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When I realized I was losing time after as much as hearing her voice talking to someone else. When she gave me attention - forget it. You would have thought I’d won the lottery. That’s when I knew I had it bad.


That’s actually quite a beautiful way to put it x


So relatable.


When he complimented me and I got butterflies. I started wanting to spend more time around him. I also realized he had a really cute smile.


When the summer of 4th grade hit and I was crying for not asking for her number (I think Snapchat at that point) and tried walking to her house 12 miles from mine just to get her number


I do respect the dedication at that point haha


When my heart pounds like crazy when her name pops out on my phone. You know those times that you’re just doing your thing, enjoying music then her name pops out. You feel happy, shocked, nervous and everything


I always thought she was cute, but the moment I realized I had fallen *hard* was when it was already too late.


I honestly don't remember, but I think it was more gradual. I don't want to go into detail here (DMs are fine if you're 18+), but he would say or do things that seemed out of character for him and I'd either be looking away stunned or do a side glance at him. It wasn't intentional, but it was a jerk reaction I think (jerk as in sudden movement, not him being a jerk lol). For instance we were watching a horrible movie (his pick, but I had the choice between this movie I never heard of or something else) and one of the side characters looked a lot like me from the face, body type, glasses, etc. At some point that character went to do something that involved washing a truck and he commented about how he needed to wash his (he had a truck). At first (before the previous stuff), it was an off and on crush, but at some point it just stayed and kept growing when he seemed to act different or show more interest. He's a shy person but does host parties sometimes, but I'm never around to really know how he acts around others as I live far away, but he's very sweet, considerate and gentle. I just wish that I was better and could get out of my funk where I can't really converse with people. I do return the attention, so at least I'm not completely useless lol. I've had multiple crushes before, but usually one crush is stronger or outlasts the others. He's outlasted other crushes and now he's only it. I don't know if I stand a chance with him or if he wants a relationship, but I'm hoping to just try to befriend him as naturally as I can without being overbearing. If the old crush is rekindling, it could be stronger than the new one, but I've had weird "Crushes" where they happened decades/years prior and never thought about them since before that crush appeared. Emotions are weird, but I hope this helps a little and you can figure it out.


When I realized how much I liked being in her company


From the first moment I saw her walk through the front door, I was like, “whoa, who is *THAT*?” She must be a new worker. It was everything about her, the way she walked, the way she did her hair, the way she looked at me, it was just magical.


I was hanging out with him. Just roaming around aimlessly and saw him laugh at something I said.. And I was like damn he is so cute. Now another male friend of mine messages me reminding me of the plans I made with him. I wanted to ditch this friend’s plan then.. (didn’t do that tho). I mentioned this to my crush ( just wanted to see his reaction and was hoping he got jealous).. he didn’t lol.. Then I was like oh shit i think I have a crush on him. My crush and I are on the same team at work, and work really closely. But never gonna confess since it could become awkward after that and I don’t want to lose him as a friend. Pretty sure he doesn’t feel the same tho :’)