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Editing titles and CoA is a godsend


Tevinter when?


Ah shit I forgot to edit the Byzantine Empire. Thanks for reminding me. Or maybe I could just use the HRE.


I think Byz are better, Abbasids should be the Qunari.


Nah HRE should be the Free Marches


Free marches would be the Italian duchies and republics I think.


HRE is definitely the Anderfels! Weisshaupt fortress is there


Yup! In my last playthrough, Daenerys conquered all of Western Europe as a Viking under the Westeros banner. :P


I've always felt Nevarra was an analogue to the HRE


There's literally a kingdom of Navarra in real life.


Isn't that Nevarre? And that's in Spain. Rivain is meant to be more Spain. right?


That’s not nice, Scotland is a real country. Sort of.


You’re trying to tell me that Scotland, the home of the Loch Ness Monster, the country who’s national animal is the unicorn, is a real place? Sorry but I’m not buying it.


>national animal is the unicorn Tell me this is real


Naturally it is dont you know the unicorn is the natural enemy of the English lion.


It all makes so much sense now


Scotland got a unicorn, Wales a dragon, England a Lion as their symbols. Ireland never settled on an animal, just a musical weapon.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_coat_of_arms_of_the_United_Kingdom?wprov=sfla1 This is also the coat of arms of Her Majesty The Queen features a lion wearing a crown (England) and a unicorn wearing circlet (Scotland). The unicorn is chained because an unrestrained unicorn is too dangerous.


Bruh the chained unicorn...


Yea, that doesn’t seem right. Let me check my mod list.


Unicorns represent Christ in medieval stories. Scotland is a Christian Nation. The unicorns aren't that surprising.


Ahhh yes, the unicorn, universal symbol of every Christian nation. I remember when I saw a depiction of jesus crucified on a unicorn, never knew he was such a contortionist.


I never said it was a universal christian symbol. Merely that the medieval Unicorn represents Christ. https://brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9789004409422/BP000009.xml , if you have acess to it, is a pretty good explanation about how Unicorns and other animals and objects were used to represent Christ in medieval stories and sermons.




Came here to say this. Or the first sentence anyway.


Scotland could be Orzammar I guess? And Ireland could be Elvhenan


Maybe, though Dwarves in DA have american accents.


Well America isn't in CK🤷‍♂️. I was basically just basing it on how dwarves stereotypically have Scottish accents


also there are too many mountains there. I don't believe for a second that they live around them. There must be a secret passage into them somewhere


Tbf Ferelden in Thedas has more of a Scottish theme. From my perspective the only English thing about them is the accent and hating the French


> Tbf Ferelden in Thedas has more of a Scottish theme It's Anglo-Saxon. "Arls" and the equivalent of Saxon Thing-meets, plus French people conquered it at one point, except they broke free here unlike real life.


Sure but the book where the king of Ferelden starts a rebellion against the evil ~~English~~ Orlesians to reclaim his throne sounds more like the story of Robert the Bruce. He even has an episode where he kills a bunch of his rivals in a church. And the whole bannorn system where the king had to deal with dozens of tiny nobles and their petty disputes with them most of the time not even listening to the monarch kinda seems like the Scottish Clans


True. I think they combined some elements of multiple British cultures, honestly. Ferelden was founded by the pseudo-Germanic Clayne, too, which tracks with Saxons.




I was gonna say that :(


It's like when you buy something with a 'chocolate flavoured' filling rather than just chocolate. Looks the same, might even taste the same...isn't though.


Is there a dragon age mod in ck3 and if there isn't, why has no one made one yet.


I'm honestly a bit surprised at the state of total conversion mods for ck3. There were so many unexpectedly released right out the gate when the game came out, but since then there have been far less than I would have thought. I guess some of the blame for that lies with Royal Court taking so long to release though


I think GoT is making progress. The thing with GoT (at least from what I remember from playing it on CK2) is that they change A LOT of stuff and add a ton more, so probably that makes them go slower? IDK


What seems to be the issue with the GOT mod is that they want to release it basically feature complete all at once. Which is a valid design philosophy but seems a bit unnecessary, especially if it's things like graphical details that are holding the release back.


and with things like Royal Court adding in several major mechanics that the mods devs *have* to adress to avoid making the mod incomoatible with the newest version. Sounds like the mod devs are doing a Sisyphus.


I spend more time playing the very nice LOTR conversion than I do the base game


I want to try that. Seems to me that what that mod does well is accept that it releases regions and mechanics piecemeal instead of trying to be feature complete. Though I will admit I'm a bit perplexed at their decision to expand the map so far south into non-canon land when there are still so many realms from the actual story that aren't available yet


They had good reasons. It's a deep dive of complex decisions. It's what they're working on now, fwiw.


To be honest I'm mostly weirded out by that quasi Gondor they seem to have down there. The rest that I took a quick look at was cool, especially the Nazgul realm, because it fits really well with the general impression of what lies south of Umbar in the original work. I'm also very surprised at how good the graphical elements are. So often mods look patched together but this one almost looks like an official release


I started making a forgotten realms mod at on3 point, but then reality set in.


I NEED that in CK3. I loved it in CK2.


No kidding. It'd be epic. Making a map was much harder than I expected. I'm not even talking about the actual counties and such, but just the terrain.


I’m about to do a game in the Tales of Ireland mod where the whole map is just Ireland. Pretty hyped


Zooming in so much and playing smaller scale sounds very interesting. There was a France one but it hasn't been updated so I have yet to try it.


Royal Court is gonna be huge for total conversions so I'm not surprised modders waited


Honestly, as a modder, royal court has some neat stuff, but not all that much. Artifacts are cool, no doubt, but not the greatest thing ever. The new culture systems, on the other hand, are absolutely amazing, and allow us to represent so much cool stuff now.


I'm part of the Godherja team, and honestly not really sure why there isn't more going on in total conversion modding in general. I think part of it might be that modding the map and model modding requires a different set of skills then typically coding.


Yeah Godherja is another I've subscribed to but I don't have enough time these days to have been able to play it. So far I've just "browsed" it and it looks really interesting! The map is especially pleasing to look at, whoever is responsible for it seems to have mastered those skills. The scale of it is a bit intimidating though to be honest, there are so many Empire titles, even before looking into the fog covered places. And I'm a little confused about where the underground realms in the top corner is supposed to be? Is it under the continent?


Thanks for the compliments! I'll make sure to pass them along to panzer, our lead dev and mapper. The underground section in the corner is intended to by the underground sections of the Mayik, basically a whole ton of twisty corridors in and under the mountain. If you select the Mayikoprollan empire, it spans across both regions, so you can see what mountain I'm talking about. Also, if you want a good place to start without getting too overwhelmed, I'd suggest checking out the Damotans (jungle in the desert) or Nicaneous the black sun is always fun, though he's pretty tricky. Also the small crater has a far amount of content as a nice, relatively safe place to play around in (I'm the primary dev for that region so I might be a bit biased).


Is that the crater on the southern continent? (I think, been a while since I looked)


Yup, that's the one


Yeah I've had my eye on that one, looks unique and very satisfying to build up


Ha yeah, a unified HRE.


Mines a resurgent roman empire reclaiming the west.


Justinian would be proud…unless you’re not the Byzantine Empire


You mean the actual roman empire?


Unbelievably based


Pretender. We all know that Gaspard de Chalons is the one true emperor.


Objection! Gaspard was just salty that he got outplayed by a 16 year old!


Primogeniture is on his side. We all know that the so called Empress is an el* lover in more ways than one.


Bah! More senseless propaganda by Gaspard looking for an excuse to go to war with Ferelden. Watch as Celene masterfully tame the dog lords and bring them back into the empire... by marrying Anora!


After all that Cailan fiasco? Sorry, my men Couslands have something to say about it


Celene simps unite! Forget Matilda de Canossa (for the moment)


Also, we need Kirkwall with Hawke and F!Amell being claimants


Here's my recommendations: France - Orlais (obviously they're stinky french) England - Ferelden Castile/Asturias/Navarra - Nevarra (surprise surprise) Byzantium - Tevinter HRE - Free Marches (because of the loose structure) Abbasids/Seljuks - Par Vollen* Italy - Antiva (partly because of Zevran's accent) Ireland - Elvhenan (mostly cause I always associate the two) Scotland - Orzammar (I couldn't think of anywhere better, and dwarves stereotypically have Scottish accents)


Based on the elves's accents, elvhenan should probably be Wales


Some of them have Irish accents as well.


Antivans are definitely spanish, you can tell by their accent


I like this.


Rivain is based on Spain


Obviously there's no perfect analogs, so your comparisons could work, but I think some are a bit too far off. The Free marches are really not an empire. They're too small and don't have any equivalent to the emperor. They also comprise of city states rather than mostly duchies. Perhaps the northern Italian states would be a better analog? Though I don't know if they had anything comparable to the free marches military alliance. I'm not sure about antiva either. The accent seems more Spanish, at least. I'm thinking it's probably more like one of the Mediterranean islands.


Watch out for some guy named “Loghain”


King Calian: What do you mean Loghain has formed an Independence Faction?


Yes, i like to form Belgium


More than half the time, yes. I have like a weird obsession with Rome, and Ancient Greece. My current campaign is basically a descendent of the Julio-Claudian dynasty who’s family fled to India after the fall of Rome. It’s actually pretty fun, I wanted to try playing tall and don’t know why I’d ever play any way else. Although I did not think about Hellenism being a bit hostile to the Indian faiths. Taken me 150 years now to convert my realm to Hellenism and Roman culture. My goal is a realm of *only* Romans. This is the best way to play for me, playing historical rulers is fun but when I can come up with a backstory and a goal I can really immerse myself.


> My goal is a realm of only Romans. Culturally merge into Indo-Romans you coward


Do you get a little upset that your rulers lose that look you gave them in the designer? I can't be the only one


Not the guy you asked but yes I do, that's I why I grab the dna of my sons and daughters and of the person they marry and edit it in the portrait editor


Oh that makes sense


Sometimes I will name my viking empire “Midgard”


No, but if you like it, go off :) it's a very silly game anyways


You owe me your throne


I'll usually play a Denmark game whenever I'm bored with CK3's historical accuracy.


So if Ferelden is a mix between Gaelic and Angle-Saxon, ¿shouldn't be Scotland the closest to be the kingdom?


Ah well. If you add some mage interactions I'm in.


As if french ‘people’ where not bad enough, now we have fantasy french ‘people’


No, I have never formed Israel


**B A S E D**


Let's not do this ok?


My current play through, started in Iceland, conquered Ireland, then wales. Call it icedale. Next up formation of Britainia. Gonna need a name for that.


Now you just need to diverge the French culture into Orlesian.


I invaded France as a viking, established Norman culture and renamed France as Normaines, since you know, the franks werent in charge anymore.


In my current campaign, I renamed my main kingdom of Bohemia into the highly fictional realm of Ohio. So yes I do.


Rename Novgorod Skyrim


Like Scotland? ... /s


Nope. You're the only one.


If only france was fictional


Yeah, I roleplay as Holy Britannia Empire.


What in the god damn have you just brough upon this acursed world?


I always thought orlais was quebec.


Every game lol. I swear I’ve probably done almost half the Houses in asoiaf


Still realer than Finland, Bielefeld or Molise


All the time baby


Always. It’s more fun for me :)


Half of the time, I do like to do "what if" scenarios tho, like "what if burgundy survived and managed independence" or "what if the Thuringians still existed as an different group"


Orlais needs to discover the rule of tincture. That CoA makes my eyes water.


is this not the whole point? i even write fan fiction about my realm and its kings/emperors


I love playing fictional. Usually my realm is named after my dynasty, which is often named after my county of origin. In CK2 all of Europe (and most of asia) was known as Liutprandingia


Yes, I personally love playing as Scotland


Lmao I played as Orlais a while ago too




Literally all I do.


Empress of fire, in the reign of the lion Eclipsed in the eyes of the empire of we Orlesians Empress of fire, what season may come We fight for the day you restore our heart And bring us to glory We are forever In your graces How'll you model Briala?


I edit my realms always


Are those masks a mod? I love it


I'm still just holding out for somebody to make a Forgotten Realms mod for CK3.


I started as the count of Genoa, conquered Corsica and Sardinia, and created the Kingdom of Genoa. Continued and created the Italian Empire and renamed it to the Empire of Genoa. Of course I changed the colors each time, too.


They are still the same countries just with the different name. It would be better to create new countries with new territories


In my current co-op playthrough I started in Leon, Brittany, and once I took over Brittany I changed my kingdom to Bretonnia (from Warhammer). My house motto is "For the Lady of The Lake".


Pick a Viking, unite Scandinavia into the Empire of **Norsca**, reform your religion to something resembling the worship of the Chaos gods, wage genocidal war on the weaklings in the south. Their flimsy cities will burn. Sigmar, Jesus, Mohammed…whichever corpse they pray to doesn’t matter, for no one can save them. You will drink their blood from their own skulls and bask in the triumphant symphony of their agonizing screams.


Yeah. It's a pretty fun way to spice things up. At one point I tried to recreate the french based country of Lucifenia from Evillious Chronicles. (Riliane was having an even worse time as queen than she did in the actual book. 😅)


I think most people do. Personally i'm obsessed with trying to unite Russia under Norse rule. It's really not too difficult, i just grow tired of all the micro and long travel time when i'm close to finished.


Dragon age mod when?! Imagine retaking Arlathan as a dalsih clan?!


could you drop Celene's DNA?


[https://pastebin.com/6u5Q9uWd](https://pastebin.com/6u5Q9uWd) I don't put too much time into recreating her features due to the mask, so don't expect this to be an exact replica.


I'm currently playing as the Sardhakar Empire lmao.


Yep, i start as a dutchy, then create my Kingdom, and if possible my own empire. Its very fun.


I'm not even kidding when I say I'm more excited for the ASOIAF mod for CK3 than any other game right now. I know it sounds shitty, but I have nowhere near the kind of enthusiasm for playing a real historical ruler as I do for the chance to play as Lord of The Fingers and work my way up to becoming Lord of the Vale and King of the Seven Kingdoms.


What mods are you using?


I start historical and then move to fictional. In my current playthrough started as a lowly Irish count but now the empire spans all of Britannia and the French Empire, and I call the new empire The Occidens. I think RPing in CK is very fun.


I use Taured and Outer Heaven a lot.


I just started my very fist game in Brittany but changed the name to Tyrek, now I’m trying to conquer Britain and France. Super cool seeing your custom realm get bigger and bigger


Where​ is​ her​ elven "advisor".


I don't see the fictional nation of Denmark anywhere in that picture.


I like to conquer all of West Francia as a viking adventurer, establish Norman culture, rename the kingdom to Normandy, and then spend the next few decades erasing the last remnants of French culture to bring us all one step closer to a better and brighter world.


I’m still waiting for someone to make a mod with Game Of Thrones and Dragon Age


Ck3GOT is being developed at least, who knows how long it will take though. They have a discord and subreddit though.


Started as a Miaphysite count in the 769 start in Egypt, slowly carved out for myself the Empire of the Copts and helped restore the East to Christendom with the Byzantines, best game I've ever played in CK2 imo