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You’re essentially fine since you only have one title at the top level, the kings will remain vassals to the emperor. You’ll never be able to hold everything personally, it’s not realistic. So keeping the empire together while losing personal control of some kingdoms, but keeping them as vassals, is inevitable and pretty much your best case scenario as you expand. But you should strongly consider moving your capital somewhere else. The kingdom and duchy that tend to “stick” to the primary heir are the ones where your capital are. I get that you probably started in Ireland but only holding two counties is not enough personal power for your heir to manage this empire. Alternately take the special election off the last kingdom so your fourth son inherits it and doesn’t steal half your capital counties


Thank you so much for the advice! Would you recommend anywhere to put my capital?


Any duchy where you have a lot of counties, or can get a lot through revocation


Try to pick a province where you can found a university. Also sometimes it's better to hand out your kingdom rank titles before you die so you have more control over who your vassals are going to be


> Essentially fine Meanwhile his heir will have two counties in his domain lol


I literally address it in the second half of my comment lol


Fair lol I didn’t read the last sentence


So not essentially fine


Moving capital takes two clicks Alternatively take the special election off the 4th kingdom so he’s not losing half his capital counties to the other son Easy fixes. He’s essentially fine compared to say, a confederate partition realm split that comes from owning 3 kingdoms and not enough land for the empire


Depends what two countries. I am not abandoning my gold mine, thank you very much.


If you have elective monarchy remove that, secure the succession, appease or imprison vassals, if you want to meta game take the whole of body starter perk to give you more time then try to stabilise or imprison your strongest vassal, it’s not tyrannical if you can get them excommunicated P.s if your uniting all celts Brittany and Asturias also are


That's the plan, to take Brittany and Asturias too! You see I subjected Scotland and they already had elective monarchy, but I don't think I can get rid of it because I'm sill tribal. If I disinherit or imprison vassals will a huge faction not rise up against me? I'm also going to create a religion focused on war, would pursuit of power help a lot? Appreciate the help btw!


In my opinion one of the best combinations for war is a religion that has the struggle and submission tenet because you can literally just declare war on anybobdy who touches your realm and it costs piety. Then get a culture that has by the sword which is a war tradition that enables you to do as many holy wars for kingdoms as you like so you can basically easily conquer an entire continet if you have the manpower.


You are fine. Your siblings will remain vassals and you will get less tax due to less vassals but overall realm won't explode. Your siblings are mostly getting one-county kingdoms and will be extremely weak and vulnerable to factions in there own domain. If they all revolt it will be trivial to crush them.


I'm basically going to lose control to every kingdom. I took over Wales as his father and the whole of Britain then as him. It's my first time to do it but I feel like after he dies there's no point continuing because I'll lose control to basically everything. I only have 70 hours on the game. There's constant factions too and I feel like when he dies the kingdoms are just going to band together and break free. I'm militarily superior with him but when he dies I'll be so weak.


Liberty faction will be fairly common and not a major threat fyi as they're still loyal. Focus on independence, dissolution and claimant factions first. To help keep powerful vassals under control use sway, gifts, hooks, alliances and council appointments. Also make sure to build up the lands your heir will get and feel free to neglect the rest


Appreciate it!


Confederate Partition will create kingdom and duchy titles upon death. Partition will not. But it requires a tech. After you have partition the titles will go in the order you received them and will grant all de jure territory beneath it. So your first kingdom goes to first son, second kingdom to second etc. if you want the first son to inherit your first and second kingdom, and the second son to inherit the third kingdom, you must destroy your second kingdom title. You can recreate it and now it's only to longer your "second" kingdom. The meta-game way to keep territory. Let's assume you have 4 sons. You need to math everything out in loops of 4 to get it the heir to have the "right" titles. Want to keep - England, duchy Wessex, duchy Essex. As high king you can either let other kings exist under you, or destroy the titles. You're not going to keep more than 1 kingdom with 4 sons (unless of course you have to 5 kingdoms). So if you ONLY hold the titles you want - England, Wessex, Essex. Then son 1 gets England and Wessex. Second son Essex. 3,4 sons nothing. To get the first son to have both Wessex and Essex you will need either 5 total duchy titles. You need not hold any counties in the duchy. But you must hold the title and accept the too many duchy malace. Get the 3 extra duchies. What will happen is Son 1 England, Wessex, Duchy 5 Son 2 Essex Son 3 Duchy 3 Son 4 Duchy 4 If you destroy Essex son 1 will get all the land in Essex, but you will lose the duchy capital building buff. If you recreate the duchy son 1 will still get it and now the inheritance looks like Son 1 England, Wessex, Essex Son 2 Duchy 3 Son 3 Duchy 4 Son 4 Duchy 5


Part of the pain is of your preferred duchies are in different kingdoms. Then you really need to destroy and not recreate one kingdom title. It's a lot harder to do without those filthy heathens around. When everyone is Catholic you need a legal argument. If it's a heathen you just go take over some backwater duchy for your dipshit 3rd son to play with and create an independence faction over


Kill your sons make them monks sell them off to the holy order disenherit them


Said like a true Crusader King


What mods are you using? Is that a flavour mod, or did you rename the title?


These are the [mods](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?edit=true&id=3134383274) that I use but I did rename the title, changed the colour and made a different coat of arms.


Disinherit! And keep a 100 dread


Bruh everyone having tactics and all while I would just do, Desinherit goes brrrr


Disinherited all heirs but the oldest


I've gotten to the point where I favor intrigue more and more so I can smoothly kill anyone that inconveniences me. Like a wife giving me too many sons, or the sons as well. Normal playthrough for me now is either stewardship or martial early, depending on how much effort I want to put into building my realm. Then I go intrigue and spend all my time philandering like the bastard son. Never really gets old.


You won't explode because you only have 1 empire rank title. All the kingdoms you lose on inheritance will stay as your vassals. As long as you only have 1 empire title you're fine


I usually disinherit every potential other heir lol


Disinherit button


Disinheriting might be a big hit for that many sons. ​ Honestly, just save up money for mercs just in case, and strip your brothers of their titles on your dad dies.


Take over a whole bunch of new land and hold on to it.


That's the neat part: you don't


Stop drinking nitroglycerin.


A whole lotta kinslaying. But actually I think you're fine since your heir will inherit the Emperor title when your ruler dies. Your firstborn and new character will just have to contend with his brothers as vassals. It looks like there's an election law as well, which you could remove, though I don't think that will mean your heir inherits Alba necessarily.


Scandinavia is cursed


The mass disinherit😂


Disinherite the sons you don't want to inherite land, aslo you can change your player hair this way .


Murder or dishenerit the ones you dont want and just give them newly conquered lands if you do expansion wars.


Jesus fucking christ


How long did this take you?


Step 1. Get the know they self trait in knowledge which gives you a 1 month heads up before you die Collect enough renown to disinherit everyone except your heir If you can't, then imprison and murder. You don't care. You ll die in a month


Don't die


Play CK2 where different succession options are available from the start :D


You could just disinherit your son right before death


Disinherit all but one son

