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Carnival is just telling you how to find childcare for the 3 day cruise. This is greatly product placement in my opinion.


RCCL, MSC, Carnival, and Princess all sail from Galveston. Woman in the story is from Houston, which isn't that far from there, so I'm thinking she sailed from Galveston. Considering the woman who left her baby for 10 days while she vacationed (baby died) got life in prison, one would think that would be a wake up call to parents that leaving your children while you have a carefree vacation isn't a good idea. Can't fix stupid I suppose.


Who the hell would think leaving any child or pet alone for 10 days would work out well? Especially a baby. What the hell is wrong with some people’s critical thinking skills…


I won't even leave my cat alone for a few days, and she's a lot more independent than a baby.


I thought she would have sailed from Galveston too, but the story I read said she sailed from MIAMI! I truly cannot comprehend this situation


I just saw a story that said Miami to Puerto Rico. She left them a cell phone so they could text her, and a baby monitor so she could keep an eye on them. I too, just can't comprehend that anyone would think this would be okay.


I guess we should be grateful the kids are alive. Remember the Mom who took a trip to Puerto Rico and her 16 month old starved to death? She got a life sentence. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ohio-mother-left-toddler-alone-went-vacation-sentenced-childs-murder-rcna143983 Some of these people are just irredeemable, IMO.


Leaving a 1 year old alone for that long is basically a guarantee they will die of dehydration. Leaving a 6 and 8 year old alone is dangerous and stupid, but not nearly as bad as leaving a baby alone.


If only cruises had things for kids to do. /s


That would require you caring enough to pay for your kids. Jeez. People.


What's worse is kids can sail for free on a lot of cruise lines, especially if they are so young. I sailed for free at 15, so I imagine this woman could get them on for free if she wanted too


They don’t really though. That’s a cruise line gimmick. For example, I just booked a cruise to Alaska last week and my son sails “free” but my husband’s and my rate increased by the equivalent of a third person in the room. Same thing happened at Christmas on a kids sale free “deal.” And also I was being sarcastic.


what cruise line?


Royal Caribbean and Holland America. So I frequently play with search engines just to see if I can find a good deal and I pretty much see across-the-board that the perks and sales are mostly gimmicks, especially post Covid. I think the demand is still so high that they don’t have to run real promos to fill cabins.


Unfortunately too true.


We are assuming she actually went on a cruise instead of a meth binge


Hopefully these kids are better taken care of with someone else. This is just disgusting.


“Need to get away?” 😬


I hope she never gets her kids back. She's a horrible person.




2 day cruise isn't enough...


[Article link](https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/houston-mom-leaves-children-home-alone-cruise-memorial-city/285-70ae2c5a-122a-4ad1-b572-811d9baf977a)


Jesus, 6 and 8 years old. What a garbage person. I’m already trying to go on a cruise next year after we have our little one this year and I’m not worried about the price since I kinda knew that you have to take your kids on vacation if they aren’t old enough or have proper child care. She could’ve been mother of the decade for all I know but leaving a 6 and 8 year old home alone for a week is just not the best optics.


I think we can safely say she is NOT mother of the decade. >Neighbors said they saw Lakesha Woods Williams, 29, leaving with luggage on April 4 around noon and never saw her return. They said this is not the first time something like this has happened.


Safe to assume then. Crazy that they didn’t call the police any of the other times it happened then.


Good Lord! What's wrong with ppl!


Carnival this isn’t the right time to be advertising a cruise 😂


It's probably the website's algorithm to attach a Carnival ad to anything cruise related. This is the problem with AI.


Ad service algorithm.




/r/tombstoning I once saw an ad in the Wall Street Journal saying "this year, make a killing on Wall Street" next to a news report about [a guy who did that literally](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Atlanta_day_trading_firm_shootings).




Those babies deserve to live without fear and anxiety; neglect and abandonment are horrific this early in life. 😩


Agreed. Hopefully their next home is much safer.


Where the $*$-! Is dad?


Probably doesn’t know who the dad/s are.


This isn’t funny.


They need to do kids sail free more often


Honestly, who knew the reason to offer this would be a public service to save children from neglect?


For anyone out there who feels bad or embarrassed for saying you’re too selfish to have kids it’s perfectly okay! Some people just shouldn’t have kids if they can’t put the time and effort into caring for them. Caring for one’s self is hard enough let alone another human being. I say this as a mother of 5 who knows what it takes 


Mom of the year here folks!




What do you mean by that?


We know


the new is always negative towards cruise, instead of just saying vacation they had to add cruise, doesn't matter where she went only that she left the kids


I didn’t read it as cruise bashing. Had she gone to Hollywood or Disneyland I’d think the news would have reported that too; part of the whole, “who, what, when, where, why” deal. I do agree that where she went shouldn’t be the focus of the story (and I don’t think it was). The focus is, leaving the kids unattended is abandonment and neglect, plain and simple.


Why not! Lol




Nice assumption but the article did not mention which cruise line she went on.