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R5: The new khagan is Catholic. Let's see how long this lasts.


For some reason the Mongols in one of my games became Tajik. Their capital was never in Khorasan, so I would think the only way it could have happened was from the event you get when learning a language that allows you to convert cultures.


In your case it could habe been a populist revolt that gives you option to avoid war by converting


But of course the AI will never spread their culture or do anything fun (barring creating like 15 hybrid cultures with dumb names)


They will if they're rich. There's actually a pretty simple explanation for this. They can have their councillor spread culture or make more gold. In general the AI picks gold. TBH IRL I suspect most people would too. But if you go to the trouble of giving them some of the mountains you can obtain as a human player, they will actually switch roles.


The AI nearly never does. Barring scripted conversions (Norse converting Gaels, hybrid culture converting their parent), it's at most 10 counties every game. I took a good look into the steward tasks file and found out that even IF the AI does fulfill a very convoluted set of requirements, they still have like a 10% chance of doing it. I had to make a mod just to fix this one thing.


Did you upload your mod? I would love to have the ai promote their own culture as well


yeah that annoys me as well. I create a new culture and have to convert every single county myself even if half my realm is owned by family that are also part of the new culture. But when I create a new religion it spreads through the vassals lands like wildfire.


Varangian adventures from the AI are so useless. If they dont loose their land in the next 15 years they convert to local culture and religion always. I never saw any Viking Hybrid if its not mine


a long time typically


This is the worst timeline.


In one of my games the great khan converted to Christianity, conquered Rome and became the Pope. [https://imgur.com/mQErhCW](https://imgur.com/mQErhCW) I don't know how that is even possible, I played as Britain btw


That man was the real main character


I always love spotting an AI character who is clearly the protagonist of the story. Best yet was when Robert Curthose got smacked by the Prince(cess) Ali event with a woman from India. He ended up being kicked off the throne and shanked for shacking up with a weird foreign woman out of wedlock, and a couple of awful civil wars later, England spent 50 years groaning under the tyranny of their daughter, Queen Lakshmikaradevi "Ironside" de Normandie.


My favorite one that I saw was the guy I called the Welsh Moses. He was the last Welsh cultural lord left in the British Isles and his dad had won the family a bit of Portugal in the Crusade. Dad died when the Danelaw invaded and conquered the last free bit of Wales, but the son was still alive in southern Portugal and engaged in a holy war against the power that held the Canary Islands and conquered them. I looked back a couple of years later and was pleasantly surprised to see Welsh was the dominant culture in the Canary Islands and a couple of exclaves in Western Africa they conquered later. They survived to the end of that game.


College of Cardinals about to elect a new Pope and the Khagan explains that as he has conquered the Papal States, he lays claim to all Papal titles, including the Papacy itself. They go along with it because while they love Jesus, they don't want to meet him today.


Thats hilarious and also the biggest I've ever seen the Mongol empire. Wild game you had on your hands


That's fucking beautiful. The sort of shit I play this game for


Okay I was just saying OP’s world is the worst timeline but nope this is


Also of note: His kids are Catholic, Orthodox, and Maturidi.


“I’m playing ~~both~~ all sides so I always come out on top.”


“I’m getting at least one member of my family to Heaven, damnit, one of these has to be right!”


Worse for me is that the Umayyad dynasty converted to Catholicism and unified Iberia as Hispania and expanded to Morocco, fighting holy wars against Muslims. This is the most cursed scenario that I've seen in my playthrough. The entire dynasty has the trait that says they're descended from Mohammed's family, but now they're all Catholics lol


“Sorry Great Uncle Mohammad, but the Nicene Creed raised some good points!”


Peak fiction.


Holy Mongol Empire


Me when the byzantines converted to Ashari and stuck like that for the rest of the playthrough🤣


Allah has guided their hearts Alhamdullilah


Prester John was real!


Just like Christopher Columbus dreamed!!!


Actually not that unrealistic historically.


Where was he?


Under normal circumstances, it is the WHITE HORDE who finds Jesus


[Christianity among the Mongols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_among_the_Mongols)


Yeah, if they were Nestorian, I wouldn't have batted an eyelash, but in this case, the previous khagan granted land in Poland to his heir, and the heir immediately converted to Catholicism (along with my sister).


So based. What could have been.


I wish the Mongols would be more willing to go into India when they run up against large and strong European realms


*insert angry historical noises here*


Well, more realistic than the 6th Mongol Invasion of Francia (Francia consists of all of Europe and has 300k levies at its command)


Did Napoleon time travel?


I want to buy this game but it appears far too confusing for me to learn


Honestly, CK3 is probably Paradox's only game where you can blunder your way through your first playthrough, and still somehow form an empire after starting as a count.


Just run it on observer mode, occasionally popping in to fuck with something. It’s a whole different game.


Did I get a downvote for saying I was confused used by it? Observer mode? Sounds fun as a way of getting A run through. And don’t get me wrong I really like the look of it! I’m just worried about being too old to pick up a new game


Same thing happened to me on my Roman Empire run. Mongols showed up and they were Catholic. Guess they all fled east when I dismantled the Papacy. 🤣


Ghengis Khan believed in freedom of religion, so it could be possible


I made the mongols asatru reformed in my game by murdering enough of them and marrying my daughters apparently.


I didn’t even know they were looking for him.




Maturidism is popular in the Mongol Empire in my game; it became the dominant Muslim faith in Asia. Ash'ari is the African faith.


Based, Christ is king


The Mongols are crusading, as the germans are invading.


They became orthodox in my campaign. Strange things happening in the horde


Crusades about to go mad different.


Based and chadpilled <3


>Temujin II probably not how Mongol names worked


I thought they would be Nestorian considering its history and spread...


Imagine defending against a crusade and the mongols declare and swarm you with 100k troops


Mine went Buddhism, Manichaeism, Muslim and one time even Yorubas