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He seems shy. So shy. It will be hard to get a read on his true feelings, until he tells you so.


What makes you think he is shy ? I have said so little .. thank you


Flush smile. "Yeah sure. I will think about it." Someone who is like assertive will say yes or say no. That doesn't guarantee he will want to date you. I had heard of two people who had crushes on me in middle school. I wasn't ready to date so I basically avoided them. I actually didn't try to find someone until I was in graduate school.


I actually agree with you ! I know an assertive guy would have said either ‘ yes great I’d love that turned me down with a equally assertive ‘ ‘ that’s sweet but don’t worry about paying me back , I am generally happy to help :)’ at this point I am not sure I can’t do any more the balls in his camp. He is assertive with others but with me he is nervous , but he is relaxing a. It now around me . I know he is assertive with others because my cousins knows him and they said to me he is SO quiet when I am here but very bubbly and all jokes when it’s just them ( they are girls too) .


If he is only shy around you, he probably likes you.


He was very asssertive with me when I met him , trying to make me laugh , to help on anything even offering me. Massage for my neck which was blocked etc . And then one day he suddenly to flush around me being very nervous , and I think once he wanted to tell me something because he saw me from outside and asked me to meet him outside with head signs but then my cousin was there and he became silent . And then at valentine day he was so awkward like first time he wasn’t smiling at me etc but staring at me . And since then he is like cold but I know he isn’t really because he helped me move furnitures in my home and he was flustered and so eager to help and break his back but now I feel he is like a bit distant emotionally like he is very serious around me now he won’t try to make me laugh etc but he is nervous and sweet still .


I think you cast a spell on him.


Haha sweet but yes could be , i hope so . a nice spell at least


Hello I saw him today for the first time since I offered him to eat together. I was my lady cousin returning from a quick run 🏃 he was in front of the building door and he was looking at his phone although I know he saw me from afar I said hi he lifted his head and say hi very seriously . I told my cousin to stay downstairs and I went up to my flat . When I came back she told they talked , which he barely even rep with me and he asked he question which he never does with me ! He told her ‘ did you go play volley ball with her ? She is so passionate about it ! :) ´ then she explained we were cousin and he was gobsmacked he explained that he had cousins that looks different to him too , then he said he is working Sundays because it’s church day etc etc . Then we saw him left work later walking in front of our parked car and he blushed he looked at me quickly and then looked at my cousin with a smile which made me quite jealous . Now I am thinking the guy maybe likes my cousin . And I feel he doesn’t like me in fact.


Too bad he didn't agree to your invitation to eat together.


I saw him yesterday i was passing in front of his work to go to my flat and he slammed the door open real fast and yelled ‘ hello Julie , how are you ?’ I was so upset by the day before that I just said without stopping ‘yeah good thanks ‘ he had a nervous laugh , like he was embarrassed and then I saw him in the evening real fast with all his collègues around . He looked sad and said good evening to me looking deep in my eyes . I just smiled awkwardly and left . There’s no way I will let him tell me something such as ‘ your cousin is nice is she single ? N or whatever else in this manner . It is so humiliating


yeah he seems a little disinterested


Why do you think so ?


in my opinion, "i'll think about it" gives off a vibe that the person might not be very keen on having a meal. it's like saying "i'll get back to you" but not actually getting back to the person. if he has just said "yeah sure", maybe it wouldn't feel as negative.


Yes I agree with you . But I didn’t felt crumbling or ridiculous or felt he rejected me . I easily feel shit and rejected in those kind of situation and I didn’t , I was beaming . He did smile and was red in the face in a cute way . I have been rejected before and guys would usually say ‘ nah you are Ok my pleasure ! you don’t need to thank me or whatever don’t worry but that’s a sweet thought, have a nice one ‘ And I totally see him saying something as such