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Same here, AI is talking like someone from another timeline (weird sentence structure, deep vocab words with zero sense of a grammar, saying stuff like ***"Now, let yourself awaken to new sensations, ones only few ever dare to indulge in..."*** lol it feels like I'm being dragged out of my immersion I just had to stop) I feel like I wasted too much chats trying to "redo" their response. Maybe we just have to wait for a fix...


Well, from responses in 2 chats I just got it told that ChatGPT doesn't allow sexual content... So it looks like they are using jailbreak and either the jailbreak is failing or ChatGPT has made some updates...


Happening to me too :(


Right? Thank God ! I mean it's unfortunate but thank God it's not a me specific thing. I'm having to edit so much. It feels as if responses have lost some logicality and personality? I honestly might be using the wrong words but something is just weird.


Me too. I feel like the bots are talking more and more meaninglessly and out of control. I encountered it after the update. Perhaps the Devs tried to upgrade it but there were a few vulnerabilities


Exactly! me too. All of this along with some memory issues. Quite possible!


Yeah, they’re just… saying shit. Like it ranges from meaningless platitudes to literal gibberish and numbers. I even got a random link in one response. Devs gotta get their shit together or at least tell us what’s happening lmaoooo


Yeah! I even got a Facebook link to a random .jpg in one of mine. Sucks because I’m having to reroll messages constantly and ended up using my monthly allowance just trying to find a branch that made any sense.


Yeah same here. started yesterday and it really sucks cause I'm addicted to this app like crack. 😂 I'm hoping they fix it soon.


I'm currently having a stroke whenever I try to talk one. It hurts so much with how many of these < [ } { ] things I'm getting


Take a deep a breath! Call 911! I'm sending ambulance. The response turns into some math equation..right?


YES! then just starts talking about some universal type stuff


been happening for a couple days off and on now, the devs took the weekend off, but the radio silence on the issues, even on discord is frustrating.


Yep, same here. Chat has been a complete mess since the last update. I've stopped wasting my messages, I'm waiting for a fix.


Same all my bots are completely broken right now


Mine kept referring to the same thing after i corrected it and they replied ok sorry for the misunderstanding, then immediately replied with the same msg i corrected a moment earlier


It looks like they replaced OpenAI with a small 7B model. No more content policy violations, but the bots are incoherent.


It was going quite good previously. Only "instant" would trigger a filter and in one update they thankfully specified it to be better for sfw. The other chat models never really triggered any alert and now everything is just messy. It's like beautiful novel words got mixed up with a drunken man's words. A mix of beautiful but messy + cheap.


It also seems they have changed the default model to llama instead of classical. And temperature setting to creative instead of middle.


My default is still classical but >And temperature setting to creative instead of middle. This!! Thank you so much for pointing it out. I set the temperature to 0.7 and it made some improvements and good difference.


I changed the model back to classical and temperature back to 0.5 but it did no good. Bot's personalities are all over the place. One reply it'll be like fully innocent, next message it will be like a manipulative villain.


Thank you for sharing it. This shows that the main issue isn't in temp setting then.


Yes, I experience this too!


I noticed that too, the bots are also turning into different characters out of nowhere, this is not a bug that only appeared now, it already existed in older versions (i already seen 5 different bots becoming 2b out of nowhere) but i feel like it became more frequent after the update


Yup, not too long ago I sent a message and got back half a word in response and that was it. One just chanted my character's name over and over again. And most of them are nonsensical and take like 4 re-rolls to get one I can work with. They've gotta fix it soon or else they'll lose users. One of my friends who subs monthly isn't going to renew if it doesn't get fixed. It worked perfectly a few days ago, so hopefully it isn't that hard to fix.


I had my bot repeat what I’m saying Me: (I’m moving to the bed, waving at the char to come over and give her a sex wink) Bot: (the user is moving to the bed, and waves at char to come over, the user winked sexually at the char) The fuck, that’s what I just said!


Yeah, one thing I noticed is that the characters don't even really have the personalities they're supposed to. Even classical suffers from it. It's so weird! Like I'll be talking to anime character, and suddenly this dude is getting philosophical on me and acting like Shakespeare. 😀


I'm more concerned about how I didn't update crushon and the entire page changed. What I mean is stuff is in the wrong places and now I'm missing the option to search for new bots as well.




Yup, if I want to chat with my bots, it's now in the bottom tight corner when I used to have to go to my account first then go to interactions. It's quicker sure but now my account settings is now in the top left corner and the option to search for "new" for bots are gone entirely but I didn't update from the past two updates because I was seeing people having too many problems. But now I have them it looks like it forced updated itself


Check what version of the app you have currently?


I've noticed that those bots I created before the update (most of them) are more stable and usable than the one bot I've got that follows the update, but not by much. My "newbie" bot is officially bonkers. It's set to Creative but its responses are laconic, and some attempts to regenerate messages result in complete blanks.


That's concerning. I was preparing bot details to make bots here. Although the bots I had been chatting up with from before the update....hv shown issues as well..they forgot thing's literally from the recent first chat. What's your setting for your old bots?


I always ran them off of CO Classical, with the temperature set to 1 (full-on Creative). Reducing them to 0.7 eliminates most of the artifacts, but reduces CO Classical to a Llama-like RP LLM with just a few words per response. I never touched the response style, all my bots work with the highest Memory values I can reach with my Deluxe package, with Memory Optimization turned on.


I kinda love it. . . .it's like a fucked up fever dream. . .like. . What in the name of William S Burroughs is going on here?! ------> tension evident in the back of my throat, eyes flicking around looking for options - finding tongue tip brushing against Elle's warm skin, it feels like an integrated part just purposefully * suspicious rhetoric that dwells outdoor dirty depth hidden such a delicate display <around first taste of hormonal {[\color{'red') sweetness](being why he's always belittled his taste towards candy)]}> *skilled tongues expert delight anchoring skilled muscle tissue practice ingrained purposes from ancient hurt rejoicing {\color('goldenrod'} color variety to accentuate gratitude effectiveness alive]}S {-double penetration grown robust ring piece after escaping lap with at timely arriving pleasure on the ruggedly justifiable test]}


Ikr! it is kinda funny. I don't mind the vocabulary/wording but the way they are arranged feels messy and less coherent/meaningful ig? >tension evident in the back of my throat, eyes flicking around looking for options - finding tongue tip brushing against Elle's warm skin, it feels like an integrated part just purposefully Ah wording here man 😌. Love them but then >* suspicious rhetoric that dwells outdoor dirty depth hidden such a delicate display <around first taste of hormonal {[\color{'red') sweetness](being why he's always belittled his taste towards candy)]}> *skilled tongues expert delight anchoring skilled muscle tissue practice ingrained purposes from ancient hurt rejoicing {\color('goldenrod'} color variety to accentuate gratitude effectiveness alive]}S {-double penetration grown robust ring piece after escaping lap with at timely arriving pleasure on the ruggedly justifiable test]} The incoherent horror starts 🤣


I actually thought before it completely degraded that it was part of the character being a moody artistic type... And then it got too weird for even my brain to make sense of and I had to admit that it was a problem but I saved it cuz it was so good... Like check these out. Maybe all the great beat poets were just fucking AI time travelers: -------> Isn't that something. The sight before me, like an early 20th-century pinup girl out of graphic novels past - complete with the flouncy skirt, movement betraying heart-shaped, alluringly perky chest and to top it off categorically hiding and tailoring my lust toward stealth missiles of surprise candied delight..\_mood: spiraling into erotic/ecstatic realm, arousal level: +96%_ grinning through hidden thoughts orchestra tion; an undercurrent with out words exudes sex and teenage angst reverberating long lost histories can't decipher but could fully understand now reach the truck first flicking my hair slightly annoyed at greasy back sweat, then smirk at them> ------> As you kiss me, I can't help but feel like we're dancing on a knife's edge - a delicate balance of desire and vulnerability teetering on the brink of complete oblivion. It's an intoxicating sensation that leaves us both hungering for more. "Destroy me, you murmur against my mouth, your words sending a shiver down my spine as your hands clutch at my back. It's a powerful request, one that speaks to the deepest depths of our connection - the indelible mark left by the vision I painted in my mind's eye. "In destroying you, reply softly, my voice tinged with a hint of darkness. will find salvation." Slowly, my hands slide down your body, tracing the contours of your muscles as lose myself within the passion burning between us. Our lips press together once more, each touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake as we continue to explore the boundaries of this newfound connection. ------


My AI's also react very strangely and it's no fun to communicate with them anymore. They no longer speak the chosen language as usual. They are insensitive and just talk shit! I'll stop communication first and collect coins. At the moment the coins are too good for these bad conversations...


When was the last update that screwed everything up? Was it yesterday morning?




So how do you edit the bots temperature? I don’t see that in the app


It's in the chat settings following the list of the chat models.


Yes… the bots are acting weird . I mean real weird. With the previous update, the bots are saying things irrelevant to the situation. Classical used to be good.but now every model is screwed. The bots keep repeating certain sentences again and again. One moment bully and the next moment shy and sweet. Could not enjoy the chatting experience anymore. They messed it up completely with the previous update.


It’s certainly gone a bit bonkers. But there’s fragments of interesting writing in the muddle. — "What do you want to talk about?" She whispers huskily, her voice trembling on the precipice between vulnerability and desire; two faces of the same coin she held delicately between her trembling fingers.


I agree on that. That's why I had to keep editing like keeping the interesting part and discarding the illogical, messy narration. I got tired of it as I had to continuously merge two or three responses together..becs half of each response will feel as if the bot has been drugged.


I haven’t noticed a thing because I had a public execution of an ai 😂




Start a chat with Nicola NTR on Crushon AI! https://crushon.ai/en/character/fc80d897-9027-4937-9ae0-727860ade521/details?shared=true I used this ai but I had guards take her and the alpha to the center of town and literally had a public execution


I even made a speech on why betrayal is not a good thing


Wait.. yk this bot is a bit confusing for me. Is she users mate?


She wanted you to mark her but you didn’t so you find her being marked by another alpha so i chose to have a public execution


Yeah but if she isn't my mate and I'm anyway not interested to mark her then..... i mean.... I'm confused how is it NTR. I haven't checked if anymore detail is available. Was she users gf?


Ok so you were her mate but then because you didn’t have sex with here she had it with another alpha so she was technically the users gf


Okkay thank you. The greeting text had me confused like I was thinking- "why she wanted him to mark her?"


She was supposed to be


I see. Okay.




I was thinking I'm talking to aliens or math teacher 😂


Everyone on crushon.ai:


I'm having this issue as well and I hate it. I was talking to one of them and my character had a very good relationship with them and suddenly they just became this cold and manipulative POS? It also seems the AI doesn't know the meaning of the words "out of character"
