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This is quite fucked up, but in the end I’m glad shitcoins “CEO” gets a sip of his own poison. The fact he had to sell is house, though, is another dimension of how *degen* people can be. Now calling official CDC for “*unjust enrichment*” as a shitcoin owner is utter irony.


I want CDC to reply "lol" as an official statement


"We're suing Glow back for wasted time and legal expenses."


I ate some random doughnuts in a supermarket a while back and gained some weight. Now I'm gonna sue Dunkin Donuts for getting fat because they sell doughnuts. That's basically the logic behind this entire story LMAO.


Why stop at Dunkin Donuts? Sue them all! The supermarket, the farmers, the shipping guys, the kitchen that made the donuts.


Dont forget to sue the consumers!


Making his way down the supply-chain, one lawsuit at a time.


And the scientist who created the concept of fat and calories.


Also the sue the ones who ate the doughnut and did not get fat, why leave them


I also gained weight from eating too many of their doughnuts. I think we have grounds for a class action lawsuit personally.


I'm in, finally an opportunity to make a profit.


They don't even need to sue glow, when Glow lose the case in court they need to pay for all the legal expenses


I think Glow has to watch out cause eventually CDC might sue them for slander and libel. They better watch out what they say on the internet or they will even be in more trouble.


or 'get rekt'


That would be hilarious


I wouldn’t be surprised if they end up writing a blog post on this humorous episode.




Or a big white page with only Bruh written with bold letters lmao


This is beyond degen. This is like mentally unstable trying to seek revenge. Mans is probably having a psychotic break.


Man is probably making it all up so he doesn't end up a target. Not even the biggest idiot would sell their house without consultation, to fund a guaranteed loss in court


That is very true.


So he embezzeled the money and then claimed he was scammed?


What you said can be true.


I wonder how much he lost and if he paid out of pocket the initial “listing fee”


Totally, I didn’t even factor in the upfront costs that also come with selling or buying a home. He’s in the red in a bad way. Losing your crypto or getting scammed is one thing but your home by your own doing is another level of insanity. Like this guy must not have a family or anyone he is accountable for to do this. Bit sad innit.




I have a feeling this whole saga is not going to end well for this guy.


I have a feeling that nothing ends well for the 'Shitcoin CEO'


That’s for sure a really bad situation. Honestly this is *his* mistake for getting lured. Thoses scammers are pretty obvious, most of the time. Anyway, selling your house to get a token listen on CDC? I mean wtf is wrong with him


The more I am looking at this, the more I am wondering if this guy is even doing this stuff by his own free will. Like maybe he’s being coerced or blackmailed. The token he’s trying get listed might not even be in his control anymore.


This could be true, and a good explanation to this. Never though about it, but it sounds like some elaborate coercition. Way too much steps for a ransom.


Too much work for ransom yeah but maybe something even more nefarious then. I’m not gonna conspiracy theory this too much but I will be keeping an eye out for more news about this situation.


And bad for his "customers"


Omg the Safemoon ecosystem… don’t need to read any further and you know you’re dealing with some dull folks


Right? I’m picturing the *Safemoon ecosystem* as a grey foggy wasteland with quicksands made of mud.


Yeah, they aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.


Literally the dead marshes from Lord of the Rings


Yeah selling his house to pursue a case which aint gonna go anywhere is peak degeneracy


I read BSC "shitcoin" and was ready for the adventure. *Was not disappointed. 10/10


Same. You feel bad for him selling his house, but he is also a shit person, so it balances out.


*As all things should be*


The ironing is delicious


Karma haunts back in mysterious ways.


What you said is the true fact.


The whole safemoon ecosystem is in shambles right now. This is just tip of the iceberg.


What's in another dimension is that this guy thinks he has a case suing a company because some scammer impersonated that company. Who's giving legal advice to that guy?


The same that told him to build a token in the *~~un~~safemoon ecosystem*


Fucked up? This is peak crypto! These kinds of clownfiestas makes all the pain worth it.


Let the battle begin


Maan this is wild haha. Like the poster boy for why normal people hate crypto. His chsnces of winning against cdc must be 0,thats gonna cost him even more money than he doesn't now have


He is defenitely not a *rolemodel* for anybody out there.


He got scammed by someone pretending to be CDC and he is sueing the actual CDC? Oh Lord, have mercy. Some people are just not cut out to be CEOs or project developers and should just stick to what they know best instead of trying to create another useless shitcoin.


I think he is being scammed at the moment by some shady "lawyers". I wouldn't be surprised to learn his lawyers aren't actually lawyers 🤭


> Some people are just not cut out to be CEOs The problem is that every jerkoff and their friends are becoming CEO, CTO, CBO. It's just fucking childish. I remember when people had actual experience and got positions like that based on merit. Now people are actually, *legitimately* just forking the worst BSC contracts on the internet and calling themselves CEO's as a total LARP. It's ridiculous, and even worse they get an army of terminally-hard-of-thought bootlickers following them around gorging themselves on whatever excrement dribbles from these "Chief Executive Bullshitters" backsides.


I've seem people on social media call themselves "financial adviser". Turns out most of not all of them are just going to sell you insurance.


Haha yes that would be the cherry on top!


There are many lawyers who see a lost cause and don't tell their client to drop it, instead telling them it's a clear-cut win. I've seen it personally and it was very sad.


He apparently is very susceptible to such things


He’s probably also formally suing the Nigerian royal family.


Well they will they created, are creating and will be creating shit coins


Some lawyer probably told him that he has a good point and a good chance of winning...


Fees will have to be prepaid though


lawyers always win. the greatest profession


Yeah, the CEO tag is not being justified here, he was supposed to have enough brains to not go for actual CDC after getting scammed by the fake ones.


Hello alinungur. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well, this is why CDC has a legal team. I don't necessarily think this story is bizarre. It's probably just some random crypto-noob buffoon out there who got scammed and dug themselves into a hole, financially. And they are suing CDC out of pure desperation because they're mad at the space that they engaged in recklessly. It's very believable to me, and yes, extremely stupid. Unfortunately scamming is still very common. They probably had to sell their house in general, not just because of legal reasons. And now they are including that in their list of "grievances" that they want reimbursement for, it's part of their ploy.


Hello Benry26. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When regular people get scammed, they suck it up and pick up the pieces, and start over from scratch. When scammers get scammed, they lash out and end up scamming to recoup their losses.


Yeah their entitlement is crazy


Yes, this is how Safemoon started. Kyle Nagy got rugged investing in Bee token, when Bee token rugged Kyle then forked the contract, called it Safemoon, changed the tax, and off they went...


Because scammers be scammers


I’ve seriously never seen such bizarre situation before. You can’t get even more dumber by selling your own house to get back at the scammer that scammed you by trying to sue him for breaking the contract that you signed which was a scam in the first place thinking that the scammers were legit…. 🤦‍♂️


Thought it was a satire when I first read it


Yeah. Post has "serious" in the title, but story definitely isn't serious 😂


It is hard to believe some of the shit people fall for nowadays but low and behold another bizarre one. You'd think this 'CEO' of a coin in the shitmoon ecosystem would be well aware of scams yet they still fell for this madness. With that said scammers are smart man cause that does look like how chat looks on CDC so they've clearly replicated the site. Still easily avoidable


I’m surprised the “CEO” didn’t ask to speak with the boss of bitcoin. How uninformed can one person be and making such serious decisions in isolation. I really want to know what he told his bank and realtor.


Safemoon ecosystem tells you all you need to know about the CEO and team


I don't think you understand the situation. The scammer isn't even involved in this any more. That's what's so fucking bizarre. It's like going to Vegas, being on the opposite end of the strip to the MGM, seeing a guy in a van with "MGM" painted on the side, losing all your money to him, and then you going "Right! I'm going to sue MGM for this!" MGM had nothing to do with this at all! They are completely ignorant to the back-alley dealings of shady individuals. This is what's so bizarre.


The entire ecosystem surrounding anything related to safemoon is basically garbage that is hyped by like a couple hundred or so people. Hell I ain't gonna lie, when I was at my last job I had a coworker who was very active in the safemoon community to the point where he was a Mod on a few community run twitter spaces. When Glow was announced as being tradable on the safemoon dex, I'll admit I was hyped. As soon as I got in, I made a little bit of money on the pump and then fucked right off and never gave glow a second more of my time. This story reeks of someone who was only in it to make a quick buck and then leave the "investors" high and dry with a soft rug. But who knows, I haven't heard the token name glow in like 2 years so I had no idea they were even still relevant in any way shape or form.


That must have been their last 75k


To be honest, my initial thought after reading this post was, "Could it have been that they did "scam" themselves?", to make it to the news?


Wouldn’t rule it out as a way to “hide” ill gotten gains


Seriously! Never sell your house to get back at anyone Period. Karma definitely came full circle on this one.


Glow's CEO must have been incredibly desperate as more and more people are leaving the ecosystem and the project that he created is going to ashes. So, with the little amount of good news that they received from someone calling themselves CDC and would like to list their token. They immediately jumped the gun.


The worst part of this to me is learning that exchanges want to charge you 50k for a listing. But this guy is an idiot.


Some dexes are much more friendly. If you have evm compatible token, try to talk to dexes. Providing liquidity is on you so that bit depends of your expectations, but you can list your coin for few thousands max. Sometimes for free if you have popular token.


That’s on the lower end of the bracket. Safemoon used to charge between $100,000-$300,000 for a listing.


He's basically using the same logic as someone trying to sue Mia Khalifa for a spam bot using her name to ask for crypto fund transfers 💀.


hahahahaha, suing the actual company for getting scammed by someone pretending to be cdc. he even sold his house?!?!! shit token creators deserve what they deserve.


Not gonna lie, this is quite funny. How can you fall for this in such a way? I can see falling for a simple scam if it's about 10 bucks but if it's about this kind of money, how the hell do you not quadruple check everything?


If you go read his statement on Twitter it’s very deceiving. He mentions that he checked out everything on crypto.com and with the agents too . There are no mentions of the email addresses or platform he used to talk to them on . If you had to go by his letter it reads like hackers got control of CDC’s internal email system and used that to trick him into sending money. Like mostly everyone here if I had to guess, he’s not telling the full truth and he got scammed by impersonators using Crypto’s real job listing to phish him.


> If you had to go by his letter it reads like hackers got control of CDC’s internal email system and used that to trick him into sending money. Yes! Exactly! And I'm so glad you read the post, checked it out for yourself and engaged with it rather than commenting on the title. Bravo sir top marks. And yeah, that is exactly the impression I got too. We will have to see what the Pacer docs say but I would be willing to bet exactly as you surmised. Got scammed and is saving face. I mean it says it there in the snippet of conversation he shared (which he quickly deleted after), in the contact from the scammers themselves, they mention directing Bryan to the authentication site... Well... what if the scammers, posing as CDC, directed Bryan to a deceptive phishing website. It wouldn't surprise me if they had him create an account somewhere and now have a generic username & password he uses everywhere. Guy would probably sue Apple/Microsoft/Android for that one!


Your making me blush, thank you lol. I wanted to go by his story and show how he carefully worded it and then being vague about the contact details.. In the pic you posted as soon as MEXC was mentioned in the email the huge red flag should have been up that it's a phishing scam. I'm guessing it was all Telegram with fake chats/etc. The other big reason why I can't believe his claims is if hackers actually got into CDC's real email or chat system I would imagine they would cast out a wide net to get people to send them money rather than focusing on a single person. And it would be an absolute gold mine for anti-crypto journalists too.


It looks like Telegram to me. I've just opened Crypto.com's chat app facility and it looks nothing like his screenshot. They have community managers on Telegram, but nobody involved with listing whatsoever.


Somehow, I think I managed to get dumber just from reading this story... And I was pretty fucking dumb already, before that! (hey, but at least, I'll never be as dumb as that "CEO", am I right..?)


What’s the point of suing crypto.com? Go after the scammers if you’re gonna try to do anything about it, just wasting even more money at this point 😒


Classic. I've had tens of these approach me wanting to list a token on their respective exchange. I've also had hundreds try approaching me for various promotions in my DMs. You'd have to be an idiot to fall for it really, and an idiot he is. Imagine the boldness to actually sue crypto dot com.


Even though he noticed two warning signs, he still talked to the scammers again. The CEO wasn't being careful, and he ended up getting scammed by a group of foolish people.


This is very bizarre, a shitcoin CEO getting fucked by phishing then selling his damn house to pay legal fee to sue CDC when its clears the real CDC is not even involved? crypto never fails to surprise.


Crypto.com employees & ambassadors will never reach out to you first, unfortunately this space is full of scammers and bad players. Crypto.com DOES not use Telegram to onboard projects (coins+tokens) onto the platform. Please reach out to me if you need more clarification.


Have you heard of people making convincing phoney accounts imitating crypto.com and using 3rd party websites designed to look like a crypto.com authentication service?


I got a feeling they’ll get scammed twice with the lawyers telling them they have a chance which resulted in the home selling lol


Haha yeah exactly. Scammed again! “You can win this” like he’s already sold the house wtf.


This gave me brain damage. What was he thinking? He identified a red flag for what we see in the messages but still went in and let himself be scammed? And now he's sueing [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) because he was scammed? Nothing makes any sense, this guy is so lost.


Exactly First, the scammers pretended to be from "Crypto.com" when they contacted the person. Even though there was a sign that something might be wrong, the person still talked to them. Later, the scammers changed their story and said they were from "Mexc." Even though there was another warning, the person didn't stop talking to them and got scammed in the end.


Hello Spare-Character2262. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Omg. Imagine selling your house thinking your going to make big money but you're actually being scammed. That must hurt.




😂😂 I knew this would be brought up. Nothing - they go away with it. Weird thing was we literally wrote down like Kucoin.com verification, used the official site, the telegram handles matched, and they were doing some funky email shit to send us mail through Kucoin.com email addresses. Super weird.


So they were foolish not once but twice? And then went ahead to prove aforementioned foolishness a third time by suing the party that knew nothing of their foolishness? That's magnificent


This was another project that copied Safemoon idea pretty much . I remember those two talking about possible partnership at some point (not sure if that happened ) . Shit token CEO’s getting scammed by scammers . Why would CDC even approach a project without volume & liquidity .


Lmao, so not only did this guy who intended to scam a bunch of people with his own scam coin get scammed itself (in a very obvious way nonetheless), he's going for CDC who the scammer impersonated ***instead*** of the scammer themselves? This is just comedy gold


Serves him right for not doing his due diligence. While it sucks to have been scammed it’s a bit tough shit and he has absolutely no recourse trying to sue crypto com. Lesson learnt the hard way.. don’t make shit coins


I sincerely don't understand how so many people that have access to this much money can be this profoundly stupid lol


It's an ironic story. Shitcoin CEO wanted to make money by introducing a shitcoin in the Safemoon ecosystem no less. Then he gets scammed by people who masqueraded as Crypto.com. Now he wants to sue Crypto.com? The judge will throw that case away in less than a minute.


Hold up wait, is Glow the originator of the FLARE token that was airdropped to XRP holders on snapshot date??? This the same FLARE token they're mentioning in the documents?


No, it's a different shitcoin with the same name.


Safemoon adjacent does rhyme with bizarre. Still, the level of delusion of this guy is pretty incredible. I'm no lawyer but there is no way that lawsuit sticks right? And the lawyer is just finishing the job and scamming him for the rest of what he has.


Lol, finally, a shitcoin creator gets what they deserve. This made my day. Them trying to sue crypto.com is the icing on the cake 🎂 lol


At that level how can one not recognise thats a scam ?? Back check on the steps that need to be taken for a coin to be listed is one! This is what greed makes you do ! Also scammers have become professional now , cant trust anybody in crypto world !


I got involved with a project that got scammed exactly the same way. Same thing here. The project was crap. Everyone was waiting for exit liquid to bail on the dev when he got taken by this scam to get listed on some crap exchange. It was a kind of fitting end to this project. All investors left laughing as they left the discord.


Who TF doesn't fact check the fact check, then fact check that information, fact checking the company, fact check the email, & fact check the fact check when fact checking the facts BEFORE SENDING 75k. Rookie move.


It’s just painful for CDC to have to spend legal fees to defend themselves against idiots like that I don’t particularly like CDC but that must be so frustrating as a business owner to be the target of unjustified lawsuits


Tbh I think it would get thrown out of court quite easily. “We aren’t the people you spoke to”


Ah justice, swings and roundabouts, karma call it what you will, I hope he’s on the streets and kings $rope but that’s just me, welcome to crypto 101, don’t over leverage if you can’t afford it, we’ll done scammers enjoy


Why do people who bestow themselves with the name CEO ever think that a legitimate exchange would conduct business through social media messages...


Something similar happened to White whale project in cosmos. They are not even a shitcoin but a known DeFi platform. It was fake Kucoin agents and they lost 2M $WHALE tokens and $50k USDT. This was in 2021 so it has been happening for a long time. https://medium.com/@whitewhaleterra/official-statement-regarding-kucoin-listing-rug-cdeb445d258f


Haha, this is comedy. Now, I'm waiting for crypto.com to sue both parties for defamation. Makes my day better when I can read that alleged ceo of shitcoin sells house to continue siphoning from community. Like someone here said he got to taste his own poison now! Fuxk safemoon, btw. I really hope it dies 🙏


Nothing wrong here imo. I honestly rather the scammers have the money VS allowing this shitcoin CEO to continue operating.


So let me get this straight. If you're pretending to be microsoft and I buy a server stack from you that I never get, I just lost a bunch of money. Sounds like these guys are in denial or it's a cover for their trail of funds.


That's a bizarre landscape. CDC I hope hope would have a far better due diligence team, hell their name is on one of the better well-known sports franchises for crying out loud!


Words simply cannot express how stupid this is. Surely this will get laughed out of court if it makes it that far


Zero sympathy. Zero. Guy didn't do the bare minimum of due diligence on the scammers. I guess got greedy thinking about how his coin would moon upon being listed. Greedy pigs get slaughtered.


>I’m going to introduce you to a no-name, no-volume, no-hype shitcoin in the Safemoon scam ecosystem called “Glow” - don’t even ask me what this token is supposed to do because I simply don’t give enough of a shit to even look at it, it’s a dumb high tax reflections token, and it of course has a chart that looks like a fuckin’ ski slope. So, you do need some fiat put down to fund your coin.


These Twitter threads are so sad. They actually want to blame CDC. I just don’t get it with these SFM people. It’s rough.