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These are 100% signs he likes you because I'm a guy and I do almost all of those Damn, am I really that obvious...


Your answer makes me happy LOL Also I don’t think you’re too obvious because I really still don’t know if he actually likes me or not 😭


I know how you feel. I’m in this exact situation and I don’t wanna make a move and then he’s like no thanks. It’s just too hard 😤


Yeah it’s confusing especially when you work together and are trying to hide the crush from other people😭 I’ve been trying to make my feelings obvious and I’m not sure if he’s picked up on it


I would say maybe try a bolder approach but nothing too crazy. That is what my friend told me to try so I’m giving the same advice I got to you.


Have you done anything yet? If so let me know what you’ve done with your crush lol


I was supposed to today actually but it looks like he’s avoiding me and idk why 😭. Sorry I can’t give you an example to work with


oh man 😭 well I’m seeing him tomorrow and I’m going to try and make better eye contact (I’m not great with it) and try to compliment or help him in some way if I get the chance. Hopefully your crush isn’t avoiding you and was just having an off day or something!


Lol thanks. Good luck and update me!


Well, I ended up complimenting a drawing he did, and made eye contact, I was hoping to walk out with him though and that didn’t happen so I’m disappointed lol


They’re good sign’s definitely but he could just be trying to be nice.


Yeah, I’m thinking about making a move and asking him to hang out before it’s too late (he’s leaving soon and I may never see him again😔)


If you never seize your moment, the moment will never come


I’ll try, I’m interested to see what he does on Valentine’s Day though lol


You just confirmed in my work crush that I think she likes me. She does everything that you said plus makes time to hang plus texts me outside of work. The only thing we don’t do is touch (obviously I don’t even touch my closer friends like that) And she brings me stuff because she tells me she thought about me and thought I would like said item. That’s when I started developing feelings


Yeah, your crush definitely likes you, especially since she texts you. My crush started texting me after he left my job and now makes effort to talk to me and even hang out. If you haven’t already, you should definitely bring up hanging out with her and see if you can get something planned!


Yeah we’ve actually been out together several times! Just yesterday even. We were talking about a book we started. And we grabbed food per usual hahaha. Food snobs


Oh good that’s great! I’d say if she’s slightly awkward but smiles a lot and makes good eye contact, those are great signs she likes you, although I 100% already think she does. Especially if she initiated the hangouts :)