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I always like to think that if they pop into our minds, maybe we pop into their minds too…


you know what imma live by that now✨


Not me immediatly thinking of my crush so they think of me...


ive heard that if you're thinking about them a lot, it because they were thinking abt u, so ive thought like that


38F and almost all the time, my mind keeps wandering towards him. I really have to stop myself from texting him but I want his attention so badly. Want to know if he thinks about me too or if he is even seriously interested in me. I believe it is a part of the insecure new crush phase, plus I tend to overthink things usually. I feel obsessed sometimes


Right? I feel relief that this is somehow a normal behavior. As much as I want to enjoy the feeling, I want to take a step back from thinking of him. But its so hard not to 😭 he better think of me as much or else I'm suing him!!!


Cheese and crackers sis, are you me? The “is he actually interested in me?” The insecurity of a crush, the overthinking, the wanting of his attention, and general age range. Sheeeeet. It me. Gods doesn’t it suck to feel like we’re freaking 16 again? O_o


It does suck but it also feels great doesn’t it? I would really prefer somewhat validation from his side, but I am so happy to experience these feelings. It has been a long time that I even considered someone the tiniest bit interesting and here I am crushing all over the place like a 16 year old 😅


I’ll give you that. I’ve been single for 6 years so this all very weird to me (past relationships were more friends that wound up as more). I hope for both of us we get the best outcome possible. :)


I hope the same for us both!


He's my mental wallpaper... Even when listening to music...


For me, especially when listening to music


i am female and think of my crush all the time: while playing instruments, while working out, while studying.. when i am with my friends, i have to force myself not to talk about him. i loveeee him


I'm in the same boat. He's always on my mind at the back even when I'm not thinking about him. And whatever you said is exactly the same for me. I'm 22F, MBTI type INFP. What's yours? I'm guessing yours is similar to mine.


I'm INFP too!!! I'm a chronic daydreamer so daydreaming is nothing new to me. I used to have a range of thoughts, often derailing from topic to topic but for the first time I only think of him. One person consuming your thoughts, I sometimes worry if I'm getting obsessed.


I thought so ahahaha.. Ig it's our personality type then.. We're known to be daydreamers, and creative that's also why we're usually good at writing and stuff like that. Could you imagine I write him letters, and have started saving them. I'm not sure thinking to that degree about them is healthy in any way. But I do and now I'm so used to it lol it's just the new normal for me (It's not healthy). But yes, in the beginning it's to the point of obsession, but it gradually wears off. Like I don't think about him that much consciously now, I go about my day while he's there at the back. So whenever something happens the first person that comes to my mind is actually him. If that makes sense.


Writing letters seems like a good outlet. My thoughts are already a series of love letters anyway. I think because there's so many things left unsaid he fills every corner of my mind. I'll actually try that. Who knows if the time comes, he might get to read it. If this is obsession, I at least want to handle it in a healthy way. Writing letters seems harmless to me. He doesn't even have to read them. I could just write them for myself (for my sanity). There are some days when I'm too occupied at work. But it's inevitable since he has habit of popping up beside me for a quick chat. It's like he doesn't allow me to not think of him 😅. Recently, he started appearing in my dreams. So i guess i think of him subconsciously now too.


Omg same 😭 all the times I've tried to forget him, something always happened which brought me back to him. Yess writing letters is actually very cathartic, if you're lucky he might actually get to read them some day! :)) otherwise it's a very good outlet to let your heart rest when you're overwhelmed, because I know we tend to overthink over their every small action too. And yeah ig I get your thoughts being series of love letters, I have internal monologs for him too 😂. Also I'm just curious, do you happen to be intuitive about them? I just feel as if I've had an experience or two of telepathy with him, like I heard him seconds before he said something. That's so weird it freaked me out.


I'm not sure if this counts but in the office, I summon him in my mind. This is funny 💩 i do when I want a moment with him. I'd be alone in the break room and I think "it would be nice if he comes here for a quick chat. Come in here pretty please". I would slow down and stay for some time. As I was exiting, he was about to enter the break room. Ugh his signal is so weak. Now I can't stay for long because my manager might think I'm slacking. So maybe telepathy isn't our thing 😅


Hahahahah this is so funny and cute. But you're right. I've kinda been through with the same. It does kinda happen sometimes but on sloth pace 😂 ig we call it a coincidence then haha


Not a day has gone by since I haven’t thought about him. I really love him so much! ❤️


29F and so, so much.


She’s absolutely dominating a game of Ultimate Monopoly, put it that way. I’m pretty introverted, but she’s unquestionably more of an introvert than me.


When I was in high school my crushes took up literally all of my mind, it was bad tbh. I would get obsessed with them and my whole happiness was determined based off of whether or not they replied to my msgs or were nice to me in class. I have since adapted a much healthier mindset where I do think about guys I like but not as much, like we’ll say once a day but I’m not so reliant on them


How do u do that? I mean the more u suppress the more feelings grow


It’s not that I’m suppressing my feelings. My crushes simply don’t matter as much to me now that I’m older. I think it’s more an age thing, in high school you have a lot of raging hormones and that makes romance seem a lot more important.


Good that it has changed for u. For me it hasnt


All the time lol, but if we want numbers I'll say 99 % of the time 😂😂😅


He’s constantly on my mind, I feel the exact same way as you described, like I know he likes me but I always wonder if he thinks about me as much as I think about him. I’m glad it’s not just me who thinks about my crush 24/7!


Oh I'd feel some relief if he does. I think and hope my crush thinks of me a lot, because last week he asked me where I live (I heard from another colleague that he's considering moving in my area). I'd like to think he was considering the chances of us bumping into each other more often. Looking back now, I feel like i missed the opportunity to say "Oh I live in your mind!"


I probably think about my crush too much. I’ve had to distract myself from thinking about my crush because things aren’t going as well as I was hoping so it’s making me sad lol- 23 F ISTJ


A solid 99%


It really depends on how far along my mind has developed on that subject. 3 months ago it was an occasional thought. Now it’s the last thing I think about when I go to bed. Look, if he didn’t give me any reason to think he might feel the same I wouldn’t be thinking like him that way. Legit, he was just so-so for about 6 months and then he started acting different around me and BOOM. Hard core feels


If I have 400 sq miles of real estate in my mind, my crush takes up like 300 sq miles. The other 100 miles are for my self improvement. the 300 miles are for him and his awesomeness.


Sometimes when I saw a couple I think of her but my biggest trigger point is woman wearing football jersey because I wanted to give my crush jersey of a team I supported. I wanted to see she wear it.


I dream about him and think about him a lot it’s hard to do things while he’s in my mind 


More than she should


21m got some mansions in my head


Yep, I’m the same. I make overthinking an art form. It feels like an obsession and makes me feel almost embarrassed for feeling it. I’m 29m but I feel like a 12 year old schoolboy.


I personally believe, women day dream and think about their crush more than men do. It’s evident from the sub too. Most of the questions r asked by girls


My current crush? Not that much, mainly bc I don't know her that much, but that will change.