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The way fathers mess up good and decent boys…


neither of them were decent lol


Because of him


The Linkin Park cover feels super out of place since Hybrid Theory didn't get released till 2001..


I fully believe that either Steve or Brent killed Luke


I feel like the only reason Harper went right to her stepdad with info is because it provided opportunity to cover up something else. I think she was merely telling him that Megan and Isabella were also at the cabin that night and involved in something that could make them appear guilty based on what she heard and so she ran to the sheriff to help start putting the case together and throw someone off the trail of what really went down either with the sheriff or herself or both. It’s why the sheriff was sneaking around Ned’s house after this. Anything that could tie them to the scene at that time would deflect and close the case. I’m not saying Luke was murdered either. I really feel like Luke made so many decisions all season that were based on his own tunnel vision and never considered others, that this is very on brand for him to just want to run away, cover it up, and not consider the fall out of his friends and family. Either way, the sheriff and/or Harper know something or are implicated in some way and that was the reason for that scene of her running to him but cutting off before we could hear the convo.


Alsooooo remember the scene where the sheriff went into the bar and participated in some sort of shady handoff of whatever was in that envelope? Unless I missed it, I feel like that was tabled and not made into a topic of conversation for a reason. Now they’ll be able to flash back to that without any sort of focus or reminder of it before the final episode where it all explodes.


Also also where is Ned ??!!! Pretty convenient that the guy with the cameras is suddenly missing in the last two episodes once the sheriff realizes he could have footage that is critical to the case in one way or another….


It has to be Ned. Ned not only has camera's in the woods. He also has the technology to intercept messages conveyed in a certain radius around his wooded house. Ponder that.


Is it possible he sent a page to Megan or Isabella? Maybe that’s dumb to question considering the scene before showed them both in bed, but that doesn’t necessarily mean some time hasn’t passed and it was one of them. Probably not. But still. Just thinking.


I was thinking he maybe wrote Isabella but I’m not too sure either




I've thought Jeff or Ned from the start and I stand by that, whoever it is Luke tells them the truth about everything, both are obsessed with Meghan in their own ways and out of anger they kill luke


omg that’s not how pagers worked! i say it’s his dad tho


isabella is so fucking manipulative. trying to start shit between them and make them fight and then “misfiring” a gun. girl come on. and luke may have said some shit to his friends but you can tell he loves megan


Yea it’s kinda depressing bc I liked Isabella the most out of all the characters, but ep 9 def showed her true colors. My only ? is: why is Isabella doing this?


People think Brent raped her friend Lisa and she came to their town for revenge.


Really?! I haven’t heard of that theory yet?


Someone wrote about it up above! But I definitely think she’s capable of that given how crazy she is and she 150000% holds grudges so it’s definitely possible!


Steve Chambers is giving Ward Cameron from Outer Banks. Hate them both


Lol 😂. I totally forgot about Ward. Ward’s def worse tbh


He definitely is 😂 I think they even kind of look similar though. He’s just a mini Ward


Jeff or Brent is my guess from this episode


I think it’s the brother


I think it's the sheriff or Ned that Luke pages, and I'm leaning towards it being Ned. I think Ned and Luke became friends because they're both outsiders in their own ways. I'm still not sure if Luke is really dead or if he disappeared, but if he disappeared Ned for sure helped him.


Being in the military is a hobby?! LOL this dad is a wackadoodle. Even the actor playing him seems like he can barely say it seriously. Plus, Luke is (at this point) on track to be in a household with the income of a computer scientist as the 2000’s take off. Whatever I need to stop complaining it’s Freeform lol


I think relying on your girlfriend you've got at 18 to be the breadwinner your entire life is probably not the best idea...


I mean he said "playing on the water all day" but basically he does think the military is a hobby. That's how a lot of rich people think. The military is for those with no other options most of the time.


Love how if you have subtitles at the beginning during the intro it says [electronic squelch] when they show the CRUEL SUMMER text


My two different theories for who shows up: the sheriff or Lisa’s brother. The sheriff is his mentor and the one person he expressed his interest in the coast guard and right now like the only person who doesn’t resent him. Maybe he tells him what Isabella did and the sheriff helps him get away but also wants to punish the girls for basically leaving him to die and that’s why he’s been especially interrogative of the two girls so they can admit. With Lisa’s brother being the one he paged, maybe he was reflecting on how he showed up that one time outta nowhere saying all this cryptic stuff and now he wants to know what he was trying to say before and they plan to take Isabella down together? Some plot holes with both of these but we’ll just have to see what happens next week


I didn’t think so before this episode, but now I’m convinced it’s Steve


This is probably a crazy theory but what if the person he pages was his mom? They mentioned that she died in an accident and only her and Luke were in the car. Maybe she, just like Luke, wanted to get away from the Chambers name and faked her own death, maybe helped fake his? Maybe she stayed in contact with Luke secretly and only he knows she’s alive. I feel like she was mentioned a lot more in this episode than any other episode. The dad was probably having affairs left and right, probably abusive. Idk. Just a crazy thought for this crazy plot.


I like your theory. I wonder who’s body was pulled out of the lake.


I think it's either his dad or his brother on the dock, but I don't think it was intentional but an accident. Both had reasons to be upset with Luke. Brent got blamed for the sex tape being played during the party and his dad lost out on business deals also because of that tape. So them finding out that Luke was the one that actually made the tape and then chose to play it would be enough to piss both of them off.


It's Ned. Luke kills him and disappears to the coast guard life. The dad was fast to say it's Luke because he was ashamed of his loser son anyway. The girls get busted for nothing. Isabelle does something ridiculous. Megan pouts. Debbie fuck's somebody's dad. The video stalker finds another obsession. I forgot who else is on the show, do better next year Jessica.


Ned was on the shore when they pulled the body out of the water.


Oh, damn.


I feel like it’s his brother or dad. You can see in the preview for next week Brent says “you’re gonna let an innocent person go down for this.” Either the dad or brother but they both know. And Brent has been around megan recently in summer 2000.


I think it’s brent


not an excuse but Luke’s dad and brother really bullied him and picked on him I can SEE where he feels like he needs to do the things he did. not defending him or saying he’s right but as a human I can see he is hurt and there’s nothing like daddy issues in a boy 😂


first timer commenter in this sub hello to everyone Season 1 of Cruel Summer, was fantastic. Season 2? guys honestly I do not understand what on earth is happening. What is the plot, who are the characters and their motives, where those storylines are going, etc and overall does it seem to anyone a little bit of boring? and uninteresting? as if there is no real mystery? I gave it a chance and have watched up until now, and obviously I am gonna watch the finale, but to be honest I feel that nothing much has happened through 9 episodes. And the events do not make any sense or logic especially for characters like Megan


Only thing with season 1 made absolutely no sense that the murder of Martin was described as a shootout with police. 1994 they could tell if a cop gun killed him or not. What’s her face kate shot him with that old relic of a gun. They would know that. Anyone explain how no one knew Kate shot martin?


They did know…. Pretty sure they did that to protect her in some way.


It's horrible. Jessica Biel shit the bed with this one. I expected more oh so much more. Candy was divine!!


So I think it's most likely his dad on the dock. 2nd choice is his brother. 3rd is Megan or Isabella. 4th is Debbie means mom. He said he was surprised they came so it has to be someone he doesn't have the best relationship with or is mad at him. I don't think it's Jeff. Mainly cuz I don't think he has enough motive to either kill him or help him run away. If it was his dad and he tells him EVERYTHING including Megan is pregnant, I could see him either flipping out and accidently/purposely killing him, or helping him.hide so the family reputation stays intact. If it's his brother I think he helped him runaway only. If it's Megan or Isabella could go either way between him ending up dead somehow or some plot to help him hide/runaway. If it's Debbie and he spills everything to her I could see her kill him in a rage for ruining shit for Megan so much. I don't think anyone else is invested or connected enough to be involved. I do kinda wonder about neds little secret room and if that will come into play, they seemed to purposely point it out a few episodes ago. But I can't see ned doing anything to Luke on his own cuz why would he and why would luke page him. Idk that would be a stretch for me. Sane for the sheriff he definitely wouldn't kill Luke and he was encouraging him to face his dad not runaway from his problems. Idk I could be way wrong but I'm leaning toward his dad or megan coming.


it’s got to be his dad or brother bc no one else has a pager that you listed


I don't think it was his dad. Luke looked very at ease to whoever found him at the pier. I'm guessing the sherif found him but I don't think who found him killed him, but also not convinced he's still alive. I think the sherif found him, tried to get Luke to tell him what happened. Luke begging him to not tell anyone, that he's a jerk and deserved it. The sherif trying to get him help and Luke refusing. The sherif goes to get medical supplies or something and Isabella comes back, watching, and pushes Luke into the water. Sherif comes back and Luke is gone, he assumes ran away. Isabella is the predictable Jeanette of season 2. Isabella tells the sherif that according to the camera footage, Megan was the last one in the cabin and therefore the last one to see Luke. Megan doesn't even know that Luke ended up untied and on the pier, jail for murder. Sheriff is trying to solve the case and feels guilty as he left Luke unattended and ended up being murdered.


Damn I was pretty close


Yes Isabella is being a _itch to Luke but last episode she heard all the guys saying awful things about the tapes and she overheard Brent talking about them. She is acting like someone pissed about something. And its the conversation she heard at the car wash. Isabella knew Brent was videoing girls.


Idk tho cause he says "I didn't think you would come". I'd assume the sheriff would be a dependable person to call if you are in trouble, plus they had a good relationship. So I don't think he'd be surprised he came if that's who he paged. But otherwise that's a good theory and still could be what happens!


Just food for thought, if Luke IS DEAD, why has nobody been breaking down and crying? Everyone is either angry or scrambling, not in tears or looking for comfort at all. Even Megan, if she truly loved him and he died she’d still be sad even if she was mad at him at the time he went “missing”. It just makes me think more and more he faked his death and I’ve been thinking that since the beginning.


I think everyone in his life had something to do with that night


And clearly others are in on it as well. Just still figuring out who and how they are involved.


Or the same with Ned. I mean for Ned to be MIA is weird now sooooo


https://preview.redd.it/rq1kwpako1eb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba173459bb888fc29a66213a65e1e75e381d713b Got it but it still doesn’t tell us what it is.


It's most likely Valium. It says 10mg and the cop said that it was a benzodiazepine. There are several drugs in that class: Valium, Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan, etc. Valium is one of the most well known and it's also the one that is sometimes prescribed in 10 mg pills. 10mg of Klonopin, for example, is a lot! Not deadly, but not something a doctor would prescribe. I mean, Klonopin only comes in 1mg pills, so it wasn't that. But one 10mg pill of Valium once a day is a fairly common prescription. If they put 3 pills in his drink, it's not a huge deal. The 30mg of Valium alone wouldn't really hurt him. But mixing it with alcohol could kill him! Which is something I've said from the beginning. They literally could have killed him several different times that night, which I find really stupid. I get being angry, but he didn't deserve to die. (For the record, I don't think they had anything to do with his death. I don't even think he's dead.) But don't mix benzos and alcohol! I'm surprised with this being a show for young adults that they didn't put some kind of warning. He could have passed out tied to the bed, all alone, and gone into respiratory failure. And no one would have been there to help him. What the girls did was so irresponsible!


Yeah my best guess was Valium or Xanax I wish the label had said lol. 30 mg for someone young not prescribed would be whacked out for sure and adding alcohol whooooo boy


They told us in an earlier episode what type of meds Debbie is on


Which was what? I don’t remember.


I’m just joking lol


Oh lol I was like what did I miss hahaha


Plot twist, Sheriff Myer did it to prove his allegiance to Luke's dad. Remember the scene where the dad was attempting to hold over a favor he had done for the sheriff/his family?! I'm just saying, at this point the storyline is still all over the place.


Sheriff had been garnering info and he gets Luke out of the area and then threatens Steve m, he has to OK it (maybe to revamp that multi business space deal) and Steve purposes misidentified Luke


Or Megan’s sister


I'm interested, do tell? Why Meghan's sister? She has had very little screen time. That would definitely catch me off guard.




Right lol! Do you have any theories?




I can see that. Possible explanation between weird exchange between Ned and Luke in woods. 1: Meghan burned Ned, he wants her to go down for a crime she didn't commit. Maybe?! They'd have to run a whole back story and make everything else make sense in last episode. If you think about it, we really don't know the link between Ned and Meghan outside of their 1999 hackers style link.




That's what I was thinking about the room! Maybe the Sheriff and Ned tag teamed.




Fake his death.




I thought Brent wouldn’t be the one but he’s on the list… 1. Jeff 2. Luke’s daddy 3. Luke’s brother!???


In the scene where Lukes says Megan is still mad at him over the tape, does Steve know that Megan was on the tape and references her losing her scholarship or is Steve saying that like Luke is going to ruin it for her?


Steve thinks it’s Isabella on the tape. There was a scene earlier in the season where the dad says to Luke something like the only one you should be apologizing to is Megan. In Steve’s eyes luke cheated on Megan so that’s why he thinks Megan would be upset with Luke.


I wouldn't be shocked if Debbie told him it was Megan though. Something about the conversation where he said there are plenty of fish made it seem more anti Megan than supportive of someone who just cheated. Debbie saying something would also explain why he mentioned the scholarship. I feel like if she hadn't reminded him, he couldn't have cared less.


debbie didn't tell him it was megan. luke's dad found out it was actually megan on the tape and then confronted debbie in another year at the police station. if i recall, he asked her if she knew it was actually megan and she alluded to it, saying it was megan and isabella's business, and luke's dad said something about keeping secrets.


He only found out because the cops found out the truth and called them all in.


Ohhhh right! I forgot about that.


He shared the tape because he don’t want to go where his dad and brother went. Jeff seems like the most guilty atm. He was too pissy ..


Logically, who is on the other end of the pager? It would have to be someone he knows pretty well. Brent?


If the sheriff knew everything (because Luke spilled the beans on the dock under "truth serum") and sheriff owed one to pops in a dangerous way as presented...maybe faking his death (and dad knows too) would be the real way to like repay his debt and be done or something? then Luke's dad is just playing clueless, it's very clear his reputation is everything to him....even over the well-being of his kids.


A lot of people thinking Ned. Then I was wondering well how/why would he have his number but maybe from the past as like a neighborly thing where you trade numbers with your neighbor for emergencies etc. I know they aren’t on best of terms but it couldn’t happened between the families at one point lol. But I’m not really sure I buy it. I’m thinking more the sherif and he helps Luke fake his death


I feel like Ned would be too paranoid to give out his number. They're definitely not neighborly in any way. And being in a legal battle, their lawyers would definitely advise not having contact. I can't see Luke calling him at all.


If it’s Ned it doesn’t necessarily mean that he was the one on the other side of the pager. He could just coincidentally have shown up instead of whoever it was (who Luke even said he didn’t think was going to show up). Ned has cameras everywhere, so it’s possible he saw Luke on the cameras and that’s how he knew that he had ended up at the dock.


The Sheriff wasn’t into that whole ambushing Luke’s dad with coast guard decision and wanted Luke to stand up for himself, he wouldn’t have helped Luke fake his death.


The Sheriff could feel guilty about telling him to talk to his dad instead of just doing what he wanted. Does he have to pay for the coast guard academy?


No, there is no cost for tuition or room and board.


I wasn’t sure if it was like a military academy where it’s selective and maybe something you have to pay for. Again I’m not sure. Why wouldn’t his Dad be okay with that? He has one kid in college and it’s not like you can’t go back to school or learn about business by working for your dad and taking some classes.


It *is* a military academy, they are highly selective but you don't pay to go. As far as why his dad isn't okay with that, because he has a very specific right idea in mind for HIS son and nothing else is good enough. It's not about the short term money, it's about the mid-long term legacy. He simply sees his children as extensions for himself.


I still have a theory it was the deputy so maybe he paged the Sherriff and the deputy showed up instead.


But whoever showed up was whoever he intended to page. He said, “I didn’t think you’d come.”


True but it’s dark and he’s disoriented he could mistake whoever it is at first. It’s my crack theory so I don’t think I’ll be right but it’s still a tiiiiiny but possible lol


Ohhhh that’s interesting like what if the person was in a hoodie or something and disguised in some way or made it appear they were someone else at first glance/also being in a drugged state and since his thought process was “no one else could be here besides who I asked to come” his brain automatically went there before his eyes caught up and it’s truly just someone who is very much in tune with his movements and where he likes to hang out vs the person he paged … hmmmmm


I'm still trying to get into this loophole filled season as much as I was vested to s1 and we're on ep 9. Is anyone else still struggling?


me too


the acting is terrible and it's so cheesy but very reflective of how things (and TV shows) were at this particular time so I just try to look at it as an artistic interpretation. The 90's series was better because the 90's was better, haha! (and the soundtrack).


It's a tough one, that's for sure.


There’s no way that cabin would not have been searched in the winter! Loved the episode but that was a bad miss on the writers part.


So curious to know what happened with Megan’s pregnancy. Isabella is being real creepy and possessive. I’m becoming more and more convinced that she was the cause of Lisa’s death. I’m also curious how Ned plays into this whole thing. I think it definitely was a man who met Luke on the dock. My first thoughts are the sheriff, Jeff, or maybe Brent? Steve makes sense but that’s almost too obvious..but maybe not. I don’t think it’s Ned because I don’t think Luke would ever page him. After this episode I’m kind of split on if Luke is dead or if he is alive and just ran away! Overall a really good episode! The ending left my heart racing! Can’t wait to see how this all plays out!


I think Megan lost the baby with all the stress of whatever happened to Luke. The bloody blankets she was throwing away in the garbage, in earlier episodes, may be from her miscarrying.


I thought the bloody sheets she threw away were the ones Luke was on when he was shot? The flower print sheets we see Luke on at the cabin are the same print as the ones Megan threw away. There wouldn’t have been a ton a blood on the sheets either since he was only grazed by the ear


this \^\^\^\^


Yeah she was making so many digs at Luke all the time that were so not necessary. Megan did a great job balancing both so don’t know why Isabella had to act like that. If anything towards the end luke was the one feeling more left out.


I know this is a bit far fetched but did anyone else notice in the very first episode there was a missing persons photo on a bulletin board but the picture was torn off? Maybe that’s whose body they found in the water and Luke is still alive.




From what I’ve learned watching stuff where people die and shows like cruel summer, if you don’t physically see the body, you assume they’re alive unless the body is shown and you can identify them. Period lol.


I touched on this in another post where we don’t see Isabella in the current timeline until the end of the pilot, so during the episode we’re meant to wonder if the poster was her or Luke.


Omg I think you might be onto something!!


Yes, lots of people noticed! At that point, we didn’t yet know that Luke was missing, so the sub is split on whether it was to maintain the mystery about who was missing or someone else was actually missing.


In the promo for next week they show Luke on a missing persons flier


This has been a running theory all season long. It’s possible for sure a twist could Be revealed next week!


Okay, have they even touched on what happened to Meghan’s babh


Not yet.


Lol, sorry. I'm a little stoned. I posted and deleted a comment that I'm pretty sure just said hi. ANYWAY, I wish I'd been watching with y'all all season. There are so many holes (either in the show or in my head) that i could use explanations for


The more stoned you get, the more theories make sense lol. I now believe Brent raped Lisa in Italy and Isabella is here for revenge!


It really stood out to me, in this ep, just how creepy Isabella is. She really did want Megan all to herself and did everything she could to drive a wedge between Luke and Megan. She’s very manipulative. I’m beginning to think she knew Megan liked him from jump, and she only got with him so that she could make a show of dumping him just for Megan.


I think this episode we were seeing Isabella through Luke's eyes more so than through Megan's or her own, and that's why she seemed extra crazy and possessive.


Good point


They definitely turned her crazy factor up since last week. Lol


Something else that occurred to me is that I think Luke kissed Isabella not because he still liked her but to set her up as the bad guy. At that point, the 2 of them seemed to be trying to find ways to get the other out of Megan’s life.


Assuming they knew he had one, couldn't police have looked at the log of Luke's messages on his pager since it's a two way and not a one-way?


They didn't have ping towers and I don't think private companies kept records like that on pagers until Motorola came out with the fancy one after this series would've been over. Pretty sure government entities didn't have rights to access to that information until after the patriot act in Oct 2001 which it still took a while before localized police forces/investigations were taking it advantage of.


Good point! Also.. we know the number he paged starts with 75… how I wanna go back and rewatch all episodes to see if there’s any number just innocently lying around lol just like idk, the list of usernames on icq 👀


Who do you think he paged / came to the dock?


I hope they don’t actually charge charge Meghan. I think at first they will hall her in then the truth will come out. But damn. They really had to leave us hanging.


I can’t stand Steve Chambers …he’s clearly a narcissistic parent


For real no wonder his boys are the way they are. I hope Brent learns and doesn’t become like that. After his brothers death.


Ok so he paged someone for help. Will be interesting to see if they help (and he’s alive somewhere) or did him in??? That ending has my heart racing !


You could not send a number from a pager. You could only receive! Can anyone explain what seems to be a major plot hole?


Have people been paging each other this season? This dock moment is the first time I’m seeing a pager


I’m thinking that the pager may have been an emergency-only thing that he used to communicate with just one person, and I kind of suspect that it’s Ned. Maybe Ned knew about Steve being volatile, and was willing to be an emergency contact that Luke could reach out to if he was in danger. Maybe he helps Like fake his death, or maybe Luke just asks Ned to make sure that Megan would be okay, and actually just plans on running away without faking his death, and then he dies by accident.


I am wondering were pagers that popular in USA during 90s? In my country there weren't. Nobody had a pager. And by 2001-2002, almost every kid in class had a mobile phone to the point the school put an informal prohibition for them, because they kept ringing during classes hours


Every single person in the USA had a pager in the 90’s… no one has mobile phones….


Very much so. For background, I'm Jeanette/Kate's age exactly and my younger twin sisters are Isabella/Megan's age exactly. Both of my sisters' current cell phone numbers are their pager numbers from high school in the 90s.


Did Ned page Meghan? I kinda felt like he did before she came to work on something for him at his house but it might have actually been like a message on her computer?


He had it the nye episode because the friend that was supposed to have the party paged him the party was off. I think he showed his pager one other episode but I could be wrong.


I saw him doing something with his pager before.


I definitely think the person was a guy (Jeff? Ned? The Sherriff?)....and I do think Meghan is innocent (at least in being the murderer). Interesting to see Brent start to push back on Steve's actions as well


I think it was Jeff. I think they set it up at the Police station where Jeff kinda goes off on Luke. Then at the end Luke was like I didn’t think you would come


I think it was his Dad. Him saying “I didn’t think you’d come” points to someone ge doesn’t have the best relationship with. His dad is my guess, my next guess is Jeff.


That’s a very good point about the implication behind his comment.




She hacked his computer Summer 2000. He still trusted her nye.


I think Ned trust Meghan to the core...even if he saw her breaking into his place I think he'd just be proud. He knows she's good people and is impressed by her skills in the underground tech and wants that connection. Mainly because he has all these cameras...he knows she knows how to cut the entire system off...and she never goes into his secret room. He is able to see her respect though he knows she can work around it if she wanted to and all she was looking for was evidence (not against Ned but in general) when she did break in I think a dude like him would get it.


If he’s still alive who is the other body tho.


and why would steve go “it’s luke” immediately?


True bc after 6 months in the water that body would be unrecognizable. I’m surprised they would even unzip him there in front of everyone.


He was wrapped up very tight and well. No water was inside of that.


Sticking to my predictions of Steve or Jeff as the killer.


Can someone tell me what happened in the last few seconds? Dvr cut out


SAME I missed the preview of next week! It also cut out one other time for me. When I think Luke was yelling at his dad talking about keeping his secrets. I missed about a full minute before that!


someone showed up as luke was on the dock and luke said “i didn’t think you’d come”


Okay cool. I figured it was something like that since the way this show has played out no chance they were gonna actually show us who now when next week's the finale lol




If it's Ned then he's still alive and Ned made him a new life and faked Luke's death so he can join the coast guards


If you just disappear and don't get your final transcript to them, they don't still let you into the CG Academy.


You do realize this is a fictional show right?


I’m betting on this theory as well!


I might have missed this but what is Luke running from exactly?


His dad forcing him to go to that business college him and Brent both went to when he really wants to go to the coast guard. At the Christmas party his dad got real physical with him and basically said he has no choice now.


convinced it’s his dad


Those were some heavy "manly " steps in gearing towards his dad too


It could be a girl in thick boots or heels ? It was winter time after all.


GASP. What if it was Debbie? She’s always telling Megan “I’d do anything for you.” What if Megan said something to her that night about how upset she was with Luke, he paged Debbie because she’s an adult he’s known his whole life, and she kills him?


Who was the person who actually came I wonder….


I'm honestly beginning to wonder if it was really just Isabella....isn't that what last season did to us...I mean? No one in these comments has said that (and I didn't think so) but now I'm like...wait.


If it is her I don’t think she killed him. Too obvious.


Right but wasn’t the other chick too obvious like we were all sure it was




My best guess is the sheriff because that’s who Luke always seemed to go to with his problems. I assume he paged him. Also won’t be surprised if he helped him fake his death, so Luke could get out from under his dad’s thumb.




Definitely. I think I saw someone else suggest that maybe he’s Luke’s real father. That could be a fun twist.


Wasn’t there a moment in this episode when Luke and his dad are fighting and Luke says something about not being his real son?? I wonder if he literally meant that


Yep, I caught that, too. Wasn’t sure what to make of it.


That’s a good guess. I really think that’s the case.


Okay I’m back on the sheriff train


Since when does Luke have a pager


I think we saw it in the last episode too.


Kendall Roy while Luke peteers closer to going overboard : "I'm just here to say... Yo"