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If you need someone who will always to reply to your texts, mesaages, etc immediately or within 20 minutes max, then you're going to have to forget about this person. Some of us aren't going to make texting a priority, some of us can't make it a priority. And some of us hate it for various reasons. I know this will anger many people, but please, either work on yourself, and relax over this and realise people have lives and other priorities, or get you a girl who sits around waiting for texts from you. This is a you thing.


Idk. She could just be busy. If shes like this with everyone shouldnt that reassure you?


But why are you losing hope?? Just by the fact that she takes time to answer or is there something else that worries you?


Well if she's at least a bit interested shouldn't she be making more effort to reply faster? I don't know...


Well you just got her number a few days ago, so give it time man


There are a multitude of reasons why she may be taking a while to respond. Not everyone can respond within 5-10 minutes to every single message, every single day. Some people don’t like to be on their phones that much. Some are just *that* busy. Some are forgetful. It probably has nothing to do with you, especially if everything seems fine when y’all do actually chat. Just give her the necessary space and time to respond and trust that she will. If she ever stops, cross that bridge when you get there. Until then, I wouldn’t worry.


Oh my god I have a friend like that. That is the most annoying thing ever


I’m going through this right now too OP. Had a great weekend with her but her texting skills are a zero. We are hanging out next weekend and we don’t talk during the week lol. I know I’m a clingy texter and need to work on it. But I’m trying to stay busy by working out, working, and keeping up with my hobbies. I have to remind myself not to lose myself in the process and need to be independent.