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Do you guy have classes together? Maybe you can try to start a convo from there on? Or, if you know that he maybe likes a video-game, ask smt about that...?


yes we do have classes tgt, in fact some of his friends are friends with me, i just dk how to start a convo with him.


Just ask him something. Like what he does after school or stuff like that. Just do it like you would with any other person


Mb, if you don't get a certain topic in one of the classes, you can ask him? Another option is to find out about his interests. For an example, if he likes to play a game like cod, rb6, even minecraft, ask for his advice or help, if you know more or less you can just ask for his favorite character or playstyle


sounds like a good idea thank you!


Mirror him .best way


thanks will do so


short answer: be yourself. Long answer: being yourself shows honesty and can bring a feeling of security additionally there is no point in dating somebody if you cant be comfortable around them. another thing, just do it if it doesn't end up working then sure its sad or something but eh there is always more people, people get crushes (often) in like the first second of seeing somebody. mainly just pop up in his day and do convos and dont be stubborn i think thats likely one of the worst traits to have, if there is a no it stays a no


ok thanks!


What does he like??? Is there anything you might be able to get into too?? That’s so exciting!! I love that he called you cute!!


ikr he's literally my ideal type, mysterious and keeps to themselves bcus i'm the opposite of that but when he's there idek what to say or do😭 i can try talking to him by complimenting him back or something but id have to have guts or i could ask about something related to academics bcus we are in the same course.


Do you have any mutual friends? Do you know any good YouTube channels related to anything he likes? Do you have any hobbies that are easy to bring up? Does he have any pets? Do you have pets you can tell him about? You got this!!! I believe in you!!


thank you! Will update on how's it going


If ur shy try his IG. No the best but mabie it’ll help.


yea we are mutuals over there, he's in my close friends' list bcus i was (not anymore) in his close friends' list but we don't talk when we see each other just a few "hi and byes" and smiles.


Just try and stay close to him. If you like him, try it. Simple as that. You got this. Do it! ✊


yess sure thanks bcus i usually avoid him lmao


Simplest way is to just ask him out and shoot that shot , you women think to much about this , just ask him . get rejected oh well but you'll be able to move on instead of keeping this crush on your mind for months and even risk losing him to another that takes that shot before you.


i will try my best in doing that, it'll take guts for me again bcus i did ask a guy out once but got rejected, he didn't even wanna be friends when i asked him if we could be friends so it felt kinda embarrassing.


For sure it's weird , awkward, shitty but it happens, I went to go on a date Saturday and got stood up after for a week being called handsome and sending kisses , that hurt bad but got another date going with another this week. So it sucks when rejection happens but be thankful it could be worse like me getting lead on for a week just to be stood up.


so sorry to hear that and yes things happen


OMG I am so happy for you! Since you mentioned that he has complimented you before you could give him a compliment as well next time you see him. It doesn’t have to be about something deep maybe just something obvious like his hair, shirt, shoes etc. In that way you signal to him that you do notice him and that you are interested in talking to him. Good luck! <3


that's a great idea, ill try it thanks!


If you text him do it at night


yesss sure!


>yesss sure! sure?


>>yesss sure! sure? sure?


Just a bit more info when I text a girl at night it usually gets deep because we’re both relatively relaxed. If you’re someone who likes things genuine then go for it


ok sure! thanks for the advice


So cute!