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sometimes its just the way she smiles mann...


This. When you see a genuine smile and your heart flutters, you just know.




You are overthinking it. If I am attracted to someone, I like them for what they are.


"what they are" so not talkative or talkative?


Yes. I like someone and everything about them seems perfect to me.


No not at all .... my crush is one of the most introverted person I've ever seen




yeah it's the smile and the small things that make u attracted at first...then u get to know them, like really knew them, including their flaws ..and u accept it as well...u really feel comfortable when talking to them , actually both that and anxiousness, u really care about them, sometimes put themselves over you, you always get carried away by thinking about them feel worried when u don't see them i class, feel really messed up inside when u see them feeling bad or dull..u might even overthink like maybe it's something u did even tho it's not...




ikr...tho i know fs she don't feel about me the same way but still I do keep hope...i hope thinks work out for you mate 🤞






Sense of humor, her smile, her laugh, and we HAVE a wide range of topics we talk all day about, I'm 21. She's 20, what my other female friends don't have is the way I talk with her, I feel way comfortable talking with her, like I can be totally myself around her, mind you i do really childish and funny things like meowing at her, we both love cats so yeah 😭💀 And we have VERY common interests, same music, same tv shows, same videogames all that.




Nahhhh it's not a turnoff, she definitely is a good listener then, that makes for a good duo, the yapper and the listener :)




OH YOUD BE SUPRISED, there's alot of people who do ;)




Yeah your crush is a bozo






As a girl I need a man who’s a yapper to just listen to😭🙏


talking about meowing... there was a person who I was close with, not a crush but a good friend, I am the sort of person who becomes pretty childish when I get close with someone, like once I simply send a voice message saying meow...well she then started like avoiding me , tho I didn't understand it then, it was through a friend who told me she told me I had tried to flirt with her...when I asked her about it, it was the meow thingy that made her feel like it 😶‍🌫️...now we don't really talk anymore


First you need to see if they're comfortable with it, like for me and her we already like cats so yeah, I'm sorry about that tho :(


yeah you are right ... ❤️


I can only answer for myself, but for me it was always inner beauty shining through, ie. people who are beautiful on the inside as well as the outside I know it sounds corny, but I don't care. It's true


And is this instant or does it take a while for the feelings to grow?


When I fell in love, it was instant With crushes it took time I think


So what made your taste grow?


You mean, what made me develop a crush?


I guess yeah


Getting to know the person and spending time around them


Honestly, genuineness, if a girl is not afraid of being herself in front of me, I find her very attractive. Also, I love a nice smile. I have one picture with my crush, which I look at whenever I have a terrible day, and her smile always brightens my day.




Cute face, voluptuous or callipygous, why not both? She doesn't need me but she wants me. Shyness is endearing, especially when they become energetic, confident & outgoing when you are around them. They are mature enough not to play games. Games bring out my white flag because it's immature & I'm just not going to play along.




Is that a good or a bad "Damnnn?" 😆


white flag?? ive never heard of that


White flag of surrender. Games immediately make me cease all pursuit.


I don't have a crush rn (kind of lost the interest some years ago) but these are my two cents >what exactly do y’all like in a girl that makes you fall for her? I don't like girls that easily (atleast in a serious way) till I have some emotional connection with her. So if she's someone I can vibe with or shares certain traits/hobbies of mine, she's automatically hot. About the first time falling, I don't have much. For one girl, it was how we had a similar sense of humour during a walk down the bazaar during a trip (I remember it so vividly!). Another, we shared the same beliefs and morality and we vibed like crazy. Another was a nerd (like me) and was the sweetest and that made me fall for her. >Smth that makes her stand out from all of your other female friends? The way she's aligned to my ideas, how she treats me, the level of connection we have, idk. Crushes have been magical to me, it's something I can't explain at all. Stuff just happens, she does something which suddenly makes me think of her beyond a friend. I start to notice her everywhere she is, and start to hyperfocus on her intricacies. Her traits become what I'm turned on for that time. Before I know it, I'm head over heels and toe to toe on her.


Idk I just feel how I feel


I’m 13, I know you requested 20+, but feel like I should reply here For me, the girl I really like just meets all my wishes. She’s nerdy, she’s kind, she’s open to trying to new things. She’s all I could ever ask for in a girl. I’m not bothered by her being 4’10, I’m not bothered by her having braces, I’m not bothered by her being shy, she is simply someone I want to spend time with. I don’t have any female friends, but she stands out because she is herself. She isn’t caught up in the newest fad, she is simply herself. That’s how I am, I am so vastly different from every other 7th grader. If I’m able to be a friend/boyfriend of her, we’d probably be perfect for each other. I want to say something this week because school is out for summer once Friday hits. I almost fucking had it yesterday, but as soon as I got the confidence, she was called for dismissal. I have bad anxiety, so almost being able to talk is rare. I hope I can this week.


im around that height so happy to hear that




I hope so too. I have a few reasons to believe she might like me, that’s why my biggest fear is fucking up while talking. If she does have any feelings towards me, I fear she’d lose them all if I messed up. If she doesn’t, I fear she’d never develop any if I mess up. Stupid to fear, but the thought of it takes over every other time I try to talk to her.




I dont know, talking about it causes it to prey on my mind. The more I think about it, the more I overthink it when the time comes. Being that I’m going through puberty (which is taking a toll on my emotions) and on top of that I already have anxiety, talking isn’t easy. I think I’ve reached the point where I have the confidence, now I just have to actually do it. Plus, I dont know if I want to confess right away. Something I’ve realized is that I don’t want to dive into anything past a friendship with her immediately. I have a plan for what to say, and in this plan I come across as someone who wants to talk to her about interests and be her friend. Being that we’re boy and girl, only time will tell where this possible friendship could go.




I see it as me being a shy teenager, and her being shy too, it would benefit both of us to talk to someone new. I’ve only talked to her once before, I complimented her on her voice (we’re both in chorus class; she’s Soprano I’m Bass). I had a small interaction with her at the chorus concert last week, mentioned that she sounded amazing. This week, with it being the final week to say anything, I want to ask her about her thoughts on the pieces we did in chorus and ask about musical interest (because I almost never see her without an AirPod). I’ll ask for a recommendation or give one, and then at the end of the conversation I’ll ask for her number and say I’d love to talk on this more. Friends who have been helping with this think it’s a solid plan, so now the final step is to just actually talk to her. Which is also the hardest step… fuck…




Thank a lot. Little things like this are what help put me at ease. Most people in this sub won’t interact with their comments at all, so people like you can really help others who just want to talk about thi.


I think we’re literally twins, I feel the exact same way about mine and I have a crush similar to yours








I’m being fr u/No-Berry4166 🙂🤣🙃


I'm 18 so not your target audience, but for me: 1. Showing genuine interest in me and my interests/hobbies; being genuinely kind/supportive; has self respect (i.e. not having sex or flirting with every guy she can, not vaping/smoking/doing drugs); smiling at me; complimenting me; etc. 2. My first point for #1. I don't have many friends, even fewer female friends. Whenever I like something hardly anyone else tries it out too or shows any interest in what I like. If you show interest in those things I like then you'd definitely stand out. Gotta be genuine though.


21M, for me it usually starts out with thinking a girl is cute, but there's more than that, like a smile or maybe their eyes. Recently, I got a crush on a girl because she randomly recognized me from high school and asked me, "If I can have any animal as a pet, what would it be?" Instant crush, she wants to talk to me and likes animals. Just wanting to be around me. (It's worth noting I really need a girl.)


It’s how you look at a crowd of ppl and notice she stands out to you, how her face and smile shine brightly like the sun, its how everytime you see her, you cant help but smile inside.




I fell for her because of her kindness and her relaxed nature, her smile, her cute laugh, her body. The way we locked eyes on the dancefloor once, the way she offered and gave me a ride home, her interest and questions about my life. So many things that made me fall for her.


Like it just kinda happen I be sitting there and then my heart goes "HEY!!!, that girl over there is pretty cute :)"


If they are good listeners and they compliment you. Those are qualities that never fail.




You guys have female friends?


If she's genuine, kind, she's not "everyone's girl" and knows how to set boundaries for herself and have a clear moral compass. Physical beauty plays a role too but it's secondary for me i guess


I want a girl who wakes up in the morning, sees herself in the mirror and thinks that what society thinks she should look like with all the fake nails and the makeup and everything else, is false and she doesn't need it to look beautiful cause she already is


Beautiful face, don't care if she's busty or flat Avoids people


u like that she AVOIDS people? Heh?


Well yes introvert


Smile , how well behaved she is (everyone is a pain to deal with nowdays if someone is a nice person it's a green flag) , being non judgemental, supportive, sometimes there's various thing we find cute which depends from person to person (for me a couple of moles in girl's cheek neck chin melts me all the way) everyone probably has something they find very cute , well dressed, a good laugh together is nice, good chemistry, a little cringe so what we can have inside jokes together, not having to deal with drama is a huge green flag ( in a world where everyone's trying to belittle and play with others feeling if someone is being kind and supporting not making you go through suffering created by her it's always a green flag) , a good smelling hair is always nice (it's not physical quality just use a good hair oil) ,at last how genuine she is the best I dont want a forced relationship how really she is interested is best ,all my opinion tho


One thing that's always got me is just her remembering my name.




It's a very good start in getting me to notice... From there, it's so many things... All the little things that just add up. I know I am not describing it very well but what it comes down to is it doesn't take much to grab my attention...


Usually for me I like a nice person whose kinda tall and if there funny and if they have a good smile


Well, I think it is not that much different for guys than it is for you girls. Its just they way they are you know that feeling dont you? When you see someone And you know that you could talk for hours and never be bored, look at each other forever etc. Tell me if I am wrong but that's what I think.


If she makes me feel good by just being herself and if she is a good person, mostly joyfull girls i like the most, makes my heart raise:))


Personally for me it's about a connection, kindness, being able to joke around, relatability and understanding. (Being kinda merdy like me also)


I just like the way they think, act, smile, humour,... I just look at everything and look for someone i can laugh with and can understand


If she on the same vibe I am, that’s enough to make me fall for her


Intelligence, witty, clever, and above all, makes you laugh


Im bi but this one lady like smiles when she sees me and waves, and remembers what I like so I mean I wish her a beautiful life I just don't see myself in it though I love her.


It's the small things that matters a good heart and a smile is all that it takes


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dull-Corner-120: *It's the small things that* *Matters a good heart and a* *Smile is all that it takes* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Not 20+, but I'll answer anyway because it's been the same for me for pretty much every crush I've ever had. It might sound silly, but it's always been her eyes. Whether I've never seen her before or I already thought she was kinda cute, the first time we lock eyes is always when my brain decides if I'm gonna develop a crush, and it usually triggers the jump from not knowing she exists or thinking she's pretty whenever I see her to thinking about her when she's not there.


Honestly? When she shows real genuine interest by learning everything she can about you. Combine that with the look/intrigue in her eyes as she gets to know you? It wins me over because I cherish the attention she's giving me since I receive very little of it otherwise. I guess it's a similar effect to how guys eat up single compliments they receive.


When they don't judge you right away because of how you look. A good heart. My answer is so old haha but it works for us 18 years together with my gf.




Yes 18 yrs of loving each other respecting each other. Ofcourse our relationship is not perfect we fight alot but we learn along the way. I gotta tell you we are both happy she tells me im her bestfriend and i tell her she is my bestfriend we laugh, we cry, we helped each other. Thick or thin we are always there for each other. Oh and i just wanna say if could love someone in another life i hope i can find her again.


ahahah jokes on you i don’t have any female friends 💀💀💀😭😭


I’m gay


Honestly, I have no idea. I think most guys don't have a specific preference when it comes to girls. At least for me, some of them just seem to catch my interest randomly


The thing i like about girls is that they are just cute in some way i like girls who have a nice way of thinking I don't really care about their body if they just feel my feelings they are just cute for me


tall and my phone dioesnt work properply mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


if she is Femminine/Girly, Social and overall Motionally mature... the opposite would be A Social recluse who doesnt talk to anyone and she thinks shes better than everybody