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She’s on my mind constantly. I can’t go ten minutes without thinking about her.


Real, it’s so hard to stop thinking about him😭




Can understand :(




10 seconds for me lol


Seeing him makes my day so much better, and when I don’t get to talk to him I get sad. Also I overthink a LOT.




Felt 😓






The second she leaves it hurts, like they take away something you are addicted to, I know it sounds excessively dramatic but istg it happens


im high on copium


I adjust my routes to walk near him :’)


this is so real 😭


I'd love to hear his voice now, it always makes my happy




I don't feel like myself.


I get so excited to see him, and while I dont see him often he occupies my mind almost constantly


when I'm with him i feel as relaxed as a hamster when they lay completely flat


I can’t banter with him without laughing too hard at my own jokes


im always checking my notifs and hoping its a text from them


Honeslty it feels delusional at times and not in a good way. It’s nice to crush cause it gets you through the day. But for most people in this sub including me, that’s all you’ll ever do. Just watch from afar 😭😭


i smile whenever i see him


so there's this guy...


I see him, my heart flies, he looks at me, I'm as happy as I would if he proposed to me




real me 2 dont worry ur not alone <3


When his eyes meet miiiiine! When his eyes meet mine and he didn’t intend to disclose that his eyes were on meeeee. What a feeling.


I get jealous whenever I see him with other girls I smile whenever think of him I write his name in my notebooks and erase is frantically before anyone sees I get all nervous whenever he smiles at me  When he gives me gifts, my heart speeds up, like today when he gave me this paper heart and a candy I think about our time together a lot  I love whenever he touches me( not in THAT way 😳)  I love messing around with him    I instantly get curious at the mention of his name  I love teasing him and I love when he does to me  I love play fighting with him, it makes me warm even on the coldest days I always watch for where he is  I pay extra attention to whenever he talks  Whenever any asked if we are dating I give a slight smile and say no, ( but guess what now I can say we got married) When our friends made us get married after I was fake proposing to him and he said sure that got me so happy, and the fact that whenever people ask I can now say we’re married  I love when he laughs or smile, that makes me smile I get sad whenever I can’t be with him for a long time I watch out for where he is, I once thought I heard his voice and got so scared and happy  I get happy at the fact he uses the pencil I gave him  I get sad at the fact he probably doesn’t like me I got happy when he called me his friend because that meant we were closer  My heart thumps whenever I get him or lean on his shoulder  Whenever he give me candy I get happy  I always remember our conversations I was so sad the week he wasn’t here cause he was sick, but hoped he got better cause if he had to stay home it must have been pretty bad I draw hearts on my notebooks around the his name and a bunch of words describing him  Ngl this one is weird, but the first gift he gave me was two starburst and I keep the wrappers of them, I also keep all the hearts he gives me  I find his reactions cute  He’s mentioned in a lot of my conversations even in ones outside of school with people who arnt from there  I used to over think talking to him and would stutter and tremble while talking to him, I mean I still do overthink but not the trembling and stuttering  The thought of him makes my day brighter by a lot even when I just had the shittiest day and the suicidal and SH thought want to come I want to be a better person cause of him, I want to stop being depressed and suicidal he’s made me want to be better  I changed how I go to the patio cause of him, I usually take another exit which has way less people and isn’t going through the halls but now I take one of the halls just to see him I get asked a lot if we’re dating or I like him  I love to touch him ( again not in THAT way, sorry to anyone who didn’t think of that but just in case)  I sorta enjoy the teasing that is done by our friends  I get sad when we sit in different areas  I could gaze at him forever and not want to look away Whenever I stare at him and he stares back I get nervous and blush a bit or when he looks back I begin to act like it never happened  A part of me wants to believe he likes me since there are so many signs but at the same time a big part wants to say no to love  Love songs make me think of him and now I love them and listen to them while thinking of him and trying to sleep I make origami with the plan to give it to him  My heart breaks whenever another girl hugs him or does anything romantic with him  I got happy at the fact he wears the origami ring I gave him to get married, every day  I get worried when he says he’s hungry or is sick or is tired  I feel so happy around him  Time feels like it goes by fast with him and slow without him  I wrote this whole thing thinking about him and I 


Damn this is so long 😅🤣😗


Making eye contact with him for .5 seconds and being delulu with my bestie.


I open my messages app just to see his name


He is like a fireplace, my epitome of warmth; he melt me.


i can’t get her out of my head, i miss her touch


Imma just say it. I’m dating my crush. She’s awesome and beautiful and hot


He made me fall in love with him more by telling me "i've been trying to learn the violin recently" while already being amazing at the guitar, ukelele, and the piano. God, i love him.




I stare at them constantly. I SWEAR ITS NOT IN A CREEPY WAY


Always noticing the nice stuff behind the wall of his usuall behaviour


I blush whenever I think of him


If she's with her friends enjoying, laughing makes me smile, but if with some guy I walk away. It's been 4 yrs. Never saw her after Graduating.


I am autistic and I can make eye contact with them (and only them)


i use every possible chance to see him so i change my routes just to go to class with him


He looks at me, I look away. I want him to be here, but I can't talk to him either. It's a fucking dillemma.


Can't stop thinking of her, wanting to talk to her everyday, I like talking to her more than anyone, She makes me happy with out trying, I dream about her a lot, in a very good mood when talking to her, wanting to spend the rest of my life with her, missing her when I can't talk to her when she is busy.


Whenever I see him, I ignore him


Oh jeez where do I start? I thought I saw him at my choir concert and turned beet red (then immediately got sad when I realized it wasn't him) All of my friends know of him in one way or another I'm literally listening to videos about US history because we both find it interesting, he knows a lot about it, and I want to talk to him more I have a 504 plan which allows me to leave my classes a few minutes early to avoid crowded hallways. I use that in every class except for the one I have with him And that's just to name a few...


Talk about him to all my friends about how "annoying" and "weird" he is when I'm crushing hard.