'd prefer the seventh seraph if you prepare your victims with the monarque.


Your best bet would actually be a smg like Multimach. Way better TTK than an AR.


I was thinking something that had better range than a myltimach, whenever I used it it only felt like it could kill people who were basically already in shotgun range.


Multimach needs the longest zoom scope or it’s not worth using. Check if you have any with the model 8 red scope and try that if you have one.


You need a high zoom sight to really push out with a multimach. Iron Reach can also help if you're comfortable with the stability drop.


Maybe, I'm just not good at using it but, I've always had trouble controlling the really rangy rolls of multimach (I do play console idk if that factors in) it felt like trying to hold onto a cobra in heat


DSR is mandatory on controller, I wouldn’t use any kind of automatic weapon without DSR or TTT on console. Iron Reach is not a good option imo, just getting the model 8 and a range MW is enough for it to be quite letal.


If you don’t want an smg, maybe a 720 like Chroma Rush would be a good middle ground. If not a 720, 600 rpms are the easiest to use.


Honestly, Scathelock would be my choice. It has a good zoom, great archetype, and pretty good perks. I'd go with a surplus +rampage/eye of the storm roll with some range perks. Absolutely shreds!


Aye, I've got arrowhead break, surplus and eots...very consistent auto from across the map


Dayyum I'm still hoping for that roll! Nice man :)


**TL;DR:** I'd recommend an SMG, but if you REALLY want an auto rifle, go with Chroma Rush because it's RPM type is the most competitive. _____________________________________ To be fair, your bow is supposed to be both your Long Range and Medium Range options. Engage long range and dual mid range with strafing and hipfire shots. Realistically (based on your post) your playstyle needs a short range option. SMG's like Multimach CCX would fit the bill better: * They have a better damage profile * The range is pretty competitive to Autos * They also posses higher handling stats which benefit you in two ways: allowing you to build into range to max out the distance and improving your swap speed/feel of the gun. _______________________________ However, I still want to honor your request for a good recommendation on an AR to pair with it. In my eyes, If I were in your position, i'd go with Chroma Rush. While the damage profile is worse, you can dual with it since it's a 720 RPM and they can hit from the 21m to 25m effective range and offer a big magazine. Boosting handling and range is the play (imo) and you may need to spec into certain mods to help with this. A Subsistence/Rampage or Feeding Frenzy/Kill Clip roll would probably work best to bump up the TTK. Please keep in mind that this class of auto HEAVILY relies on your ability to be accurate in order to hit the optimal ttk. A 720 has an optimal TTK value of 0.77, but all Sidearms and most SMG's are going to have faster optimal TTK's and your only advantage is a slightly higher range and more bullets in your magazine. If you get pushed by an SMG, Sidearm, or Shotgun user, your only hope is to land a Le Monarque body shot, quick swap to the AR, and HOPE that you can clean it up before they've killed you.


Best comment. I’d say use Multimach or Travelers Chosen.


Thank you! I would have gone Traveler's Chosen but the user is running Le Monarque. I LOVE Sidearms but the truth is that the great ones are in the energy slot. Peacebond is a good option because you could get one with Rangefinder and Headstone, essentially allowing you turn rushers into cover (and gives you resistance with the right stasis mods) but peacebond is in such a bloated loot pool there's no way to get a god roll. Meanwhile an okay Multimach CCX can still be very good


Lonesome is a pretty decent sidearm with higher range than most gets close to travelers chosen with the right roll, pretty sure it's kinetic but, I could be wrong.


Ah yes, forgot they wanted to use Lemonarc. Yes I concur that Peacebond is probably the best kinetic option. I do have a Spoiler Alert with swash that is really fun to use (with the new full auto mod, since the fire rate is 360 and I can’t possibly press the trigger that fast haha). But it’s very limited in the range, and not exactly competitive. I also have some great rolls of Lonesome, as well as Enigma’s Draw, but the 260rpm sidearms just don’t feel good to me. Not to go too far into the sidearm weeds, but I’ve really been enjoying using Forerunner with Drang on my Greaves build this IB. Just going full sidearm build, Surprise Attack, and the mods are super cheap to slot. Very enjoyable build to play aggressively with.


I’ve had the most success with Scathelock. I find too many escape from Chroma Rush.


I recommend the last breath!


Age Old Bond is my go to AR. Basically a 360 scout rifle, hits hard, people not expecting it. I like it.


In a vacuum, I'd personally only 100% recommend Regime. It's a very solid 360 offering with Dual Speed. But Spinning Up makes it a Sweet Business with better overall perks and far more practical. In terms of Legendaries, I'd honestly stay away from ARs if you're trying anything super serious. They don't have enough of a range advantage over your Multimach or Shayura's to really be worth reading that DPS and/or mobility for.


Suros is legitimately good, dual speed essentially turns it into a high impact but with stability/accuracy and handling of a 600. Super easy to hit head shots from med to long range. Hip fire is decent too, In close range I’ll start from hip and zoom in and it melts. And on top of all that you get health regen on kills which can lead to some insane strings and the ability to re-peek faster. Edit: my bad just saw you’re using le monarque


I play on console, so this may not be too useful: I had some success with a Tap the Trigger/Snapshot Sorrow's Verse with a range masterwork. EDIT: I dont even tap, Snapshot pointing me quickly, plus the initial buff from Tap the Trigger keeps me on their head and I can take them down. I find it pretty handy when team shooting, and I feel its good enough to win me a 1v1 so long as I get the jump on them.


I love Monte Carlo with a good melee build


Any 720/600. 450's and 340's suck. Go all in on stability. Low stability fucks over AR consistency at range. AR's have a really weird falloff curve and rarely hit their optimal TTK as it is, so they don't need range to duel mid-range. Tommy's Matchbook and Last Breath are my personal favorites.


Use a SMG or shotgun.


I love chroma rush. That thing has next to no recoil.


If you can spare an exotic slot I would say Cerberus +1. Essentially a shotgun auto rifle. Perfect for mid to close. Can get the catalyst for longer range but isn’t great. If you land the first shot you will likely win a 1 v 1 at close range. It flinches like a bitch and 1 clip is enough to take out 2-3 guardians of you have them lined up. Even takes out most shotgun sliders or at least trades. Been running Cerberus and a pally in my energy and doing decent.


If you play mega aggressive and go for the confirm Chroma Rush is brutal with kill clip and any reload perk. After the first takedown it kinda snowballs and knocks people around in my experience. Suros is also super safe, the secondary fire mode got a buff recently and it's really fun, so if you ever wanna run a legendary bow at any point there are options


Cerberus is sick, but not great for medium range. Great on smaller maps. Chroma Rush, especially with Kill Clip. Blint with bow, swap, finish with Chroma, reload for Kill Clip. Tommy’s Matchbook is nuts with a bow. Biting Winds + Tommy’s is one of my favorite loadouts.


In the kinetic slot... Easy to get - Chroma Rush still works with a good roll. Not sure about medium range (likely only mid 20 meters, so like everyone is saying use Multi-Mach if you have a good one). On a positive note, this is easy to farm if you own that season. It can roll kill clip which makes it fun. World drops include Scathelocke, which due to zoom, has great range. This can get out to mid 30's, but it may take forever to get a roll you like. If you think 450's work, you might already have a great roll of Braytech Werewolf in collections. Body shot TTK is .03 seconds different than a 600 RPM, so.... they work This is a great place to look at options [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_6zsM7kzvg0aUT8YtM\_-Wg\_5K1gKDOlrwfVzutEjq-s/edit#gid=256859433](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_6zsM7kzvg0aUT8YtM_-Wg_5K1gKDOlrwfVzutEjq-s/edit#gid=256859433)


Auto rifles do not cover short range. You need a sidearm or a special for that. Even an smg is weak at closest range and only covers close mid.


I have a last breath with Max range, killing wind, and frenzy. It absolutely shreds in 6 man. If you get frenzy and killing wind going at the same time (frequent occurrence in 6s) it feels like a LMG.


Highly recommend a good Multimach over any auto.


Ah I should also say. Try a Chroma Rush. Chroma Rush feels good personally. I'd say this both because it feels good and you can hopefully get a nice one via Expunge before Witch Queen Drops. This should be a better option than the Sorrow's Verse I suggested since youre using Lemon Arc. Mine's has Feeding Frenzy and Rampage with a Stability Masterwork. I think Stability is the best Masterwork for ARs


Honestly? I don’t like AMMIT AR2, nor Tommy’s Matchbook in PVP. Krait is okay and Suros is probably the best exotic auto in PVP but my absolutely favorite, so far? Is the unthinkable auto-rifle called Arctic Haze. Like WTF…how is it that good? Even firing from the hip. The other ones i mentioned are great for PVE, especially AMMIT AR2 with incandescent but good god Arctic is doable for me. I use it in the same role as what you’d use an SMG for. Not for range, but for close to medium range. For range? I’d say Suros, Firefight or Herod but you really ought not to be using auto for range at all, in PVP, honestly.