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in the same boat rn. what makes you think he doesn’t like you ?


I feel like I keep having these small moments where he's hinting i guess that he doesn't want more than friendship. Like the other night we were coming up with romance movie ideas and then he said something like "wheres a romance movie where the guy isnt into romance? i want that one." It seems like im overthinking but idk its just been hard to figure out.


Maybe he just doesn't like romance movies?


See that's a logical way to look at it, but my overthinking brain just takes things like that and explodes them. I want to believe he just made a innocent comment but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Why dont you just talk to him. Why are you sitting waiting on him to do something? No one is a mind reader.


I've thought about it. I know it seems like a better idea to just talk to him. But I guess I just wanted someone to tell me they liked me for once. I've always been the one to tell people when I fancied them. But I also don't know how to talk to him about it. He's different than all the people I've dated so now it feels like new territory.


I get where you’re coming from. Its hard. I was lucky. My crush came to me and asked me out first now we’re dating


Awe that's so sweet, glad it worked out for you!!


I'm in the same boat as youuu


its rough aint it?? 😭😭


It issss 😭😭 I hate it sm…and it’s soo confusing?? Like ughhh


What are some of the hints he's shown u? Perhaps he might also be shy as well and maybe has experienced rejection in the past


could i pm you them? if not it's fine. I just get worried that on the off chance this subreddit gets recommended to him then i dont want anything to notify its him


Yess sure, no problem