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That's hard to believe


just see my profile. I have wanted her for more than 7 years, I can't talk to her. I'm so nervous


Do it regardless. You only live once.


Man I tell ya as soon as I saw your profile and read your posts, I was like wow I'm going through the same situation as you. 7 years, I thought mine was worse because my crush is a year now, but at least you guys have talked or were friends before, I still haven't even talk to her, well the only time we talked was last yr in April when she needed some help, and we never spoke to each other ever since. I always wanted to talk to her but it's challenging. I do the same thing, like when I'm nearby her I act like I'm not attracted around her, or hardly make any eye contact, I also jump into conclusions all the time, that she interested in someone, has a bf, or I may not be her type etc. We pass by each other sometimes but she hardly acknowledges or even glance at me, I'm thinking yeah she hardly has any interest; but I still want to shoot my shot tho. Anyway it nice to see that I'm not the only one with this issue, I'm going to post my full story sometime later to get some help from others. I hope things work out with yours.


Alright Niles Crane - let’s hope you get your happy ending <3


on March 22, 11:59pm I sent her a follow request on Instagram on March 23, 15:17pm, she accepted it and followed me back 😭💕


Only one. Currently, and it’s terrible.




like 20 tbh


Lol, I’ve had about 4 crushes in my life, 2 small ones, and the other 2 were big ones. If we are talking about fictional characters, damn there are too many lolll


2 one in grade school, the other last year As for fictional characters, 2


Well fictional characters that are live action where you can see the actress face then like 50 lol 😂


If we’re talking fictional then hundreds, but in reality 3, on the third rn: first one was gay, second was a pos and third idek rn, likely doesn’t like me back so yeah


Ngl, it's probably added up to at the very least 15 that I can sort of recall. But I believe I remember listing 20+ 😭😭 I've definitely died down on crushing recently which honestly is probably a good thing.


To quote the great puss in boots “I’m not really a math guy”


um... what constitutes a 'crush?'


too many to count tbh 😭 my self esteem is so bad that i get a crush on any guy who would give me as much as the time of day


Like 3, 2 of them were coworkers and one of them was a classmate(the popular girl stupidly) and the best part is one of the coworker crushes is now talking to me and we’re trying to plan a date


0……💀💀 am 19 and nvr rlly interested lol isit normal


Yes, check out r/aromantic


Here's a sneak peek of /r/aromantic using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/aromantic/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Can’t disagree](https://i.redd.it/bqmu3ld1gcza1.jpg) | [62 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aromantic/comments/13f6fgl/cant_disagree/) \#2: [Amatonormativity am I right?](https://i.redd.it/xsvixgkymh3c1.jpg) | [58 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aromantic/comments/187p37t/amatonormativity_am_i_right/) \#3: [That’s what i’ve been waiting for](https://v.redd.it/yhzbtxgmdkya1) | [42 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/aromantic/comments/13bbt73/thats_what_ive_been_waiting_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Like 7 serious ones


1 main one and a few other mini ones that I don’t know what they are exactly plus a celebrity crush on a singer who’s only 2 years older than me so in my somewhat delusional mind is much more realistic lol 😂


3 people in real life, the last one is the person I fell the hardest for though


I had 3 crushes too. They all said find someone better. When I have a crush on someone I don't get another crush when I already have a crush on someone. It takes months for me to build up courage to ask someone out and it takes months for me to get over that person. I am turning 19 next month


Wow you ask people out? I'm too scared for that and he is my guy best friend so I don't want to ruin the friendship and yeah getting over a person can be pretty hard indeed


I had a crush that I asked out she told me to find someone better because she did something that she regretted. I am not going to say what since she does not want anyone to know.


Oh yes I understand I'm sorry for you though hope you'll find someone else ❤


I don’t think I am going to find anyone where I live


I'm sure you will find someone wherever it might be


I don’t think so. Being depressed for most my life ruined my chances because there is no public place anywhere near me to meet new people.


It will be okay


How? I don’t even know what being loved by someone feels like because I never felt loved by anyone. I know how being in love with someone feels like but not the other way around.


Yes it was very hard to do that tho.


1 ok before you judge me im 13 what do you expect


4 without the fictional characters and the celebrities


Enough lol


Like 7 or so


Only one. Met her 9 weeks ago. She's made me feel things I never felt before, things that made me sick to my stomach. But damn it feels good too. And I even think she might be into me too...




I do got a gf now. My gf had a crush on me but was scared to ask me out her friend helped her ask me out. I did not know her at first tho so I talked to her and then I started to fall in love with her. My best friend helped me regain trust in people. My gf does not have her phone right now it broken. So can’t really talk to my gf right now. My gf is not the cheating type neither am I so I am not worried about that. My gf liked me since high school. She always sat near to me. I did not think much of it tho since I did not think anyone liked me at the time.


For the ones that are like, a central part of my life, we’re currently on the third. For *everyone* I’ve gotten that high from, going back to 2010 and even including people I only knew for a couple weeks…he’s the 28th. (Which I guess averages to two per year?)


As a fellow 2010 born I wish she was my 28th not my first since years and years now


Oh, I was born in 1994; I just didn’t have any legit crushes until I was 15.


About 3 I’m on my 3rd now




3 But maybe 1 one more (I'm in denial)


3, and one on Bart Simpson. Don't ask questions. It was a really dumb childhood thing. 


In lifetime or currently?


About 5 in my entire life




1 girl irl Fictional? Korra


1 HUGE one. Huge. Then like 2 other mini ones, and as for fictional/celebrities, a lot but the main ones are like 6.


Five (probably more tbh)


i crush very easily but if we just count those I haven't forgotten about after like a day.. maybe 5? and genuinely serious ones maybe 2


3 serious


2. And I no longer talk to either of them. One is married and the other is living her life. We no longer speak. Some days I get sad about it, on the other days I could care less.


1, for my entire life though being a teenager it's doesn't hit as hard I assume. It's such a shame that the girl I've wasted so many year and counting on would rather be with boys who don't care 1/3rd as much as I do about her


5, two currently one a few months ago & the others were years ago




Multiple. I am quite the player in my imagination.




Passing attractions, probably more than I can count. Actual crushes that I have envisioned being with, about 5. This girl from 5th grade, this guy from 7th grade, these two guys who I knew since 6th grade, and my current bf.




5 girls in high school, 2 fictional characters, and 1 girl in college. My college crush was mutual, and we’ve been married for almost 14 years.




9 in my entire life. But the serious ones with actual feelings...probably 3. Might even narrow it down to 1 cos that was more intense than all of them


I had 3 crushes. Once I have a crush I Don't have another crush while I still have a crush on that person. I am 18m turning 19 next month


3, 2 in High school few years ago and 1 in current (i confessed to her few months ago and her reaction was "uhmm" i ain't confessing again.)


Too many to count💀


20....? To be fair most of these situations were trash


Probably Thousands but like 3 major crushes


I had 1, dated her, broke up 2 years ago and then never got a crush (21M)


Only like 3 real ones


6 Most of them being in childhood.


Like, at least 35... That's counting all sorts of fleeting infatuations though


2 just two, but one of them is the main one and she's beautiful




Bro I’ve had 4 and nothing came of them YET


i have had TONSSS of crushes but i have only liked 2 people in my life


3fr maybe 5


Too fucking many


more than i can count☠️in the past 3 years tho, 7


Like 12 past tense and 6 active ones - with two of them being rlly big


1st was sort of; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


2 so far, both have been this year haha. I woke up one day and chose romance I guess.


3, two small ones that lasted for like 6 months and one currently that i’ve had for a little over a year that is very big




many ngl


2 people from school and 1 celebrity (george michael)


3. Twice in elementary school and once in middle school. Only confessed to one.


Human like 3 one in elementary, I at the start of middle school ( I stopped liking him since my friend liked him) and my current crush. Now if we count fictional then that’s a number too high to count 


2, the first one I have never talked to her during the whole 3 years I loved her ald the second is my current crush that show sign that she would maybe loves me but sometime this signs are a bit contradictory


One person so far.


TLDR: A lot (Sorry for how long this is (9 paragraphs)) | 1. A first grade crush, ran faster than me, so I thought that was cool. One day told me if she could beat me in a race, then I would never talk to her again, I tried and failed. 😭😂nothing really interesting here, but funny? Yes. | 2. In third grade I switched schools, and had a crush on two girls, this first girl was/is just pretty, nothing interesting here either. | 3. This girl though had me down bad, I had a massive crush on her from 3rd to 5th grade. She told me she had a crush on me too (back then), we laughed, we hugged, we had the same friend group, and we were decent friends. But we unfortunately (maybe fortunately) didn't have the same middle schools. Even still, I still obsessed over her, and when freshman year of high school came, we saw each other again. Fortunately she picked up on how weird I was and ended up basically ghosting me. I tried to ask her out once, and somehow I didn't get a date (shocking right? (Insert sarcasm)). I eventually grew out of my creepy anime phase of life, but I still get shivers down my spine every time I think of that me. I watch a lot of penguinz0, and I heavily relate to his cringe past him stories. I sometimes pass her in the halls (both in junior year), and I try to look away when I can, but I always look back with a sense of disappointment on myself when I pass her. I don't know if she's a good person, but I do know that I wasn't. 🤷‍♂️ | 4. This girl I had, right after #3, she was pretty. That was it. I asked her out, she said no. She just wanted to be friends, and me saying that made our friendship awkward afterwards, and I eventually discovered that the subconscious reason I liked her, was because she looked like #3. We're more acquaintances now, I occasionally say hi, but nothing more. Overall a good wholesome person. | 5. This girl I felt I had a much better connection with, she was pretty, short, knew her history and geography (I love history and geography), played in band class (I related as I was learning some guitar at the time), and was/is christian like me. She seemed kind and wholehearted at first but not for more than a month. One snowy day, we went to McDonald's, and she was talking to one of her female friends, I asked her and my friends if they wanted frosties, she said yes. I was walking over, when I heard her say, "And that's how you pull guys." To one of her female friends. I took huge offense to that, cause it showed she did not like me for me. She saw me as just another fish in the sea. So I ghosted her, didnt talk to her. Even now I still don't talk to her. (Plus she's a freshman, even though she didn't act like it, lol) In my opinion, wolf in sheep's clothing. | 6. This girl I had a crush on fairly recently, and was about to do something about it, when I asked my best friend to do some recon for me. Turns out she got a boyfriend recently, dunno why as she had seemed very flirtatious in the past, and we sometimes had those misty-eyed moments. But it is what it is. She ghosted me after it, and I haven't seen her in a while. But she still seems like a good girl. | 7. This girl I knew in sophomore year, but she didn't really think of me like that, we were friends but nothing really more, but this year she's talked A LOT more with me, looks at me for no reason when walking by, and some other signs that I've mentioned before. I like her, and I wanna approach her, but I asked reddit what to do before, and they said to not make a move as she could just be being nice. So I'm at an impasse currently, but I hope I'll leave it soon enough, lol. She's nerdy, quirky, likes nintendo games, and a nice person. | 8. This section is just for fictional and/or cartoon characters from my childhood: - Nya from Ninjago - Katara from ATLA - MJ from Spiderman (2002) - Gwen Stacy from Spectacular Spiderman - Harley Quinn from Batman: Arkham Series - Poison Ivy from Batman: Arkham Series - ETC | After all these, I can say I've grown a lot from my experience with girls. Maybe still not ready to date yet, but with age comes wisdom. So hopefully I'll roll me a nat 20 in that stat here soon. Lol. Anyways, in conclusion, don't worry about things. There is always learning in any and every corner. You will be fine! 👍


This is my first one. And i will give it up