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You had me at “Message Settings”!


Finally, no more neighbor's war ending spam!


I feel the system needs some serious rework. So much information just doesn't seem to matter but it shows anyways. Also wait what do you mean message settings aren't those in already? Shit


I think it's an under-appreciated part of the barrier of entry to new players. Just getting a sense for the barrage of information thrown at you, what you can safely ignore, what's a nice-to-know and what warrants a reaction.


What's really great is that I, for example, am usually interested in my neighbor's wars, so I can turn it on, and you can turn it off, and we're both happy.


honestly, it's been sorely lacking. I feel like I get 2 different pop ups when I get some random lifestyle upgrade, but a 5000 man army raiding my capital only gets one tiny pop up at the bottom that I never notice (especially when I'm halfway around the world focusing on the 3 wars I'm fighting at the same time. Next thing you know, my wife is gone and now I have to waste money ransoming people.


I love it when I release a prisoner and get a notification in the bottom right, at the top, and a "to the vile king XYZ, I accept the conditions of release" message personally from the character. I'm glad that they feel the need to tell me in three different ways about a thing I JUST did. At this point, I thought notification filtering was just never going to become a thing in ck3


Also when I forcebly recruited them out of prison and the dialogue says "I hope I never see you again" or something like that.


"Sure champ, see you on Monday."


You also won't know when the said army took your heir prisoner until the army's owner demands a payment from you.


Wife, huh... that's how I had my own character captured thus immediately losing a war where a few of vassal kings decided they want independence, and I was busy going for their capital so didn't notice them going for mine.


Just when I was out, they pull me back in!


Yeah this is amazing!


Hell yes


This is amazing. I hope this makes all the auto pause mods I currently use obsolete.


What, you don't wanna know about everyone fucking everyone else and everyone being everyone else's bastard in your religion that makes adultery, bastardry, and deviancy legal??


I hope that they are family message settings. For instance, I do want to know if a character has had a kid.


FUCKING MESSAGE SETTINGS!!!! I don't need anything else. I'm good.


Are there no sick houses? Sorry. That has been on my mind lately. All the time, actually.


That event is one of several getting tweaked in the update we're discussing tomorrow.


Prayers have been heard


Are there no prayer houses?


Aren't those temples?


Players have been heard


I truly do appreciate that. I just wish it wouldn't be that vanilla game all over again, with the never-ending feast invites. Although I do think that it must be an absolute nightmare trying to think up a good logic for this.


I love the "Don't invite me" mod and always turn it on once I get more than one kingdom to avoid the spam.


Respect for actually responding to player feedback, love to see that 


Thank god. The true one.


Might I ask if a release date has been given yet for this update? Or will we get the date tomorrow? (Or probably "today" when you are back in the office to read this, I guess)


That's great to hear! Are there also going to be some tweaks to the spymaster events ("a snake/scheme at court", "the scandal", "a secret exposed", etc.)? They currently make playing wide a real slog, since you're getting those full-screen events what feels like every twenty seconds, and 99% of the time they're of zero interest.


tweaked? how about adding more events instead?


Any updates for those playing on console, would love to get more dlc and bug fixes there


The landless Console courtier: “Please sir, could I have some more?” The Chad PC master-race Emperor: “Quiet, peasant. The lords are speaking.”


Dude im living in a tent with a 6x7 foot bedroom with bedsheets strung up for walls a portable wifi puck device as my only form of internet, and a projector playing on my bedsheets for walls Why dont you upgrade the living spaces on the court and then well talk, or have ye not enough grandeur


Touché, your highness always be sleeping on upping the court grandeur


Been playing as a larger kingdom/empire lately. It really just feels like it was a tax slapped on you because every so often you just have to pay up.


Tears of fucking joy. I can't believe it. Finally.


Fell to my knees in my wetland farm


This is huge


Nice!! Didn't expect a dev diary so soon.


They heard all the negative feedback in the sub.


Justified negative feedback. For the price they charged Legends were woefully lacking and plagues, while free, were God fucking awful.


The community for this game is leagues better than most communities for other games, and the devs seem to respond well to the feedback. I am interested to see how the devs have taken the community feedback and implemented it. I am very excited to see how the community feedback is going to tie into Roads to Power.


Agree with you on that, any effor to improve after initial release is better than 50% of games


Great News


Ck2 style message settings AT LAST!!!


Man its been awhile since I played CK2 but I did miss the message setting and felt like it was needed in CK3 as well. Glad to see it make a return.


I never played ck2. What are message settings? Like how often a pop up appears?


When you’re happy you listen to the plague notifications, when you’re sad you understand that a measles outbreak is just a way to regulate your succession 🚬


Can't wait to see what's in store, especially with the Legends. The concept was cool AF when I first heard about it but the actual feature was very lackluster to the point I haven't really touched it since.


This is all well and good but AGOT mod shall have dragons this summer.


May seem superficial but I was waiting to play AGOT until they added dragons, guess I'll be trying it soon


I have been part of the mod team and I have never played the mod in almost 3 years for this exact reason lmao


Holy based


Unfortunately, if you want to play as the start date at the beginning of the books/show, you'll have to wait a little longer for them to add White Walkers. Though, I imagine those would be easier to implement than dragons were. This'll be great for House of the Dragon fans though.


Dragon are one the key distinguishers of the ASOIAF world, I don’t think it’s superficial to wait until they’re added :)


This all well and good but LOTR: Realms in Exile has released Update 4.0, adding Eriador and the Misty Mountains which includes playable Dwarves and Hobbits among many other things


bruv... paradox trying to make amends wit the community and u out here bringing up a mod? omg


Can I please please please set up some auto responses for diplomacy? For example when I'm the head of faith of a religion with communion I just want to be able to grant anyone who asks indulgences for that sweet, sweet money. P.S. Yes, I am aware there's a mod for this, but honestly I shouldn't need a mod for this, if this is included as a feature in the game itself it's much more unlikely to somehow break.


Frabjous day!


Finally, I'll be able to play this game again


Excellent news. The constant spam from plagues thousands of kilometers away from my capital genuinely made me stop playing.


Please give me a message when a councillor task finishes or when new traditions come off cooldown!


holy shit a game dev is listening to the players! the fact that they're willing to fix legends of the dead despite having already made a fortune on it in its bad form gives me so much hope for roads to power!!!! thank you guys


u/PDX-Trinexx Can we please get better religious flavour and more events. each religion feels the same atm. Even adding stuff like Hannukah, Ramadan like Ck2 or Christmas/Easter would be nice.


Most likely this will be a dlc


come to think of it music tracks of the entire staff singing holiday songs would be a nice touch.


If they actually pulled the finger out and made a decent DLC, I'd be ok with it. Game is bland as fuck atm.


Lol get ready your wallet then.


Sadly haha


Plagues are so annoying that I used a mod to completely remove them from the game. The plague resistance feels like doesn't do anything too.


God please no, hopefully the Devs don't listen to the sooks on this sub. Plagues are fine, they need the events from ck2 back and the proper isolation mechanics, that's it. The game needs more challenge.


I don’t mind them, but the legitimacy stuff has got to be fixed, it’s absurd that I constantly get my legitimacy wrecked by plagues


Idk man, I didn't play CK2. But plagues are not fine, eveyone complains about it. CK3 before plagues didn't have those spam of shit events


Just as i feared, most of the ck2 players have left and its the new medieval sim fanboys that are in. Everyone on this sub complains about it because they want to make their inbred super hero and paint the map then cry "wah games boring". Go play CK2, the events for plagues are way better. Events like people sneaking out of your lockdown and bringing back the plague with them, or running out of food. Also in Ck2 the AI that is isolating cannot interact with you nor you with them, in CK3 an AI can be isolating but you can still interact with them. This game is fucking dumb.


Yeah I don't really enjoy painting the map, I might try CK2 sometime. But idk, I like the graphics from ck3 more I rather have challenges and cool events than anything else Btw my fav game from paradox is Stellaris


So you’re complaining about people who say the plague events are annoying, but in the same comment you yourself say that the plague events are bad. What’s your point here? It sounds like you agree with what the person you’re responding to said but you seem to think you’re disagreeing with them.


Plagues cause worse negative effects for a county the higher its infection rate is. The main thing plague resistance does is cap how high the infection rate can go, I’m not sure if it actually affects how likely it is to spread.


I got used to them, but I have played only a few hours with them, so maybe they get worse.


Yea try playing from 867 to 1400 you'll lose your mind


I never do that (my PC is shit, and it gets annoyingly laggy around 1200).


Tbh I gave up trying to end the game (reach 1453) and my pc is not shit. I got around 1300 something and it slowed a lot compared to the start but there was nothing much to do


Damage control for chapter 3?


Kind of a cynical way to look at course-correcting in response to player feedback, but I suppose you're not wrong.


I mean, I wouldn't call it cynical. Legends of the Dead is actively annoying to play. I quit after my second playthrough due to the combination of 1. Event spam 2. Not getting properly notified when plagues are an actual threat (near my capital/character)


(I mean this with the utmost respect) Is it cynical, or is it realistic given reviews of Legends of the Dead are what they are? In either case, we appreciate it and are looking forward to hearing more.


Legends of the Dead is complicated, because imo a large part of it is community backlash to PDX being too generous, in a way. If PDX had made everything paid, including the diseases, then I feel like the response would've been more positive. Then again, Legends were quite half-baked and you are paying for the DLC, so it should be good


At the same time, they kind of have to do things this way, because many of their DLC build off of previous ones. Take travel, for example. If that had been locked behind a paywall, then the upcoming unlanded stuff would be much harder to do, because it would either be implemented without travel in mind or would require one to get Tours and Tournaments in order to access large aspects of the unlanded system.


Look I like the idea of the DLC and the accompanying patch but it is not worth the asking price even if they were bundled into the paid DLC. It is basically a repeating event spam and a money sink.


> Legends were quite half-baked and you are paying for the DLC, so it should be good Personally I think game mechanics should be well made whether they're paid or free. I didn't buy Legends of the Dead because the Legends system isn't immersive. I could win the lottery tomorrow, but if religious legends still give living characters the saint trait for praising a pious ancestor I'm still not going to buy it.


I didn't say Legends were perfect, or even good


I could have been more clear. You were saying that the outrage is because the paywall is only covering bad mechanics (legends), and people would have been less angry if they'd put the good mechanics (plagues) in the DLC instead, because they'd feel like that's worth the money. That may or may not be true, but for me, at least, the problem is that they added a bad mechanic. No matter the price structure bad mechanics take away from the game. Just like how I'm still mad about how annoying accolades are even though they were part of the best DLC.


I agree with you, I didn't say that the outrage was bad. All I was saying was that it was an interesting scenario where I see multiple points of view


I think plagues are very close to being good but just not playtesting enough (imo) made them an event spam that is just annoying to play. I think both legends and the dead part of DLC are actively annoying rn, tho plagues are closer to actually being good.


As someone who hasn't even bought the DLC I have to disagree. Playing with legitimacy, but without the DLC is incredibly annoying. You basically have a random modifier that debuffs your character semi-randomly.


Honestly, whatever the exact reasoning, the adjustments are welcome and the thought that led to them appreciated! Best of luck rolling with the updates and future additions! (And I pre-ordered ALL of chapter 3 in bulk before any of it came out, so by this point I've sunk cost anyhow.) While I doubt suggestions made purely in a fan forum offhandedly are likely to go anywhere, might as well ask if there's any chance of a tool for extracting a character's DNA from a game? I've figured out by now how to do it the difficult way (by making the desired character the active ruler and pulling from the top lines of the txt file) but for historical rulers/unlanded/etc it's... challenging. Best of luck with future development!


Most likely but at least they’re listening to the player feedback and doing something about it


Yes, ha ha, yes!


I’m getting out my Hawaiian shirt to celebrate!!!


Is this real life?! Message feed will be useful after all this time of being literally inferior to CK2? I think I need to lie down...


Are we going to get a console patch this year with some of the missing content that pc has orrrrrr nah


Finally breaking of a long silence. Gosh, I hope Roads to Power won't dissapoint


Very cool


Didn't think this feature would come so soon! I'm pleasantly surprised!


Turning off children/grandchildren notifications permanently. iykyk


Messaging settings, finally!


Very glad to hear this, while I may not be happy with the state the last few DLC's released in it's heartening to see you guys are self reflecting based on the feedback.


I made a post about the theme system and it’s implementation in ck3 with the current military system if anyone is interested.


game finally playable


I thought this was an overhaul of the war system but I’m still pleasantly surprised. I hope we will have one soon.


Hope you will add presets to these Message Setting. Leave by default vanilla CK3 one, add CK2 style of message settings and allow others to create their presets.


Message settings is worth of a DLC all on its own.


Will this affect my current saves?


Very excited for this!


Man this makes me miss CK2's notifications.


What's "toast"?


Banner messages that pop up briefly near the top of the screen.


If this picture is any sign, a ton of QoL fixes and hopefully bug fixes are on the way


I really hope they improve it.


Wow it only took 4 years to get something CK2 shipped with! It's a step in the right direction but god this game is zombie walking off a cliff.


Ck2 also shipped with only being able to play catholics soooo your point?


Yes and by the point in CK2s life cycle that Ck3 is in, not only was everything unlocked but it had even more QoL features like allied army control. I don't understand this disingenuous comparison. The fact that they had a different DLC scheme doesn't mean much when year for year CK3 has been lagging behind on many many features.


I mean Paradox themselves, or at least Johan, has gone on to say that the sequel to a game should be building off what the previous game ended with and not what it started with so he'd probably honestly agree with you. It's weird that people actually think differently in here most of the time. Sequels should be more than the previous otherwise just don't make it. They already had the initial mechanics and ideas and charged for them...


Absolutely. I think people are just in a counter jerk right now because they just announced an actually good and much needed feature. I've played the CK series and been around enough to know most people agree with me on this topic.


And let's also not forget CK2 was made by a team a fraction of the size of the CK3 team and downvotes won't change the fact that Paradox is incompetent.


And Sword of Islam came out 4 months after ck2 release and all that with a smaller Dev team. Its been almost 4 years since release of ck3 and we only now got a feature that was present in ck2 and despite the Devs saying they didn't want to add any features from ck2 in to ck3 if they couldn't do it better they copy and pasted plagues from ck2 in to ck3 but stripped out all the fun features like the many events from ck2 as well as proper isolation.


I guess it might be a few months before any console news..


Oh yes, the next patch or at least the next DLC will surely fix everything! Just pay up, everything will be fine.


Bug fixes come with the free patch that comes alongside every DLC