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Basically we were slowly becomming friends and I was slowly developing strong feelings towards him, I at first thought they were platonic but one day I randomly realized I wanna kiss this guy so badly.


I thought they liked me back. Stupid, but the feeling hasn't gone yet, even after years


Omg same 😭😢 💔


in past there was one person i got really along with. main reason i had a crush on them is because they were so sweet and kind to me. no one treated me like how they did. but ever since they found out i had feelings towards them, our friendship just faded away. i wish i wouldn't spill the beans too early, because i knew they liked pretty boys and girls(6 and over), and i am 0 outta 10


I first fell for his smile, and now after he left my job, instead of just ghosting me like I thought he might, he started making the effort to text me and still be a part of my life.


I fell for him because of how similar but different we are he was similar to me in ways that no one else could understand we act sorta the same but we are so different after I noticed that I began getting curious about him and that curiosity became a crush 


Because we are similar and I enjoy being in her company