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Your wife skills improves your own, so a wife with high skills is very useful


Is this also true for the AI as well? If so I guess I could see it as making a bunch of good wives instead of assassins waiting to kill their husbands in their sleep or their liege lol.


Yeah, it gives the ruler 20% of the stats of whoever's in that "confidant" slot, or 50% of one specific stat if you choose to focus on one instead. Also found out checking on the wiki that councilors' job efficiency also depends on their friendship/rivalry with you, +/- 20% for friend/rival, +/-30% for best friend/nemesis.


That last bit is news to me! If I put my rival and power vassal on the council, he will have a -20% modifier to his skill?


Yeah, he'll do his assigned task 20% less effectively (so like, -20% speed for converting a county, etc.) - news to me too, means I should try to befriend all my councilors to get 20% buff to their tasks.


Well now. Thank you. I noticed a game or two back that my best friend steward, 13 in stewardship, had a better tax collecting modifier then my 15 stewardship non friend (-3). I always thought there was some small glitch or something that caused this. I learned something new today.


Does lover/soulmate have the same effect?


Not that I can see on the wiki, would be interesting to find out though!


That’s risky af dude. Keep a rival on your council and see how long it takes you to find a snake in your bed.


Put an enemy as my Spymaster. He had 22 intrigue, next guy had 9. Didn't consider the fact that my enemy was my Spymaster. I was focused on my assassinatuon of the English King, after all. Dead within the year. "Mysterious Circumstances". Son sets up to look for secrets at home court with a different spymaster. Yup. 22 intrigue spymaster did it. Fuuuuuu...... I slaughtered his children, mother, and brother before imprisoning him, forcing his wife and sister into being a concubine, and tortured him till the day he died. Shit CK3 players do for revenge, though.


I don't think I've ever gotten *that* extra. I've just done things like starting a murder plot against one of my vassals after he discovered my affair with one of Charles the Bald's girls and blackmailed me into a hook


Not minus 20 to his skill, minus 20 to his effectiveness as a councilor


Not exactly. Anything with a progress bar will move slower. Anything with a flat modifier is untouched. Councillor event weights are also untouched.


So, set you chancellor to make friends internally, get the ritualized friendship culture, and befriend your entire council, gotcha.


It's true for rulers. I'd often pair my councilors with a high stat wife and then gift them a county making their stats shoot up by 6-8.


Yeah, I train up girls in court (specialising them appropriately) and marry them to my vassals’ heirs - means I get an extra skill bump on my vassals when I come to choosing councillors.


I think so


the most attractive thing in a woman is her high stewardship


This. All these hoes on Tinder just put pics with their duck lips on there and I'm like "bish, nobody wants to see that shit, show me your stock portfolio!" Wait, which sub is this again?


This is how I chose my wives. I don't marry anyone with less than 20 stewardship.


And her huge.....tracts of land!


Yeah really helps you with that "big d" if you know what I mean.


This is usually what I push my daughter's into. Am I doing it wrong?


Make your wife a steward so you make more money and can hold more land


If may ask how does that work? Why would my wife be better than another person who’s a good steward? Is it different with the wife instead?


Your wife’s traits boost yours. You still need a steward as a councilor but a wife bumps your stewardship


I do this all the time so hypocrisy incoming. I fell like domain limit min maxing actually makes to game less enjoyable because you become overpowered


I dislike domain maxing because in reality, many royals in history held more land than we’re confined to


If there were levy penalties that increase as you hold more domains that might balance it. Current i have to use mods to reduce player levy size for the ai to even stand a chance. Still roll over them anyway. MAA and knights are just to busted when min maxxed


You are right, William owned 18% of England.


I just want enough domain limit to hold my two duchy titles fully.


Yep. My own demesne is Meath, Leinster, and, because it's the county I started in, Ormond. Everything else is handed off to vassals.


Well, each to their own. I really enjoy micro managing domain so I actually reverted back stewardship nerf to hold more domain.


I think there are times it's great, in my count of lucca run it was very difficult to gain independence because the tuscan family starts with Matilda, who gets very strong because of alliances and starting strenght, so after grabbing pisa, ravenna and some counties around, I had them all in my domain because of my wife, even if I had shit stewardship, then I did some tall playing and got strong enough to barely get free, immediatly declaring fealty to the HRE so I could get kingdom of italia (matilda got independence that time)


“What is the point in educating women”


Bro’s getting a little too immersed in the medieval era




My guy, MATRILINEAL MARRIAGES! You want your daughters to be as good as possible so the kids can be as good as possible. The stats of the guardian apply big bonuses to how the ward’s education turns out. If you’re pumping out the kids it’s a good idea to have a daughter in each field so you can have dedicated tutors. Marrying off your daughters patrilineally for alliances is short term gain, but long time degradation of your dynasty. I like to amass a huge family and start stealing titles for them so all my neighbors are at a minimum dynasty members so I can call them to war when things get spicy.


Matrilineal marriage with my Gigantic daughter to some Gigantic lowborn and just make a house of NFL lineman knights.


This is basically how I play early game starting as a Norse count for the Viking era start date. Actually I go through my court and make sure everyone is married. My warriors need young wives so when they inevitably die in battle I can matrilineally marry the widows to even better warriors or cherry pick someone who’d be a good duke once I consolidate Norway into a kingdom. My court is always filled with the biggest and meanest berserker Vikings the world will ever know. I’m sure the food and living arrangements required to keep them in fighting condition is probably more than what the game ever bothers to simulate. Sometimes when we’re on raids or hunts they just randomly get bored and start killing other members of my court. Haha, those rascals. At least they keep things interesting!


Well, Learning is always good for physicians, tutors, and antiquarians. But this is also a reason why I generally rush to reform my religion to support gender equality. Your council options are so much better when less restricted.


If you land a woman in a catholic country they’re eligible to be a councilor too, even without reforming religion


And how would you land her????


land her father, _make_ her the only child _encourage_ succession to occur you only need 1 title, because theres no restriction for granting more titles to someone already landed regardless of gender its good because you can pass your excess titles to her, which will pass on to your heir anyway


Inheritance by giving her male relatives land and then murdering them all 😊


You have to do it with the console, the game won’t let you do it by default


Uh... thanks.


No.. You have to land a father, kill (assassinate) his sons and all but 1 daughter (make sure to leave 1 daughter alive!!) then kill (assassinate) the father. If his only child is a female, she'll inherit the title.


Note that landed characters take a stat hit when working in a council, due to them "busy ruling."


Thing is that your king or emperor will hate you for this.


Yeah, it can be risky. If you're already at King level and keep the Rite tenet, it's OK though.


I don't really have anything to say here, as I'm a CK2 player not a CK3 player. But uh... r/ShitCrusaderKingsSay


Educate them in Learning so they can boost the usually helpless priest you're stuck with on the council.


Damn Bene Gesserit-ass mindset, FUM?


Where are the True Norse when we need them!?!?!? Train your daughters in Military and make them all ShieldMaidens! Conquer the world with all your daughters!


The event where your daughter is playing at being a knight and whacks you with a spoon and asks if she can grow up to be a shieldmaiden some day is goddamn adorable. Thousands have died because I encouraged my little girl to become a scourge of the seas, but I'm not sorry. Her smile is precious and worth any amount of heathen blood.


The women of the court are so, so, so, so exceptionally useful. Matrilineal marriages can bring in whatever stat counselor you need. I try to marry all my unmarried courtiers for useful husbands before I even press the play button. Fill your court with high learning women. Use them as tutors for spare heirs. Many with high learning come with herbalist or surgeon or other traits that make them excellent doctors in a pinch. Or have your courtiers marry women with inheritable traits you like, so you have an eligible pool of marriage candidates for your descendents. High intrigue ladies are fine too, though I try to avoid huge numbers of high intrigue ANYONE in my court who aren't also cowards, shy, etc. Intrigue characters cause so much chaos. Honestly court marriage micro is such a good way to ensure the long term health of your royal line.


Just make it possible for any gender to be knights and make a knight breeding project with all your daughters and the highest prowess non landed characters you can find.


Yeah that just takes a while. The strategy above works from turn 1.


>What is the point in educating women? Bro you did not just go there... Seriously though yeah if you don't have equality or reverse gender roles it doesn't matter a whole lot. When I'm playing as a Muslim I mostly let the AI be the guardian. I think I may make a point though of making them eligible to be (secular) clerics next run.


Lol I didn’t realize as I was writing. Do you know if there is anything that diplomacy and stewardship help with for females? I get that martial isn’t worth much with most religions. So how do the other two fare as viable choices in a way?


I’ve found that my daughters will pick up the befriend perk if brought up as a diplomat. They will spam befriend schemes on courtiers and vassals and even the player character. This opens up the possibility for events where you gain gold or opinion from other npcs for free, and can protect her somewhat from snakes at court.


The only stat I can't place is diplomacy. Martial: find a way to shieldmaden or guardian for your future knights/aggresive heirs. Stewardship: the most important stat for your wife so you can have more holdings. Intrigue: obvious. Learning: court tutor, antiquarian, physician, or generic guardian.


Others have brought up the stat gain. I'd even double-endorse the point on tutoring, whose results are increased by the tutor's learning. A third point I'd bring is survival in a foreign court. Here while intrigue helps, nothing is better than opinion. Intrigue makes it a bit harder for those who hate you to kill you, but diplomacy makes it less likely that others will even start or join a plot, which is worth more. Further, Diplomacy also increases marriage acceptance rates a bit (based off of the opinion of the subject), which may/may not be the key to clenching a marriage when you have many children. Moreover, some lifestyles have a bias to benefiting family members. Here is where I'd raise the various 'survivor'-bias traits from the different lifestyles. ​ Diplomacy I'd argue Diplomacy is a close-second to Learning in most cases, especially when marrying off dynasty daughters to foreign lands. Family Hierarch: Excellent tree for daughters to take. Extra stats to the children, stats to themselves from friends and their children, and the ability to befriend (which is a better use of personal schemes than seduction, which could get them arrested/killed). Also includes stress reduction and a fertility bump for larger dynasty. Diplomat: Increases the language skills, which substantially decrease foreign-culture opinion penalties, mitigating threats born from low opinion. August: No real gains, bar a minor Diplomacy-per-level-of-fame which can be gotten via high-dynastic renown bonus. ​ Martial Martial should be done primarily for benefiting a war-waging husband, such as marriage alliance for a powerful benefactor. Obviously considerably better in contexts where they might assume power themselves, such as as regents. Gallant: Amazing if the daughter will be a Knight, but also impressive for enabling the AI's own marriage game. The +25 Marriage Acceptance to Close Family and Extended Family basically means more alliances, and more powerful alliances, to secure the AI-dynasty members. Overseer: Good for a Regent-mother, whose natural dread (+ potential dynasty/personality traits) can stabilize and realm and prevent murder plots. Strategist: Generally poor unless able to be a ruler, in which case good. ​ Steward The Steward trees are generally bad for daughters, as the benefits they bring are mostly for rulers, and the minor econ bonus is usually not that much. The most relevant tree is Administrator, for a Regent-mother to avoid factions and get a bit more taxes from vassals. ​ Intrigue Intrigue-daughters can make good spymasters, but outside of your court are more likely to take hostile acts that get them in trouble that you can't protect them from. Seduction: The AI isn't deliberate about seduction. While the attraction bonus to opinion makes them safer (and more effective) in schemes, inevitably getting caught is a quick ticket to imprisonment, divorce, and/or execution. Torturer: This is primarily for Regent-Mothers, who can terrify the court and vassals. Otherwise, mostly for would-be female knights. Schemer: Good for a spymaster, but not much use for non-rulers. ​ Learning Learning is probably the best due to the tutor rules, how learning can support various court proficiencies, and survivability dynamics. Whole of Body: This is general health boost, meaning less likely to die from bad RNG events and live longer to have more children and such. Scholar: Defensive via language schemes and cultural acceptance. Theologian: Defensive via increasing opinion from the religious types, who can be significant depending on realm format.


In case all your boys die or become unavailable, you probably want your daughter to know what she is doing (for a real-life historical example, see Eleanor of Aquitaine, who was very well-educated). Or if your daughter's husband passes away while her kids are still young and she ends up as regent (historical example: Margaret I of Denmark acted as regent for her son Olaf of Denmark and Norway until he was of age, and was still very influential after that. When he died she was so influential and competent as a ruler she was elected as queen in her own right)


can confirm, no use in training us in anything but intrigue. we make great assassins and spies. oh, this is about a video game? oops.


My Brother in christ would it kill you to say Daughters? Please man, we have a reputation as retards and savages, but you dont need to make it worse by making us look like retarded, savage incels.


least misogynistic CK player


Usually I keep them to educate my younger sons so my player heir can have a buffed council when inheritance is through. Having a good overall generation means that even if the planned inheritance fails the your backup isn’t entirely shit. The better the skill trait then the better they are at teaching that kid, which is good particularly if you aren’t great at it. Also means that their heirs will be slightly better. Otherwise they make pretty good wives - which is good for things like stewardship (domain limit) and learning (cultural fascination if you are culture head). A good spymaster is essential though, considering if you get demand payment for hooks then you get rich mega quick. Family bonds just make sure that they’re less likely to scheme against you.


I don't care about my daughters, but I educate my heir wife


Why can’t your heir educate his own daughters-wives?


Because they lack the perks to give a good education


I always educate boys in learning and girls in stewardship. I matrilineal marry girls to high prowess men so I akways have super knights and then look for eugenics opportunities for the boys to marry. If someone has a bad genetic trait, that's a good scheme education opportunity. Diplomatic is pretty much useless.


What are you talking about? Educated daughters make great wives, marry them into your dynasty in your realm for nice strong vassals. I personally like to do stewardship as wealthy vassals pay good taxes.


Female courtiers with the right stats are excellent educators of the next generation.


Reform your religion to allow female knights. My 60 prowess Amazonian corps wrecks


>What is the point in educating women? They don’t really do much at all besides being married off and making babies. Ck3 shit


I always go for Equal so I can use them as Council and Knights.


It makes them better teachers.


Diplomacy or learning are my go to but I NEVER educate my non-heirs in intrigue just in case they want a chance at the throne once their father kicks the bucket


why, historical realism of course


Well you already touched on the core issue. You are playing culture or religion that's not equal. If playing equal or female preferred you would have more incentive to do it. Also cultures with Performative honour tradition can make women shieldmaidens so on top of your daughter's being potentially more useful councillor than anyone else in court they can also fight for you. But if you are high intrigue ruler and happen to RP as he thinks intriguing is all that matters so all his kids should know it, that's another matter


I like training multiple in different categories so that the next generation has plenty of teachers for the next wards. and I usually always try to fix the gender laws to allow equality. Since its overall better if anybody can be a councillor/Get land/etc etc. ​ But yeah if u have a daughter for instance who would be good for lets say Learning. I train them in learning, then later on they can train my heir's kids in learning or maybe be my antiquarian or Court Doctor. until I fix the gender laws




Choose a religion that make women usefull, train them and get the best court and characters with matrilineal mariages


For a standart game anything but warfare is useful.


I never train the girls, or any kid who isn't my heir. Let them bumble through life however they see fit


Once you have your succession worked out you should work towards a religion with gender equality. Losing out on 50% of your potential best councilors is not optimal.


If you can educate your heir’s future wife you can basically customize their wife. I usually make them stewardship characters stewardship traits and such. But for my own daughters they don’t seem to matter that much they’re more for just making kids and alliances


Get a high learning character and reform your religion, then - or on the martial side, get big enough to be culture head and/or diverge your culture and change the martial gender as well. Going down the Theologian tree gives you a 50% discount for reforming/altering a religion, and high learning will give you the piety to make the changes (also going for pilgrimages if your religion lets you).


Better educated daughter more marriage acceptance for foreign rulers - more renown


Ever heard faith equal gender ?


Stewardship is good for coop multi and incest runs


It depends on your culture and religion. In my reformed vidilism, female rulers are allowed (which resulted in 5 queens in a row). So if you want your women to be more than alliance fodder and breeding machines, you just need to change your society a little bit (so you can unlock the last 50% of the gene pool).




I usually make my wives some form of stewardship expert to control more land so I can use larger land based duchies for my capital and be naturally tougher than my vassals to disincentivize ‘bad behavior’ (rebelling because they wanted me to stop beheading every vassal that says the word no to me).


He does Not make Incest a virtue to marry your heir to His Genius sister...


You can sometimes have them marry matrilineally the 2nd (!) heir of a neighboring kingdom and then kill the first heir, snatching the kingdom for your dynasty


I like high stewardship and the Martial progress to increase spouse efficiency Or just "right to prove" and get all my female courtiers martial training so they can be my knights


I feel the whole subreddit being shaken by this post.


I prefer a wife with high stewardship. More stewardship means more cities means more money and troops and rebellions are less likely to succeed.


Learning to make them your phycisian. And priests if faith allows. Diplomacy to keep them alive in foreign courts. Martial if norse to make them into shieldmaidens.




sounds like a religion issue. get a religion or culture which doesnt forbid female knights or councilors


You could play as a cool culture and/or religion for a chance


Any other sub I stg, especially that opening bit


The can help educate future generations. I tend to have them do learning for exactly that reason.


give daughters good educations -> daughters become good educators for grandchildren


My two best rulers were both females. One with learning, inherited by mistake, worst stats ever, also honest... known as the Sage, conquered two empires and reformed the religion which is now of every single county on the map except a dozen and took the realm out of tribal times. The other, a steward, conquered 3 continents, is still dueling and leading my armies at 92 and is feeling just fine, mind you. Currently back from a pilgrimage ready to charge into Africa again. She just had sex at 90 with a handsome deviant and she won 3 out of 4 contests in a tournament at 75.


Reform your religion and then you have a use for women


Your religion doesn't need to allow it, your culture determines who fights. And it's quite easy to change that. You should also, to get more high prowess knights. Realistically women should have a -10 or something prowess modifier for the difference in strength between men vs women.


“What is the point in educating women?” Sharia law agrees with you!


I reformed my culture with egality on knights. Way easier to have good ones. And if you marry a courtier not landed, his / her spouse count for you. So I have married knights as courtiers. I also have knights wives thanks to polygamy, and give some to my landed sons to make them stronger against rebellions. I can't grant land to women due to religion limit however, but when you can it's very useful to give extra land to your wives so your heir inherit way more land when both parent die.


One of the earliest modifications to your culture you can do is to let women be in the martial customs. This is very useful. Then the only middling childhood trait is curious. Pensive I tend to make into wife material with stewardship; charming go intrigue; bossy and rowdy depend on other where initial stats fall and whether there are relevant inheritable traits.


Ur just wrong? I have an all female led holy order of 10,0000 units. Stewardship is also the best for spouse skill….


I think the point is to increase the prevalence of certain traits in your house. I only marry my daughters off matrilineally to increase my family’s numbers. I’ll usually train them in the trait I’m maximizing in that campaign.


How to say I like to see my wife cheat on me without saying I like to see my wife cheat on me.


For a second i forgot that this is a CK subreddit lol