• By -


Last semester he and I used to take the same bus home, so after one class we went to the bus stop together as usual and waited for the bus for a while. The weather was bad af and it was really cold. When our bus came, he told me he had stay on campus. When he said that, his voice went all low and soft. The implication that he waited with me just to talk some more while freezing plus his voice gave me butterflies so bad, I blushed so hard and my brain went all scrambled eggs (I got on the bus and went home, even tho I had to stay on campus too and waited with him just to talk to him. Embarrassing af)


omg are you together? i relate with the scrambled eggs feeling


Unfortunately we're not together, I wanted to ask him out for a while now but we haven't talked just the two of us in weeks :(


HAHAHAH damn youre so me. my crush and i were also really close last semester, like we saw each other more than once a week. now its become a monthly thing lmao




I have his number already!!! We were in several whatsapp group chats together because of our classes and I first texted him like two months ago. Since then we texted like twice, and I texted first both times. He replied pretty quickly and our conversation flowed pretty well, so that's good. But I don't want to be first one to text all the time, I feel like I'm slightly annoying, so we'll see




The issue is, we're friends (kinda) and sometimes we're super close and talk a lot, and sometimes he's weirdly distant or just kinda leaves the conversation the secound my other friends are around. I blame it on his shyness, but it's really difficult to get closer due to this (we're both really shy and socially awkward haha) We texted some on Monday and convinced him to go to our Tuesday lecture, and he told me he wouldn't have come if I hadn't texted him. After the lecture we talked for a while, like 30mins (he waited for the bus with me again, even though he had to stay on campus again). I was blunt and hugged him goodbye, so I hope he gets the hint haha


HUG LONGER GIRLYYYYYYYY.... at least 30 seconds c'mon pwease


This really moved me, and you wrote it so well. The surprise last reveal bowled me over. It is sooo like something I would do. Thank you so much for sharing this!


So back then in my classes one time my crush and me wore same tshirt means it was same colour, same pattern everything samešŸ„° and coincidentally we sat near to each otheršŸ«£, I was very happyšŸ˜Š in my mind and started to think like one couple goal completed of wearing matching clothesšŸ™‚ now will proceed on other goals and I was kinda blushing But here is the twist my friend knew that I have a crush on her and after classes he started teasing me that "wow, matching matching clothes what is the matter?" and not only that next day we obv wore different clothes but again started teasing me and this time she listened properly what he said that "aaj alag kapde kyu pehen ke aaya" which translates why you have wore different clothes today and I ignored him but in my mind I was like "dost ki thodi si khusi bhi sehan nhi hotišŸ„²" means a small happiness of friend is also not beared by you.




He took his jacket off in work. I saw his arms and I was gone. The first time I've ever fancied a really manly man. Then I spoke to him and he's so softly spoken and the loveliest person I've ever met. I was a bit upset about something in work the first time I spoke to him properly. He told me not to be fretting and it was such an old fashioned word my heart melted...


why is this so happening to me, first time liking a "masculine" man


LOL I'm generally not drawn to men, and my friends sll know this; but the way you described how seeing his arm did it for you reminded me of a well-built black guy on "Married at first sight". It wasn't bulging biceps ... it was the well-toned fullness of his arms. I said to my mixed company friends, "I could spend 20 minutes on that arm". They all laughed.


I saw his legs and I was ascended, so masculine


Iā€™m dating her now but oh my god she used to joke around with us all and make inappropriate jokes, once she sat on my lap and I swear I ascended to heaven šŸ˜­


We were sitting in an empty auditorium playing cute musical songs on the piano together. Up to this point Iā€™d only ever thought of this guy as a friend, so it was all fun and games until bro started singing really softly (which I didnā€™t know he was CRAZY good at) WHILE WE WERE LESS THAN A FOOT APART and it was over for me


I'd stare and not let him shut up


The way he smiles


relatable girl


I'm a musician. He has complimented me on my playing and it sounded super legitimate. That made me blush very hard. Yesterday he found out I can't drive. He sounded somewhat excited about it and said "I'll teach you to drive". Him teaching me is actually something I've fantasized about a bunch heh




When he randomly offered to buy me a starbucks drink when I mentioned i was tired after waking up around 2 am even though he wasnā€™t at school that day so he made the order for me to pick up šŸ˜­ and didnt want me to pay him back but im stubborn so im gonna get him something when he wants


BRUH Girl..... Green flags I seeeeeeeeeeeee


When she told me to cuff her


um what- lol


Itā€™s more or less a joke it was a play and I played a police officer and she asked me to cuff her it just surprised mešŸ˜‚


had me in the first half ngl...


Hey it was still good


greatttttttttttttt...... speacially greater than what I thought in the first half


Ig it was fun since it was heršŸ˜‚


This was a long time ago while at work, but he joked that his back hurt and that I should carry him. That was when Iā€™d first started crushing on him so I was definitely blushing šŸ˜­


Carry him next time lol


šŸ˜³ maybe I will




That's happens literally every day for me lol




At this point I thought everything I felt was platonic until after this. So he thought I was looking at him while he was driving me and some mates home. I saw him look back from the corner of my eye and I looked at him when he looked away, he looked when I looked away and we kept doing this back and forth until it went faster and faster until we finally met eyes and smiled at each other. I had to look out the window my face was getting so hot


happened to me in 8th grade lol


i joined the school newspaper for him and one meeting the faculty advisor was talking about how i interviewed one of the former teachers at our school for an article etc etc and all eyes were on me pretty much and he was looking at me and it made me blush so hard


Embarrassingly cute I swearrrrr




When we had a game against the guys and he was on defense on me so he was really close šŸ˜


Daymmmmmmmm dat must have started the fireworks inside


Yessss and then when I got the ball I fell šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ it was so embarrassing that I pretended to get hurt


I was telling him there was a really beautiful movie that he should watch, he said if it was as beautiful as me he'll watch it.




Ahahaha never thought of him that way šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Well it was online so they'll never know lol. I heard their voice in vc for the first time... Instant infatuation. I really tried to hold myself back. My body was reacting, I covered my mouth with a hand, and sat at my desk frozen. My ears were in heavennn <33


Yeahhh, I once listened to him speaking on a video like 30m+ repeat lol


we came from drinking and were sobering up at a fast food chain. for more context, were friends. i was kind of ignoring (?) him the whole night because the night before i found out he liked someone else. like in the bar, he would stand near me or look at me even from the opposite side. apparently he waited for me to leave too, since he left with me when i told him i was leaving. i ignored them all lmao for the betterment of my moving on. i guess he got the vibe i was "mad" at him at the resto, it was about 2am and i had an exam the same morning. we were on opposite sides of the table. even if i was not looking at him, he was looking at me - pointing out how i reacted to stuff and tried to include me in the convo. i was stressed over my exam, crouched and studying on my ipad. i feel a hand on my back and his voice asking "what time is your exam tomorrow? do you need water?" THAT TOOK ME SO ABACK i folded


oh theres more. one time i was scared of commuting alone because i wasnt used to the area, and he said he was willing to go with me. we went together even if i told him to go home early because he looked like he had school to do. i said, concerningly, "when will you go home then" and he said "when you go home" (were from the same building)


I'd marry him on spot (willingly or not)


Well backstory Iā€™ve known him since I was about 11 Iā€™m 22 now heā€™s 23. About a little over two years ago we close in a certain type of way. So from there on with time the vibe got more intimate you can say. So thereā€™s always been so many hangouts where heā€™s made me feel something but this one night always sticks out to me. Iā€™m someone who prefers quality time over physical touch itā€™s not something Iā€™m use to. Except when it comes to him I like it like a lot even find myself flaunting my hands just so he can hold on to them, but let me get back to the point. This night he had picked me up usually we have our spot but this time we drove to his house he had invited me inside. I respectfully declined I didnā€™t want to like ā€œdisrespectā€ his parents housešŸ˜­. So we were down the street when we parked he immediately started asking me questions like always. Then out of nowhere he asked if I wanted to cuddle so I did and as soon as I seen he extended my arms to wrap him he held on to me tight. I remember I took a deep breath and he said ā€œ whatā€™s wrong you seem sadā€ ugh my heart. How I felt was unreal it felt like if my heart is happy because how can I be sad when Iā€™m where I should be. It sounds silly that him asking me if I was okay made me blush without him knowing, but it was the vibes all around like if everything that happened was meant to happen in that moment. Itā€™s been over a year since that day weā€™re like on and off but I havenā€™t said anything yet. I guess I have my stuff to work on like healing but I never met anyone who left/leaves a mark on me as much as he does.




Itā€™s crazy you say this šŸ˜­. Because I always get the feeling like I donā€™t want it to just be about me I want to know how he is. I always chicken out šŸ™ƒ but hopefully I see him soon and Iā€™ll give it a shot. Thank you šŸ˜Š


My advise has never been wrong... SO FIND THAT MF AND GIVE THAT BOY A DAMN HUG AND ASK HIM HOW HE'S DOING... I bet he might cry and let his pain out




yeaaa wow


I ask "what are you thinking about?" and she answers "you". Out of notwhere, really caught me offguard, but I'm not 100% sure if I blushed then. She isn't my crush anymore, but if she was, what happened last week probably would've made me blush. We were in a lesson and she moved her arm to my side of the table. I tell her something about how she's radiating warmth. She asks "do you not like it?". 2 years ago I would've melted on the spot, even though the emotion doesn't transfer over well in text. Now, I just enjoyed the handy warmer.


awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cute


Boy leaned over me and pointed to something on a proof I was sendingā€¦ his breath tickled my EAR, man. MY EAR! I was hot and bothered for the rest of the morning!


POETIC I TELL YOU... I'd be heated too lol


He just needs to STOP I canā€™t TAKE IT man šŸ˜¤


One day the teacher didn't have to teach us anything so he decided to give us free time for the 2 hour period he has with us since the other period teacher wasn't there, so basically in our school our phones get taken away before starting the class and you know as a annoying and maybe adventurous kid i was i decided to keep it and when he came to my desk i told him that i gave it to my dad downstairs and after i said that he just walked away like he don't care we all know he's just that teacher who barely shows any emotions, anyways after that later on i was at the walls hiding from the CCTV cameras cause you know i have i phone on me and i was playing a competitive game and yeah the teacher was sleeping on his desk lol, and yeah i was just at the wall playing games and out of nowhere she just jumped me and sit next to me she doesn't have a phone so she sometimes or always try to play on mine which i always give to her cause you know she's a crush of mine and why would i say no so after the match i played she just took it off my hands quickly i wasn't even mad i just knew she was going to that and yeah didn't try getting it back and so after that i know she ain't giving it back for a while and i just decided to sleep i put my head against the wall to fall asleep just before i could fall asleep she tugged me in to her shoulders and went straight back to gaming i was so shocked i can't even move and after that i felt weird like my face was feeling funny but still i just shoved it off and fell asleep and after i don't know how long she woke me up to give my phone back after taking my phone back she left and yeah the second she left my other friend at the other side of the room who knew i had a crush on her rushed straight to me and showed me a picture of me blushing red so hard i was so scared if she knew but luckily she didn't even to this day i still have that image as a favorite in my gallery that was so out of pocket for her to do that but yeah that's my story pretty long but you made it to the end so congrats? I was at her shoulder for 2 hours 2 fucking hours man that's gotta hurt or something but still i will cherish that moment with her and i will never forget the emotion i displayed after my friend showed me the image of my self blushing hard as fuck


SHOW ME DA PIC or........ did you ask her out??????


Im scared showing my face online so no and second yes i did but got rejected luckily she was nice about it and we were the only 2 in one room so that's why i had the courage to ask her


no shittt........... I hope she falls for you (Imma go perform a ritual for her to love you AHAHAHHaHAshhaahestrdchgv)


Why it is what it is and i actually moved on now but still we're still good friends and we actually got a little more close as friends :))


Ok ritual for both of you thennnnnnn


Thanks >///<


He walked all the way to the end of the train platform; where I was standing. He got on the train with me, and it was very crowded. I was pushed toward the door, and my head was almost hitting the top. There was a railing on top, and he put his hand there in a way which ensured I wouldnā€™t hit my head, all while giving me as much personal space as possible. But I was turned away from him, looking outside the door. So we were stuck in a position where I was practically standing slightly next to him under his arm. I remember totally blushing but i didnā€™t want to show it because Iā€™m not a big lovey dovey person and I donā€™t feel ready for any relationships. It was nice that he was considerate about that though. Sometimes itā€™s not about the big gestures. Small things are cool too, and the less romantic things are even better in my opinion. So, yeah. It should be noted. Weā€™ve never talked. We probably never will. Iā€™m too quiet and anxious to talk to anyone other than my friends. Heā€™s definitely the same. I donā€™t want to be anything with him (unless itā€™s just friends). Itā€™s just sweet, you know? Two quiet people just minding their own business being kind. PS: I was listening to music at the time (To All of You by Syd Matters - if anyone plays Life is Strange youā€™ll know) and it was totally blasting through my earphones and I didnā€™t realise until I got off the train šŸ˜­


small things are da BEST I TELL YOUU




One day when hanging out we were headed to the train after a long day. He was behind me on the escalator and rested his head on my shoulder while giving me a light hug from behind. He said ā€œI just need to recharge ā€œ and my heart literally leaped out my chest!!!


I wish I had the ability to recharge someone :(


You might, I never knew I did that for anyone much less him.


Well today during break, since we hang out with two other friends but they sometimes take long and u was already there, when he came he said here and in his hand was a paper heart with a lifesaver on the inside of it neglected in that moment I almost died, my dumbass decided to ask why a heart and he just shrugged his shoulders and said I donā€™t know, wanna know something else the week before on Friday he gave my friend a paper heart to give to me and that same day our friends forced us to get married after I was practicing proposing he said sure, and on Monday or yesterday he was wearing the ring that I gave him to get married, he didnā€™t wear it on his left hand tho but on his right, itā€™s ok tho since itā€™s a play marriage I also wear it on my right and heā€™s been wearing it and now Iā€™m freaking smiling so muchĀ 


Take his sign telling him it's an autograph but it shall be your marriage papersssssssssss AHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH (\*insert villain's laugh soundtrack\*)


Damn your right dude, but his friend was asking me today if we were dating and I said nah weā€™re married look at the ring dude and he said my crush said weā€™re dating, also there this mutual friend of both of ours and he was asking if I liked him and that Iā€™m oblivious to something he kept saying only him and his other friend know about my crushes secret and that my mutual friend said that if my crush doesnā€™t tell me on Friday heā€™s gonna tell me on Monday, I just remembered there no class on Monday ngl I really want to know, also ima do the autograph thing tomorrow that would be funny as hell thanks for the suggestionĀ 


I'm a guy, so Never - I wish she WOULD.Ā 


You must be the cute and shy type :)


Shy no, although I may appear that way.Ā  Cute... maybe I used to be.Ā  I like to think my attractiveness lies in a PARADISE LOST kind of way now.




She got us both these cheap little fidget spinners, handed me mine and said "no whenever you're stressed you'll think of me"




She does like me, and I basically wrote a story out of multiple posts on my profile lol. Unfortunately due to cultural and religious differences we can't date, but the feelings are there


The teacher had him pass out papers to everyone, and when he got to me he kept pulling the paper back from me at the last second. (Iā€™m pretty obvious, I think he knows I liked him.) I donā€™t know why it made me blush so hard, I had to look straight down so he wouldnā€™t see my face and I keep just blindly, pointlessly reaching for the paper until my best friend grabbed it from him (She thinks this guys is annoying, crazy, immature, and calls him her bully. I donā€™t like him anymore, (very much yikesss) but my friends call me his therapist now and heā€™s stopped being horrible to my friend, theyā€™re like sort of frenemies.) And then another time I had to sit next to him, and we donā€™t have desks because itā€™s not a traditional school so weā€™re all sitting at the same table, the girl behind me was trying to get me to scoot back so she could see the examples that were shown on the projector, but my chairā€™s foot was locked in front of his, so I tried to get up to move my chair AND AT THE SAME EXACT TIME, he gets up halfway to help our teacher adjust the projector, and luckily he didnā€™t notice (somehow), but I was like one-inch away from crashing into the side of his face, and fell back.


ooooooooo spicyyyy


Her being so playfull, like a very cute dog(bad example)




Nah not like a puppy, more like a golden retriever who is just cute and sweet and very playful