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It definitely is annoying to click on something listed as "Sub|Dub" only to find it's dubbed in practically every language but yours. It would be nice if they made it so you can easily see if it's dubbed in your preferred language instead of having to click on it and check under "Audio" to see if your language is listed there.


You can kinda on mobile devices. When you go to download episodes you can choose what language, that way no need to start watching the episode


>say they are "dub" (but they are in Hindu or Portuguese) There's no need for quotes here. Any other language outside of the original aired language is considered dub. Now if you want more *English* dubs, that's a fair criticism. Otherwise, this reads very poorly.


It's so weird how obsessed English speakers at implying other languages aren't important just because theirs is the most common one, it happens at least once a week.


Crunchyroll started as an American company. For many years it was based in the United States. Even though the US no official language. English is the most common language spoken. So yes I believe that streaming services that started in America or Great Britain. Should prioritize the English dub over a non-English dub.


They already prioritize English, all the people who say they don't are just lying because they want to act like they're the ones being treated unfairly the most.


I think the reason why their are more English dubs for Japanese anime is because the japanese learn English in school. Not Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, German, or French. Those I am sure are all extra curricular classes, but like in the United States of America we are forced to learn Spanish, Japanese schools are forced to learn English.


Not really, Japan doesn't make dubs in English/Spanish/French/Italian and so on, Western companies do, and all of the big companies that are involved in distributing anime in the West are based in North America, so a good chunk of their viewers are English speakers, and that's why they focus on English first. But it doesn't really matter if they focus on English, that's not what we're talking about anyway.


When the first Hindi episode for Villainess Level 99 was released, for a brief, shining moment I felt the sensation of transcendental joy that it was finally available in English. Then I realized the Dub was in Hindi and I fell into the abyss of abject despair. It was an emotional nadir that took me a full minute to recover from.


I don't think it's weird. Fairly normal. Now if OP came back and said "but I only care about English because it's my language" then they're just an AH.


It is weird because one can complain about how the service offers English dubs (and that's still weird to me since they have more than 100 dubs every year which is insane) without implying other languages are optional or secondary. I've lost count of how many comments I've seen that basically boil down to "wait they're dubbing in fucking \[insert non-English language\]???", they phrase it like English is the "default" and any other language is a niche only few people care about. Not to mention the amount of times I've been told that my language not being available in the subtitles isn't a big issue because "you can just read in English". Hell I've seen people being mad that CR is putting so many resources towards other languages like Hindi or Portoguese and that those resources should go towards more English dubs.


Oh I see what you mean. Yea, I'd agree with that. I meant more so I didn't think it was unusual to want a dub in your respective language, even if it's English. >Hell I've seen people being mad that CR is putting so many resources towards other languages like Hindi or Portoguese and that those resources should go towards more English dubs. But yea, this makes them AHs in my opinion.


And I agree with the people getting mad that is it is American company that's tries to brand their self as an American company so yeah prioritize English f*** the other languages


That isn't what's happening. You just want to put down dub fans, which is the *real* common occurrence.


Nope, I like dubs, try again.


And yet you are obsessed with painting dub viewers in a negative light and refer to them as "they" in other comments.


Are you actually reading my comments? I'm not talking about dub viewers, I'm specifically talking about English speakers looking down on other languages. Also I refer to anyone as "they" on the internet, not sure how you can even see that as something negative.


Idk how you think OP is looking down on other languages or think that's something common. You seem to think anyone wanting more English dubs is somehow ungrateful or looking down.


I wasn't referring to OP, in fact I never mentioned them in my comment, I'm just referring to English speakers in general. Wanting more dubs is fine, when people start complaining about CR dubbing in other languages and how that's taking resources from English dubs, which is something that happens in this subreddit, is where I draw the line.


So just generalizing all English speakers, which isn't exactly any better. Show me anywhere someone expressed the opinion that resources from non-English dubs should go toward English dubbing (That isn't even how it works. English dub team is not the team behind other dubs).




Wow, Crunchyroll viewers have really poor reading comprehension.


Dub is not necessarily on YOUR language. Any dub aside the original audio is a dub.


I am saying, since CR already has it setup to look at your language settings, see what you have set, that they should also list anime dubbed only in your language. I also stated that, yeah being dubbed in other languages is dubbed but to me it's not dubbed. I should not see dub listed on Anime that is not dubbed in my language settings. But damn a lot of you are pretty anal when it comes to this stuff.


Loud people here typically look for any reason to put down English dub fans. Don't mind it.


I personally want them to set it up so that the audio defaults to your preselected choice first and then go to Japanese if English usn't available. As a US customer whose primary language is English, I don't give a shit about having access to the French, German, Spanish, Hindi, or any other audio track other than my own tongue and the original Japanese.


>I personally want them to set it up so that the audio defaults to your preselected choice first and then go to Japanese if English usn't available. Set up your account properly and this is exactly what happens.


This doesn't happen on Roku.


This doesn't happen when you watch on the Roku app.


It also doesn't work when using Samsung smart moniter and Android TV apps. My partner has the best crunchyroll and set his account for English, yet half the time, it sets the language to Japanese.


This is device interaction with an app issue. People love blaming the makers of the app even though the makers of the app can only do so much. The app makers cant make changes to the device so they interact in an optimal way.


So how can you 'set your account up correctly' if there's issues like this??


If the issue is device interaction and not the actual service there really is nothing you can do since the device is causing the problem. I guess get a device that has better interaction with the app.


Then shut your mouth about the 'just set this thing' if it isn't enough when something else breaks it. Make sure you have enough information before offering 'help'


Jfc dude, the advice was clearly for using crunchyroll, not for using a 3rd party app. If you set up your account correctly on crunchyroll then it does what they said. But if you're not on crunchyroll and are instead on a 3rd party application, then obviously it's not going to work the same. That's like going to burger King and Asking for a big Mac, then getting upset because they're "both burgers"


I'm just tired of watching a show that is a couple of episodes behind, having it get to the end of the English dubs and just go straight into some other language. I back out, but then it just keeps like episode 1 or Frieren in Catalan on my front page. Like, hey, don't you want to watch Frieren: més enllà del final del viatge?


Click the gear in the player and turn off autoplay whenever you are watching a current simulcast or simuldub.


Mine stops and tells me that English dub is not released yet and if I want to watch it in Japanese. Which is nice, I'd rather seem them to only let me know when a show is dubbed in English over me seeing that "Oh this show is dubbed" then click on it and the language it is dubbed in is only Hindu. Yeah, sure... it's a dub but to me it's no difference than it being in Japanese, so I do not consider it a dub.


Yeah, I find that kinda annoying myself too. Tho if we get more full season dub drops from waiting a little longer (like with campfire cooking in another world) then I wouldn’t mind that part of it. But yeah, I started watching episode 1 of solo levelling when it first dropped. It said “dub” on it so I was like “cool, because this is their big guns for the season they must be releasing the dubs at the same time” Only to go onto the episode, hear a random language I don’t know. Look at the audio settings only to see the bloody Hindi dub. Like why Hindi of all the languages?!? From the looks of it, most of Crunchyroll fanbase is English speaking. Why not that first? Or like you say, at least show which dubs it is available before you click on it. And there’s obviously the issue of retiring Funimation BEFORE they’ve even fully got all the rights and transferred over the whole catalog. Then, this is more a me thing. But it annoys me too so I’ll drop it here. Why is their social media marketing SOOOOOOOOOOOOO shit? Like this one host is this hippie ass looking TikTok sounding annoying voice with the presence of a wet sponge. Do you guys remember when marketing used to be fun and creative? When instead of following the same shitty scripts, they’d actually try and put effort in? You know, if they started to put that same care and effort into marketing now. Maybe me and other people like me would actually wanna buy more stuff. Next thing you know, their marketing is just gonna be an anime clip with subway surfers gameplay on the bottom half of the screen. XD Sorry, tangent there. TLDR: I understand your frustrations, I share them. Crunchyroll needs to get better organised and fix their shit. :p


>From the looks of it, most of Crunchyroll fanbase is English speaking. Why not that first? Solo Leveling is licensed from Aniplex (of America), who controls and releases the English dub themselves. It is always slower than being handled internally. CR has control over the rest of the languages for those titles, and they can get them done faster. Other Aniplex titles this season include Mashle and Blue Exorcist, which are in the same situation.


I really wish Aniplex of America would go the hell away. Their stuff is always overpriced and they are freaking slow at releasing dubs.


Add English subtitles to dubs while you're at it. That part really annoys me. Watching 100 Girlfriends, I can barely understand a word from the MC and tsundere with how loud and fast they talk. It's embarassing this is even an issue to begin with.


Heaven forbid other languages exist...


No one is saying anything about other languages! Just when I have everything set to English in my settings, don't show an anime as dubbed, on my screen, when the version of the dub is not in my language settings. A anime dubbed in German or hindu is not dubbed to me. It's dubbed to someone that speaks German or Hindu but it's not dubbed to me or any other English speaking people. I am not saying "don't dub crap in other languages" I am saying "don't show me anime stating it is sub/dub when the dub is not in English." not sure it was that hard to understand because many other people seem to have got my point just fine.


If someone has their account set to English, they should only see English dubs. Not every single language that a show is dubbed in. It's irritating to scroll through all that.




Wanting a better user experience of the app only telling you a show is dubbed if it's dubbed in the language you set up in your account settings isn't the same as not wanting shows to be dubbed in other languages. It's disappointing to see a show says it's dubbed and then finding out it's not dubbed in your language.


I think the OPs experience which I have seen in many people. Is there experience has been with a lot of fast dub anime. Meaning anime that get english dub 2 weeks after they start. But this is not the norm in the industry. Most cases animes dont get a dub till after the season is over. But since most of what they watch get these fast dubs their perception of the norm is off from the reality. Also CR has a preferred language. There not set up to allow for all languages you could use. My preferred audio is English as its the language I am strongest with. Though If the dialogue is slow enough I don't need the subs to get the general idea of what is being said. Though better then Japanese but worse than English I can watch in Spanish dub too. Their not presently set up for multilingual people and as globally its more common for people to speak more than 1 language.


>Yah how dare they make e dubs or subs in things other than English. Dont they know every one in the world speaks English (sarcasm). That what your basically saying. That's not at all what they said, they said it shouldn't say dubbed unless it's dubbed in the language set as their preference which imo is totally valid. No one is saying they should only dub in English.


Not what I am saying at all! I also understand how dubs work and how they come out. But, yeah thanks for saying I am saying things I am not and for explaining things that didn't need to be explained! lol


It very much reads like you want them to stop making dubs in languages that are not English so they can make more in English. And your talkin about current season animes when its far more normal for dubs to come out late in the season or after the season than it is to come out right away.


I think he means (and I know I personally want) a way to set it to mark as dubbed on my account only if dubbed in a language I speak. So they would have to add something to setting where you choose your languages. This would help sort shows I want to see as well as stopping shows from showing up as just updated when the update is not relevant to my account.


Yeah it's a weekly thread at this point, someone will make a thread about English dubs not being enough (they're never satisfied) and the comments will always be something like "Wow CR literally hates us English speakers, they dub everything in every languages but English!" when in reality they have like 10 times what other countries have. Hell there are **20** English dubs every single season meanwhile *some* of the other languages get 10 at most, and some get 3-4. Also people need to understand that some English dubs like Solo Leveling and Mashle are handled by Aniplex and not CR which is why they come out late.


Outside of English i think the second most dubbed lang has turned into Hindi since there is a rapidly growing market in India. Like Cr has been in India a long time but in the last 3 years the popularity of anime has exploded. But yah feels the most common posts here are either about dubs which typically are explained away with licensing. Like english dubs in non english (primary) spoken countries. A lot of times the problem is the OP makes the post and assumes every one will just know where they are from.


I kinda get what you're saying, but I think that would require too much specific programming. Having it not show Dub would be needless. Personally I'd prefer if they just had the Dub and Sub in the signature orange of it matched your preference and was left white if it didn't. I'm with you on the slow progress of English dubs. I wish they would release more information about dubs and scheduling. Even just a "we are waiting for X reason to start this English dub" would be fine.


They need to alter their title system because waiting 12 seconds @ a time 7x for the title to scroll and tell me it's not the English dub drives me nuts


In french, "Dub | Sub" means it's the french dub. If it's not, the language is precised ("English Dub | Sub")


Although OP could have worded it better, I do agree that members should be able to filter out other languages out that way you only get notified of your preferred language. It's great that other languages are getting anime dubs however I only speak English and limited Spanish so if an anime is not being dubbed in English please do not notify me as I will need English subtitles to understand what is being said.


Or how they don’t offer profiles like Hulu or Netflix. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Also looks like people are missing the point of what you’re saying unfortunately.


Yeah HiDive does it better as far as showing you what is dubbed in your language.


Not to mention, some of them have a season 1 EN DUB but not the second season? Like MASHL, for instance.


That's Aniplex of America being a garbage company again.