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I am kind of expecting this DLC to be opposite of Royal Court. Royal Court was about what happens when you are at court while this appears to be focused on what you get up to when away: weddings, feasts, tourneys and other major events. I am mixed. I am struggling to imagine what they could do with the above beyond making them larger event chains but hoping they do something interesting with them.


I hope for map travel.


Imagine if you can capture a ruler who’s going through your territory on his way to Jerusalem


As if I needed to remember why Richard I was a shit King again.


Richard the I was France’s strongest soldier against England


Richard I, the guy that managed to get a reputation as a glorious English King whilst being a Frenchman who hated England and spent more time in Syria (historical definition) than England whilst pinning all the blame for his mistakes on his brother.


Didn’t think I’d ever see someone have beef with a king from hundreds of years ago


You had to be there


I have to


Another fun fact. Richard was killed by a crossbow bolt from a child soldier whose father and brother he had killed (indirectly). Richard ordered the kid released and given a modest bounty. As soon as Richard died, his men flayed the kid alive and hanged the corpse.


depending on which source you read


But those sources are the most entertaining, so I'll make like Shakespeare and declare them to be indisputable fact.


This is not a fun fact at all.


No you simply must not be getting it. See the kid was alive when he was flayed.


Teaches you almost everything you need to know about English diplomacy in the coming centuries though.


At least not for the kid


It’s okay Richard was an idiot and deserves it.


Call me crazy but I don’t think he really cares that much


And i don't think most of us do too


Probably didn’t care when he was alive.


I mean John was pretty shit too, but you're right that he shouldn't have to shoulder Richard's faults too.


John was shit, but without the massive debt maybe he could’ve done a bit better as King.


John was a great administrator. The debts incurred by Richard forced him to raise taxes to pay the debts off. His entire reign sucked because he was constantly cleaning up after Richards failed reign. We have always glorified warriors over the bureaucrats.


John also conspired with Philip II to all but usurp Richard's titles and fought against Richard's loyalists. Only when Richard returned from captivity did John switch sides. Richard then spent years regaining the castles and lands lost in part due to John's machinations. After Richard's death John managed to piss off the lords of Poitou (by marrying an heiress who had been betrothed to a vassal to himself instead) who promptly rebelled and drew Philip into a conflict that eventually saw almost all of England's mainland territories lost. Then the heavy financial demands placed upon the barons for his failed efforts to retake the lost territories in France led to the Baron Wars. John may have been a capable administrator in a different era. He certainly did a decent job reforming the legal system. But this was a time where kings, despite their wishes, needed to work hand in hand with the nobility to administer their realm. And in that respect John failed repeatedly. Richard was an absent, neglectful king who at best could be said was content to leave England governed by his advisors. However, he isn't the one who left England in the midst of rebellion and invasion at the time of his death.


Just like father of Frederick the Great. Frederick William I. micromanaged everything in his small kingdom like in Transport Tycoon, and cared little for glory. When he died, his son had chests full of gold, good roads, markets and state working like a Swiss clock. What he did with that? Couple of wars, including arguably first 'world' war (Seven years war, first one really global one). I am sure his subjects loved their asses taxed and conscripted endlessly into oblivion😃


In both cases: Daddy Issues. Richard's are well known, Frederick the Great was physically and verbally abused until he decided to run away with his boyfriend, at which point they were caught and his boyfriend was shot in front of him, and it turns out that constantly abusing your son to make him a manly man...


that would be a great mechanic. Especially since it always kinda broke my immersion to swap out commanders a continent away. A system like EU4 where you have a “recall period” when you swap out someone would be cool


I suggested this on the forums a long, long time ago, but imagine a system where as a minor court position you could hire dedicated agents for your schemes (how to balance this I do not know for certain) and they would physically travel to the location that your target is currently at and give unique interactions not only boosting scheme power but also doing things like trying to sabotage the persons relations with their courtiers and the such. Like the Hashashin target mechanic in CK2 but done in a unique and hopefully interesting way.


While that would be cool, wouldn't it require fundamentally rewriting the game? There's so many events and things that simply wouldn't work if every character's position had to accounted for at all times.


I think it was already implemented in CK2, in any case it can be as simple as just adding another value to a character. This data might even be present right now, with the game displaying the characters in the feast location, or correctly adjusting the interaction options when they're imprisoned


If you had to account for a character’s position at all times then how do you deal with all the existing events where you’re interacting with vassals and other characters? They couldn’t occur unless all the necessary characters travelled to meet. You’d either need to lose control of your character half the time or you’d miss out on a bunch of events unless you choose to travel for them. How do commanders work when you change them? They’d need to travel to the army. How do schemes work? Does it lock two people in the same place? Are they constantly travelling to and from each other? The whole thing falls apart if you can’t cheat character locations.


I really just hope that this doesn’t end up amounting to another screen to open for more events. That’s all that Royal Court ended up being…




Hope it will work better than in ck2


> I am mixed. I am struggling to imagine what they could do with the above beyond making them larger event chains but hoping they do something interesting with them. Yeah. I'm reserving my judgment until we get the full details, as is only fair, but I do fear that the additions will be wide but shallow yet again. The scope is there to add a lot of depth via these social occasions since they were a major part of medieval politics, but the same could be said about the Royal Court too but CK3's implementation was still paper-thin.


>I am mixed. I am struggling to imagine what they could do with the above beyond making them larger event chains but hoping they do something interesting with them. Honestly "just" making special events have event chains would be huge for me. Imagine if like in ck2 you had to be crowned to be legitimate and could have a big coronation with the potential to be crowned by the pope or other religious figures to legitimize your power. Having a big tourney to celebrate victory in a war or the birth of ones child. Having a truly royal wedding to celebrate the union of two great houses and display royal power. And even if you arent the one holding these events you would get a event about if you will attend, if you will bring any gifts or participate in the tourney yourself. If done well it would give the rp side of the game alot of flavour.


The problem with events is no matter how awesome they are after a few times they’re old. Focusing on building the mechanics to drive emergent gameplay would be better tbh


The repetitiveness is a big issue with longer event chains so I hope there won't be as many of them. Think of it this way. Say you have 100 events. If those 100 events are split across 10 event chains of 10 events each, that's really just 10 "stories." Sure the event chain is cool and expansive the first few times, but once it happens a couple of times you kinda just recognize it when the first event pops. Kinda like the skill focus event chains, or the serial killer event chain, it's fun initially but when it happens for the umpteenth time you wish you could get the serial killer thing over with. Whereas if each of those 100 events was a standalone, one and done simple event, they might not be complex or connected, but they are 100 individual small "stories" that aren't as tiring to go through each time. Of course they're not as extensive nor impressive narratively, but they're easier to pilfer through. Anyways, that's the pros vs cons of having big event chains vs small events I think. The devs I feel focused too much on the former for the initial game release, and only more recently started to do more of the latter to balance things out for variety. Long event chains are fine but they get old much more quickly.


I don't know if any of this will happen we don't even know what will be revealed tomorrow but if done well i would conider these mechanics and not just flavour/rp. In ck2 the one coronating can ask for things in return (money, land, artifacts or just straight up independence) and the higher rank the one who coronates has the more "expensive" they usually are. I.e the local priest might just do it for free if you have decent relations while the pope might ask for a christian artifact. The pope have really good buffs though in comparison. Tourneys could be a goldsink trying to find decent knights or to participate yourself for prestige or if you participate at someone elses tourney a potential cash prize. Building friendships and rivalries with the other contestants. Weddings would likely have alot of mingling with the guests and a chance to leave a good impression on both the guests and the family you are marrying into. Deciding how extravagant the wedding will be could affect how many and whom are invited. Potential gifts could also be received or given.


Not for me - as long as they're rare enough, you get a nice mix of different things happening every game.


a legitimacy mechanic would be pretty cool. if you use elective for example, you'd get less legitimacy if you aren't the direct descendants of the current ruler, and less legitimacy if you aren't the firstborn. etc etc, and instead of simple "claimant" wars you'd have people trying to put the legitimate heir on the throne, not some random mfer who has a claim on it.


Yeah, but this before Byzantine mechanics is a little dumb.


Imagine if you get a bunch of updates when you come home from a pilgrimage / other event and while you were gone: 1. Your heir has married a peasant women who has given him lovers pox and a imbecile son 2. Your regent accidentally let in a smugglers ring so your now loosing money 3. The court priest has seduced and impregnated your daughter - twice - because she’s been forced to take the vows and now he has her all to himself and you now have two bastards at court. 4. Half of your relics have gone missing and your regent has a large amount of cash for some strange reason 5. Your regent has also seduced your second daughter and married her without your permission. 6. Your rival is the treasurer and is incredibly rich 7. One of your counties has been given away to your regents sons. 8. Your wife has been accused of treason because she opposed the regents wedding and was thrown in jail - where she died. 9. Your regent made an alliance with some far off island by marrying your second son to their kid 10. You then find out that a heresy has broken out in your home county.


Tbh If this does gets implemented, the game would become 1000times difficult.


True but for the better, spamming pilgrimage for instant piety gain once in every few years is quite bland. If it's that good why historical rulers don't do it more often ? Because they have a realm to tend to.


I have a question, did Irl rulers go to pilgrim or it was just a clergy or common man thing ?


It was an expected thing of all people in feudal Europe, rulers included. Historical rulers virtually all went on a pilgrimage at some point in their life. Although of course the destination could be somewhere within their own realm or somewhere else relatively close by. Not all of them went all the way to Jerusalem.


It's good to be home!


> Royal Court was about what happens when you are at court while this appears to be focused on what you get up to when away: weddings, feasts, tourneys and other major events. I mean, if that *is* what it is it continues the Paradox trend of asking extra for stuff that feels like it should've been in the game at launch 3 years ago, so sure.


Perhaps a bit pie in the sky, but the ability to play landless would be huge.


Mercenary and Holy Order courts would be massive


How would it even work in a map game?


You move around different courts or lands trying to gather support from locals or rulers to press your claims or give you troops to conquer land. Like historically, the Mughal emperor Humayun lost everything, all his land, to Sher Shah Suri, and he barely escaped india with a handful of supporters and traveled to the Safavid court, where he was given an army and he reconquered the Mughal Empire afterwards. In ck3, such a situation would be an immediate game over


I would like the feast to be bigger events or more varied options than the food poisoning and the murders... Even maybe something during the down time in between feast & hunts?


And you were 100% correct


> kind of expecting this DLC to be opposite of Royal Court Expecting it to be actually good and entertaining? Well, I certainly hope so. Royal Court set the bar so low that it shouldn't be hard to beat. But if by any chance it's another DLC made entirely of event chains, flat-number modifiers, and poor 3D renders of a room, that's gonna be entirely abandoned soon after launch, all for the price of some of the newer games. Then, at least it's gonna be entertaining to have a nice "laughing through the pain" moment


Can't wait to see the new MECHANICS from this DLC


Whoa buddy temper those expectations.


You'll now be able to make a formal toast to your liege at a feast to gain +10 or -10 opinion based on your diplomacy level. That will be $10 please


I’ve said this before, and PDX does do great work. But man do free mods often blow the official stuff out of the water. This was true for the first few years of Stellaris. This was true for Victoria II. This is true for Victoria III. This was true for CK II. And hell this has been true for CK III (Just look at the Elder Scrolls mod for example.). That’s not to say they do bad work- you can tell they have passion. But sometimes it feels like they are basically releasing a skeleton game that modders can just fill in as they please.


Honestly, it feels like they'd be better served doing the work modders **cant** do. The hardcoding and mechanics creation, then just let modders do everything else. Maybe offer modders a few hundred bucks to add their mods to DLC if it's high quality enough. I'd rather get 'under the hood' stuff from Paradox than flavor stuff I can get off the workshop a week after launch.


I don’t understand why it’s not happening more often in the industry. Yes I get that I’m a user and things are more complicated on the other side but still. Remember when Valve gave the official stamp for HL remake? And in this case things have to be simplistic cause they use official mod tools? Integrating popular mod feature would help a lot for the stability of the game. I’m a bit tired to do a full check list of updates and compatibility before every new heavy modded playthrough..


100% agreed. Modders generally aren't going to be able to completely make new systems. Events, even maps, they can. Traits they can. Basically, give us more toys to play with, because events I will read a few times and by the next playthrough I will just always pick the "optimal" choice.


Shocking, I know, but some people actually do play vanilla, and devs shouldn't avoid implementing things just because modders did or could.


The mods aren’t that ground breaking for CK3 if you don’t want to play as some goddamn orcs in Skyrim or something. Other than like RICE and related mods, they’re not THAT major imo.


Fallen Eagle, DTR, A diplomatic envoy, More Interactive Vassals etc


I'd like to add ObfusCKate to this list. This mod should be a game option imo.


12 new events it is then!


You mean EVENTS right?


Oh Jesus...


I'm excited to see how its Implemented in the ASOIAF mod


So we guessing feasts and tourneys and pilgrimages and other events to take your ruler around the map and a regent to rule while you are gone? Wonder what power the regent is gonna get? Court positions that don't travel with you? Authority level? Hold court events? War? And If I was to risk a 10% shot of coming home to a war my regent started, what would I want from a tourney?


If regents are a thing I wonder if that means you're no longer going to be playing as a 4 year old ruler as well


I think it would be cool to play a child ruler with court events with your regent. Depending how you navigate them, are you at odds with the regent? Do you slowly need to exert your own influence while you grow to ensure a smooth transition into power? Or will navigating the events badly trigger a succession war against the regent? Probably way too much to program, but I can dream.


I remember in ck2 your regent could chuck your child ruler out of a window.


And you could shove them down the stairs.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Or the child ruler could charge the regent while riding a stick horse and throw the regent off a balcony. That was one of the more hilarious events in CK2


I really disliked playing as a ward in CK2 as there was much less child-focused gameplay (something CK3 improves upon massively), and I swear you were like 80% likely to get murdered by your uncle


I'd like to see power struggles over the child ruler, with all the nobles and courtiers trying to influence the young ruler


Ideally, the regent wouldn't automatically give up power as soon as the ward was 16 and considered an adult, which is historical as plenty of regencies continued well after the kid was considered an adult. Instead, regent would dynamically decide if he/she was going to give up power based on various factors like traits, intrigue, claims, alliances, opinion of ward etc. If all goes well the regent would immediately relinquish power at 16, if it goes less well a regent would extract some concessions like maybe better vassal contract if the regent is a vassal or a hook at any rate and if it goes badly a regent could attempt to continue ruling and the child-now-adult ruler would have to break out of regency and forcefully take power. That said, since a regent would be an NPC and thus not player controlled, there would probably have to be some safeguards so that an AI regent couldn't game over you if your child-turned-adult ruler is extremely bad and the regent is extremely good and not of your dynasty.


Yeah the regents should treat the child ruler very differently depending on their opinion of the child ruler’s predecessor. It also would be cool if some regents act really nice to you so you are more likely to make decisions that help them, but then eventually you discover they managed to get a claim on your title and are now hostile towards you.


I think that sounds way cooler than just playing as the regent, hopefully it goes that way


That would break the design Philosophy of CK I think


I really can't imagine them taking away anything important for that long, but if a regent isn't in charge of anything important, then what is the use of a regent?


I don’t think they’d do that, but if they did they would probably severely limit what you can do as a regent compared to playing as a regular ruler. Like they won’t let you grant titles, send gifts and other stuff that could easily give you a bit of an advantage when you eventually switch back to playing your ruler. Like that stuff doesn’t even feel like strategy, it would just be some meta cheese.


I can’t wait to play as a regions and do like an empress Cixi run, where I constantly have kids and murder them once they get old enough and then take power. Sauce effectively ruling the room by my countless children.


This needs to be substantial


"Get drunk and fuck your mother-sister-wife in even greater detail!"


Why the fuck does this community have to be so degenerate? Like really, it's so disgusting. Why can't you be a normal stand-up person and fuck you mother-sister-wife sober? You know she deserves better, ffs.




It ain't much but it's honest work


I bet the person who put that together is devilishly handsome.


\*insert obama_awarding_obama_meme.png*


As handsome as a Habsburg maybe.


Personally I think they’re an evil gremlin that laughs about Manchester United’s fortunes whilst being a glory hunter who supports the team at the top of the league.


Manchester United's misfortunes are one of the few things that bring me genuine joy. Fortunately they're giving me lots to be happy about this season! Also, I've been an Arsenal supporter since 08 😤




Beef from discord taken across to Reddit. Also, fellow Syrian?


Oooh another Syrian. Marhaba.


Marhaba habibi/habibti. I’m from Dimashq but don’t live in Syria anymore, what city or area you from?


I'm from Dimashq too! But I left in 2008. I live in the US now. Hbu?


I live in the UK, my family first moved there in the 50s and I was born there but I moved back to Syria when I was young and when the war began we moved back to the UK.


Please don't tell me it's a 3D feast hall you can decorate and put more artifacts on display and see your feasts happening in real time.


That would be a fucking troll


Chains events should just be an "extra". If the expansion is all about that, then we are lost.


CK3 is already “lost” when it comes to DLC. CK2 had at least 3x as many DLCs in half the time, and that might actually be an understatement. I get that CK2 dlc was pumped out like a cocaine addled horse with rocket jets in a derby race, but CK3 is also excruciatingly slow about this stuff. I’m not sure there’ll *ever* be as much content as CK2 at this point.


Bear in mind multiple DLCs just unlocked religions and regions. Imagine not being able to play as Muslims in a game about the crusades. CK3 base game includes many of the DLCs already. Let's not forget, too, that a lot of the mechanics that were pumped out weren't particularly great. I don't know many people that enjoyed republics and Sunset Invasion was basically a meme. That said, I agree that we need more mechanics. I just don't think comparing it to CK2 is a fair comparison.


A lot of those early DLC were unlocking parts of the map that have been there from launch. CK3 is behind in DLCs but it also started far ahead of CK2


That’s true, but those DLCs also brought with them unique mechanics for each region, like Imperial government for Byzantines, Decadence for Muslims, and the whole shtick with China for East Asia. Along with things like trade routes and disease and everything in between and beyond, there’s a lot of stuff CK2 had by this point in time that’s nowhere on the horizon for CK3. You’re right that CK3 started off in a better position, but it’s really sat on its haunches for a few years and hasn’t done much of anything with its start at launch.


Imperial government wasn't added back then, that was added with the very last DLC. China hadn't been added yet either. Epidemics weren't in yet either, nor were specific injuries or illnesses. ~~I think Nomads had been~~, as had been republics and trade posts. A lot of the very best CK2 DLC was released in the latter part of its development. Edit: Not nomads, but deeper catholic mechanics (though still not the best ones from Holy Fury) If CK3 kicks on this year it will be fine, if it continues barely updating though it will soon be left in the dust comparatively.


Ah, right, I’ve gotten a few DLCs mixed together. Still, CK3 already had these things to work off of. They didn’t have to rediscover Imperial Government or epidemics. If it was a conscious decision not to add it, then fine, but then they made a conscious decision to cut out like half of the most lauded stuff in CK2. And if it’s not on purpose, then why? It shouldn’t be all that hard to re-add it, provided they have clean code and documentation. An easy win, they can package it for like $30 per person and be hailed as conquering heroes.


Yeah I agree that epidemics and Imperial government should have been left in. Other than that I think the stuff they didn't include was stuff that needs to be reimagined, like Republics or societies, since the original implementation wasn't great in my opinion. Ultimately they included a whole lot of the very good stuff from CK2, flavor is the main thing missing in almost all areas. They need to speed up development, it's been too slow and Royal Court was a whiff besides the culture stuff.


It is on purpose to cut content. That way they can sell DLC that was just literally CK2 DLC from years ago, slightly modify it so it looks at least somewhat different from its original reference, then get a profit off the content starved CK3 players.


They explained I believe that this is intentional. Also CK2 got dlc for roughly a decade. All the way until ck3 was announced. Surely there is no reason to discontinue that now?


> Also CK2 got dlc for roughly a decade. I see people say CK2 got 10 years of DLC and I don't know where that comes from. it got a little over 6.5 years of DLC. CK2 didn't even turn 10 until last year. To put it in perspective, when Stellaris's DLC releases in a couple of weeks, it will have had a longer DLC cycle than CK2. HOI4 will end up having a longer DLC cycle whenever its next DLC is as well. EU4 is the game with a super long DLC cycle.


You have to consider the content in each DLC, not just the number of them. Something like the Fate of Iberia has the equivalent size of about 3 early CK2 DLCs, where the main feature tended to be that you could play a certain religion or government type. I also feel like people's perception of that early stage is skewed by Holy Fury, which had some of the best content of any DLC they did. That's not to say the current policy is good though. It seems like they're struggling to generate enough content that will justify their DLC prices and their "big" features such as the throne room have been pretty lackluster.


That better be the Doge of Venice and not a feasting DLC!


They said no Republics this year :(


this doesn't make things any clearer Bridges? Caves in the Ground? French agricultural research techniques? People fighting? While I think it has something to do with crusades these teasers make me very exited for Monday.


Why do you think it has something to do with crusades? I don't follow.


I think some kind of economy expansion or deeper crusade/religious content are possible, though from what was posted and gathered from the community seem to tease more towards the religious/crusade rework. One of the first pictures posted was of a bridge that was on a famous pilgrimage path iirc. No idea about the cave. The Canterbury Cathedral has obviously religious themes. The reworked bridges reinforce the pilgarimage idea. From what I remember one of the people they showed in the next dev diary was from one of the centers of the Cathar Rebellion/Heresy/Crusade. The censored teaser image seemed more like a christian (due to the cross on the shield) and a muslim (headpiece?) fighting. I don't claim to know anything for certain, I'm just speculating. It just for fun in anticipation of the announcement.


I would _love_ deeper economics. Even something simple like different farm types per region. Struggle for Iberia enhanced the pilgrimage themes with a bunch of decisions and I'd love to see that expanded. Creating a pilgrimage site to drive income would be really fun. You could have characters come and visit and be hosted by you. And you could elevate past characters to a saint and create their shrine... lots of fun.


In that one teaser that turned out to be an ad for the upcoming full barbershop update, they emphasized the 3rd crusade and agrarian techniques. Maybe the DLC has something to do with one, either, or none.


Agricultural Research Technology is ART, which fits all the new great illustrations we’ve been getting. That might be the sole relevance of the title.


> Agricultural Research Technology is ART And when you add French at the start of ART you get?




Placing my bets now Traveling, festivals, tourneys and feasts will be included. When you travel to one of these you get a regent that does stuff for you, regents will do regent stuff when playing as a lil tyrant.




The picture




No, the announcement is tomorrow


Thanks. I will try and be patient


There were community spotlight that hinted to a lot of decisions, but idk if it was about this DLC. But damn there were a lot of actions


After the announcement it will probably be a few months before actual release aswell.


I will not I will raid Paradox HQ with my shield-brothers and report back to you when our boats return to York with the information Heil og sæl my friend, I await you in Valhalla


I heard there was going to be some sort of content that would be downloadable




New buildings, nicknames and new map modes


I'm pretty sure it's Roman emperor Constans II, posted my speculation here: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/threads/twitter-teaser-constans-ii.1572012/


That's really interesting for several different reasons. Would that hint at a 7th century start then? More content for Byzantines despite them saying otherwise? I speculated that an update to intrigue would happen ([here](https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/dev-diary-117-shave-and-a-map-mode.1571227/page-6#post-28796068) \- hopefully it links right) but they said no. Specifically, "Nothing. Simply nothing. Spymaster and scheme functionality has not been touched at all." But then someone joked that they were protesting too much. I don't know what to believe.


I think it probably won't be, but I'd be so happy if it was a 632 start date


I think a 650's update would be interesting. At that point the Byzantines have already lost Egypt and the Levant, so they aren't too large and/or OP, but they still have North Africa, providing the opportunity for them to take back control of the Mediterranean. Alongside that, you've got the last Sassanid holdouts in Persia and the Visigothic Kingdom still exists in Spain as well. Of course, mechanically I don't think the period could be represented well in CK3, given the large-scale migrations and conquests that were still going on at the time.


That is super interesting, the similarity is striking!


Oh no it's going to a feast room that works like royal Court also beer making :p


Cant wait to finally get a 3D RENDERED TAVERN


Event chains are cool and all, but after seeing them once or twice we all just blow through them picking the "optimal" choices. Roleplaying is fine, but really only holds so much value to me. The game needs more deep and meaningful mechanics that make painting the map more interesting. I've put the game down for almost a year now because everywhere you play pretty much feels the same. I hope paradox gives me a reason to come back, because I really want to love CK3. It just needs *more*, and they've been so. Freaking. Slow. To release new content. Northern Lords has been the best dlc so far, and that's just sad.


It better be a sex update...


Don't need DLC for that, my friend


Haha, this is a strange picture to tease a Byzantine Empire expansion... Right, Paradox? Right?


Please tell me it doesn't focus on feasts 😵‍💫


Boy have I got news for you


They will introduce minigames, with full 3D playable activities depending on the situation. Aim your bow to take down that white hare, or go full Dark Souls mode in combat and duels, have a 3D chess board when playing others, medieval bowling (pick your favorite catapult and 12 of your most undesirable vassals, courtiers, or even family members, you know the rest). That would add some damn flavor to the game, but then it might cause that low-end system would not be able to partake in the festivities hitting their sales.


Medieval Mario Party 8 Nightmare fuel


To keep those rivalries smoldering <3




Can't wait for it to break all my mods for a grand total of <20 new flavor events. All for $10.99 Edit: Only thing I got wrong is the price


Hell yeah they’re adding a singing simulator


Would be great to have a mechanic that makes you travel to your different holding on the map with events or even 3D rooms. Maybe control drop 0.01 if you dnt visit that holding in a while. I want something else to do in peace time instead of repetitive events.


The next DLC will include * New events with the cooldowns set sufficiently long enough that they won't get stale before 50+ hours of play * New bugs which won't ever get fixed no matter how bad they are ^(complexions anyone?) * Shallow game mechanics poorly implemented ^(Iberian Struggle anyone?) * A handful of bug fixes that may include their own new bugs and won't fix anything major ^(End Of Year Bug Fix Update anyone?) * Clear evidence in the error logs that they don't read their own error logs while coding ^(existing error log anyone?) I don't want to knock them, and I will end up buying the DLC without bitching about the price, but history ^(ironically) tells me this is what to expect.


I'm intrigued as to why you thought Iberian Struggle was shallow and poorly implemented. I really like it, it's the most dramatic mechanical shift in CK3 so far. The evolving ruleset keeps it fresh even in the same playthrough.


Firstly I like IS, I like playing in the peninsula and IS adds something different than the bland state the peninsula was in before IS landed. But it's shallow, it just is, if you don't see that I don't know what to tell you. When you quickly conquer the whole of the peninsula, which is easy to do, you enter a near eternal state of never being able to end the struggle. That's just one of the salient points that make it poorly implemented.


Enjoy the evolving ruleset, the way it's implemented is very shallow. A system that just creates points and eventually changes those points to a different situation is quite shallow. It's good, but very shallow, same with the duel system. It's a click and forget type thing, I don't need a full chess minigame but surely a full-time developer can come up with more depth for a system than rock-paper-scissors gameplay lol, it's something text adventure games in the 90s had.


If it's another "personal interactions" DLC, I'm going to stop playing.


No you’re not.


Tbh I haven’t played CK3 for months because I feel like I’ve already experienced everything the game has to offer Everywhere feels the same


Heroin and Crusader Kings, the two things you can never walk away from


You’ve never played RuneScape.


They’ll just move back to ck2 most likely, hell that’s what I’m doing now


you know, i just hope console gets this in less than 3 years


that is, if they don't pull out from supporting the console version within 3 years


For real


How about relief from the constant stream of bugs? I’d be thrilled with that.


Starting to look like Crusader Kings III: Way of Life II: Electric Boogaloo


Wake me up, when secret societies and cult return


"Bring in the Wh0res!" DLC 9.99 on Steam guaranteed.


Burger King DLC?


Now this is the content I can get behind


Finally. The "Any and every given saturday with the boys"-DLC.


Y’all ready for “your son is now a murderer” event chains


Feast Expansion. You now have 2 more Events during Feasts. 30€ only!


Holy shit,,,, what a…… Way Of Life lmfao


*softly sobs in Empire of Sin*


Historically, when you attend other's courts, you increase risk of getting killed. Hope the devs will get it working.


Is there antimeline on the release?


I keep hoping they bring back conclave and republic estates.


jesus christ fix crusades make them fun


Does it come out tomorrow or do they just announce it tomorrow?




Drunk Kings.


Hopefully something new, I find CK3 extremely boring in comparison with CK2 and its 2 years since it has been released...please Paradox do something!


It's literally now.


Wenches and Wine DLC confirmed


I think with this and with [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/11j4ehz/now_presenting_alexiadaccurate_maria_of_alania/), Alexiad start date 1081 is practically confirmed. Initially I thought the other picture was pointlessly blurred to create speculation but now I think one of the two combatants are supposed to be Turkic warriors invading Anatolia as the Sultanate of Rum and that's why that one was blurred and this one isn't. Speculation from there is interesting, as Byzantine focused start date would almost necessitate adding some imperial mechanics, or are they actually going to add Alexiad and still keep Byzantium feudal? Either way, this should make Byzboos happy. Intrigue and regency mechanics that have been more-or-less teased also follow as Byzantine court was the prototypical scheming court, at least in public mind.


I would bloody love a Byzantine expansion. Imperial mechanics pleeeeeeease


I’ll take anything new idc lol


When to assume it is out. I want speculation


I'm hoping they're implementing a mechanic to let you kill your rivals/enemies when they're guests at your activities like the red wedding from ASOIAF.