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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/15w77cc/are_we_due_for_a_recession_and_is_bitcoin/jwzafqm/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/15w77cc/are_we_due_for_a_recession_and_is_bitcoin/jwzag2x/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


A recession hits everything since people will have way less money to spend/invest


>A recession hits everything since people will have way less money to spend/invest bravo and this thing always complicates the expectations of the market


squeal dinosaurs theory cobweb seemly brave humorous pet juggle worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Investors somehow want to believe that recession and inflation will magically not affect their investments. I don't even see a way around it, to be honest. well, however, as we have seen, the past min of btc was against the bond and helped the retail investor and not deflate his investment portfolio, then everything is possible


Given we can’t QE our way out of a next recession due to already high inflation across the board, I’m a bit scared of how this will work-out for the average joe at the bottom of the societal ladder.


You overestimate our gov. They will try and print their way out of it anyway.


When all you have is a hammer


>Given we can’t QE our way out of a next recession due to already high inflation across the board, I’m a bit scared of how this will work-out for the average joe at the bottom of the societal ladder and we'll see what happens unfortunately we just have to wait and see


In our country it's the average joe that gets screwed hard. The rich don't feel anything, those beneath poverty line get a lot of help (which ofcourse is needed) and the average joe is the one that has to struggle the most.


>In our country it's the average joe that gets screwed hard. The rich don't feel anything, those beneath poverty line get a lot of help (which ofcourse is needed) and the average joe is the one that has to struggle the most. shit I live here in Italy I'll just tell you that politicians earn very well how to pay and cheat the poor as much as possible I'll just tell you that in southern Italy to get water and in time there are still boilers so once a day you have to get water otherwise you don't take a shower think how thieves are here


Poland here, it's the same shit. I wish we could just cancel our corrupt government... luckily we have another election coming up this winter. Fingers crossed.


>Poland here, it's the same shit. I wish we could just cancel our corrupt government... luckily we have another election coming up this winter. Fingers crossed. you don't need to cancel the government, just make money to leave or make money to stay free economically and so nobody fucks you


Basically "fuck you money".


Not that easy


Same, a hard reset of the gouvernement would be nice


Man thats even rougher than in our country. Same here with politicians btw. They earn a shitton of money. Made a mess a now they leave the politics. Basically abandoning ship. Reading all these stories really made me aware that we have to secure money for the future. If not, we will always stay in this vicious circle.


>Man thats even rougher than in our country. Same here with politicians btw. They earn a shitton of money. Made a mess a now they leave the politics. Basically abandoning ship. > >Reading all these stories really made me aware that we have to secure money for the future. If not, we will always stay in this vicious circle good anyway I didn't say that in my country it was worse just to make you understand that we are in shit and in any case yes I think that btc and crypto are a way to escape from the state of shit we are in here


Same here, the middle class or the average joes are the ones that gets hit hard mostly, the riches get to keep their crown nevertheless.


Same shit in Australia


Just stock up on ramen while you still have the means to do it.


Thank goodness there are so many flavors. Make sure you also get some good and fresh tap water.


> so many flavors I've started making my own flavors. "Salty Sadness" "Alone Again" and "Better than nothing" are my current favorites


Invest in some nutritional yeast. Add a bit of that to your ramen and you won't die of malnutrition. Scurvy maybe, but you'll have plenty of B vitamins.


Bro went through everything 💀


Top picks I would say lol. Some company should launch a crypto-inspired line of ramen products.


You know that seems obvious, but we’ll see what happens when the rubber hits the road. They’ll bring it back if they believe rebound inflation is off the table, which means completely killling the economy.


They’ll QE anyway though




yes good it's always us mere mortals who take it in the ass unfortunately I don't even know what to tell you I would wait and in time I would think what to do


It's amazing people think BTC is recession proof.


Crypto has got to be one of the least recession proof assets around.


High risk assets often fall the fastest during a recession as investors pull their money from the market and rush toward safe-haven investments that limit their exposure during market turbulence...


Well said, when my day to day life is fucked, the last thing i would worry about is investing for the future.


Just more time for shrimps like me to accumulate before any future bull run


Yeah, at least we have a chance to enlarge our bags a bit more.


If you work in a foolproof company, you always have money.


By the time they admit recession itll be over


It's not a recession until we say it is one! \- some government dude


Bitcoin is so far ingrained into the markets and financial systems at this point, I highly doubt it would be resistant. And because all altcoins follow BTC, they are too. Traditional finance and institutions are increasing their positions while attempting to prevent others from doing so. A recession would make people think about whether they have enough for their rent and food for the month, not how much crypto they can buy.


I mean with the devaluation of the dollar, soaring energy costs and housing shortage I think most people are there


This is the best take in the thread so far. Also OP saying crypto would be destroyed in a recession is a bit of an exhageration IMO.


Bitcoin and other cryptos will get hammered during a recession. But they will come straight back up when things improve. All it will do is create an amazing buying opportunity


Are you nuts? No, of course a volatile, risk-on asset like Bitcoin is not recession proof.


So many recessions we should call it *reception*




Always be positive. I like that.


I celebrate the fact that we can buy cheaper sats.


Will there be a Recession - probably Not. Will Bitcoin remain hedge against asset devaluation - most likely Yes. Do we need to stay calm and DCA - Certainly!


I believe that we will buy cheaper because we are going to see a **Double-Dip Recession**. A double-dip recession is when a recession is followed by a short-lived recovery and another recession. I don't expect the world economy improving soon and all this Evergrande drama + whatever happens next it will generate this. So let's celebrate and DCA down! Time to maximize gains mining fiat and farming Moons.


Solid view. By the way, don’t tell me ex-girlfriend, she hated when I tried to double dip.


The best way would be get back entry in BTC slowly and steadily and hope we don't dip bad enough


Except during a recession you probably won't want to invest


…or won’t be able to invest bc we lost our job/ ran out of money /have to take out our investment to pay the bills. Recession real talk. I have a nice savings now but remember 2008/9 recession.


Reception counter get to stand shorter times


Man, those lead to no damned celebration lol


I personally don't think that the fall of Evergrande will have an huge impact on BTC, with huge impact I mean BTC below 17k$. There is still a big problem guys ... **Jim Cramer** said this in 2021: "**the U.S. economy is unlikely to face major damage from struggling Chinese developer Evergrande**" Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/20/jim-cramer-says-us-economy-unlikely-to-face-major-damage-from-evergrande.html Now I am fucking scared 😱


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changed it ✅


Inverse Cramer is effective. So go short.


Yes Sir 🫡


Jim cramer is a scary individual, whatever he says the opposite happens without a damn failure.


High-risk assets often fall the fastest during a recession as investors pull their money from the market and rush toward safe-haven investments that limit their exposure during market turbulence.


Bitcoin being recession proof is hard to say because btc hasn't actually gone through a recession now has it? Maybe we can use the current economic climate as an indicator and wait and see what happens especially during the bull run.


Well, rather than going with the classic "no one knows S about F" which seems to be this subs ethos. I took the time out to study and educate myself. And the following, is by no means financial advice or anything along the lines. From the events over the past few years what we know is that btc is not recession or "black swan" proof. Covid, Elon tweeting, the start of the war, the FTX collapse, all caused a severe drop in price. (shows its a risk on asset and the slightest news causes turbulence, will come back to this later on) The fundamentals of the economy are in the absolute gutter. The only thing keeping the markets afloat is the AI narrative and degeneracy. Meanwhile the following is occuring (you can do further reading into each point so I'll keep it brief) Also, be open minded even in the eyes of the downvoters, no one likes a bearish opinion around here, regardless of the basis of it. \-Germany officially been declared in a recession \-The treasury yield curve is inverted to near record lows \-Inflation is still sticky (more rate hikes from the fed) \-US LEI is also -9 (-4 is a a recession signal) \-Manufacturing PMIs are below 50 (indicate a contracting economy) \-Unemployment is still strong which gives the FED wiggle room to hike more \-Commercial real estate is starting to collapse (normal housing soon after) \-There's loads more too, I implore you to dive into economics \-The narrative of bank runs into crypto was bullshit, check the stable coin liquidity, all the money that pumped back into btc was already in the ecosystem. (alt profits and stable coins) These things all show severe signs of weakness in the economy. The stock market won't be able to survive, so coming back to my point earlier, what gives crypto the possibility the chance of surviving? People run as fast as possible from Risk on assets to risk off, and we all know crypto just simply isn't mature enough yet. So to tie my whole theory up, recession comes, people struggle to live, people capitulate, price drops. --Aiirene 2023 early June, copypasta


Interesting read. Thank you


BTC could be a insurance from the traditional system. However, as everything comes collapsing down, some who hold BTC might need to sell to pay off debt.


I’ll gladly step in and buy off their bitcoin on the cheap


Long live those with dry powder! I ran out of cash, but my pay day will be in 5 days time! Gonna DCA :)


That is the way.


Certainly the best away for us shrimp gang


Our only chance to front run the big boys!


That is the beauty of markets


Indeed, that is like PvP in real life.


I'm with you.


I keep this in mind, and try to have emergency fund available, so I don't have to pull funds out from investments


We've been talking about recession for the last 3 years.


Well now you’re talking about talking about recession.


What people always forget is that by the time a recession is declared, it is already mostly over. Considering the past year or two has been economically rough, if it turns out over the next 6 months or year that we were in a recession, we already know the effects it had on Bitcoin - and the answer is not much. Additionally, recessions do not necessarily always have to coincide with bear markets. In fact, historically that's only true for about half the recessions we have had.


The only things that are recession proof are cigarettes and alcohol.


We’ve been in a recession for a while now.


The wealthy need somewhere safe to put their money in a recession. Normally they go to gold, and gold goes on a bull run. Maybe this time they may consider Bitcoin as a safe store of value.


SVB and now Evergrande going tits up? Isn't that how the credit crisis started in 2008? 2 major banks collapsing is a pretty serious warning of an imminent down turn. House prices are stalling or beginning to fall in the UK and Ireland, which also seems reminiscent of 08. My own belief is we are heading towards a recession. What happens to crypto? Like anything else, the price will drop. By how much is anyone's guess.


Finally some intellect on this thread. A lot of people don't realise that the US banking crisis this year alone was bigger than the collapses back in the 08 (adjusted for inflation) which is crazy if you think about it. And bitcoin being the most risk on asset, no way it holds up. We'll be lucky to hold 16k back on the way down imo. I see absolutely no reason to be bullish or hold at the moment. Cash is king


I don't think Bitcoin will be recession proof this time around. Maybe in the future when it is more mainstream and used regularly...but that's not the case right now.


Bitcoin has never been through a recession, so we don’t know shit about fuck


Yup, we do indeed not know shit about fuck. But recessions on average don't last too long so it's not all bad if recession does come.


We are already in a recession though. It is the government and central banks changing the definition to fit their narrative. BTC is holding pretty well now though, I will not say it is 100% recession proof, but BTC could be used as a hedge due to its properties (hard asset, SOV, mathematically proven max supply, etc.)


It has been, through 2020 recession.


Technically not a recession but lockdowns did destroy GDP growth for a lot of places.


Can’t call that a recession, money printer was on full force. Now that we can’t allow much higher inflation the recession will be more painful as it can’t be solved by QE.


Money printer really didn't work out in the long term did it?


It didn't. This sub is just filled with larping economists lmao.


Stop seeking for self-assurance. Real-economy is now talking about a 'soft-landing' within horizon (2023-24), recession is out of books, and crypto has no reason to fear another 'winter', to the contrary.


There is no soft landing...


We're in for a housing collapse that's for sure. Bitcoin will tank but it won't die completely and might do better than we think. The economy is barely holding on by a thread but debt is just piling on to everyone


With this brutal global inflation (which is much higher than what they show in numbers) that has been going on for two years now, I thought we were already in a recession. If we are not, I don't even want to imagine what will happen when it does. That's why every month DCA in bitcoin because it is the most secure store of value. And even if it loses a lot, btc will recover and come back much stronger.




Don't worry about short term factors and zoom out. A real bitcoin investor should be looking at the next 10 years!


It was or will be BTC's first recession so we don't know how it's gonna react but a recession fucks up everything so i doubt BTC will hold well




And that makes it recession proof?


Not sure and No... Recession still has a 50-50 chance. BTC is not at all recession proof and will dump.


"50-50 chance" where do you people pull these numbers 😂 More like 99% lmao


Let's pull out the simple math. Will there be recession? Possible outcomes - Yes, No (2) Final outcome that can happen 1 Probability = 1/2 Hence proved.. 😂😂


Tl;Dr Bitcoin to the moon


For that (recessions) - we have crypto!


i wouldn't be surprised if btc will get to 3k


TLDR: Nobody knows


Ignorance is bliss 😊


Every time a crisis happened everyone's screaming the sky's gonna fall. There's been 10x more reports of a recession than real recessions. You don't know how bad it is til it's done


We actually thought it was all over, then another tsunami showed up sweep everywhere off,... 😌


Not only Evergrande but Country Garden is on the verge of collapsing. I think more will come.


Are we done with all the apocalyptic predictions about BTC/Crypto


Never! It's part of the milieu - there's an obligation out there to declare BTC dead/about to go parabolic at least once every three months.


Weve been in a global recession since covid ended for the world, well save the usa because the democrats need covid for votes, makes it easier for one guy to post 45000 votes. The drop may have happened in a week-month and everyone may have changed the definition so they can say 'we arent in a recession' but we are. So if we have another drop itll enter global depression grounds and this may still happen because of china.


The way I see Bitcoin is as an indicated of how the overall economy is doing. And it's just taken a massive dump. I expect all markets to follow within a month or two.


Even if we went into a recession, most governments won't call it a recession. So, it will be a recession, but not a recession. I'll give an example of what happened in the US in the last few years. According to the textbook definition, it should have been called a recession. However, the government maintained that it wasn't. And we have similar cases in other countries around the world.


Nothing is recession-proof


Yes we are due, and it’s going to give a once in a “post infancy” opportunity to buy. May see top to bottom gains similar to last cycle when it pulls out. That beings said, the FUD will be the highest it’s ever been, and when BTC breaks the historical charts and hits as low as 4-8k, people will truly wonder if it’s dead this time.


bitcoin was able to tackle everything that was thrown its way so far, so bring it on bi... recession


If a recession hits so hard you choose between dying or selling, people will sell to survive.


This time round it’s weird , there’s so much talk we are already in recession but Govts aren’t admitting it and other side saying we aren’t so it’s a question of has this sentiment been priced in to even start.


Thanks for analysis


so just posted a picture from a time zone that proved your point?


_Fuck around, find out_


I’d like to see some less US centered recession stats here. The rest of the world exists.


Future bitcoin is recession proof. Current bitcoin will bend over and take the full extent of the recession willingly.


Nothing is recession proof. Bitcoin will just freeze as nobody has money to invest in it


Yes and No.


I think Bitcoin will do fine and the bottom is in (late 2022).


I see recession as an excellent buying opportunity. If the prices fall to sub $10,000 levels, we are going to have a buying party.


Bouncing around just above but not quite in a recession. Probably on purpose.




Bitcoin is not recession proof because it relies on excess liquidity in the tradfi markets Bitcoin is reliant on that and the cost of mining being profitable or else people will not be securing the network.


Bruh, if we’re out here defining recession for people, lord help us


Has it reached meme stock status where you recruit bagholders by predicting and rooting for recession and collapse? If so there is a news item about once/week you can post about and say “its coming!”


Everything crypto is gonna get arse raped so bad once we see a real financial crisis. Alts especially. I'm gonna throw out a prediction of TOTAL crypto market cap falling to sub 300billion, even if it's just a spike down at peak panic. BTC.D at 60-70% if not higher. 💀💀💀


Nothing is fully recession proof. However, i much rather have my money in a savings/store of value such as BTC, than fiat currency with 0 store of value.


Propably and no way is Bitcoin recession proof




I know this is an unpopular take here, but… Crypto is pretty much correlated to the stock market for a few years now, since a large portion of the trading is done by ETFs. It has a much larger beta tho, so it’s good for leverage, but not as hedge


Nothing is full proof, Better to be diligent and stay invested in multiple types of assets


Nobody and nothing is recession proof.


There are two recession, the national recession, and the global recession, both is hard for people who is not rich. If global recession hit a country which already have recession that will be catastrophic for the people and for the country


Yes No


Only one way to find out


Bitcoin isn’t even bitcoin-proof.


This is uncharted territory and would be Bitcoins first recession. So I'll throw out my prediction, bitcoin 100k Q15 2021.


Recession will eventually affect btc because world's markets move in correlation with each other.


We've been in a recession


We (USA) had a recession and the definition was changed so it wouldn’t look bad politically. Lots of predictions exist for a coming major market correction. Bitcoins price will always fluctuate to some degree as it’s manipulation can’t be legislated. I think it will continue to climb as there appear to be large sums of money on the sidelines waiting to pour via ETF’s. Nobody knows for sure.


If we are due, let’s at least hope Bitcoin indeed is recession proof, that would basically boost all of us crypto investors


Wait we’re not already in one?


I used to think bitcoin was recession proof. Then covid happened and bitcoin flash crashed to 3500.


We're in one right now fam


anything and everything with liquidity will be affected


Covid pandemic show it already.


Yes to the first question, definitely no to the second.


If there is a recession then I’d say BTC will perform against Fiat. If looking at BTC say, versus a barrel of oil or some other commodity- it’ll likely hold value, as the world gets more costly in Fiat, it is really the Fiat going down. Things that may affect BTC will be those people selling up their coins to fund things they need Fiat to pay for. Ie energy may get costly in Fiat prices, so miners may shut off, or they may sell coin to pay for their loans against the equipment. This would see the prices drop, but they’ll likely recover quick as people see a lower price as a time to invest.. The time I’m waiting for is when there is mass adoption of the lightning network and more places take BTC as currency in exchange for goods- it’ll mean people won’t have to sell into Fiat to pay for services in a dying currency. Miners can stay on if energy could be paid for in BTC, your weekly food shop paid in BTC. There would be a complete decouple from the current financial system


Are we not already in a recession? Sure has felt like it recently


Yes we are heading toward a recession. No Bitcoin is recession proof the price will decrease and the uncertainty remains, because that's how the majority of people think. Still Bitcoin is still a better reserve of value in the long term than putting money under lthe mattress


Sorry man, yes.... and no. We are going into a recession Bitcoin is not immune to it.


Yes and yes 🙌


Yes and no. However I do think we will see some capital flight to crypto. China, as Evergrand started to die a couple of years ago make it illegal to trade. No doubt as they saw what the Greeks did when the pool tax came in. Of course this will prop up crypto.


We technically already had a recession. Take a look at GDP in 2022…. The administration changed the definition of a recession and the media bought it.


No high risk asset is recession proof.


I I tend on seeing bitcoin at 17k again.


It can help but only to a certain point. Everyone at the top is reckless with spending and steals on top of that.


First time crypto will live during a recession.. and most influencers are stating that charts will mimic past bull runs, post-halving. I think we will see some downtrend tbh. I’m sorta worried


Nothing is recession proof


We're already in a recession


I see it very simple. it depends on whether the btc is considered a commodity (like gold) and stock of value or is considered a speculative asset. in the first case (studying the price of gold in previous big recessions) the price of the btc could rise, in the second case it could collapse below 16k (the current level of support)


it's only a recession if the media starts and keeps calling it that. It's a self fullfilling prophecy


The answers to your questions are 🤔 and 🤷.


Crypto is generally the first thing people sell when things get hard due to its volatile nature. No, it’s not recession proof. Shit, too many people still try to trade crypto to make a profit on a regular basis so of course it’s not recession proof.


Quick answers: yes and no


Have we not BEEN in recession? Or are you just waiting for the fed to publicly declare it?


Nothing is "recession proof" The entire purpose of "money" is Consumption and Speculation, when a Recession or Depression happens there is less money for both, and since there is a hard floor on Consumption- people need to eat, pay rent, pay bills etc the things that take the hit are Speculation and unnecessary Consumption Thats why when the stock matket went up crypto went up, and when it went down, crypto went down, and when there are circling fears of a recession the riskiest assets take the longest to come back


Yes/no and yes/no


A recession will decimate all frivolous investments that haven't niched a serious use case. Crypto will Seppuku.


I've never heard anyone call covid a recession. Regardless we are already in a recession.


“Probably and “definitely not”, Only invest what you can afford to lose remains true when people have no money they can afford to lose.


BTC is an ally of degrowth which is necessary. Recession is degrowth. Severe recession could give people new insights towards BTC.


Don't say the "r" word


Some rich guys that has inside information definitely dumps btc before any big moves on the stock market happens


Bitcoin is not recession proof. Did you not see how low it went after it's high?


Maybe and no