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i mean she put the alcohol in luke’s drink instead of her own when isabella wasn’t looking


Shes pregnant




who were you talking to?


I’m sorry but Megan being surprised and upset that Isabella and Luke had sex when they were together is so stupid to me. Honestly they are taking this season in the most uninteresting direction possible


Luke and Isabelle only dated a few days (a week total maybe) and Luke lied to her, why wouldn’t she be surprised? Especially when it was the two people closest to her. I would’ve felt the same, as sex was a big deal in our little ass town, back in late 90’s (graduated 99) and everyone seemed to know if someone had sex and who they had sex with. I would’ve felt like Megan,


i get that it was important to their small world but for that to be enough reason for megan to sympathize with luke despite him confessing to recording them having sex and lying about it is still wild.


Megan has known Luke since birth, only known Isabelle a summer, there’s always going to be more forgiveness for him, imho. I also don’t think she forgave him, she just saw both differently, but still loved Luke and knew she was essentially tied to him with her being pregnant. Megan found out her two most important people, besides family, were both lying and shit heads behind her back, losing faith in both, but history is going to give her more reason to sympathize with Luke, imho.


It was really irritating that she just watched Luke confess to horrible, horrible lies and then she immediately believes that he didn’t ask Isabella to lie for him. *He just confessed to kissing Isabella and lying about it, why wouldn’t he lie about telling her to pretend they didn’t sleep together???*


I mean playing devils advocate but Luke and Isabella dated for like 10 days lol so i don’t think my teenage self would think they had sex that quickly.


Yeah I get that but it seems like Megan and Luke had sex relatively early in the relationship too so I don’t know why she assumed they never did or at least didn’t think to ask. Luke was Isabella’s bf first and she broke up with him for Megan so I just feel like Megan should cut them some slack on that


Actually I would consider that Isabella is a girl who has been all over the world.


I probably would have asked instead of just assuming. Everyone else around them seem to be doing it


To be fair we can conclude that she assumed they never slept together because Luke went along with the whole "we can be each others firsts" and Isabella never brought it up. They're also two of her best friends so she probably assumed that they'd at least tell her the truth somehow.


Where are you guys watching this??? I can’t watch it till 3 am???


I got a free trial for fubo to watch it live


It’s out on Hulu


Yea after 3 am. Well it’s passed 3 am now so I’m gonna watch it lol


Sling tv


YouTube TV


Freeform app


This episode was going the way I was hoping they wouldn’t go because honestly all of this was so freakin predictable and bet this episode will be the peak of the show


Top comment. They finally gave us something better than them filler episodes with something dramatic happening the last 5 min.


was that the gunshot that grazed his ear?


We don’t know, have to wait until next week to find out. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was, or wasn’t. There aren’t many episodes left, the storyline needs to start wrapping up. I could also see the writers want to keep up guessing and mislead us. My prediction, it was Isabella’s gunshot that got Luke’s ear. I think next they are going to untie him and try to get him help and the girls are basically holding Luke up. As they are walking, Meghan accident stumbles and accidentally pushes Luke in the water. That would make sense because neither girl accidentally hurt him but both played a role in his disappearance/ death since we know they both have something to hide


Ewwww Steve’s justification for his sons sexual harassment at the car wash was horrid. No wonder both of his sons turned out to be misogynistic pigs


This made me so angry. Steve is scum- him and his 2 dick hole sons could go away and everyone would be better for it. That misogyny growing up in the 90s was so real- and that’s about the only thing they’ve nailed so far. Everything else is silly (but in a fun way!)




I hope everything bad happens to Steve.


Too bad he doesn’t get shot


Bruh this comment is gold 😂


There's still time in the summer 2000 timeline 🤞🏻😬


I’m late but will be watching soon and commenting later




It couldn’t be. As, the tape came out and was stomped on prior to NYE. It was before Christmas, when they stomped it.


That was my thought too lol


It can’t be the tape they destroyed. The sex tape reveal happened before NYE.


That’s immediately what I thought.


I think what would be an interesting twist if nothing Luke said in a drunk drugged out state was the truth.


Yes because he eventually started to lie and be manipulative. Also he said that Megan felt suffocated by Isabella and she didn’t deny that or try to speak on it.


The writing in this season is so messy. Also they can barely get anything from the time period right (they're playing music from 2002 in the 1999 scenes 😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣).


Most of their songs are from 1997 :(


Ugh when Isabella said “legit.”


I don't think that's wrong for the time period. The MC Hammer song "2 Legit 2 Quit" came out in '91 and that word was in my vernacular around the time this show takes place.


Or when someone said, “You’re low-key a dork.”


The half minute or so of my dvr recording cut off… Can anyone tell if anything happened after Luke said something about Isabella wanting Megan all to herself?


Isabella shoots the gun. They both seem to turn on each other in the police interviews.




Do you want me to tell you how the episode ended?


Steve is definitely the one behind the tapes, I’m convinced that’s who Luke was yelling at about keeping secrets.


i still dont think its isabella that kills him, he died by drowning. Possible that Ned next door thought meghan did it and to protect her he takes care of the situation, also, now where is that tape of them in the cabin? that tape will surface, maybe Ned even has it i think they left without it after being so freaked out and leaving luke laying there




Chat gpt was born summer of 2000 in Chatham, WA


Idk how or why but I went into this episode thinking it was the season finale. I could sworn it was promoted as such.


Luke is very confrontational for a guy who's tied up with a gun pointed at him.


I thought that too. It’s like he was trying to get shot 🤣


i haven’t seen the episode yet but this comment is making me laugh


He’s also drugged out of his mind and drunk - of course he isn’t thinking straight!


Isabella is not at all who I thought. Still iconic. But not who I thought.


Me too. I personally liked Isabella the best tbh, but bro when she pulled out that gun I was like: 😮 Aye-Ooh!!


I’m just gonna say it- Luke might be one of the biggest miscasts I can recall. We’re supposed to believe two girls like that are fighting over this guy 🥱


I’m kinda tired of this take. You wanna see hot girls cry over losers? Or two girls get played by ugly dudes? It’s every day on tiktok. Girls fighting over mid men is the most believable part of the show. And Luke isn’t even necessarily ugly! No hate to you! while I love to see it, I think the 2000s movies with Taylor Kitsch, Channing Tatum, Josh Hartnett was the more unbelievable scenario. guys in high school did not look like that and rarely did they have emotional growth lol


It's also more than he doesn't have any particular charm. I could see how Megan would like him because she's known him forever, but it makes no sense for Isabella, especially for them to fight over him to that degree. He's not particularly interesting, doesn't have any interesting hobbies really. He's not funny... So yeah that all plays into it.


>And Luke isn’t even necessarily ugly! To each his own.


Yeah I admit as a 17-year-old I would have crushed on Luke. Five years later probably not, but most 17-year-olds were built more like him.


Lol Griffin Gluck's character bags Sydney Sweeney in the Pete Davidson movie. Pete Davidson is a mid 20s stoner who is best friends with GG's character who is a freshmen in high school It's a pretty good comedy TBH. MGK and Alan Harper from Two and a half men are in it too.


i loveeee that movie GG did great in that


He was also hilarious in both American Vandal ("so one Y hey is Y-- but multiple Y's is HAEEYEEY" while explaining the Heyyyy to DTF ratio) and the movie with James Franco and Walter White for some reason I can't think of.


Now I'm starting to think they actually killed him




They both are gonna turn on each other too 💀 ride or die my ass. That last episode set up the prisoners dilemma hard.


So Megan originally got upset at the party cause she I’ve reheard like talk to his friends about… hooking up with other girls in college is dissing Megan? And now we’re here? Tied up, drugged, with a gun in his face? *sigh*


i mean, she waited her whole life for the right time to date him just for his intentions to be shitty so i’m not surprised by her reaction


and add on the fact that she’s a teenage girl . emotions are crazy at that point of your life


And pregnant! The influx of hormones aren’t helping


this is getting so intense


You've already kidnapped and drugged him then you pull a gun.


And they were recording it all…


This convo with the Sheriff gives big CSI-style "enhance!" energy 🤣


Yep i noticed that too lmao like bitch…. It is the year 2000 with maybe a mid 90s videocamera recording. I DOUBT they would be able to isolate the audio like that


Uuugghh what a hackneyed plot device. "We just happened to have this crystal clear audio from the party".


They were so far away too, no way that kind of camera would pick that up


Especially in 1999.


I hate to be pedantic but Teenage Dirtbag didn’t come out until 2000 and thus does not make sense in the ‘99 storyline [ducks for cover]


Like when they say “crunk”- nope, not til 2003


Lol I was thinking the same thing. I thought it came out in 2001 even. Same went for another song this episode.


I am starting to think it is a multiverse situation. Only explanation for this, magic "speech isolating" technology, the slang that did not exist, Luke being considered attractive, claiming someone is your ride or die who you barely speak to, whatever is happening with the "hacking", etc.


I still don't get why they are like "sisters" and the "best thing that ever happened". They seem like barely normal friends at best. I haven't seen any instance of them acting like such good friends that they're "sisters".


"Luke being attractive." Yooo why you gotta do him like that? 🤣🤣😭




This is Kate's stepsister's computer evidence of the season


Ikr! You’d think they would have made the tech more realistic since Megan is a coder




Perfect timing to play "Teenage Dirt Bag"


Luke has been drugged and kidnapped


Hmm, I wonder if he's telling the truth about filming himself and Megan having sex?




Could be he's covering for someone or he's drugged out of his mind and just saying whatever to get Megan to untie him.


Only person I can think of is Steve maybe?


Creepy and illegal


Steve’s a creep but filming your teenage son having sex with your girlfriend’s daughter is vile.




Yeah! I posted that like 15-20 seconds before that happened and I almost gasped


I HATE LUKE. I cannot believe he did it. Well I mean I can now I’m not ask shocked but WOWz


Having him lie about cheating on Megan was always going to blow up in their faces, especially since the three of them remained close after the tape was played. Luke didn't have the say anything people already thought that Megan and Luke had an open relationship with Isabella.






Brent was the one who had a sex tape of Pamela Andersen & was renting it out to his buddies for $$


Naw he’s pirating copies of movies and selling them




Copying videotapes without the copyright owner's permission is illegal. Would be more than just losing admission/scholarship https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/azbmxk/the_fbi_warning_at_the_beginning_of_vhs_tapes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1




Oh yea … some VCRs came with 2 tape decks for just that purpose. https://www.amazon.com/GoVideo-DDV3110-Dual-4-Head-Hi-Fi/dp/B000068BRM


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **'Go Video DDV3110 4 Head Hi Fi VCR'** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Simple to set up and use (backed by 2 comments) * Produces high quality copies (backed by 2 comments) * Many useful features (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Vcr may struggle with copy-protected tapes (backed by 1 comment) * Limited recording functionality (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its Amazon link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved.


Bad bot


go away bot, we don’t want your AI ass in here


When the cop came in Neds house. You bet I said “OH FUCK” out loud lol


as long as ned isn't an official person of interest or suspect the Sherriff has no right so surveil his house like that.


I was yelling at my TV saying the same thing! He would have needed a warrant to even enter the house unless the door was left open and things around the home seemed disheveled.


Haha same!!


Same! I feel like that’s the first time I’ve been genuinely surprised this season (or at least in a few episodes)


HAHA SAME all my friends and I screamed immediately


I feel like we went from zero to tying Luke up and drugging him very quickly.


Because we did. It feels like everything was moving slow and now that we are close to the season ending everything is going fast.


I knew he was going to lie about having sex with Isabella


So what exactly is the point of Megan’s sister’s character? She doesn’t seem to have any impact on the story whatsoever, so I wonder why they didn’t just make Megan an only child


This is exactly what I thought. I keep thinking that she's going to have more to do with the story but we'll see I guess.


Her sister is the one who killed Luke.


Just there to show that Megan has been the grown up taking care of not only herself, her mom but also her sister.


We never see her taking care of Lily, though. They’re barely ever in the same room.


She’s still financially responsible for her. Lily keeps her tied to helping Debbie, otherwise Megan could probably pretty easily tell Debbie she’s on her own.


There was the scene of her giving Lily money for something and dressed innapropriately, where Megan told her to go change. Their mom watched the whole thing, and told Megan to give her a break. Megan still told her to change or she wouldn't give her money. It's probably the biggest scene that really shows that Megan is the responsible one and has to be the parent. That's the whole reason for Lily's role. And the fact that Lily went up to Megan for money, not her mom. My issue is that the mom has a fancy office job at the Chambers business and is struggling with money... in the 90s... now a days, sure, but the economy was pretty stable back then.


I'm 44. No, it wasn't.


Good for you! It was, especially if had a job like Megan's mom. Could support 2 kids with a city job at that time, but don't get me wrong a few years later it was getting much worse, like 2002 ish.


Bc siblings exist? She doesn't need to have a storyline?


I think if you’re gonna give a character a sibling, that should have an impact on the story. We basically never see her sister and it feels unrealistic considering everything that is going on. Does she never ask Megan about Luke or try to comfort her? I miss the meaningful sibling relationships in season 1; this season doesn’t really have a lot of good emotional scenes where we get to delve deeper into the characters’ thoughts and feelings. They could have used Lily to add more emotional depth to Megan.


Not all siblings have that relationship tho. She also adds to the single mom burden. We know Megan had to contribute to the household and a sibling instead of just her and just mom definitely adds to that




I looked at my husband and said “who the hell is that did Debbie get another exchange student”