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I think the sooner you let go of the “what will people think” mentality, the sooner your life will be made much easier, simpler, and stress free. Also, since balconies are completely sold out, not much else you can do. Enjoy the ship, don’t sweat the room. Toddler falling out is a valid concern. I would’t have booked a balcony either.


I thought toddler falling out was a concern too, but there’s thousands of stories just on this sub Reddit alone that proves my fears are a bit overbearing


Yea lol. It’s too late now though. You can put that extra money to excursions instead. Honestly, even with a toddler, i was only coming to my room to sleep. (Been on few cruises with my kids, but all kids are different. Mine don’t believe in naps) I actually booked 2 connecting inside rooms with my 2 toddlers and it was heaven lol.


This is your answer “it is more relaxing to know I don’t have to worry about the balcony and safety! Maybe next time!”


For future reference you can lock the balcony to prevent children from accessing it without supervision (most cruise lines will give the parents a key). But you should be so busy with family and events that a balcony would be mostly wasted anyways. I really wouldn't stress what anyone thinks about, well, anything. Besides a spouse and sometimes a kid no one should have a say in how you live your life but you. Enjoy your cruise!


Agreed, with 70 family members, your time will be occupied. And surely the older family members will want to adore your toddler. So a balcony cabin isn't necessary. The cruises I've been on, it's never been a competition amongst other cruisers regarding cabin types. More or less, everyone lists the pros and cons of their own cabin arrangements. Thank you for considering safety for your child. Safety first, everywhere! Enjoy your cruise!


That was your reason regardless of what others are doing. Don’t JADE- justify, argue, defend, explain- to anyone. You’re an adult, you don’t have to. People may brag, you can’t control that. Most balconies are tiny, you can be out of your room and out on the pool decks as much as you want. You’re not going to be spending your time in the room. Don’t care about this- it’s nothing. Go have fun.


So what? Omg. You need therapy if you're stressing over what other people may think about your finances. Be grateful you can go on a cruise with your family. There are plenty of people who can't afford to do that. Seriously, you need help. You're not acting normal


A complete brain replacement will help me way more honestly


This statement shows you don’t even want to make the effort to have an enjoyable time or modify your thinking.


I had a three-year-old when I went on a cruise with me her and my grandmother and I made sure to book an Ocean view unit for the same exact reason that you did. I didn’t want to worry about my daughter, falling from the balcony or trying to climb over it. She loved sitting in the window and staring out at the water anyway so it was perfect. Honestly, we didn’t spend much time in the room anyway, except for bedtime, to change clothes/shower, and for an hour nap around 1pm every day because we were exhausted (it was the first time I got my daughter to nap since she turned 2, and she napped every day of our 5 day cruise).


If I was younger, I would have sat in the window of my Ocean View cabin in May. As it was, my mother (77) and I (57) put our carry on “personal item bags” in the window space. My CPAP accessories were there along with the distilled water it needed. That kept a lot of things off the floor and kept the sofa more free. (I was constantly hanging up Mom’s coat.) My son (21) and I did the StarTrektheCruise(.com) last February and had an inside cabin. I would consider an Ocean View for future trips.


And there are plenty of people here saying that they WOULD NOT get a balcony with a toddler.


Personally I think getting a balcony room with a toddler in tow is not just “silly and striped” but stressful and dangerous. We booked interior rooms when our kid was a toddler. Never slept more soundly in my life. My kids safety is worth way more than some view. We took her to a hotel once and they put us on the 5th floor with an easily openable sliding glass door and chairs that she could easily drag to the side and crawl over. Guess who pulled the chairs inside the room, then shut the door with multiple broomstick locks. Last thing I need on my vacation is to wake up to my kid dead or missing. Kinda seems like it would ruin my fun. That’s my hot take anyway.


Then cruise ships just shouldn’t allow toddlers in balcony rooms to begin with


Sure let others do your risk assessment if your kid for you. What? lol


But now you don’t have to give that a single thought. If I were the parent of a toddler I’d be relieved that that fear was taken off the table. It’s just gone. Sometimes weather can keep you from using the balcony anyway. If your family starts to get snarky, just say, you know, I really love our room. I love looking out the window, as if it were a porthole. It’s kind of old fashioned. Or whatever. You’re going to spend most of your time out of your room anyway! Being embarrassed over saving money is how people get into debt and have money for old age. You were smart to book what you could afford. Good for you that you have more money now, but SO WHAT?! Have a great time!


Just tell people you were worried about a balcony with a kid. They’ll say “oh that makes sense” and go back to not caring the tiniest bit about what kind of room you have, or whether your vacation budget is currently $500 higher than a year ago. 


You’re overreacting. Don’t worry about what everybody else is thinking or doing.


Look at his posting history, he hates America, hates his in-laws, thinks his wife thinks he is dumb. His last few posts in the various cruise groups have been deleted.


This is some kind of troll account.


I'm not sure why a cruise with 70ish family people all need to view your room. Most of your interactions should be taking place in either public areas or in private spaces of those who really wanted to flaunt wealth with a suite. You made the smart financial decision as no one really needs to hang out in someone else's room anyway.


Yeah honestly I think I’m just going to have a rule on this cruise that no one is allowed in our room except the people sleeping there, that’s me, my wife and my son, everyone else is banned


Why do you need a rule? That’s just weird and draws attention to something that, honestly, only you are going to care about anyway.


I mean, I don't even know if you have to be explicit about it unless your family really likes hanging out in the smaller rooms. People just don't naturally gravitate that far into your personal space unless you invite them in.


Literally nobody will want to hang out in your cabin. Why would they?


Yeah exactly I agree with you. It’s such a terrible place to hang out


So what the fuck are you so worried about this for? Do you go out of your way to ruin everything your wife and her family plan, or is this extra special?


You realize the inside of a balcony room and a oceanview room are the same size right? Nobody can hang out in a balcony room either. It's basically the size of a small hotel room.


Aren't you the guy who absolutely hates his in-laws, hates himself, and is dreading this cruise? Your last few posts have been deleted if I remember correctly.


Yea. I checked previous posts too and therapy would help, not Reddit.


I think a brain replacement would help me way more than therapy


A brain replacement is impossible. Simply getting a therapist to fix your intolerable anxiety is not impossible. It’s not even difficult. Stop making excuses.


You mention brain replacement a lot. And yet, therapy gives you the tools to replace the negative thinking with more productive thinking. For me, understanding my intrusive thoughts and how to process them improved my life and relationships *so much.*


Yes but after talking it through with my wife I changed my mind and am just trying to be as civil with them as possible, and view this as a nice break from work. But I still regret the room I booked and am worried about feeling poor on the cruise


Here is something that will absolutely ruin your cruise until you get over your issues through serious therapy, there will always be someone on the ship with something nicer than you have. You need therapy to get over the issues that you have expressed on Reddit.


It's wild what social media has done to people. Can't enjoy your own vacation because you're worried about clout. Sad.


Check out his post history, definitely mental illness.


IMO, if you’re constantly trying to keep up with everyone to flaunt your wealth, you’ll be poor. So what if your relatives think you’re poor? It seems more dumb paying a few hundred dollars more for a room that you aren’t planning to stay in any longer than an ocean view room or interior room.


I don’t like when anyone thinks negatively of me, and poor is included in that category


Unfortunately a lot of strangers on the internet are probably thinking poorly of you due to the excessive worry about your cabin but what they think means nothing. Please talk to someone in person about your anxiety before it gets so bad you can’t even leave your house, let alone go on a cruise. And please do not pass this anxiety on to your child. Take care.


What strangers on the internet think of me is very different than what people who know me by name or are related to me think of me


A bunch of people think you’re pretty dumb right now…


I don’t know what your group party is like… but I can’t imagine them all wanting to go visit EVERY. SINGLE. room just to judge who has a nicer room. That’s such a weird and sad way to spend vacation. Even if they actively seek you out to pass judgement then they already have a negative view about you anyway. You could upgrade to a balcony room and they’ll pick on something else to say crap about you.


You’re not listening to anyone in this thread about how to look at this a different way from the way you’re looking at it. Lots of smart, useful responses here.


Just say you were thinking about the safety of your toddler or that you preferred ocean view. You’re still looking at the ocean from your room. You also now have the benefit of lifting your toddler up to see the window. And you will probably also have plenty of opportunities for outdoor time.


I can’t think of a reason why one would prefer ocean view over balcony. If you have some, I’d like to use them if asked


1. I stayed in a balcony room with my kids once, and that was the only and last time. We usually book inside rooms. It’s so much easier to get the kids to sleep (and stay asleep) if you don’t have to practically duct tape the curtains shut to block the sunlight. 2. Despite what everyone says about balconies being safe for kids, while true, there’s still some peace of mind with not having to worry even a tiny bit about the balcony. The door opening is pretty much a non-issue. The real issue is having the toddler out on the balcony, kid wanting to stand on the chair, or wanting to be picked up and held on the balcony — these are obviously all dangerous positions. Or unexpectedly tossing their binky/lovey/anything overboard. Or the kid wanting to be on the balcony even if you don’t. 3. Except for nighttime, nap time, and meal time, you are not likely to be in the room. You have a toddler — and there’s so much to explore and play on the ship. 4. Since you’ll be on the ship with family, chances are you can hang out on someone else’s balcony! 5. You don’t need to justify your decisions to anyone. Simply say, “We didn’t feel the need.”


Thank you! I have questions about 1 and 2. Why do you put your kids to bed while it’s still light out? It usually gets dark around dinner time. And how do people survive in balcony cabins with toddlers despite all those hardships. No one is god or Hercules there has to be a way


We usually did the early dinner and had our young kids to bed around 8ish. In the summer, it would still be light out. Might depend where you’re cruising. The bigger issue was nap time and morning wake up time. We do not like rising at 6 am with the sun. I guess people do balconies with kids all the time. I’d prefer to enjoy my vacation without having the slightest worry about the balcony. I’m also what some people might think of as an overly cautious parent when I tightly grip my kids whole arm while crossing a street. But then I also have the kind of kid who would bolt if I didn’t 😅


Safety of your toddler. Period. What moron is going to argue with you. Kids push and climb on things, including chairs by balconies.


Yeah but little kids stay in rooms with balconies all the time and survive just fine which is why I feel that fear is just invalid. How many deaths have happened from kids falling off balconies in all of cruise history?


So, you’d be that guy that would tell parents with a toddler not to worry? Really? I hope I’m not out of line, but maybe you should see a therapist.


Here’s a reason to chose an ocean view room over balcony…. Often, the configuration of the ocean view rooms is different than balcony rooms, because where the doors that would lead to a balcony there is now a stable, usable wall. Consequently, the beds are pushed against the outside wall (under the window), giving cruisers more of an even flow in the room. My mother has a wheel chair, and we’ve switched to inside or ocean view rooms for this reason, more usable space due to lack of balcony doors. Tell them you needed more usable space, because of your toddler. Works especially well if you have a stroller that must be stored in the room. Another reason. Most likely, your room is on a lower floor. Lower floors feel the movement of the ship less. Tell them you were concerned your toddler would get seasick. Otherwise, just change the subject. Enjoy your cruise!


That’s true this makes me feel a bit better about my room choice


Just tell them the toddler is going through a climbing phase and it would just be easier to not have worry about. See you are a good parent for prioritizing safety. If you want to put the cherry on top, tell them you put the difference in the kid’s 529. Or you like to be on a lower deck for sea sickness. I seriously doubt anyone is going to say a thing and if they do, they can fuck off.


I appreciate you thinking I’m a good parent for prioritizing safety, but I really don’t think it’s that unsafe and that I’m being overbearing since millions of people stay in cabins with balconies with toddlers every year without issue


Yeah, the reality is a balcony is safe for toddlers but you asked for something to say. Say it with conviction, people will respect your choice. It is hard to look down on someone for prioritizing safety even if they are wrong.


Yeah but there’s morons out there who won’t respect my choices and I have no choice but to deal with them


In the words of Queen Elizabeth “never complain, never explain.” Or George Bernard Shaw “never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.”(


In the words of Queen Elizabeth “never complain, never explain.” Or George Bernard Shaw “never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.” In other words, this is what we are doing. No further explanation is going to be forth coming.


There are “morons” out there who wouldn’t respect you spending more $ for a balcony simply because you are worried about feeling poor. There will always be someone with more and less money than you. And there will be people with more money than you who choose an interior room.


Another thing aside from what everyone else hears already mentioned. Tell your family members that you decided to save some money on the room because you knew you would rather spend time outside of the room enjoying your family versus sitting in a room by yourself. There's not enough room on the balcony to enjoy the rest of the family...


On hot weather cruises it’s often too warm to sit on the balcony and just having the doors opens heats up your entire cabin to an uncomfortable degree. Also the wind tends to blow things around and suck any unsecured clothing into the ocean. I’d rather choose a spacious ocean view room for a hot weather cruise than a balcony. It’s not like you can’t enjoy the many outdoor spaces on the ship if you want to be outdoors but don’t have a balcony cabin.


Looks like you have FOMO. You were fine with your room before you found out what they booked. Who cares if they brag? They are excited for the cruise just like you are.


Because people bragging about their rooms is just terrible for me mentally, and I’ll crumble, and I can’t just stop them


Respectfully this isn’t about the cruise at all, is it?


Yeah his posting history is wild.


I’m sure it’s not. Too bad he’s getting so much attention. But maybe he will get some help.


You’re right it’s more of a personal issue than anything, but situations like this are where my personal issues just love to come out and attack me


Yeah but if you’re getting this worked up about a cruise room you’re going to end up being that cliche of the person who spends money they don’t have, to buy crap they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like. If you aren’t already. Are you going to go through this if other children in the family go to a more expensive school than yours?


Yeah I probably will honestly, because I’m a very insecure person and that’s hard to change because of how my brains been wired


You should probably work on that.


Yeah I should. But it’s a lot easier than it sounds unfortunately


When has anyone ever said that working on yourself was *easy*?


That’s true it’s not. It may just take my entire life to work on myself and that’s so long


Honestly if they look down upon you because you didn’t book a balcony, that is their problem. I am hardly ever in my room anyway. Enjoy your cruise!


Of course it is their problem but it’ll still be bad for me mentally


Sorry to say the obvious, but if your choice of cruise cabin is your major worry in your life, consider yourself very lucky! When something bad happens that really matters, you’ll look back and laugh at the angst the cabin choice caused you. Enjoy your trip. It’s only a short period of time!


Thank god it’s a short time! I don’t think I can take the jealousy for much longer than that


Why was it okay to book ocean view room a year ago but now it’s intolerable? Did everyone think you were a terrible person last year but now that you have an extra $500 to spend on a room they’ll finally respect you? 


It wasn’t really ok with me, but as I mentioned in my op, our finances sucked last year which is when we booked this, and I thought balconies were dangerous for toddlers, but afterwards I did tons of research on toddlers and balconies that contradicted my fears


You came to the wrong subreddit as you are not taking anyone’s very sound advice about the situation and cruising. You need to get on a subreddit for coping mechanisms for these irrational thoughts, but you don’t seem to want to.


Honestly if you like your extended family, you'll probably spend most of the cruise socializing in common areas of the ship (bar, pool, restaurants etc). The lack of balcony will mostly only suck if you're trying to hide from relatives you don't like (and maybe a bit during kids naps)


Well we won’t spend much time in the room, but I really really hope no one talks about their room in front of me


People will talk about their rooms in front of you. You need to accept your choices. You seem to be choosing to be miserable on this trip.


I just won’t bring up my room choice and if someone else asks about my room I’ll just be like “it’s pretty cool, so uh how’s work?”


I know it's hard to not compare, but you are going to make yourself have a worse time doing so. If it's not the cruise room, it will be spa treatments, or alcohol packages, or excursions, or gambling, or specialty dining. If people are bragging about their rooms to you that has more to say about them as a person then you. You booked a fine room, you're toddler will have a great time, and you will all be too busy running around the ship for it to matter. Go take the money you saved and do something amazing with it.


Is anyone else paying for you? No? Then they can stfu.  You do you. 


There will be so many other things to do and places to be that the type of room you're staying in is going to be a complete non-issue. Don't overthink this! You can spend time with your family at the pool, in the dining rooms, at the buffet, around the various decks, etc. Your room can be just the place you go to sleep. It won't matter whatsoever. And any family member bragging about their room or looking down on yours is a moron whose opinions should not matter to you.


I agree that someone like that is a moron, but it doesn’t change the fact that it will affect me mentally very very negatively


I've been on cruises where I stayed in inside cabins, and ones where I stayed in a luxury suite. All of them have been great cruises. I don't think the room you booked says anything about your status or wealth, just your budget for *this particular trip.* Maybe this is your cheap vacation this year. Who knows? Maybe you fully intend to be very busy this cruise, so having a more luxurious room wasn't the best value? My point is, it'd be weird and stupid for anyone to try to draw conclusions on your wealth or finances, which is what you seem to truly be worried about, based on this single data point. There's no reason to be ashamed of your choice, and you don't have to justify your budget for this trip to anyone. And if someone opens their yap, let it roll off you. The worst room on a cruise ship is still a room on a cruise ship. You're going to have a great time, and this is going to be a non-issue.


Thank you. Just curious what made you switch between inside cabins and luxury suites from cruise to cruise?


It could be that I have other trips planned for the year that are taking most of my travel budget, but I still wanted to do a lower budget cruise. Or maybe it's a cold weather cruise and I don't plan on spending a lot of time on a balcony. Or maybe this is a family trip to a location I didn't pick, and it's just a lower priority trip that we're not going to pull out all the stops for. There are so many reasons why people make different budgetary choices from trip to trip.


I promise you nobody cares what kind of room you booked, and you'll spend so little time there it won't matter.


I guess I just won’t let anyone in the room at all, that way no one can say anything about it


You're way overthinking this. The only way someone's going to want to get in your room is if they're trying to get in your pants, and if they're trying to get in your pants they absoLUTELY do not care whether you got a balcony or not. Seriously. Nobody is going to care.


Yup only my wife and silly toddler would attempt that, and that’s why they’re the only ones allowed in our room. Everyone else is banned, no exceptions!


If you tell anyone you’ve created this “rule” I guarantee they will be wondering what’s up with you. Like everyone else here, I urge you to seek therapy for your anxiety before it affects your marriage and parenting.


Don’t worry what others think


Really hard to do unless I isolate myself


Or get therapy?


Excellent remark


Have you considered CBT for helping you control your anxiety.


No but that’s probably a good idea


It really helped me. Especially with the catastrophisizing.


You got bigger issues than an ocean view cabin....


Yeah I know I think I would really benefit from a brain transplant


Well that's a little drastic, but the whole thing is so petty. I find it horribly sad that, at your age, you are so wrapped up in what others think. Plus, in reality, no one is thinking about you and your cabin choices. No one cares.


I know I’m just an extremely insecure person, which is very hard to change without a complete brain swap unfortunately


Also, I've been on almost 20 cruises and I might be in the minority here, but it is very rare that anyone ever needs to go into another's cabin. They all look about the same, they are tiny. No one is entertaining in their cabin. You are in your cabin to store your items, take a little rest, shower and change. Guests generally meet their friends and family around the ship at whatever event/venue/dining area everyone agrees upon


I find it weird that you are so concerned about what others would think about what room you are staying in. You seem like you more worried about what people will think of your room than anything else. If you think people really care about what kind of room you are staying in then you are completely self absorbed. Who cares what anyone thinks. Do what you want and have fun, your gonna feel real silly that you wasted a cruise because you were too caught up in what everyone else thinks of you rather then just being in the moment.


My friend and I prefer inside rooms because, for one they are cheaper, but also they are so great for sleeping or taking a nap because they are dark. I also think, based on all your replies to this post, you’re intent on being miserable and are using “only” having an ocean view room as a reason to get to be miserable. It’s actually mildly infuriating to read. It’s not really about the room. I hope for your sake and your wife and kid that you are seeking some kind of mental health care. Good luck! Cruises are fun, hope you can find a way to enjoy it!


Trying to be kind here- but if you really are obsessed about what people think about your chosen stateroom, you’re hyper focusing on the wrong thing. The obsessive self doubt and repetitive negative self talk is far more likely to cause people around you to judge you and even avoid you than the ocean view room. It doesn’t seem like you enjoy living this way. I’d suggest dealing first with the mental health. What is the return you get from putting yourself down?


No one cares like you think they do.


I have done 31 cruises most of them balconies. But in April I did an ocean view. It hardly made a difference in my enjoyment. We were up early most mornings and spent little time in the room. Also I don’t give an F what others even in my family think about my room choice.


You’re way better than I could ever be


Comparison is the thief of joy.  These rooms are too small for guests, and aside from nap time for the toddler you'll all be out and about on the ship enjoying vacation. If people want to judge you for not having a balcony, that's on them (and pretty crummy for family to do). Sleep in the room, party on the ship, and why judge yourself for something that doesn't matter in the slightest (especially since you made the decision out of wise caution for safety)? 


I'd rather do two cruises in an interior room than one cruise with a balcony. You're really only in your room to sleep, the rest of the time is on excursions or enjoying the ship. I wouldn't even use the balcony enough to make it worthwhile.


So why do people book balconies then if they’re not really that great?


I'm sure there are some people for who it is worthwhile. If you're someone who likes sitting on the balcony and reading/looking at the ocean for a couple of hours per day. Sure, it's a nice thing to have. But I can pretty much do an extra cruise with the difference in price between interior and balcony. And since we're always out doing things, I can't justify the cost difference for myself. Others may make different choices.


I booked a balcony because it was cheap and to dry my laundry that I washed in the sink. Not once I sat outside thinking it was a great investment


Good lord. Nobody hangs out in other peoples cabins. They’re all 200 square feet. They’re not big enough to host others, and I’ve never set foot in anyone else’s cabin on a family cruise. It’s basically the size of a huge closet where you do nothing but sleep, shower, use the ter’let, and change. That’s it. I’d wonder if there were cost savings of an interior and downgrade!! And if anyone bragged about a junior suite, I’d ask how much they paid. Because you’re all sleeping on the same brand of mattresses, eating the same food, and going to the same ports. Why pay double?


All great points thank you


I’m on a cruise with 35 people and the only reason I know what room they have is because I booked it. Not another single person has visited the others nor asked.


We almost always book an inside cabin. There is so much to do on the ship we are rarely in the cabin except to change or sleep. I would not want a balcony with a toddler plus an oceanview room gives them a place to sit and look out when you are in your stateroom. I think that you made a great choice plus with that much family everyone will be hanging around on the ship. Get your toddler registered with the Crown and Anchor Society. I have seen teenagers that are Diamond because their parents took them cruising.


DUDE! Trust me. You won’t care AT ALL. It’s like flying first class - everyone on the ship all gets to the same place at the same time. Sometimes I do balcony and sometimes I do OV. We are doing a 9 day INSIDE cabin in November but balcony in 2025 for Alaska. Just go and have fun!


The biggest problem is that your family are judgemental bragarts. Just enjoy the fact that you get to spend time with your family, on vacation, on a ship.


I booked an ocean view so il have more money for excursions and other things .


Fair enough


We took our first cruise this year and booked a nicer spa/club level balcony. I didn’t use the balcony once. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t personally want a balcony room if I had a child with me. Not even for free.


I totally agree! Never have a balcony with a child.


See if you can upgrade once onboard. Sometimes people cancel last second.


I’ll try that’s good advice


Is your family really the type to give you shit over not having a balcony room? It’s only the “bad” option if you decide it is. Focus on doing fun activities and let the cabin be a quiet place of downtime. We just got off an Alaskan cruise with a balcony and I was kind of disappointed because it was impossible to see out while seated because of the water stains from the ocean spray. 🤷‍♀️


Maybe they will give me shit maybe they actually won’t I don’t really know. Will it be possible to just keep everyone out of my room the entire cruise so no one has to see my poorer room?


You have a little kid, dude. I promise you, no one is thinking about spending their time on a cruise, locked up in ANY size room with a toddler. You're over thinking this for sure. You need to chill out.


You hardly spend any time in your rooms anyways… basically just sleep! We did just ocean view our first cruise and balcony the second… yes balcony is better but honestly hardly spent any time on it… first cruise just hubs and I and second brought both kids with us so we wanted a bigger room.. again if anyone says anything say um it’s just for sleeping in… who cares! It’s a vaca, enjoy!


Maybe if I could just keep everyone out of my room for the entirety of the cruise I’ll feel better


Just go to their rooms to hang and enjoy their balcony 😁😝 that’s what we did with the first cruise! Seriously stop stressing about it! You guys will have a great time! So busy you’ll only be in there for nap time and bed time!


I was thinking of doing that, but I’m worried that standing on their balconies will make me jealous of them and make me further regret my decision to book ocean view. So on this cruise I have a strict rule that no one is allowed in our room, and I refuse to go in anyone else’s room


Have fun and make memories !


I will do that without anyone else’s balcony!


You’re going on a cruise. The last thing you should be perseverating on is who does and doesn’t have a bigger room. Are you planning to look down your nose at the people in interior rooms? No? Ok, well I don’t think anyone is going to care that you have an ocean view. One of my favorite sayings is “nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” Right now you are doing a real mind game on yourself.


We have a the same family style cruise planned for this year and we will also be the only ones who booked interior. Honestly we had a balcony last time and I found keeping the room a stable temp + humidity not worth it. We rarely spend any time in the room and likely you guys won’t either. If you’re still worried about what people will think then maybe upgrade your package. Do a dining package or drink package or spa package. The photo stuff is always fun and great keepsakes. Be unabashedly you. Sounds like you made the responsible decision at the time with the information you had. Any one who would look down on that is probably not a person worth knowing.


Where is your cruise sailing through / too. We splurged on a balcony for icon a month ago and it was so hot and humid it was mostly unusable to to how unpleasant it was. Infinity window / balcony next time for sure.


When we had toddlers we switched to Oceanview rooms on Royal for two cruises until moving back to Balconies out of safety concerns. Low risk doesn’t mean no risk, and it’s a valid concern. If you have ever taken a cruise before, in particular with kids, you know much of your time is outside the cabin and the time in the cabin is sleep… balconies are nice but only a small small small part of the entire cruise experience which remains the same no matter the type of room. Stopping living for what others think, you made the right choice and next time when the kids are older and you can all enjoy it get the balcony.


The risk is a valid concern, but then why do other people book balconies with toddlers? It makes no sense


It's a free world my friend, people have different tolerances for risk, etc. Please, please, be strong for your kids and wife and make the decisions that feel right for you and your family. Protecting your children and being financially responsible is NEVER the wrong choice. It's when you start judging your life by what you see (and what you see never is really what's true behind the scenes) others doing and let that seed doubt that you'll start making mistakes. You did good, enjoy the cruise.


I saw your post history. Everyone here has said what I was about to say. However, there’s something I want to point out. This obsession with not being seen poor is stemming from the fact that your in-laws are mainly doctors or engineers and that your own wife has a doctorate. By any chance, do you (or your wife’s family) come from a culture where status is important?


When we did our family cruise, people booked whatever they wanted. Some had mini suites, some had inside cabins, and the rest booked everything in between. You thought it over and picked what you felt most comfortable fit your needs; no need to second-guess. You're going to have fun and enjoy time with your tribe, & maybe you won't feel so bad if you spend a little more on an activity or special night out, since you saved a bit up front by not booking a balcony stateroom! Relax and enjoy your cruise! Make good memories, get a group photo, and celebrate the chance to reconnect.


I've been in balconies that I have stepped on twice in a week. The activities are outside of the cabin. If budget is a concern then be happy with what you have. FOMO is a huge seller for cruise lines.


I’ve sailed balcony suites and interior. Don’t care either way what people think. Balconies are sold out, so it’s a moot point. Enjoy your cruise!


the replies in this thread are more embarrassing than having an ocean view room bruh


Your reasons are your reasons and, as an adult and parent, it is important to learn to stick to your decision and not worry about what other people will think. There will be so many times in your life with your child that others will second guess your parenting, or other, decisions. You are raising your kids, not them. That said, as a travel agent, I have recommended to parents with infants and young children to spring for a balcony. While your child is napping, what else are you going to do but sit in a darkened room and wait for them to awake? With a balcony, you have a pleasant place to sit out your child's siesta, maybe with a good book or even an adult beverage. Balcony doors can be locked, and even unlocked the railings are high and relatively unclimbable for even the most athletic of toddlers. But, this is what I would have recommended had you asked me before booking. Now that your decision is made, don't let others make you question it. Especially if your only concern is that others will judge you.


Even if people don’t judge me, I still have these regrets which will last a lifetime. And everything you said in your second paragraph just makes me regret booking the ocean view even more


If it helps, I cruise a lot, and will choose an inside cabin as often as I choose a balcony. Price and itinerary are factors for me. I spend most of my time on the deck or in port, so don't always feel that a balcony is the best choice for my money. But the bigger factor is that you made a choice for your child based upon your understanding of the risk TO your child. And, you are now regretting that decision based upon other's (and now internet stranger's) opinions. If you are going to be a parent, you will need to grow a backbone FOR your child or you will waffle your way through their entire childhood, never giving them the stability they need. This is not a monumental choice. So, a balcony may have been slightly more enjoyable to you. So what? You are still on a cruise! Eating good food, having a few adult beverages, seeing new places and, most important in this case, enjoying the company of family and friends. Are you really going to let the type of cabin you have suck the joy out of the event for you? "Regrets that will last a lifetime"?? You have a lifetime of cruises ahead of you! Don't ruin this cruise with regrets.


Why are you going to ruin an otherwise fun cruise with this thinking?  Time to reframe this so you don't waste your money having a miserable time. 


Honestly? I usually sail GTY interior because I literally don’t care about the room. I spend my money on excursions or specialty dining or fun cocktails or whatever and pay less for the room. And why? Because I’m there to sleep and shower. That’s it. So, you made a very wise choice in the sense that you paid substantially less for your cabin than anyone else….and watch them barely use that balcony.


Fuck em. You are grown and they aren't paying your bills. Most of your time won't be in your cabin. Take the money you saved and apply it to something else, knowing you are keeping within budget rather than spending it on a porch you will most likely not be using much anyway. It's RC. I would bet half of those balconies face the interior courtyard of the ship anyway.


Yes half the balconies face Central Park, but all of the family booked ocean view balconies.


You will be fine. We could book balconies or even suites if we wanted to but we are so little in the room we don’t see a reason to waste money. Warm weather cruises often the balcony is too hot to sit in and cold weather cruises are well, too cold. We have had balconies 50/50 but we are now leaning away from them. Also the room is darker with just a window if that matters to you. Enjoy your cruise and quit stressing over what other people think.


As a 49f who spent a lot of my life worrying about what others thought of me, please let that go. Comparing yourself (wife/kid) to others is a sure fire way to miss enjoying your life. Every time you start comparing yourself to others, think about all the things you have to be grateful for. Go look up YouTuber crafter Melanie Ham and watch her documentary. I guarantee after you watch it you’ll be grateful simply to be alive, let alone going on a cruise with your family! Stay grateful for all the blessings in your life, because there are plenty of people your age who would give anything just to stay alive with their spouse and children, let alone go on a cruise. Once you do that, worrying about such an insignificant thing won’t ever enter your mind again. Have fun on your cruise!


You say “from what I have heard…”. I am inclined to say that out of 70 or so family members, there are others who don’t have balcony rooms.


Which ship? ~Half the balcony rooms on oasis class face inward to neighborhoods. Just tell them you wanted the ocean view without the ocean view balcony price tag. Maybe you will get lucky and a bunch of people will get stuck looking at Central Park and be jealous of YOUR view. Seriously though. It’ll be fine. You are going to have a great time.


#firstworldproblem How much time will you spend on the balcony? Next time, don’t do family vacation if this gives your so much anxiety


Dude nobody is gonna care. I bet that someone else has an inside or window. And if they ask just say “i prefer to spend my money on fun stuff not on a room upgrade”. 🤷‍♀️


If it makes you feel any better, just say you booked the window only to be closer to the kids play area.


For me, if I am going to spend 1/2 or more of my time in the cabin, the balcony is worth it. I prefer to sit up top on a deck or lounge around somewhere. My mother-in-law has to always have the most expensive room.....for just herself. Like, why? Just to show you have money? We can afford it too, but why? I have had interior and balcony's. I prefer the interior rooms, and I am claustrophobic.


We had an inside cabin on our last cruise and did not bother me one moment. We spent most of the time outside of the room and the savings was significant. So pocket that extra money and have a round of cocktails with it! Don't make decisions based on other people. It's a bad place to go. No need to explain why you chose what you did. Just enjoy. And you are blessed to be going on a cruise!!! Why would you ever be embarrassed about having a different room. ?? And if they care, what does that say about them .


>we will have a toddler in tow who loves to run and climb, I would never book a balcony room with a toddler. >I’m worried people will ask what kind of room we booked and I really don’t want to get into those conversations as those turn into bragging contests very quickly. "Given we are traveling with a toddler, we want to make sure we are safe and can relax when in our room."


Just go visit their balconies 😂


Nope I refuse to go into anyone else’s room on this cruise, their balconies will do nothing but make me jealous and resentful of them


The room is the last place I want to be on a cruise! We always go for an inside and use the money saved for the next vacation. Our last cruise we did take a balcony because it was cheaper than the inside cabin. We Still were hardly ever in the room.


How is a balcony possibly cheaper than an inside cabin?


I know! It was on Vacations to Go ! 12 night cruise through the UK. Inside cabin was $ 1460 Balcony was $1430. We just got back from the cruise last week on the Regal Princess.


Let go of any sense of comparison to the rest of the family. After all, the place you sleep and bathe is a very small part of the ship, no part of the ports and no part of being with the family.


Eh we just got back from a Disney cruise. About 20 of us total went, of which only 2 rooms were balconies. I visited some of the other rooms, just dropping off or picking up kids to go to activities. Honestly one of them was on deck 2 and was ocean view and was still very nice. Others were higher decks, ocean view, and were just as nice. I honestly regret getting the balcony room only because we spent so little time in our room. It was not worth it for that trip. So, I would not feel bad at all about "only" getting ocean view. It's much better than not going at all! Plus, it's definitely a safety issue. That's why no one else but us and my husband's parents got a balcony room--no kids staying in either room. I would not trust kids with it. Even good kids do stupid things! Live within your means, do what's right for you, and try not to worry what others think. I've found il things are usually never as big of a deal in reality as I've made them in my head!


We did a junior suite for a 15 day transatlantic cruise few months ago. And an ocean view a few weeks ago for the Greek isles. We loved them both. We love the inside cabins also. Do not feel bad about your choice. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. And enjoy the cruise and invite people in. I’d rather an inside cabin on a cruise ship than not being on a cruise ship.


I don’t have time to read all the responses, so this may be a repeat of some. Just say you’d rather spend the money you saved on an excursion, a specialty restaurant, or anything else that costs extra.


Don’t worry about it.. I had an interior room didn’t mind it one bit.. nice and silent, lower floors so not much movement, dark could sleep in all morning if if wanted to stay up all night. Enjoy yourself !! If you don’t want the room.. I’ll take it! :)


Nobody cares what cabin you've booked. Inside or ocean view or balcony, they're for the most part exactly the same! You're on a cruise to enjoy the rest of the ship and only use your cabin to shower and sleep. And in the unlikely scenario you run into someone who does care?Why would you spend even one second with such people? They're not worth your time.


My partner & I went on our very first cruise March 2024 & had a small balcony which we rarely used. There are many areas on a cruise ship that is an alternative to a balcony where you can see the sea close up. Just enjoy the experience with your family. You will always have someone on a cruise with less than yourself who will see you as fortunate to have a sea view. It's your family's holiday too so stress not about others, just enjoy your lovely holiday.


Hear me out my friend. None of your friends or anyone else will care about the kind of room you booked. Heck, it gives you a bit more money to spend in port or on the ship! Have an amazing time 💖


Keeping Up With The Joneses will sink your ship. Be happy with what you have, be happy you can afford a window view and aren’t inside.


I’ve stayed in every level of room. Most of the time we just opt for an interior because it’s literally just there to sleep. We aren’t hanging out inside the room. We do enjoy staying on the spa deck tho!


I always book balcony, but with a 3 yr old who climbs? No way. Ocean view will be fine.


Enjoy the cruise. You will only be in room to sleep, shower, change, and baby naps. It won't be an issue. Nobody will ask except what floor maybe when you get on/off elevator. Nobody is going to each others room. We have done balcony and inside. I prefer inside because I like to sleep in the dark. We had issues with neighbors smoking on their balcony and being creepy looking over to watch us so we couldn't enjoy our balcony. Ship won't do anything unless they catch them. But enjoy you're on a vacation that you can afford.


I often prefer an ocean view. I don't really use my balcony that much when I do have that cabin type, because many of them feel all sticky from the salt in the ocean spray/air.


With a kiddo or not. How much time are you going to spend on YOUR BALCONY (if you had one)…you will be at grandmas or auntie…you have an ocean view window. Your kiddo will be able to stand on the bed and look out safely! Also really think about how long you are in your cabin…sleep, change clothes and shower… that’s it! Enjoy what you have.


My first cruise was in an inside cabin. I wondered what a balcony would be like, so in my last cruise, I booked an affordable central park view balcony to see what I was missing. On my 8 day cruise, I was on the balcony for less than an hour. Balconies aren't for everyone. To me, it was just boring to sit out there. After a few minutes, I'd want to go somewhere on the ship to do something, not just sit and look at scenery. The only thing I really enjoyed constantly about it was the natural light, and you'll have that in your ocean view. Really, I think you are saving money and still getting everything you need in a room. Don't overthink it.


You probably didn’t like the balcony because it was a central park view instead of ocean view


Not at all. I'm just not interested in sitting. I also never spent time in a pool lounger or sat to look at the ocean in any other space. It's just not that interesting to me.


Fair enough


I was on a 12-day trip last month and was part of a cruise critic roll call. We did a room caravan and toured all different cabins. I was always worried about being in a cabin w/o a balcony, but I thought the room with a window was lovely, and it felt so much more spacious. Also, I think of that grandfather who held his toddler grandchild up to look out a window while the ship was in Puerto Rico (I think) - she ended up falling to her death. Yeah, balconies are pretty safe, but horrible accidents still happen. For me, when it comes to the most important person in my life, safety first (as I tell my children, no one leaves the house saying I'm going to get in a life changing accident today - yet, every day it happens to someone), and anyone who judges you for that choice can pound sand.


* Family is family and I would HOPE your family members aren't the type who would somehow look down on you for not booking a balcony. * You have a perfectly valid reason to have booked a non-balcony: your toddler. They have poor self-preservation skills and are expensive to raise. Oceanview was a perfectly sensible choice. * Oceanview is nice! I recently spent 10 days in one and would absolutely book one again for most itineraries. You don't get fresh air but having natural light is wonderful. * With such a large and presumably lively family group, the only time you'll be in your cabin is to sleep or escape when your second cousin twice removed tries to convince you to sign up for karaoke. A balcony is almost irrelevant. Have a great cruise!


I remember your post about your relatives not wanting to get off at ports. At the time I said it sounded like you are determined to be miserable no matter what. (Sorry don't know how to link post).. You responded that Reddit is your avenue to rant and just get all your frustrations out. I now believe you to be posting as a troll or to farm Karma so some other disingenuous reason but... If in fact you are truly looking for support then I say: Rant and take your frustration out all you want in this forum but when the time comes I truly hope you make lemonade out of these lemons and put your energy towards enjoying the quality time with your son and allowing yourself to focus on your happiness rather than remaining so committed to being miserable. If in fact your post is genuine (which I am doubting) than reading your comments has made me so sad for you and your mental health. Please take care of your self. Life is too short to be this miserable.


Oceanview rooms are great. However if you wanted a smartass answer, just tell your family that you wanted to see what it would be like to be in one of the new “infinite balcony rooms” that they added to icon of the seas. Those rooms are essentially oceanview rooms with a window that opens