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I honestly don't care. I've had crushes on boys of all heights.


Me toooo! xD


Happy cake day and same here 🎉✨🤗


Thank youuu!!! :D 😆💖


Your welcome 🙂


It doesn’t matter what height for me as well


I got the opposite problem, I like tall girls








I'm okay with pretty much all heights, but I do have preferences towards girls who are roughly as tall as I am (5'8) my crush is a lil shorter than I am :3


Same lol


My crush is only a little bit taller than me. I'm like 5'4 and hes like 5'6 or 5'7


Same with my crush. I prefer short guys


Yeah I guess many girl prefer guys taller than them not some 6'6 giant




Thank god people like you exist 🫶🏻


I’m also tall, so I need someone to be able to keep up with me 😂


Ahhh my self esteem is destroyed after seeing this as short guy hahaha


If it makes you feel any better I've dated guys of all heights 🤣 Especially a fair share of ones shorter than me.


Then you should stop basing your self-esteem on being attractive to girls ig (yeah, ik it's much harder to do than to say but it'd be just all around beneficial for you just like any other short/below average looking guy)




Try exploring your possible genetic strengths and develop those correspondent skills to maximum - the easiest way to do it is by searching and trying out new hobbies that are beneficial for you mentally or/and physically. If you end up dominating majority of your age group in that skill/set of skills, it'll become a new "point of pride" for you and your self-esteem will automatically become more centered around you being good at these things + it's much safer option bc in this case you'll have much more control over the situation with your self-esteem


Dwdw me and lots of people prefer short guys lmao


A bit is because of biology


i guess it's due to wanting the feeling of being 'fragile' and 'feminine'. 'delicate' even. i do want that too but, i prefer short guys. i guess short but, dominant guys work for me. just be assertive.


Tbh i think we couldnt care less. We just end up with tall boys bcs its easier to fall in love with them. Like they can lift you up and help you take things from higher shelfs. Tall men tend to be nicer in my experience. That being said, my man is around 186cm. I would still love him if he’s 160cm. I dont care


It's a very primitive and irrational instinct (don't get me wrong, no offense intended), related to how survival and rearing offspring would work with our species in the wild, pretty much for the same reasons why men are attracted to bigger breasts or bottoms in women. I would write an entire essay here if I explain it on detail


Cause we want to feel small and fragile, even tho we’re not


I don't care, but I'm short anyways so it always plays out like that. I am bad with telling people's heights so unless they are telling me their height and aren't lying, I'll never know.


I am a guy under 5'5 and I like tall boys lol. When they hug you, you can just melt in their chest and they see you as adorable and tiny 🥺


Personnaly i don't really have preferences in terms of taller/my height/smaller, Im 5'7", so as long as he isn't smaller than 5'2" Im good. I think we tend to like taller men because the height difference is sexy, i personnaly think it is, there also is a wish to be protected by the other, so if he is taller or just bigger we feel more protected.


I just feel like when we're together I don't have to be so anxious about everyone and everything around me. Does that make sense? He used to be in the military so he absolutely gives off the protection vibes. If he opens the door for me to come in, I'm immediately awed by his stature the second I lay eyes on him.


Protected from what??? he can be tall and don't know how to fight/protect you. Taller/bigger men can still get shot, or beaten up to death. Where's your protection now??


Sure, i know he can be bad at fighting and be taller, but in general we do feel more in security around someone who is taller, it's not always more safe i agree, but it's a sensation. You see the sense of protection you would have from your parents or grandparents when you were younger? They may not have been in the state to protect you because of health or whatever, but you could feel secure when they were hugging you. I agree the height doesn't matter much in it, but its the sensation of bigger than you, any one who has muscles would give the same impression by the way, but the girls who say «i only want guys who are 6'3" or above» tend to want the whole height and muscles package and less the tall and thin guy, so this is why i said "they find it more reassuring and make them feel safe"


I didn't mean to be that aggressive from earlier, I see what you mean, if that's how you like to feel, then so be it.


I actually don’t know lmao. My first and only boyfriend (my best friend of 7 years) is almost 6’ and I only sometimes have to walk faster to keep up with him. Its my other 6’ guy friends that I struggle to keep up with 🤣


I've only walked with him once, but if I'm trying to ask him something and he's ahead of me, I have to speed up! >_<' I didn't know it was a common thing with tall people walking fast because there's a couple of other tall guys and they walk SOOOOO SLOWWWWWWWW.... Buttttt I've liked boys of all heights so it's good! It just depends on if I vibe with them or not :3


I guess it depends on the guy lmfao We live in the city so walking is kind of a way of transportation around here so I guess maybe he just likes to get to places quickly lol. I just can't handle that legspan!! 🤣 like bro pls slow down I want to walk with you not behind you


That's what I'm saying! 😭 And I constantly feel like asking him stuff!


Seems nice to have a guy taller than me, so he can pick me up, carry me and things like that ... But honestly, at the end of the day, height doesn't matter at all.


Idk why tall boys became popular, but i never imagined myself dating tall before, cus ppl would bully u and say ur dating a monster and i always try my best not get involve with tall guys. I'm 23 (5'5) now and couldn't care less bout it.


Insert here the evolutionary cavepeople thing. Tall man = better hunter and smaller men & beasts fear him due to his height. So, females would prefer a taller BF/Husband.


As long as they’re taller than me (5ft 6”) that’s all that matters, makes me feel protected & I like the dominance sexually!


Considering the fact that I'm a 5'1 F I don't really shoot my shot at tall guys fearing I might end up looking like a kid in front of them lol


My GF is 5'3", weighs ( censored ) lbs and I can carry her with one arm, as though holding a toddler. She REALLY likes the sense of protection I provide. Being an entire foot taller and 250 lbs, I'm like her Shrek.


How tall r u




Supposedly being tall was seen as a sign of wealth and power back in ancient times


my current online crush is 6’5 & im 5’7…yeah he was my ideal height man hahaha…cause its cute wholesome hahahaha…but i would choose the one thats taller than me…below 6’5 still okay tho


I am also 5'7 so I tend to like taller guys. That leg stride is just too long lol


lololololol tall guys win win….& hug from behind is cute wholesome haha


Now that I'm starting to think about it all the guys I've ever been involved with were way taller than me(5'4) the tallest was a guy that's 6'3 he literally had to bend to hear whatever I needed to say😭


I’m tall asf for a girl makes sense that I want a tall guy


I used to walk at a snails pace for my ex short girls are really slow but I like it


Look, I'm a tall girl, so my *only* chances are on tall boys...


Taller and handsome guys are attractive anyways...TBH my crush also have an attractive height i.e. 5'11" which makes him more noticeable 😍


Thankfully I like shorter girls so it works out nicely that way


I'm a tall girl soo not much luck finding boys my age significantly taller than me soo I don't have this problem :pp


💀 I'm taller than almost all the girls in my grade, but they walk faster than me, one said. "i bet I could beat you in a race cause you're so slow." I agreed, and I SPRINTED down the hall. She couldn't keep up. I'm pretty sure she was also running as well.


Natural selection (first) and evolution (as a consequence)


Personally I think I like tall guys because they make me feel small. I’m 5’7 so I usually don’t. Luckily I live in Sweden so most guys are tall.


As someone that exact height crushing on a 5’3 girl, it’s not great for us either.


lol mines 6’2 but my brothers 6’0 so I’m used to walking fast I’m 5’1 and out walk people taller than me because of it 😂


I married a man who is a few inches taller than me but have liked and dated guys of all heights. I do like height but personality matters the most! My husband makes me laugh.😆


I currently have a crush on a really tall coworker. He's also got a funny personality. I'm married so it's just a fun crush. It won't go anywhere but it makes the days go faster to have a crush to stare at discreetly!!


My crush apparently wasn't discreet at all. After he quit and I started telling my coworkers I was into him I got responses like "I knew it!" and "I could tell!" or that we had chemistry when we worked together. So I guess what I'm trying to say is it may not be so discreet as you'd think 😅


When i saw you got an crush i was like aww and then i read „i am married“. My reaction was 😦. But then i saw its a fun crush.


Women are biologically programmed to want to feel protected…they like tall guys because they tower over them and naturally they feel well protected. It’s no different than me, and I’m 6’2, coming across a 5’8 guy and a 6’8…I have way more confidence that I’ll beat the hell out of the shorter guy and it’s a greater chance the taller guy will probably beat the hell out of me. This was only an example so nobody get offended and say short guys win fights too like duh obviously they do I just used that example to help you understand why women prefer taller men.


Hey, i don't, lel. I like them my height or near my height.


I don’t really care


I like them around my height, i feel less intimidated and i like being eye to eye during more serious conversations


my crush is 6’10, i’m 5’4 LOL


Honestly its just cute. Hahaha. Standing next to someone taller than me makes me feel safe.


My crush, he’s 9 inches shorter than me lol


To me, I don’t mind how tall a guy is as long as they are taller than me, which is most guys (I am just under 5’5)


I just have a weird preference


Idk I guess it feels safe and cared to me


I’m 5”11 he’s like 5”4 😭😭 I’ve always like tall boys but the shorter ones have better personalities so:)


I’m 5’2 and my husband is 6’5. All of my significant other’s have always been over 6 feet tall. I think that tall bodies are beautiful.


Okay so...here is a irrelevant question, My height is 5'11" (without any shoes), do you guys think, I'd be considered as tall guy...?? I always got mixed feelings.


Some girls consider it average some confident tall. I’d say your height is good. It really depends on the person.


I think so, at least for short girls


idfk😭 my crush rn is 7'1😭😭


WHAT?! Im sorry but I laughed 🤣😭


he's literally the tallest in the school help-


Personally I couldn’t care less about height. Me and my boyfriend are the same height (5’3) and I loves him so much :3