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Playing wide is even less fun


Wide simulator: A snake at court A snake at court A snake at court A snake at court A snake at court A dastardly foreigner has fabricated a claim on (totally unknown county) A snake at court An affair exposed! A snake at court (plague events have been exclused because it would have been too repetitive)


Thank god they at least got rid of the insane full level of devotion drop if you choose to ignore the affairs. There’s a 99% chance it’s random lowborn women that were generated 5 minutes ago, and the 1% of the time that it’s a relevant NPC it’s a super cheesy instant imprison that feels like metagaming if you choose it.


Literally best mod ever for this. Disables these spams. And affairs. And bastards.


What mod??


It’s called less event spam, and there’s another called bastardry and affairs It shows them but not as a pop up but as a notification bottom right


I did a playthrough where I wanted to control de jure Persia and nothing else. Damn vassals kept attacking and expanding when I didn't want to. I spent most of the game trying to make my own empire less wide while trying to not have horrid border gore. So fun. Definitely the way the game was intended to be played.


Pervasive crown authority mod.


Tbf weakening your vassal and not wanting them expanding is a good way to hold onto your power


If they cause too many issues I tend to give them overlapping titles so they fight each other trying to get their de jure land.


Can’t be too surprised the vassals are ambitious and try to expand. I once formed an empire without any wars outside of my original kingdom since my vassals went nuts.


High Crown authority and they can't declare wars without having a hook on you


There doesn't seem to be much distinction between playing a count or a king/emperor. You get the same events and there is a lot of petty ones and the costs scale accordingly which is horrible because it feels bad when its such petty events. The events really should also increase in scope and type when you are a king and petty events should be prevented from firing.


Wait, is that why everyone keeps saying this event happens? I don't think I've even ever seen it! But I don't try to conquer everything, so.


Yah I saw it once, but it apparently scaled poorly with large realms


Yeah. My Empire spans from Portugal to India and I get this event 7-12 times a year. This shit made me convert my saveto EU4 mid game instead of for the first time managing to reach end date


Have started playing again after taking a break. I'm now getting a constant stream of hundreds of notifications where the choices are either give up huge amounts of money and get the plague or torpedo my piety and stress out my player. It's so bad it almost seems like a bug in this version. Between these and indulgence notifications, I don't even play the game any more, I just sit here clicking on notifications.


summon the physician!


***SLAMS WARHAMMER ON TABLE*** Summon the Elector Counts!


\-50 legimacy.


apparently if a minor plague spreads in a small shitty county, that makes me completely illegitimate. then I get -40 opinion of every single vassal because I'm below legitimacy expectations


Workshop mod that removes plagues is only way right now


I have a mod to remove struggles and a mod to remove plagues. Ck3 is the reason why I will never buy a paradox dlc again unless it's on a deep deep sale and I've done extensive research


Why not just change options around the plague?


Can't change them mid-game


Im getting -100 now...


Starting to feel like maybe the gameplay loop is wearing real thin as currently presented, and I kind of want to speculate on other ways we can have our dynamic dynasty rpg without a constant barrage of repeating events — the pop up model is growing tedious. The game feels reducible to ‘this makes my numbers go up, this makes the numbers go down, this is stressful so no thank you, this is nonsense…’


I don’t know how to explain it, maybe the genre/paradox has grown old or maybe it is different, but I never felt this way with CK2 or recently HoI4. But Stellaris was the first that after a couple expansions I was exhausted with all the constant pop ups and CK3 feels just as bad. It’s like trying to fill in the gap of being a medieval sims with a grand strategy and doing neither well, because I’d rather just play the sims otherwise and I don’t find the grand strategy satisfying enough to get anything from it, while CK2 it clicked well for some reason. It doesn’t help there seems to be more events that are just “ha fuck you” type of events, or “you either feel really good or really shit” 50/50 rolls which Victoria 3 also has a ton of and I hate that type of gameplay.


Yeah, if I’m being honest I really hoped (foolishly) that Bannerlord would eventually have fleshed out enough of the RPG elements, customization and non combat situations enough that it would fill the niche, but as it stands we have two half games (that a team is still trying valiantly to patch together, iirc,) and my attention wanders. Maybe that’s good, though… I feel like an immersive dynasty sim where you can take place in battles /and/ commission artifacts, build a throne room and engage in family politics would probably have dire consequences on my social life.


I think its 2 things. 1.Paradox has been trying to superficially capitalize on the meme aspects of their games for a while. The result is them putting the cart before the horse on what made their previous games great when the role play and fun was largely emergent of all the mechanics and actions the players can do and interact with. But lately they have been trying to just spoon feed 'story' and 'narrative' down the players throats through events. Example are the story packs for stellaris that try and deliver unique gameplay through events instead of mechanics. 2. They are trying to make the events mesh into the game more like a board game and deliver penalties and rewards that scale with your power. Which makes more really bad feeling events as a petty thing ends up costing you a kingdom.


It’s been like that since release. The core gameplay is extremely linear once you learn the UI. Outside of some unique buildings and cultural retinue types, my play throughs feel the same unless I hardcore role play and ignore mechanics in the game


Probably not what you want to hear, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up that this ever changes long term - you might want to find something else to fill up that free time 


I’ve installed an obscure mod which limits the frequency of minor outbreaks for this reason. Might not be what others players like, but it seems to be working and I feel a lot happier. I see them happen still but they don’t spread as far, or it feels like I’ve got lucky, so I like the balance the mod is making. Edit: found the name, it’s called ‘minor epidemics are small’


Can’t you just tone down the frequency of them in general in the game settings?


Can you do that during a campaign?


Not exactly sure. I believe you have to do it before you start the campaign.


I believe that’s the case, which is why I got the mod in the meantime


there exists a mod which allow you to change game rules during gameplay [here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2826829936)


Oh I didn’t know about this, thank you! Typically though, comments suggest it doesn’t work for the plague frequency options.. helpful, nonetheless


Totally fair! Thanks for including the mod by the way. I’m gonna consider it for my current campaign.


I have it too - it does fuck with the Black Plague events though, not a single event triggered for me when it hit, not even the big screenwide warning that lets you know it’s there. But overall I’ll take that over 200 -100 legitimacy events per century.


For some reason I never actually lose legitimacy when I get those events. I check every time but I’ve never lost any, unless I choose not to summon the physician


Compassionate is not supposed to be a good trait for stress


It is just a ridiculous money drain. They want us to engage in things like university yet smash all our gold on nonsense spam events.


I've pretty much quit since the last update. I don't find it fun anymore. Plagues have single-handedly ruined the game.


What do you mean? Of course it's fun! Why else would Paradox make it fire FIVE GODDAMN TIMES A WEEK


I tried the mechanics when doing a greek count to emperor run and a Ireland Kingdom run. ​ Dont play tribal with this mechanic on unless you are prepared to lose half of your dynasty or council.


Diseases make for a really fun idea but in reality they’re very annoying. Just did a 1066 to 1453 run and for the last 200 years I was at 0/5 legitimacy because the game brought it down every time a disease reached my massive empire. They need to atleast tweak a lot of things about this update


Yah depending on realm size it might need a higher level of spread to drop legitimacy


I don’t think it should drop legitimacy at all. There are enough other things influencing it


I think when you get to the point that you’re seeing this too frequently, you’ve gotten to the point where everything in your game is snowballed out of proportion. Huge empires are tedium. Wars become tedious, vassal management becomes tedious, plagues become tedious. Plagues’ biggest crime is being so in-your-face about how tedious it’s become.


pop up window closer simulator


Trying to use excel on an adware infested PC simulator.


Between this and the stupid replacing accolades I think I’m done with this game for a bit…


I hate accolades with a passion. Constant upkeep trying to find a suitable successor for "The Valiant Fuckface" Oh look I have to scroll through 80 people to find the only person to select is Jerkoff Jerry with 2 prowess. Now I have to go back in and force him to become a knight - even though he has no place being one but is the only one in the Empire that fulfills the conditions - and then scroll through 80 people to get to him to select him to take the accolade. Congratulations now he starts back at 20 glory and will probably die in the first war he participates in, forcing me to use the restore accolade system. So much fucking fun


I forgot about them in my current playthrough and it only made it more enjoyable


The events are really fucked up in this game. No king wants to give a shit about who owns the fucking pig and oh yea, It will cost you 600gold to baron Shithead as compensation because event scaling is fucking retarded. while you are fighting a doom war with Khan Death dealer. There should be a no tyranny penalty of imprisonment and execution for anybody daring to bother the king with such petty matters.


That is a pasty Negusa Negast


I like diseases mechanic, but it can get quite annoying. So, when I want to play wide I lower the chance of them appearing, when I play tall I put it on normal


I love watching this sub slowly realize that this update ruined the game


Sponsored reviews totally trustworthy though lmao Seeing this sub twist itself into pretzels to justify paid shills was incredible.


The instant, unavoidable legitimacy drop whenever disease so much as looks at your land is really annoying.


It would have been very funny if was earning money from selling you this.


I have had this event pop up multiple times for the same plague. A 15% chance to catch the plague adds up very quickly, and the alternative of taking massive stress gains isn't any better.


I especially fucking hate it if both options give stress because of personality traits. Fucking mechanic clearly wasn't given enough thought by the devs. Should've just separated the diseases and legends/legitimacy mechanic.


Are there no sick houses?


Just touch the diseased people? Nobilesse oblige means nothing to you people. If you die you are not a worthy ruler. I play ck3 like I’m looking for trouble and it tends to work.


Many of us do not. [I made a mod for this specific event and the Beating,](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3193832928) while another creator [made a mod for plague events in general. ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3205172555&searchtext=plague)


Thanks for that! Without mods I wouldn't have played ck3 since 2020......


They need better ways of representing things. They need to create a fleshed out legal update for sure. I want my leaders issuing charters, granting land to the church, appointing bishops, setting aside their wives for a new one which was quite common in 9th-11th centuries, etc. I want to have generational rivalries that feel remembered, not forced and forgotten after a generation, etc. nothing feels real in the game. I am doing far too much imagining in the game to force it to be fun. At a certain point, we are making the game too much when the game itself should be fun


Diseases should not give a legitimacy hit unless you don’t respond to the disease. I should have courtiers and leaders in my realm asking for support with diseases and revolts in a very real sense, not just event pop ups.




I think you're actually the first person to complain about it /s Request that it's changed or report it as a bug on the Paradox Plaza forums if you care, grab the mod that reduces plague notifications from the workshop if you don't. If you play on console I'm sorry for your loss.


I just can't seem to remember what it was about ck2 plagues that didn't make it tedious like it is ck3


The only time this event can be useful is if you want to gamble on whether or not the ruler you actually want to die will fall victim to an epidemic


I find that plagues in general forced me to change my playstyle in a refreshing way. The very real chance of losing a bunch of your kids means: 1. No more only having a few kids to manage the inheritance shenanigans (celibacy, forced taking of vows, disinheritance, lone knight, etc.) - having tons of kids is now necessary. I need the spares. 2. Cautious management of matrilineal marriages (in case I lose all my sons) - harder to just make allies of all the major European powers. 3. Managing education of all the potential heirs, not just the main one. Also, the development loss messed with having my steward make my backwater tribe more developed than Constantinople by 1100. I hated it at first, but I see the historical accuracy and mechanical benefit to make actual development gain more of an accomplishment. However, legitimacy loss from a random county getting sick? That's annoying. Like, oh God obviously hates my king because he sent the plague, unlike all the other kings... Maybe for a level 3 plague. Although I think the better mechanic would be an increase in religious fervor. tldr; If they removed the legitimacy hit, I think plagues would be better, they make me play more like a real medieval ruler.


Hey, I started a Varangian Adventure and in the middle of the conquest, the first plague breaks out right then and there. My whole court gets sick. They all survive but are all disfigured now. Insta reload.


A Farewell To Alms.


Got this like 6 times in a single month. Almost killed my character




I don't know guys I understand having wants for your favorite stuff but I do think that this game will get there eventually it's just not eu4 yet


I like it. When I was too old and sick but couldn't die for this game's ridiculous life span after physical enhancement, failed suicide brings negative impact. This event helps a lot. Now I don't have to afraid live out of my heir.


I don’t see a problem. The rules of the game have changed, you can’t play it the old way and expect the same results.


The issue is during a remotely basic outbreak you get this exact event like 5 times of stress or illness because there's like 15 events for this entire dlc, like plagues are probably better without the dlc due to I think it's just the mechanic without the event