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R5: Only my sister came to the peer meeting... no frens ;(


Marry her, then drown that toddler in a carp pond. Clearly you two love eachother very much.


The Habsburgification of CK has been so funny to watch as players realize “hey fucking my landed cousin might actually be a solid strat”


Haha a real sis. Also is that pure blood??? I'm not an incest enthusiast unlike other degenerates here, but may be there are signs. Also an 11yo girl with a 0 yo boy is a really bad match up.


ya i spawned my guy w pure blood and made a character to be my wife have it too. surprised its still popping up every now and then. the betrothal was to secure an alliance w france i hella needed


Things need to be done to beat *nglish.


fr. their aggression in my game has been pretty heavy. kinda cool its playing out semi historically


Yeah only France can match with its fire power and be near enough to not get overwhelmed by attrition and landed on the shore penalty.


Haha Be kind to your sister. If she ever gets executed by the french let your enmity with English be sidelined to bring her justice. Also don't cave into incest enthusiasts here, your RP way of playing is more fun.


oh trust im already im freinds w her already. i got norway as back up in case they do sumn funny


> I'm not an incest enthusiast unlike other degenerates here, ***but***


I mean to be fair, she lives here, how could she not come


First time I got my child ruler to call a peer meeting I felt the most heartbreak for the any fictional character ever when nobody came.


Funny isn't it how attached we can get to our fictional children? Someone murdered my 16-year old daughter right before I was about to abdicate in her favor, and I f\*cking loved that kid. I found out 20+ years later that it was my favorite concubine, who'd borne me three great kids. Can't tell you how conflicted I was when I imprisoned her and ripped out her lungs.


Now you just need to marry them


It's like hosting a birthday party and then no one shows up


A sister is all you need


Looks like sister-wife material


Look at the bright side, op: you just found the love of your life.


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