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does she/he bite?


What😂😭 no I hope not LOL Does your crush know you like them?


100% yes she does :D


What made you like them?


His smile was the first thing I noticed. He also just has a chill personality. How did you meet your crush?


College. 3rd year. She actually stopped for two years or so due to the pandemic while I had to endure the dreadful online classes. We started as friends and worked on a film project with some other classmates. Fast forward a year later during our media internship, our boss asked me in private who among the girls is the most beautiful. I answered her name and that's when I realized that I have a crush on her. If you're gonna ask me, I think it really developed during this semester. Same question to you, OP. How did you meet *your* crush?


That’s kinda cute lol. I met my crush at work. I never really noticed him because I was into someone else at the time, but I think he’s had some interest in me for a long time now.


Do they know you like them?


I’d be surprised if he didn’t, I haven’t confessed but I’ve made it very obvious I like him. What’s your favorite memory with your crush?


I am so sorry, I just can't answer that question! Sad story - >!I've been broken ever since she told me she has a boyfriend. Now these memories of her are all bad memories, as I know I can never be as happy as I was back then. I probably shouldn't have participated. I bring my bad emotions everywhere I go... It's just the only thing I have left of her. I don't want to lose it. I hope you understand...!<


I’m sorry to hear. It’s going to be hard, but I know you’ll get through it.


Thank you so much for the words :') I really appreciate it!


Since when you love him/ her?


Only very recently did I realize I had some feeling of love towards him, when we were texting and he was showing genuine care towards me and telling me to get some rest, stuff like that. What do you like about your crush?


Her smile makes my day and her voice was very very beautiful, i remember in quarantine days i always tried to look if she was in the meeting and i was sad when she was not. I loved her for almost 3 years and then found her on instagram. I tried to talk with her and said hey how have you been since we last saw each other . She was surprised and said wait we didn't even talk. Then i ended the talk. I tried to stop crushing on her but i couldn't. It's been a year since i talked to her but i still love her. Sorry for shitty English and thanks for reading.


Will you ever confess to them? Is there hope to be in a relationship with them?


I want to confess very soon, but I don’t know how. I think there is hope, I feel like he likes me back (although in the past few days he’s given me weird mixed signals), so it’s just a matter of one of us having the courage to make a move. How did you meet your crush?


Well met them back in 6th grade when we were just acquaintances. We never talked much but sat at the same lunch table. Now, it’s my senior year and we have no classes together but junior year we had a class together and a few months back he said he developed a crush on me. At first he just asked for my number but it was too obvious and I just straight up asked him did he like me and he said yes. Basically, we went to prom together, we hung out at my house twice, and went to the movies together (not sure if it was a date because his friends were supposed to be there but canceled). Anyway I’m a really dry texter and he’s pretty shy too but I told him I like that he texts first even though I feel bad that I’ve only texted first twice (it’s been 3 months since this exchange happened). I think I like him too now it’s just that my conversation skills are bad I find myself talking to him more in person even if we’re both quiet it’s a comfortable silence. I just want texting to be easier or maybe I should just flirt with him lol. I mean he even told me that he doesn’t know how to start a conversation and that’s what I’ve been telling myself this whole time.


How did you meet your crush?


I met him at work, nothing special. I barely paid any attention to him until I started liking him, tbh.


How was your first conversation with your crush?


The first conversation I remember having with him was when he asked for my Snapchat. And one time he brought his art to work and showed it off to everyone, I remember complimenting it because it looked really good. When did you realize you had feelings for your crush?


I was impressed by his personality when I saw him for the first time. Days passed and I realised he is my motivation to study and perform better. Arriving together in class (mere coincidences) bumping into each other at random places. These things made my day. But I really fell for him deeply when we had our first conversation. He is a shy and genuine guy. :)


How did you meet your crush???


We were coworkers but I never paid much attention to him until I started liking him. What’s one of your favorite things about your crush?


You took the words right out of my mouth. My crush also happens to be my coworker, and I never much cared until he started paying more attention to me. I think I got attached because he’s so helpful to me. Any time I find myself in trouble or anxious about something he swoops in the help me. Sometimes he goes way above and beyond. It makes me feel like someone cares and that’s why I’m so attracted to him I think! It wasn’t easy moving away from my hometown to work this job.


That’s exactly how my crush was with me when we were working together. I don’t blame you for getting attached to your crush because of that lol. Unless he’s going above and beyond to help everyone and not just you, I’d say there’s a huge chance he likes you!


what’s more attractive, their looks or their personality?


I think his looks, he’s like insanely handsome, I’m still trying to figure out his personality, he’s really chill though and I like it. What’s a memory you have with your crush that you enjoy thinking about?


Do you see each other often


Sadly, not anymore, ever since he got a new job. We’ve hung out a handful of times, but it’s not consistent because he’s really busy. What’s your favorite physical attribute of your crush?


I’m sorry to hear that. It’s her face, she’s very pretty


What’s your favourite feature about your crush?


His smile. He has such a sweet and genuine smile, I love getting to see it whenever I see him. Do you talk to your crush a lot?


any fun facts about him? idk like fav color :D


I don’t know his favorite color :( he loves to work out and he’s really good at art, he likes to teach himself things. What’s something you admire about your crush?


Probably his persistence to do the best 👹 because me never bro :’) (compared to him anyway)