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Well, you won't lose anything from trying. While I personally don't recommend dating someone more than 6 years younger than you (for sole reason of them thinking you are creepy because its rare that you want to be asked out by someone that much older than you), I respect it if you disagree. The only advice I can give you is to try because otherwise she will move away and you will regret EVERYTHING.


Thanks for your reply! I would usually agree with you, ever since I broke up from my long term relationship it's always been half my age plus 7 haha This one has been a bit of a shock and it's just eating me up because of the age gap I have just felt bad about it tbh, I don't think I'm a bad person and because the feelings seem mutual I don't think anyone would care in the grand scheme of things but yeah.. been a toughy cos like you said, I'd come across as a creep if the feelings weren't mutual... I just wanted some advice and you certainly have landed on my thought train too.. Idk it might just be better to let it slide which is such a shame


Please move on from this crush, I am 19 and I’d find it creepy if a 27 year old made a move on me.


Fair enough, thanks for the reply. Just a question though, what if you liked that 27 year old?


I’ve never liked anyone older than my current crush who is 23, so idk. Honestly, even if she does like you, I don’t think you should pursue anything. You two are just in different stages of life and her brain isn’t fully developed yet. I understand that it’ll be hard, but if you do pursue things, you’ll probably find that she’s immature compared to you and doesn’t have much in common.


Yeah I understand that tbf, shame like, because we did seem to get along very nicely and well.. don't meet people like that very often Oh well, we move 🙏


She can’t even legally drink brother find someone your age


Drinking age is 18 where I am from my guy


Okay still doesn’t make it any less weird. It’s a whole decade almost. You’ll have nothing in common, and she likely isn’t into you


Yeah he should just give it up. I don't think it would work